朝倉 真一 野嶋 政和
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.789-794, 2003 (Released:2003-09-24)
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The purpose of this paper is to figure out the characteristics and subjects in the Flea-Markets for the community revitalization on the precincts in Kyoto City, through the research for the recognition of the constituents (the administrators, the managers, the stall keepers, the visitors) about the three Flea-Markets. As the results of this analysis, it could conclude as follows. (1) In the Flea-Market, the stall keepers and the visitors share the meanings of the Flea-Market as the place for the communications and the recreations, and (2) the stalls of the amateurs play the important roles to make this characteristic. (3) It is needed for keeping these characteristics to accept the many kinds of the stalls, not like as the conventional stalls organization. And (4) it is needed for the management of the Flea-Market and making the varieties of the goods in the Flea-Market to make use of the network of the stall keepers across the communities, to make use of the resources of the community.
喜多 明 下村 彰男
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.75, no.5, pp.533-536, 2012 (Released:2013-08-09)

After modernization, photographs are used as a tool to describe landscape correctly. Landscape photographs on the mass media are represented with “way of seeing” by publisher and spread out beyond a local area. The landscape images of those photographs are shared among readers and could be established as common images. However, landscape preservation should be based on the historical and cultural process of landscape images rather than authorized images. This study clarified how landscape images had changed by analyzing the photographs and topics of Kitayama-sugi in Kyoto on the newspapers and magazines, and presented relations between the changes of landscape images and local space. The results: 1) Forest and its change were accepted through the way of seeing not always through how they were seen exactly; 2) The same forest type had changed its way of seeing in the time. The form and method of the forest should be determined according to discuss the forest images. Nowadays local residents raise their concern to have new forest images as a way to preserve the forest, and try to make it possible in landscape preservation and sustain wood production.
村上 暁信
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.5, pp.233-236, 1994-03-31 (Released:2011-07-19)

エベネザー・ハワ-ド (1850-1928) は, 1898年にTomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reformを著した。その中で田園都市という新しい都市の建設を提案し, その後の都市計画に多大な影響を与えた。ハワードは著書の中ではオープンスペースの重要性をうたっているが, 実際の建設に際してはほとんど言及していない。田園都市論の形成過程を検討することにより, 彼の関心はむしろ人間の技術の統合である都市建設という行為により多くの労苦が取り除かれることと, 協同の原則に基づいた社会をつくりあげることにあったということが考察された。
山田 晋
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.73, no.5, pp.417-420, 2010 (Released:2011-07-22)

