石川 廣三 橋本 佳大
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.72, no.611, pp.13-20, 2007

Although the behavior of rain drops near the surface of a building in driving rain are quite complicated according to the sizes of the drops and the air flow pattern around the building, a general relationship exists between average impinging angle of raindrops against the wall surface and the wind velocity that accompanies the rain. It can be of great value in estimating wetting characteristics of those walls, if we can express the relation in a simple equation. Shapes and sizes of stained areas that are left just below projections over a wall offer valuable information for the maximum impinging angle of raindrops against the wall. From the analysis of wind speed records during the rains which could have caused the stain patterns, certain range of constant C_<im> for the impinging angle-wind velocity equation was obtained.
本郷 智大 大塚 雅之 武田 仁
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.69, no.579, pp.53-59, 2004
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The purpose of this study is to grasp the influence of combined drainage load in house drain in to drainage stack system, and flow capacity of house drain. And the object of further study will be to establish and purpose new testing evaluation method which it is consider the influence of combined drainage load. This paper discusses the following points, (1) The way to provide combined drainage load in house drain, (2) Conditions of Pressure variation by combined drainage load in drainage system and an evaluation method thereof and (3) Understanding of the flow capacity of house drain in a drainage system by combined drainage load.
高草木 明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.537, pp.235-240, 2000
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This paper presents a theoretical method to estimate the effects of a volume based collection fee implemented by municipal governments on reducing household waste. Most households try to avoid excess purchasing of food products, as this practice is a cause of waste and is also uneconomical. Due to a lack of planning, however, household purchasing practices tend to be ambiguous. The introductiion of a waste collection fee would change the approach of households to such purchasing practices. An entropy model, based on information theory, is applied to describe this situation.
萩島 理 谷本 潤 片山 忠久 大原 健志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.550, pp.79-86, 2001
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As a marvelous predicting and estimating methodology for the Heat Island in an urban area, Architecture-Urban-Soil Simultaneous Simulation Model, AUSSSM was entirely established. The revised AUSSSM is evolved from the former proposed AUSSSM by not only replacing but also newly adding several sub-models. Each sub-model expresses complex phenomenon such as one-dimensional vertical distribution of air temperature, wind velocity and humidity ratio in urban canopy, artificial heat generation from buildings and traffic, evapotranspiration from vegetation, transient evaporation from artificial surfaces shortly after precipitation, dynamic performance of cooling load and HVAC system in buildings. These sub-models have been developed in authors' former works. One of the most important features of AUSSSM is the fact that each sub-model has relatively same level of its accuracy, which leads practically correct and significant solution under the constraint of limited computational resource. And following theoretical description, the Standard Solution assuming a business district in Tokyo was presented.
越後島 研一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.493, pp.245-246, 1997

There are three points to discuss regarding the treatise. (1)The term "form" has too wide a meaning to make a close examination. (2)In SECTION we can find not only a holizontal triparte organization, but a vertical one as well. (3)Kahn's sketches of design process are so incomplete, that in considering these sketches, it is necessary to prepare a general set of ideas regarding his buildings.
佐野 潤一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.588, pp.229-235, 2005

デ グズマン フィリップ 緑川 光正 麻里 哲広 石山 祐二
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.71, no.607, pp.73-80, 2006

In current seismic design practice, the design yield strength of a structure is typically obtained through the use of strength reduction factor that reduces elastic strength demand to design levels. The strength reduction factor due to the inelastic behavior of structure is usually formulated in terms of target maximum ductility. This conventional approach fails to consider cumulative damage that occurs under cyclic loading. In this study, damage-based strength reduction factor was evaluated from the strength demands computed considering cumulative damage and different site conditions. The results indicate that the spectral shape of damage-based strength reduction factor has similarity with the conventional ductility-based reduction factor. An equivalent limit ductility ratio as a certain percentage of the monotonic ductility capacity may therefore also be used. This reduction depends on the monotonic ductility capacity and while it is not significantly affected by the natural period of the structure, it should be carefully evaluated in the case of soft soil site and where the natural period of the structure is close to the predominant period of ground motion. Simple expressions for estimating the damage-based strength reduction factor are also proposed.
