六車 明
法學研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.75, no.7, pp.35-93, 2002-07-28

論説一 はじめに二 環境問題と環境法学 1 環境問題のとらえ方 2 環境問題と法学の対応 3 環境紛争解決過程からみる視点三 産業廃棄物の蓄積と紛争主体の対応 1 産業廃棄物蓄積過程をみる視点 2 排出事業者と行政 3 処理業者と行政 (一) 許可を受けた処理業者による不法投棄とその放置 (二) 捜査機関の対応による不法投棄の終了 (三) 放置された産業廃棄物に対する行政的措置 4 豊島住民と行政 5 豊島住民と処理業者 6 環境紛争解決手続開始時点の産業廃棄物をめぐる状況 --(以上七五巻六号)四 調停手続における合意形成過程 1 調停開始時の対立状況 2 豊島住民と香川県が産業廃棄物処理の枠組みを創造する過程 (一) 環境汚染の実態解明 (二) 環境汚染防止対策の決定過程 (三) 中間合意とその評価 (四) 最終合意とその評価 3 香川県以外の被申請人の調停への関与 (一) 処理業者の破産と豊島住民の権利実現形態 (二) 排出事業者が解決金を支払うことに同意するに至る過程 (三) 国と豊島住民との調停経過五 環境紛争解決過程の検討 1 豊島における環境紛争の性格 2 調停において環境回復の枠組をつくることができた要因 (一) 法的構成の柔軟性 (二) 調停指揮における柔軟性 (三) 環境破壊の実態の客観的把握 (四) 廃棄物処理方法の専門的検討過程 (五) 紛争当事者が主体的に関与する場の提供 (六) 住民会議と弁護団の存在 3 公益に関わることを調停で解決する問題 4 環境法学への示唆六 おわりに(資料) 1 中間合意 2 調停条項 3 豊島事件年表 --(以上本号)
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.91, pp.567-590, 1990-12

本稿ではAttorney General's Commission on Pornography (Meese Commission)の答申を取りあげることにより,社会科学(行動科学,社会心理学など)がポルノグラフィーの法的規制という問題に対して,如何なる処方箋を提示し,それがどのような形で社会政策に活かされたのかということについて,社会科学と社会政策といった観点から検討を加えることにする.Attorney General's Commission on Pornographyとは1985年5月20日,Reagan大統領の支持のもとに,司法長官Edwin Meese IIIが設置した諮問委員会のことである.この委員会は一年間の審議を経て,「暴力による性関係の強要といった内容のポルノグラフィー(sexually violent materials)を見たり,読んだりすることと,女性に対する攻撃行動の増進との間には明らかに因果関係が見出される」との結論に到達し,それに基づいて「ポルノに対して,より厳しい法的手段を講ずるように」と答申したのである.この答申は内容的には1970年9月30日に提出されたPresidential Commission on Obscenity & Pornography (Lockhart Report)の結論を否定するものであったが,政治的にはmoral majority conservativesとanti-pornography feministsが新に手を結んだ妥協の産物とも解釈されたのである(Williams, L. 1990).一方,Meese Commissionの理論的な裏付けてとして引用されたのがNeil, M. MalamuthやEdward Donnersteinらの研究であった.彼らは主としてsexually violent materialsが与える影響について精力的な研究を重ねてきたが,その知見の解釈をめぐって,Meese Commissionとの間に対立が生じることになったのである.所謂,「実験結果や調査結果を現実の社会問題に適用しようとする場合,その限界をどこに求めるべきか」という妥当性の問題を巡っての対立である.この古くて,新しい問題に対して一般論を云々してもあまり益する所はないと思われることから,本稿ではMeese Commissionの活動を通して,社会科学と社会政策の接点はどこに求めるべきかを論ずることにする.
片桐 庸夫
法學研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.73, no.1, pp.331-385, 2000-01-28

池井優教授退職記念号問題の所在第一章 日本IPRの態度形成 第一節 インクワイアリー問題に対する基本原則 第二節 インクワイアリーへの対応第二章 インクワイアリー問題への取り組み 第一節 独自情報の入手 第二節 高柳の訪米 第三節 第三次リー会議(日本研究要綱の検討)第三章 日本IPRの協力停止 第一節 チャタム・ハウスとの連携の模索 第二節 守勢 第三節 プリンストン会議への対応結論
吉田 小五郎
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.24, no.2, pp.252-290, 1950-10

真下 英信
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.51, no.3, pp.154-161, 1981-12

三上 朝造
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.50, pp.489-503, 1980-11

石神 裕之
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.69, no.3, pp.503-540, 2000-05