Uncultivated periods are important in rice paddy fields for the survival of species favoring unaerated soils. Clarifying the mechanisms affecting the floristic diversity of in-field habitats is a key part of sustainable agriculture. We hypothesized that the timing of crop harvest influences the flora in the subsequent uncultivated period in rice paddy fields. To confirm this hypothesis, surface soils were sampled in cultivated paddy fields at the beginning of August.The sampled soils stored in ≤ 5% relative light intensity were exposed to direct light at different periods varied from late August to the beginning of October. Germinated seedlings were counted until spring the next year. Observation in autumn showed that the numbers of species, germinated individuals, and flowering individuals differed as a function of the duration of light exposure, although these differences were less clear in the subsequent spring. These differences can be explained by differences in ecological traits such as maturation rate and optimum germination temperature. Timing of the rice harvest is closely linked to the timing of rice planting, which in turn can affect the germination of species maturing before the rice is planted.
内田 和伸
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.61, no.5, pp.459-464, 1997-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)
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近世城郭・陣屋・要害から社寺に移築され現存する城郭建築遺構 (以下, 社寺移築遺構と呼ぶ) 161件について, その種類や来歴, 所有者の保存意識等に関する調査を全国的に行った。その結果, 社寺移築遺構の入手方法は社寺による購入だけでなく旧藩主からの寄贈が多く見られ, 社寺移築遺構を当該社寺で保存する意向の社寺が多かった。今後の社寺移築遺構の調査では建築構造や意匠だけでなく, 来歴や移築された意味, 現在の環境利用状況を評価し, 移築を文化として捉える視点が必要になろう。また, 社寺での保存のためには登録文化財制度の活用や指定文化財では修理時の補助率の引き上げが望まれる。
大森 宏 羽生 和紀 山下 雅子 渡辺 達三 斎尾 乾二郎
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.849-854, 2005 (Released:2006-05-08)
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We got many photographs of private garden at the suburb residence area by door-to-door survey, sampled at random using detailed residence maps, in Yokohama Aoba in Japan, Reading and Edinburgh in UK, Torino in Italy and Freising in Germany. We selected 100 residences and choose four photographs in each residence to represent the whole garden atmosphere. Making 22 Japanese agricultural faculty students of the University of Tokyo to be an examinee, the experiment to discriminate country of garden landscape was carried out looking at four sets of photographs of 100 private gardens. This experiment carried out two times placed the interval in six months, to the identical examinee. In the second experiments, photographs of 39 residences were altered by image processing to eliminate objects such as utility poles, chairs and so on, that were thought to give the effect to discriminate country. Assessment of private garden landscape by SD methods of ten items was also carried out one time. It was shown that Japanese students could rightly detect private gardens in Japan, though they could not distinguish gardens in UK, Italy and Germany. Some objects gave the effect to distinguish country in private gardens in Japan. There existed some images to those countries, such that the (familiar) garden with globose pruning was Japanese, the (unfamiliar) garden with lawn was Foreign or England, the (natural) garden with high trees was Germany, the (artificial) garden with paving was Italy.
高山 範理 香川 隆英
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.539-542, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)
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The purpose of this research was to investigate an attention restorative effect in the short-term staying of the on-site forest environment, using PRS based on an attention restoration theory (ART). Participants were 45-male-university students in their early twenties. The city environments where were the daily living environment were chosen as the control for experiments and in which the same experiment of the forest environments were conducted by the same schedule. To cancel an order effect, participants were divided into two groups and both groups were taken to the both environment to experience each of them during two days. After an experience in the each environment was finished, participants were asked to answer to PRS questionnaire. As a result, the appraisal of "Preference" for the forest environment was significantly higher than for the city environment on the contrary to that of "Familiarity". Then, the score of the indexes ("Being away", "Fascination", "Scope", "Compatibility") derived from ART after the experience of the forest environment was significantly higher than that of city environment. Consequently, there was psychological restorative effect in forest environment comparatively, from the viewpoint of ART and their traits were confirmed.
浅田 拓海 石田 眞二 松田 泰明 亀山 修一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.5, pp.33-42, 2012 (Released:2012-04-11)

To revitalize local areas and tourism using the landscape resources in community, Scenic Byways have been built since 2007 in Japan. In this study, we analyzed the regional characteristics of sequential road landscape using the image features (fractal dimension, sky share, green share) of photographs taken at 20-m intervals on the Scenic Byways of Hokkaido and Kanto. The structural (urbanization level, vastness level, forest level) and fluctuation (short-term fluctuation of landscape, contrast of nature and urbanization, contrast of land and forest, fluctuation of skyline) characteristics of the sequential landscapes were evaluated from the average values and the power spectrum density of image features, respectively. In comparison of the Scenic Byways of both regions, the Hokkaido route is vast and monotonous, while the Kanto route is forested, urban and fluctuating. In addition, the sequential landscapes were classified into five clusters based on their structural and fluctuation characteristics, and then the features of each cluster were evaluated.
神宮 翔真 武 正憲 佐方 啓介 伊藤 太一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.703-708, 2018-03-30 (Released:2018-07-17)

This study identified change of vegetation and management affected by change in use objective from farm forest to forest park. We focused on the "Ushiku Nature Sanctuary" where a farm forest was re-developed for recreational use. Spatial and temporal analysis, interviews with relevant parties and bibliographic investigation revealed that diverse vegetation originated differently in the two forests. In the farm forest, varied landscapes of different vegetation types resulted from mosaic-patterned utilization of forest products, such as periodic logging and floor vegetation collection. In contrast, different vegetation communities formed diverse landscapes in Nature Sanctuary with the aim of creating a variety of nature experiences for visitors. Amongst such experiences, farm forest landscape was included, which we found it took a substantial proportion of management efforts. However, we also found that the Nature Sanctuary management did not include logging, despite its importance for landscape maintenance. These results suggest that inclusion of logging regime is necessary in the management plan in order to revive farm forest vegetation and resulting landscape.
柳原 博史 菅野 博貢
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.543-548, 2018-03-30 (Released:2018-07-17)