鈴木 道哉 岡 建雄 岡田 圭史 矢野 謙禎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.476, pp.37-43, 1995
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Basic sector classification Input / Output table were applied to analyze the construction, operation and renewal of office buildings to obtain the life cycle energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission. Total energy consumption is approximately 9 GJ per square meter of floor area by construction, 1.2 GJ per square meter per annum for operation and 0.037 GJ per square meter per annum for renewal. Total carbon dioxide emission is approximately 980 kg per square meter of floor area by construction, 90 kg per square meter per annum for operation and 3 kg per square meter per annum for renewal.
テーシャギットカチョン タードサク 重村 力
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.591, pp.103-109, 2005

1.はじめに チャウプラヤー・デルタにあるその他の地域と同様に、バンコクは独特な開拓手法によってつくられてきた。この開拓手法を通して、居住するのに困難であったデルタの低湿地地帯は、陸と水との調和がとれた環境共生的で豊かな生活空間へと、数百年の歳月をかけて、ゆっくりと変遷してきた。特に水文化から陸・水両立文化への転換期であるラマー4世からラマー5世の治世の間に、開拓の英知が多くみられる。ところが、ラマー5世以後、近代化と共にもたらされたモータリゼーションや近代都市計画などといった、既存風土を無視した思想に基づいた開発の影響によって、現在、その陸と水との調和状態が崩れかけている。このような開発では、陸と水との調和は無視されてきたため、市街地では、水害や都市居住環境問題など深刻な問題が絶えず頻発している。これを解決するために、既存風土に対応しながら熟考されてきた環境共生型居住空間の形成過程を再考する必要がある。バンコク旧市街地における土地形成過程をそのひとつの事例としてとりあげ、それを明らかにすることによって、現代都市計画にとって適切な題材になると考えている。バンコクの背景:アユタヤ時代の前衛都市からタイの首都に発展してきたバンコクの旧市街地はアユタヤの旧市街地と同規模でありながら、都市の基盤整備は完成に至らなかった。1922年の地図分析から、バンコクの第一期の旧市街地以外、すなわち第二と第三期の旧市街地の基盤は低湿地や果樹園地帯の輪郭などが著しく現れていることがわかる。特に、外濠と共にできあがった第三期の旧市街地には1908年まで果樹園が多く存在していた。この転換期に形成された旧市街地を研究対象とした。目的と方法:1922年に王立測量局によって作成された1/5000の地図と1908年に土地局によって作成された1/1000の地籍図を基に、水系地図と、寺院と貴族が所有していた土地を中心とした土地利用地図を作成する。次に、これらの地図を再合成し、3段階の水路網を摘出し、水路と主な土地利用の関係から、各要素が強調された地図を再作成する。最後に水路網と土地の形状などの相互関係を探ることによって旧市街地の土地形成過程を明らかにする。2.バンコク旧市街地の実態 その背景:第二期のバンコク市内において宮殿と寺院の敷地以外、その他平民の住まいの配置が禁じられていた。しかし、第三期の城壁に囲まれない市街地ができた頃には、その戒律が解禁されている。ただ、貴族と寺院の敷地の構成はそのまま受け継がれていた。貴族や僧侶の居住区域と、その使用人の居住区域の2つで構成されていた。また、公安などの理由で、それらの敷地は濠沿いに構えられていた。一方、庶民はその市内の外周に位置する郊外区域で農業を行っていた。広域教士地利用と水系の実態:土地利用は大きく二つに分類できる。一つは貴族と寺院が所有していた土地である。それは、地盤が固められた部分と果樹園のままの部分と分けられる。もう一つは、庶民も含む一般市民が所有していた果樹園である。各土地利用に応じて、水路が形成されていた。それらを大きく四つに分類できる。(1)幹線水路である河川、運河と濠、(2)幹線水路を連結する支線水路、(3)寺院の濠、(4)果樹濠である。狭域的土地と水系の形状と実態:研究対象地の上部地帯において、チャウプラヤー河沿いの土地はそれを軸として形づくられた。また、その低地地帯の土地形状も第二濠よりも、その川からひかれた支線水路を軸にして形づくられた。それに対し、下部地帯では、第二濠を軸として土地が形づくられた。また、短絡運河からその第二濠に並行してひかれた支線水路を軸に土地が形づくられた。