小泉 仰
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.35, pp.247-266, 1958-11

望月 典子

ニコラ・プッサンは、17世紀フランス古典主義美術を代表する画家とされるが、彼の活動の拠点はローマにあり、その芸術を結実させたのはローマであった。そうしたプッサンが、フランスにおける古典主義美術の成立期に、母国の美術動向に対して直接的にはどのような役割を果たしたのだろうか。本研究は、リシュリューが行なった芸術政策に画家が積極的に関与し、フランス美術の方向性を左右し得えたことを、(1) フランスにもたらす模範としての古代美術の選別とその複製製作、(2)古典主義的な天井画のモデルを示したルーヴル宮大回廊の装飾、(3) パリの愛好家に向けたタブローの制作、という画家が関与した3つの活動から検討した。
鷲見 洋一
藝文研究 (ISSN:04351630)
vol.67, pp.191-201, 1995-03-10

七字慶紀, 若林眞両教授退任記念論文集I: 分類への情熱II: 合法化された侵犯III: 秘境の発見と異界の踏査
岡沢 薫
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.70, pp.115-143, 1979-10

1. 序2. コミュニケーションの『二段階流れ仮説』の誕生3. コミュニケーション二段階流れ仮説の限界4. 二段階流れ仮説の修正 1. ニューズの伝播研究 2. 説得と社会関係 3. 普及研究5. 統合理論をめざして 1. 効果のレベル・種類・程度 2. 効果単位 3. 情報のレベル・種類 4. オピニオン・リーダーの特性 5. コミュニケーション状況The aim of this report is to review the utilities of "the two-step flow of communication hypothesis," and reflect on the modification process of this model. This model was, originally, generated from the study of voter's decision-making in the 1940 presidential campaign (by Lazarsfeld, Berelson and Gaudet). According to this hypothesis, "Ideas often flow from radio and print to the opinion leaders, and from them to the less active sections of the population". The two-step flow of communication hypothesis became a major stimulus for research-fields concerning the diffusion of information, influence and innovation. Many researchers tried to test this hypothesis, and they found that this model is too simple and clear. In reality, communication process is more complex and complicated than this model. In spite of some merits, for example, device of 'panel techniques', findings of 'opinion leader' as influencer, this model, undoubtedly, has some limits. This hypothesis is mainly tested in three research fields-mass communication research, study of social relations, and diffusion research. Later scholars pointed out that "Ideas does not always flow from radio, print and TV to the opinion leader (or equivalent), and from them to the less active sections of the population"
前嶋 信次
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.36, no.4, pp.421-451, 1963-12

序言一 中国伝来の事情二 古代日本人とテリアカ三 中東地方での受け入れ四 アラブ医家の伝えたその製法In the Annals of T'ang dynasty, we see the mention about the envoy of Fu-lin Kuo, ordinarily identified with the Byzantine Empire, who came to Chang-an and presented "Ti-Yeh-Ch'ieh" to the then Emperor of China. The late Prof. F. Hirth thought-that the Ti-Yeh-Ch'ieh should be the theriaka (theriac, treacle) which is a very famous antidotal drug invented by a certain Greek physician in the 2nd century. We can find in various Chinese documents prior to the date of the above mentioned envoy of Fu-lin country the name of this medicament. For example, in "Shin-hsiu-pentsao" (New Materia Medica), compiled in 659 A. D., we read that this thing was a drug of the far western countries and foreign people brought it to China from time to time. In Japan, the oldest existent book which contains the record concerning the theriaka is "I-hsin-fang" written in 980 A. D. by Tamba-no-Yasuyori. On the other hand, it is not difficult to find out many articles relating to "tiryaq", theriaka, from among the Islamic literary works. Through these materials, we should be able to make clear in detail the prescription of this antidote and to know how it was and is still popular in the Middle East society. In Japan, the theriaka was introduced again since the 16th century by the Europeans. The writer thinks that the historical study of the diffusion of this kind of medicine is not only interesting from the standpoint of folklore, but it will be able to contribute to clarify the currents of cultures between the East and the west.
原 晃一 岡野 栄之 伊藤 豊志雄 疋島 啓吾 井上 賢 澤本 和延 金子 奈穂子 豊田 史香 小牧 裕司 牛場 潤一 武見 充亮 塚田 秀夫 岩田 祐士

増山 幹高 坂本 孝治郎 待鳥 聡史 奈良岡 聰智 村井 良太 飯尾 潤 竹中 治堅 川人 貞史

この研究では, 日本を含む議会制民主主義諸国における立法と行政のあり方を体系的に理解し, 歴史的・比較政治学的視座に基づいて日本の国会および議院内閣制を理論的・実証的に分析している. とくに, 国会に関する未公開史料の保存・整理を進めるとともに, 代議制民主主義の発展過程, 二院制と立法・行政関係の制度構造, 議会制度と選挙制度の相互連関を歴史的・比較政治学的に検証している.
箕輪 秀二
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.35, pp.27-50, 1958-11