一 はじめに二 出土泥面子の概要三 出土泥面子の考古学的分析 (1) 出土遺跡および数量の把握 (2) 泥面子の形態分析 (3) 泥面子の年代決定 (4) 汐留遺跡における面打の出土地点四 文献史料にみる面打と賭博の関係 (1) 面打の用途 (2) 文献史料に見る「キズ」の流行 (3) 大名屋敷における人口動態五 まとめ
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.43, pp.131-197, 1963-01

1. 序2. 奈良県にみられる諸流派3. 流派の分裂,合併,創立/鵤御流の系譜4. 法隆寺と鵤御流5. 結語The Ikaruga School is one of the schools of flower arrangement, "Ike-bana" and tea ceremony, "Cha-no-yu" in Japan. This School is connected with Horyuji Temple which is the headquarters of the Shotoku sect of Buddhism. The Temple consists of two groups of buildings, that is to say, the Sai-in (West group) and the To-in (East group). It is generally believed that the Sai-in which was called Ikaruga-Dera originally was established in the Asuka Period (in 607 A.D.) by the Crown Prince Shotoku-Taishi. "Ikaruga" is the name of the district, where the Temple stands. In this paper, I try to investigate the structure and form of the "Iemoto" System analyzing the Ikaruga School and many other schools. I think the "Iemoto" System may be divided into two parts, namely, the varied and multiform relationships into which men necessarily enter in the course of arranging flowers or tea ceremony, and the norms or standards governing behavior. This study serves to focus our attention upon a way of life, a group, and a social organization or social structure in Japan. The Japanese flower arrangement had its primitive beginnings in the age when Buddhism was imported into Japan from China. Since then, Buddhism has contributed a great deal to enhance Japanese culture, not only in the field of religion but also of Japanese art, for example, architecture, sculpture, and so on. It was one of the customs of Japanese to place flowers as a offering to Buddha in the temple. Therefore the purpose of flower arrangement was originally to decorate the Buddhist altar with flowers. Of many arts peculiar to Japan, flower arrangement and tea ceremony are especially familiar to us In daily life. A knowledge of flower arrangement is considered so important to women that even busy peoples take the time to practice arranging flowers after their business hours. Tea ceremony today is practiced by women and men, and especially by young girls. The present head master of the Ikaruga School is Kyoichi Saeki. Exhibitions of flower arrangement put on by this School are held on festival days of Horyuji Temple. A set of traditional rules is maintained by the members of this School in arranging flowers. Though this School is supported by Horyuji Temple, it is important for us to notice the mutual aid between this Temple and the Ikaruga School.
板垣 悦子/桜木 真智子/高久田 明
共立薬科大学研究年報 (ISSN:04529731)
vol.41, pp.19-29, 1997-03-25

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the protein powder to the effects of physical training. Female student, who had intake of the protein powder of the recommended volume, practiced physical training in the mid-level intensity. The results were as follows : 1. The skinfold thickness of the arm was reduced apparently and no change was found in the circumference of the arm. In the thorax and abdomen, both the skinfold thikness and the circumference increased. The body weight gained for period of physical training. Both the circumference and the skinfold thickness of the thigh increased. As for the lower leg, little change was found in the circumference and the skinfold thickness. 2. The influence of the protein powder to the effects of physical training was found in the body fat and in the LBM. The body fat was reduced and the LBM increased in the midst period of heavy training. After the protein powder was ceased to have as nutrition during the training period, no change was found in the LBM. 3. The systolic blood pressure after running decreased and the diastolic blood pressure increased under the condition of the present study. The heart rate also varied under the condition. The heart rate decreased before and after running. The recovery time of heart rate was found to be shorter than that before the present experiment.
中村 麻里子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.108, pp.45-66, 2002-02

投稿論文1. 序2. 初期の心理学における内観と行動主義による批判 2-1. 初期の心理学における内観 2-1-1. ヴントの心理学 2-1-2. ティチェナーの心理学 2-1-3. ヴュルツブルグ学派 2-2. 行動主義による内観批判と内観心理学3. 哲学における内観の検討 3-1. 内観に関する高階の表象説 3-2. ドレツキによる表象主義 3-2-1. 置き換えられた知覚とメタ表象 3-2-2. 3つの気づき(awareness)の区別を用いた内観の特徴づけ 3-2-3. 表象内容の外在説と内在主義的な高階説の比較 3-3. 色に関する外在説と内在説 3-3-1. 色に関する内在説 3-3-2. 色に関する外在説4. 結論Introspection has been used to study mental states or consciousness. In psychology, the method of introspection was criticized by behaviorists because the method of introspection was subjective and so not reliable, though introspection is used in some psychological experiments even today. What we should be careful here is the target of the criticism; whether introspection or the content of introspection is subjective. Here we are talking of only the introspection of perceptive content. The content of introspection has been thought as something like a mental image, which is inevitably subjective. According to internalism, introspection is the internal process, so the content of introspection is also internal and subjective. Dretske suggests that the content of introspection be objective. When we are aware of experience having some properties, we are aware of something objective having these properties. We aren't aware of something subjective when we introspect our perception. This idea can make the content of introspection objective, and reliable in psychological researches. However, such idea doesn't perfectly exclude subjectivity from introspection. Introspection has the subjective property in that it is always experienced by one person. But the content of introspection itself, different from the introspective event, is objective. For we are aware of facts when we introspect.
赤川 元章
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.34, no.6, pp.1-29, 1992-02-25