貴族が所有していた土地は広く何枚もの果樹園から成り立ていた。それに対し、寺院の土地形状も広いが果樹園と関係なく形づくられた。その貴族と寺院が所有していた土地の周りには細かく分けられた土地が多くみられる。これらの土地形状に深く関わっているのは幹線水路に囲まれている低地地帯の果樹園を支えていた灌漑用水路である。水の供給と排水の機能をもつ灌漑用水路は大きく二つに分類できる。幹線水路からひかれた灌漑用水路とその支線水路からひかれた灌漑用水路である。その灌漑用水路がその他の水路と連結され支線水路へと変化したケースもみられる3.まとめバンコク旧市街地における広域的土地形成過程:市街化区域の土地形成過程において、先に居住区域が形成されたのは、比較的安定した地盤である幹線水路沿いの堤防だとみられる。そして、その堤防の裏手に沿って果樹園が並行に形成されたと考えられる。しかし、新たな幹線水路の着工がない限り、果樹園による土地開拓がより奥へと拡張することは不可能であろう。何故なら、その水の供給と排水が容易に行われないためである。バンコク旧市街地の場合、第三濠の着工によってそれが可能になったと考えられる。狭域的水系と土地形成過程:幹線水路に囲まれた低地地帯をも含むこの旧市街地の土地形成過程は果樹園の開拓によって進行されてきたと考えられる。これを実行するには二つの過程が必要とされる。一つは、水路の連結過程で、もう一つは果樹園の形成過程である。前者の水路の連結過程においては、幹線水路から支線の掘削から始まり、それらを骨格にまた更に水路がひかれる。それらをもう一方の新たな幹線水路からできた骨格水路と連結させるのである。後者の果樹園の形成過程は、二つのステップからなる。完成した一枚の果樹園ができるまでのステップとその後の展開のステップである。第一ステップは、灌漑用水路の発展と共に増加した果樹プロットの拡張で、初段階の土地形成過程に関わったステップである。第二ステップは、その完成した果樹園の土地を分離もしくは融合するステップである。これらのステップはいわゆる、分散している一般市民が所有していた土地、そして貴族や寺院が所有していた大きい土地の形成過程に関係するステップである。また、(1)外濠と短絡運河による大ブロックの設定、(2)第二・第三水路で成り立った水路網による小ブロックの構成、(3)最小ブロックである果樹園単位の構成、といった伝統的かつ漸進的手法の導入によって、利用不可能な後輩湿地から、灌漑・排水網、果樹園、居住地への変容過程が明らかにされた。このプロセスを通し、持続的な都市の創生過程においてデルタに適応できる都市計画へと発展していくことも考えられる。
東 実千代 新谷 恵 八木 成江 守屋 好文 疋田 洋子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.552, pp.29-35, 2002
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The purpose of this study is to accumulate long term field-measurement data of the concentration of formaldehyde(HCHO) and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) found in indoor air, and to investigate the behavior of these concentrations. In addition, we studied the lifestyle and any symptoms of the occupants. The duration of the field measurements was 1996-1999(HCHO) and 1996-1998(VOCs). The results showed that a higher concentration of HCHO was detected during the heat of the summer. decreasing as temperatures decreased. While each summer showed a fluctuation in these levels, over a four year period, there was an overall decline in the concentration. A high concentration of total volatile oreranic compounds (TVOC) was detected in newly constructed houses. All of the TVOC concentrations exceeded the interim target level and the VOCs components were influenced by the habits and lifestyles of the occupants. We did not find any association between the concentration of HCHO or the VOCs in the indoor air and the symptoms experienced by the occupants.
