松井 清夫 坂本 弘 滝川 寛 杉浦 静子
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.6, no.8, pp.445-448, 1964

Some facts related to menarche and menstrual disorder were reported in the previous report. This study was undertaken to clarify the factors affecting to take menstruation leave. Three hundred sixty-nine female workers in a chemical industry were observed from April, 1962 to December, 1963. And a comparison was made between female and male workers in the same workshop, regarding the rate of absence for reasons. Until March, 1963, the female workers were paid no wages for days of absence owing to menstruation; but, after April, 1963, wages during the menstruation leave became paid to them. By this change of terms of payment, the absence because of menstruation increased after April, 1963. Hence, a comparison in the rate of absence because of menstruation was made numerically between the period before March and that after April, 1963. The results were as follows. Before March, the monthly and weekly variation of the rate of absence because of menstruation could not be seen. But, after April, the rate decreased in the period 5th to 7th and 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence for reasons other than menstruation (i.e. private reasons, illness) also decreased in the same periods of a month among both females and males. The decrease at the end of a month is explained by the fact wages are paid in the period 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence was higher in the middle than at the end and beginning of a week. This fact may be considered as due to the influence of the information, that the absence because of menstruation including the off-day in undesirable, by the labor union of this workshop.
天野 松男 梅田 玄勝 中島 裕而 八木 邦子
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.30, no.1, pp.3-12, 1988-01-20

Nagano Kasuke Umeda Yumi Saito Misae NISHIZAWA Tomoshi IKAWA Naoki ARITO Heihachiro YAMAMOTO Seigo FUKUSHIMA Shoji
Journal of occupational health (ISSN:13419145)
vol.49, no.4, pp.249-259, 2007-07-01

Subchronic toxicity of carbon tetrachloride (CCl_4) was examined by inhalation exposure of F344 rats and BDF_1 mice of both sexes to 0, 10, 30, 90, 270 or 810 ppm (v/v) CCl_4 vapor for 13 wk (6 h/d and 5 d/wk). In the high exposure levels at 270 and 810 ppm, altered cell foci in the livers of both rats and mice, and fibrosis and cirrhosis in the rat liver were observed. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained altered cell foci of rats were recognized as glutathione-S-transferase placental form (GST-P) positive foci, which are preneoplactic lesions of hepatocarcinogenesis. The most sensitive endpoint of CCl_4-induced toxicity was fatty change with large droplets in rats of both sexes and male mice, and cytoplasmic globules in male mice, as well as increased relative liver weight in male rats. Those endpoints were manifested at 10 ppm and the LOAEL was determined as 10 ppn for the hepatic endpoints in rats and mice. Enhanced cytolytic release of liver transaminases into plasma in rats and mice and its close association with hepatic collapse in mice were observed at medium and high levels of inhalation exposure. Both CCl_4-induced hematotoxicity and nephrotoxicity were observed in both rats and mice, but those toxicities were manifested at higher exposure concentrations than hepatotoxicity. The LOAEL for the hepatic endpoint and the GST-P-stained altered cell foci provide relevant animal data for reconsidering the occupational exposure limit value of 5 ppm for CCl_4 and strengthen the evidence of CCl_4-induced hepatocarcinogenicity which is used in its carcinogenicity classification.
池上 和範 田川 宜昌 真船 浩介 廣 尚典 永田 頌史
産業衛生学雑誌 = Journal of occupational health (ISSN:13410725)
vol.50, no.4, pp.120-127, 2008-07-20
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<b>積極的傾聴法を取り入れた管理監督者研修による効果:池上和範ほか.産業医科大学産業生態科学研究所精神保健学研究室―</b>今回,我々は従業員数1,900名の電子機器製造業A事業場の管理監督者に対し,積極的傾聴法を取り入れたメンタルヘルス研修(以下,管理職メンタルヘルス研修と略す)を実施した.本研究の目的は,この管理職メンタルヘルス研修の管理職への効果,及び職場への効果について検討することである.対象は,A事業場において一般労働者を直接管理する全ての者とした.管理職メンタルヘルス研修は2006年9月から11月に実施し,調査は2006年5月から2007年2月に行った.研修内容は,「労働者の心の健康の保持増進のための指針」(2006年厚生労働省)の"管理職への教育研修・情報提供"に掲げられている項目を,2回に分けて実施した."労働者からの相談対応"の項目として積極的傾聴法を掲げ,1回目にその解説,2回目に発見的体験学習による実習を行った.更に,産業保健スタッフが作成した積極的傾聴法や研修に関する資料を研修実施1ヶ月後配布した.研修の効果指標として,全受講者に対し,積極的傾聴態度評価尺度(ALAS)を研修実施前後に実施し,他に研修内容に関する質問票調査,研修後の積極的傾聴に関する意識・行動変容に関する質問票調査を行った.更に,A事業場の従業員を対象に職業性ストレス簡易調査表(BJSQ)12項目版を管理職メンタルヘルス研修実施前後に調査を実施した.ALASは,有効な回答が得られた124名の結果を用い,BJSQ12項目版は協力が得られた約1,300名のうち,有効な回答が得られた908名を分析対象とした.ALASは,調査時点の主効果で有意差は認められなかったが,「傾聴の態度」,「聴き方」ともに平均値の上昇を認め,特に,「聴き方」は有意傾向であった.BJSQ12項目版では,「仕事の量的負担」,「上司の支援」,「同僚の支援」は調査時点の主効果で研修実施後に有意に上昇していた.特に「上司の支援」について,所属課毎の比較で研修開催後に有意に上昇していたものは全47課中8課認められた.今回の結果より,研修受講者が職場において積極的傾聴を実践し,相談対応の充実を図ることで,「上司の支援」が強化された可能性が示唆された.<br> (産衛誌2008; 50: 120-127)<br>