19世紀後半,オスマン帝国から独立したセルビアとブルガリアは,いずれも小規模営農中心の農業国であり,資本制的生産様式確立以前の原蓄段階にあるヨーロッパ後進国であった。両国は,農産物の輸出と工業製品の輸入とによって世界市場へと編成され,蓄積元本不足の下方,産業振興政策を採用したため,両国の工業化は,結局,急激な財政悪化とヨーロッパ先進国資本への依存を強めることとなった。これらの国では,通貨制度の整備と同時に,国家主導で中央銀行を創立し,農業主体の金融構造を形成する。だが産業金融については,国内資本のみでは不充分であり,この部面では外国銀行の進出が行われる。ドイツ金融資本は,セルビアにBerliner Handelsgesellschaft,ブルガリアにDisconto-Gesellschaftおよびその系列下のBanque de Creditの活動が行われたが,いずれの国でも,フランス銀行資本との競争でイニシアティブを確立しえなかった。
中山 和久
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.119, pp.65-109, 2008-03

特集文化人類学の現代的課題II第1部 空間の表象投稿論文1. ウツシ巡礼の研究 (1) 研究の目的 (2) ウツシ巡礼分析の視角 (3) ウツシ巡礼と地方巡礼 (4) 民俗学の分析視角2. ウツシ巡礼とは何か (1) 「ウツシ」の含意 (2) ウツシ巡礼の類型3. 日本におけるウツシ巡礼の展開 (1) ウツシ巡礼の初期展開 (2) 新四国の展開4. 篠栗四国霊場の表象と実践 (1) 篠栗四国霊場の概要 (2) 篠栗四国霊場の発願 (3) 篠栗四国霊場の開山 (4) 篠栗四国霊場の創設 (5) 篠栗四国霊場の展開 (6) 篠栗四国霊場の巡礼者 (7) 篠栗四国霊場における儀礼 (8) 篠栗四国霊場の戦後5. 篠栗四国霊場の巡礼空間 (1) 霊場の模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (2) 拝所の模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (3) 儀礼の模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (4) 思想の模倣による巡礼空間の創造6. 模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (1) ウツシ巡礼の構成原理 (2) ウツシ巡礼の意義In Japan, there was travel over the pilgrimage course that was called 'Utsushi' in the whole country. 'Utsushi' is concisely a pilgrimage course created by imitating 33 sacred places of goddess of mercy in West Country or 88 sacred places in Shikoku Island in Japan. It is in the 19th century that they were created in succession in nationwide various places though the history of the 'Utsushi' pilgrimage is thought to go back before the 13th century in Japan. And, it takes pride in the deep-rooted popularity in Japan of the 21 st century called the irreligion and no belief. Why is it created, does it spread, and does dress still a lot of people to such a 'Utsushi' pilgrimage? In this text, I first examine the problem of what the 'Utsushi' is, and understand the historical development of the 'Utsushi' pilgrimage in Japan, then examine in detail the pilgrimage course of Sasaguri Shikoku sacred place as a example. And, I reconsider a creative technique that the human race uses while arranging natural environment and designing the existing space culturally. Finally, I clarify the principle of folk customs that generates the cosmology of the pilgrimage.
周 一川
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.67, no.1, pp.161-186, 1997-09

はじめに一 留学生は聴講生として対処された東京女高師二 留学生特設予科を設置した奈良女高師三 留学生特別措置がなかった東京高等糸学校おわりに
神崎 直美
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.72, no.2, pp.139-165, 2003

論文はじめに1 天保期萩藩の徒刑創設構想2 慶応三年山口藩の「罪人仕役」の採用3 明治初年の徒刑おわりに[参考資料]萩藩・山口藩の徒刑史料
小林 頼子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.73, pp.49-78, 1981-12