I 哲学,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集I intend, in this paper, to show the significance of Suarezian interpretation on the "analogy" of St. Thomas, compared with that of John of St. Thomas. My main points of discussion are followings: 1) The Suarezian interpretation. 2) The background of his interpretation. 3) The reason why Suarez rejected Caitanian interpretation. 4) Analogy in John of St. Thomas (ANALOGIA PROPORTIONALITATIS). 5) Objection of John of St. Thomas to Suarezian interpretation. 6) "ANALOGIA PROPORTIONALITATIS" and the metaphysical significance of Suarezian interpretation.
岡村 和臣
三田評論 (ISSN:1343618X)
vol.979, pp.72-73, 1996-04-01
樽井 正義
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.75, pp.143-163, 1982

Im ersten. Teil der Rechtslehre in der Metaphysik der Sitten behandelt Kant das Recht, das er "das auBere Mein" nennt und als meine ausschlieBliche private Befugnis gegen alle Personen, einen Gegenstand zu gebrauchen, definiert. Die Definition enthalt zwei verschiedene Verhaltnisse, na mlich eines, das zwischen mir und dem Gegenstand, und ein zweites, das zwischen mir und den Anderen besteht. Die beiden unterscheidet Kant deutlich von einander und untersucht jedes davon je in einem Kapitel seiner Privatrechtslehre. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird erstens der Inhalt und der Umfang des Begriffs "Besitz" als Verbindung einer Person mit ihrern. Gegenstand dargestellt, was als das Hauptthema des 1. Kapitels gilt, and zweitens die Fragestellung des 2. Kapitels erortert, wie einer Person die Befugnis erteilt wird, alien Anderen Zuriickhaltung aufzuerlegen. Damit beabsichtigt der Aufsatz folgendes zu zeigen : An Kants Begriff des Eigentums wird deutlich, daB die gesamte Sphare des Privatrechts von Individuen nach dem Prinzip der intelligiblen Ordnung begri.indet wird. Daraus folgt explizit das intersubjektive soziale Wesen des Rechts bei Kant. Diese Hinsicht wird ihm moglich auf der Basis seiner vorher entworfenen kritischen Philosophie.
吉村 創
研究年報 (ISSN:09174281)
vol.20, pp.331-350, 2003

1. はじめに2. 「開始」表現研究の概観3. beginnen + zu 不定詞4. 接頭辞er-5. 分離前綴りan-6. 終わりに
真船 えり
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.103, pp.35-56, 1998-12

1. はじめに2. 精神的実体と人格の同一性3. 人格の同一性についてのヒュームの問い4. 「附論」におけるヒュームの'迷路'5. おわりにIn A Treatise of Human Nature, I, iv, 6, Hume presents his arguments on the issue of personal identity. In the previous section, he discussed the issue of the substance of the soul, assumed to be the a priori foundation of personal identity in those days. The purpose of this paper is to clarify one of Hume's intentions in discussing the problem of personal identity. This paper attempts to examine (1) the relationship between the notion of the substance of the soul and the problem of personal identity, (2) Hume's question about the problem of personal identity, and (3) the meaning of Hume's labyrinth of personal identity. In the course of examining these issues, it will be shown that Hume did not mean to deny the existence of the self when he called the notion of substance or personal identity 'fiction' in his arguments. Because Hume used the word 'fiction' in his own meaning, related with the imagination. Hume's programme is not the justification of the belief of personal identity, but an explanation of the origin of the notion. Further, Hume's labyrinth suggests, paradoxically, the hope of special treatment for the problem of personal identity.
田中 荊三
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.35, no.2, pp.185-210, 1962-12

間崎万里先生頌寿記念The Three-power conference was held at Potsdam between Winston Churchill for Great Britain, President Truman for the U.S.A., and Marshal Stalin for the U. S. S. R., to determine the future of Germany after defeated, and to fulfil the contracts of Yalta, for the ordinary diplomatic negotiations could not solve these problems. First of all, the conference provided a committee of foreign ministers, and the political principles to be followed towards defeated Germany. These problems and the economic principles were determined easily. They made effort to have the concrete solution of the details, but it was very difficult, because the disagreements between the Western allies and the Soviets had deepened. Especially, the former had felt that the Soviet's requests -to keep the security of socialists states- were imperialistic and the Western allies was eagered to check that requests. At last they entrusted the solutions of the details to the committee of the foreign ministers which was weaker than that conference in the power of solving the problems. In spite of the economic principle of the conference, that economically Germany should be only one unit the committee determined the devided administration of Germany, which became the important cause of the cold war.
和田 博徳
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.31, no.1, pp.692-719, 1958

慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集The 神器譜 or the Record of the Sacred Machines written by Chao Shih-chen 趙土禎 of the Ming period, tells various matters about fire-arms. He stated in his work that the Lu-mi gun was the best weapon among the fire-arms of those days. The word " Lu-mi" 〓密 is no doubt the Lu-mi that was introduced as 魯迷 (Lu-mi) in the 明史 (The History of Ming Dynasty) and means the Ottoman Empire as presumed by Bretschneider in his article "Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources." However, the question is that how the fire-arms were introduced to China by the Othmans. According to the Ming shih lu (the Authentic Record of Ming Dynasty), the Lu-mi 魯迷 paid tribute to the Chinese Court in the 16th century. At that time, the Ottoman Empire was at its zenith under Suleiman the Magnificent, and the might of his Empire even reached as far as Europe. It is possible, therefore, that the Othmans could introduce their fire-arms such a distance as -China. It must be a mention-able fact that the Othman- Turks introduced firearms to the eastern country by land through the highway-the Silk Road- competing with the Portuguese who came to the Far East by sea from the south with their fire-arms.
大谷 愛人
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.56, pp.21-58, 1970-10

はじめに1. アイロニーという概念の問題性2. キルケゴールにおけるアイロニー理解の特徴 1. 世界のアイロニー 2. 主体のアイロニー3. アイロニーの原理 1. 話法としてのアイロニー 2. すぐれた意味におけるアイロニー (1) 実行的アイロニー (2) 静観的アイロニー 2. アイロニーの基底4. アイロニーの定義 1. アイロニーは無限にして絶対的な否定性である。 2. アイロニーは主体性の規定である。 3. アイロニーは真実なことのあるしるしを意味する。 4. アイロニーは内面性の運動である。5. 世界のアイロニーと主体のアイロニーとの関係Diese Abhandlung stellt sich die Aufgabe, die grundlegende Hauptlinie in S. Kierkegaards Verstandnis der Ironie aufzufinden. Seine Definition uber den Begriff der Ironie kann man in Theses"seiner Magister-Dissertation Om Begrebet Ironi med stadigt Hensyn til Socrates (Kbh. 1841)" finden. Er schreibt: Ironia, ut infinita et absoluta negativitas, est levissima et maxime exigua subjectivitatis significatio. Aber sein Verstandnis der Ironie vertiefte sich immer tiefer danach. Ich glaube also, man kann das bei vier Thesen vorstellen. 1. Die Ironie ist die unendliche und absolute Negativitat. 2. Die Ironie ist die Bestimmung der Subjektivitat. 3. Die Ironie ist das Zeichen der Tatsache, dass die Wahre ist. 4. Die Ironie ist die Bewegung der Innerlichkeit als die Karakter der Wahrheit. Ob man sich der Existenz der Ironie nicht bewusst ist, steht man da unter der Herrschaft der Ironie : die unendliche. und absolute Negativitat als der gottliche Wahnsinn. Kierkegaard zuredet uns also, sich die Ironie bewusst zu sein, und dadurch die Ironie zu beherrschen. Aber er andeutet, es ist dadurch moglich, auf dem tieferen Standpunkt Humor zu stehen.
吉田 哲

井上 坦
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.58, pp.317-335, 1971-12

名誉教授宮崎友愛先生記念論文集I. 序II. 『ボルド宛ての書簡詩(Epître)』 II.1. この書簡詩の成立事情など II.2. ボルド宛て書簡詩の構造と内容III. 『コンジェ宛ての書簡』 III.1. この書簡の成立事情など III.2. この書簡の内容 III.3. 批判の中心 III.4. 賛同点IV. 『パリソ宛ての書簡詩』 IV.1. この書簡詩の成立事情など IV.2. パリソ宛て書簡詩の構造と内容V. 総括VI. 文献As the continuation of the former paper on Rousseau, (Philosophy, ed. by Mita Philosophical Society, No. 56, 1970) I try to study here two letters in verse and a letter by J.-J. Rousseau written between 1740~1742, namely in his days in Lyon. In his Letter in Verse to Ch. Bordes, his friend then, his adversary later, Rousseau discusses the theme of poverty and wealth, and has no sympathy with the stoic notion that there are advantages in poverty and that the poor ought to be happy. Young Rousseau suggests that there is no wisdom where poverty rules. "Tant de pompeux discours sur l'heureuse indigence m'ont bien l'air d'etre nes du sein de l'abandance." In his Letter to F. J. Conzie, his friend in Chambery, Rousseau criticizes "An Essay on Man" by A. Pope, the representative English poet in the 18th Century. Rousseau attacks Pope's key concept that there is the chain of beings between Creator and creatures. Rousseau shows, however, his approval to Pope's words on human happiness that no man can not make happy life without virtue, but at the same time, no man can not make happy life with virtue alone. Rousseau regards virtue, health and the necessities of life as three components of human happiness, but in this period he has no exact and deep sense of the necessities of life. In his Letter in Verse to G. Parisot, a surgeon, young Rousseau confesses the continued anxiety caused by the world with which he would have to come to terms. He can not forget the ideal of an state which is made up of equal citizens, all shareing in the exercise of sovereign power. But before his eyes the very different pleasures of taste and all attractions of an opulent life in the big industrial city are paraded. He begins to reject the stoicism and semi-jansenistic rigidities of his moral view and his Genevan upbringing. " Longtemps de cette erreur la brillante chimere, seduisit mon esprit, roidit mon caractere " But in spite of the doubts and giddiness besetting him, he continues to form his own thought concerning real happiness, good society and good education.