This paper is to analyze the monuments of the Tokyo Air Raid (occurred on March 10, 1945, in the east side of Tokyo), which established from the end of World War II to the present day. In those 72 years, within the drastic change of Tokyo’s urban environment, as well as changes of people’s consciousness, we explore how the environment has accepted those monuments and how the monuments have transformed themselves. Through the 101 cases of monuments by field surveys, documents and interviews, we found a large number of monuments to memorize the each special victims, located in temples and public spaces, have been maintained as activities especially by the neighborhood associations who have important roles. The monuments have a potential directivity to want to be permanent, and tend to be made of permanent materials such as stone, some of which were replaced from the wood monuments. On the other hand, there are transitions due to external factors with monuments. In some cases there were relocation due to the influence of public works such as bridge reconstructions and park renovations. Until the 1960s, there were cases in which monuments were transferred from public places to other places, but since the 1980s they have been built again in public spacess including parks and roadsides, after the completions of public works.
福井 亘 佐竹 悠理 濱田 梓 疋嶋 大作 瀨古 祥子 高林 裕
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.80, no.5, pp.609-614, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-09-13)
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This study was intended to clarify the change of charm and the impression of the season in river landscape and green open space. This study area was Kamo River by autumn from spring in Kyoto. There was direct interview question investigation from visitors on the both sides of the two sections. This investigation was the impression evaluation experiment using the SD method to investigate the impression of the river landscape scene every seasons. There analyzed factor analysis and profile analysis. Thera performed an analysis of variance between seasons (spring, summer and autumn) to check whether the impression evaluation in two sections included significant difference. The answer that there was the most accounted for 19.5% of the whole by a landscape scene. The people more than 90% of the respondent answered that the making of space feeling the four seasons was important. From the result of the SD method, it was easy to feel the change of the tree visually in autumn with spring, and it was thought that a natural element influenced an impression. In addition, an overall element including the urb an river and the townscape influenced an impression in the summer because the colors of the tree were monotonous.
橋本 啓史 澤 邦之 田端 敬三 森本 幸裕 西尾 伸也
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.69, no.5, pp.529-532, 2006 (Released:2007-11-13)
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Tree hollows are important nest and roost sites for various animals such as Ninox scutulata even in urban areas, but the number of such sites is very low. In this study, we recorded the characteristics of legacy trees with hollows in an urban area within Kyoto City (25 km2), Japan in 2002. We found 288 legacy trees with a trunk perimeter more than 300 cm and 94 trees with hollows. Legacy trees of Castanopsis sieboldii (an ever-green broad-leaf tree) and Aphananthe aspera (a deciduous broad-leaf tree) had a high rate of hollows. All six legacy trees of Cinnamomum camphora (an ever-green broad-leaf tree) with more than 1.5 m of DBH had hollows, but other trees of this species did not have hollows even when the trunk perimeter was more than 300 cm. We applied a logistic regression model to trunk perimeter and the probability of hollow-bearing in each species in an urban woods. We also predicted tree perimeter in relation to age from the annual relative growth rate in each species. A. aspera trees showed the highest incidence of tree hollows in relation to trunk perimeter, but these trees grow very slowly. Celtis sinensis trees grow rapidly, but they have a lower rate of tree hollows than A. aspera. Z. serrata trees grow at an intermediate speed and rarely have tree hollows. Cinnamomum camphora trees grow rapidly. Castanopsis sieboldii trees grow at an intermediate speed.
西村 公宏
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.78, no.5, pp.449-454, 2015 (Released:2015-12-22)
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The aim of this study is obtain the character of the rock garden of the Nikko botanical gardens attached to Tokyo Imperial University in the foundation period (1902-1911). Not just as the research facility of alpine plants, as the shelter, Nikko botanical gardens were founded at Hotokeiwa, near the Nikko Toshogu Shrine, in 1902 by Prof. Jinzo Matsumura. In the botanical gardens, the rock garden was gradually made. This rock garden featured some hill tastefully arranged with a cascade, running water and stones. The growth of the alpine plants in the rock garden was good. The botanical gardens were open to public from about 1906. The Nikko botanical gardens moved to Rengeishi because of small site (2,620 tsubo) and floods, but are important as a monumental birthplace of the real rock garden in the modern botanical gardens of Japan.
上田 裕文
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.79, no.5, pp.537-540, 2016 (Released:2017-03-17)
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This study clarified the factors of spreading wood burials in Germany comparing with Japanese challenges of them. The actual state of wood burials in Germany was figured out through literature researches, fieldworks and interview researches. German wood burial is placed as a new forest use in addition to the multiple public functions of forest. In contrast, Japanese wood burial is a new form of graveyard. In addition to that, German wood burials are managed by private enterprises which contract with forest owners and controlled by foresters in a sustainable nature based forest management. This is the reason why the wood burials in Germany look similar and are continued with surrounding forest areas. Japanese wood burials have already diversified and some forest type wood burials are usually managed by Buddhist monks, which face similar challenges in sustainable forest management.
東口 涼 柴田 昌三
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.485-488, 2018-03-30 (Released:2018-07-17)