序1. フェルメールのデルフト眺望と都市図2. デルフト・スクールの画家たち ハウクヘースト(1600~1661) ファブリチウス(1622~1654) ピーター・デ・ホーホ(1629~1684)3. フェルメールとデルフト・スクール デルフト眺望の制作年代 フェルメールのデルフト眺望の構図結びにかえてVermeer's "View of Delft" is one of the first cityscape paintings which show a city or a street as their theme. In this article I want to make clear from two aspects what situation led him to take the new theme. Firstly, judging from the accurate maps and the prints of city views copied by Vermeer in his works we can see he was very interested in topography. His "View of Delft" was depicted from a higher angle just like the prints of city views which were popular in Holland at that time. He must have been influenced by traditional prints of city views when he chose the cityscape as the theme. Secondly, as another important aspect, I want to point out the Delft School's stylistic revolution around 1650s which was carried out mainly in the architectural paintings but affected the cityscape paintings as well. In the Delft school's works we can see the features which are indispensable for the cityscape painting: a wide-angle view and a gentile atmosphere. Through analysing the composition of Vermeer's "View of Delft" I came to the conclution that these features were taken over to this picture and flourished with dexterity. The stylistic revolution in the Delft School played the important part when this picture came into existence.
佐藤 真基子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.116, pp.41-55, 2006-03

投稿論文The terminology of anima and animus in Augustine seems to be floating. G. O'Daly says that anima and animus can apply without distinction of meaning to human soul, and he concludes that the two terms are employed interchangeably. But in "Soliloquia", Augustine distinguishes between these terms. In this dialogue, he first declares that he wants to seize animus by the intellect, but afterwards, what he investigates is not animus but anima. In this paper, I would like to point out that Augustine's use of animus contains the meaning of self, and this self is the subject that uses rational soul. Rational soul can be used both in good and bad way. According to Augustine, the good use of it leads the soul to the vision of God. Man can uses rational soul in good way when he searches only for God and himself. Searching for himself is a preparatory condition for knowing God. That can be furnished with fides, spes and charitas. Thus, these virtues are considered to be something divine in anima. Augustine distinguishes two sides of the soul by using the words animus and anima, the rational soul as the searching subject and the soul as a place where the searching subject can find God.
田村 茂
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.2, no.2, pp.161-177, 1959-06-25

In the traditional theory of consumer's behavior, circulating money is nonexistent. It is the numeraire that plays a role in it. The reason Why the l traditional theory excludes circulating money is that money has no direct utility. This is quite true under static conditions, in the strictest sense, but we can recognize direct utility in holding money, if we develop the problem under the looser static conditions in the point that they contain some assumptions as to 'time'. So, in this paper, we are engaged in modifying the traditional theory so as to be able to describe the consumer's behavior in the case where the consumer demands not only commodities but money. We begin with setting necessary assumptions and explaining what sort of satisfaction the consumer derives from holding money under those assumptions. Then we proceed to introduce money into utility function. Both C.E.V. Leser and P. A. Samuelson introduce money into utility function in the form of purchasing power over each kind of commodity. But we choose the way of introducing money into it in the form of purchasing power over the commoditiy-in-general. Our method enables us to obtain the same results more easily than they did. These results are as follows. (1) Slutsky equation should be modified so as to include two new terms besides two ordinary income and substitution terms. The two terms measure indirect income, and indirect substitution, effect. (2) Between the γth commodity and the sth one, we can not say that the substituion effect on the γth commodity resulting from a change in the sth price is the same as the substitution effect on the sth commodity resulting from a change in the γth price. This fact is due to the existence of the indirect substitution effect. (3) Consumer's income remaining unchanged, an equi-proportionate change in all price has only an income, and not substitution, effect. (4) If consumer's income changes in the same proportion as all prices, the real condition of consumer's demand remains unchanged. Accordingly, in this case, the fundamental proposition of the Quantity Theory of money holds true ; the elasticity of demand for money is unity.
河野 哲也
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.95, pp.15-37, 1993-07

1. 序2. デカルトと幻影肢3. ヘッドの「図式」による幻影の解明4. シルダーの「身体像」5. 考察と結論The purpose of this essay is to clarify the way in which consciousness localizes sensations, through an interpretation of a pathological phenomenom, the phenomenon of phantom limb. We compare Descartes' classic theory about 'the phantom limb' and localization of sensations with the modern psycho-physio-logical theories by H. Head and P. Schilder which insist on the importance of 'body-schema' for localization and body-movement or action as essential factors for the formation of the schema. Their studies show that the phantom limb is a 'habitual body' which the patient continues to hold in spite of the loss of his limb. According to Head and Schilder, consciousness localizes sensations through its own whole body which acts and moves, not only through its immovable brain. Finally, we conclude that the space is not only an object of perception, but is also related to body-movement or action, and that phenomenal or subjective space is sustained by objective space through actions and body-movements.