In Kyoto City, leaves of Sasa veitchii var. hirsuta are widely used for festivals or culinary culture, and the history dates back at least more than 300 years. The long history and large demand brought forth a leaf industry around the habitat of Sasa in rural area, and generated indigenous knowledge on leaf collection that is one of customary practices for local landscape management. Although a preceding research could clarify general outline of the industry such as collection area, concrete information on the collection skill itself was still unclarified. In this research, we conducted a participatory observation and recorded their physical techniques, collection criteria, working speed, and precision of selecting leaves. As a result, we could find that local collectors were selectively picking culms with large current-year leaves that have less aesthetic damages, and after that, they do secondary selection to completely remove small or damaged ones and get leaf bundles of possible largest sizes. Although most of these works were simple, it required proficiency for efficient processing. Comparison with leaf size variation in Sasa community bolstered the observation that the indigenous way of collection is selective. Possibility of regeneration promotion caused by collection activity was also pointed out.
深町 加津枝 佐久間 大輔
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.61, no.4, pp.276-280, 1997-03-27 (Released:2011-07-19)
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宮城 俊作 木下 剛 霜田 亮祐
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.64, no.5, pp.703-708, 2000-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)

1950年代後半から60年代にかけての約10年間に日本住宅公団によって開発された初期の住宅団地では, プレイロットの配置と施設設計が造園に関わる業務の中心的な課題のひとつであった。これらの業務を遂行する過程において試行され検証された設計理論の構造を明らかにするとともに, この時期に首都圏において建設された10件の住宅団地を対象とした調査と分析を通じて実証的な検討を行った。初期の公団住宅におけるプレイロットの設計思想は, 戦後日本における造園モダニズムの基点のひとつを形成するものであり, 同時に民間プロパーにおける造園職能の確立を促すものであったことが確認された。
熊倉 早苗 柴田 昌三
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.12, pp.45-49, 2019-08-12 (Released:2019-09-09)

This research investigates the UK magazine called The Gardeners’ Chronicle (published by Purcell & Sons), one of the UK top four horticulture magazines in the 19th-20th century, focusing on the articles published between 1841-1967. During this period, when horticulture was booming in UK, various Japanese plants and trees were eagerly brought into UK by the botanists and the plant hunters, and parts of Japanese culture were introduced along with them. By analyzing one of the most popular horticultural magazines in UK, this study aims to investigate how the Japanese garden in UK developed and transformed. The total number of articles related to Japan was 347, of which 283 articles on botany and plants collection, 15 on landscape, 46 on the Japanese garden, 51 on travelling to Japan, 106 on other topics. This research shows that various Japanese plants and trees were imported first into UK by the plant hunters without any connection to Japanese garden designs. It was only after the inception of world exhibitions when the Japanese garden designs and concepts were introduced and acknowledged properly. The results of this research are important for the historic value and the cultural inheritance of the Japanese garden in UK.
林 まゆみ 李 樹華
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.64, no.5, pp.403-408, 2000-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)

中世後半にかけて活躍した善阿弥とその周辺の山水河原者に関する再検討を行い造園職能を論じた。従来の論では善阿弥が優れた庭者として重用されたのは彼の卓越した才能と, 卑賎視されたことがばねとなったという精神論に重点が置かれていたが, 本論では『蔭涼軒日録』などの詳細な検討から, 善阿弥の若年期における活躍や, 盆山と枯山水などの関連性を検証しつつ, 善阿弥がこの時代に将軍から重用されたのは, 彼の非凡な才能と共にその背後に控える技能集団の形成に負うところが大であることを様々な事例から考察した。その技能集団とは, 善阿弥を中心とする血縁集団やその配下と考えられる地縁'職能を共有するものであり, 善阿弥が不在の時も, 或いは2代目善阿弥を支えて, 技術的に相応の集団が形成されていた。これらの集団は各権門に固有に従属する形をとりながら, それぞれの技能と地歩を固めていったことが考証された。