堤 拓哉 高橋 章弘 千葉 隆弘 苫米地 司
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.72, no.613, pp.29-34, 2007
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Snowdrift formation on and around buildings can be serious problems in snowy cold region. The planning of buildings in such areas should consider the position of snowdrifts. A wind tunnel experiment using model snow is a useful tool for estimating snow accumulation on building. However, the law of similarity for this experiment has not been revealed. In this study, the authors have been investigated the effects of turbulence intensity on snowdrift. We carried out wind tunnel experiments using model snow particle under the different turbulence intensity of air flows. Snowdrifts on the leeward of the snow fence were compared under the several conditions.
登張 絵夢 竹宮 健司 上野 淳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.540, pp.125-132, 2001
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The purpose of this study is to know how the elderlys rccognize the community and human relations in the context of their daily life. We define such relations between the elderly and the community as a term 'CHIEN'. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey and an interview survey were conducted in an area in Tohoku region. Qualitative analysis of the elderly' s life conditions from viewpoint of 'CHIKN' showed the structure of the elderly's life in the community. That is relationships amang the elderly's life need, behavior and their living environment which supports their daily life.
坊垣 和明 澤地 孝男 吉野 博 鈴木 憲三 赤林 伸一 井上 隆 大野 秀夫 松原 斎樹 林 撤夫 森田 大
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.505, pp.23-30, 1998
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Related surveys were carried out in summer of 1992 and winter of 1993 on indoor climate, life style and energy consumption in residential buildings, which are located in eight city areas of different climatic conditions. Indoor temperature was measured in each living room for at least a week with originally designed automatic temperature recorders, and life style factors were investigated with questionnaires. In this paper, daily mean living temperatures of each region and it's regional differences are described, and the reasons of regional differences of living room temperature are discussed. The main results are as follows ; (1)Regional mean living room temperature in summer depends on mean outdoor temperature. (2)Mean living room temperatures of Sapporo in winter are higher than those of other 6 cities of Honshu and Kyushu district for about 2-4 ℃. It is suggested that these differences depend on life style.
佐藤 栄治 吉川 徹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.593, pp.153-158, 2005
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The purpose of this research is evaluate the three-dimensional spatial structure of Shiodome area, the urban space which is being constructed through the Urban Renewal of Japanese Government. The analysis is done from the viewpoint of accessibility, contrasting the straight distance of a sight line which is lead by a basic behavior of transferring in the urban space with the actual distance of transferring. With this viewpoint, the urban space of Shiodome Area which is in the process of construction, and the existent neighboring urban space of Shinbashi Area is analyzed and compared. Through this method, the characteristics of each urban spaces are extracted and the accessibility within the urban space is evaluated. Theoretical model is also developed in terms of accessibility, so that the evaluation of actual urban spaces may be made by comparison with the theoretical model.
安部 武雄 古村 福次郎 戸祭 邦之 黒羽 健嗣 小久保 勲
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.64, no.515, pp.163-168, 1999
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The mechanical properties of high strength concrete at high temperature have been studied experimentally. The compressive tests were carried out on three grades of concrete with standard design compressive strengths of 21,42 and 60MPa, respectively. The stress-strain curves for high strength concrete are quite different from those of normal strength concrete. For higher strength concrete under heating conditions below about 300℃, the initial slope is steeper, and the limit of linear response shows a higher percentage of the compressive strength. Also, the compressive strength decreases below 100℃ during heating, increases up to about the same strength of room temperature below 200℃ and gradually decreases with further increase of temperature.
山中 浩明 古屋 伸二 野澤 貴 佐々木 透 高井 剛
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.60, no.478, pp.99-105, 1995
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Array measurements of vertical microtremors were done at Koto-ku, Tokyo in the Kanto plain, Japan, to deduce an S-wave velocity profile down to the top of seismic bedrock. The array consists of 13 sites with spacings of 0.2 to 4 km. Rayleigh wave phase velocities at periods from 0.8 to 5 sec were determined from a frequency-wave numeber spectrum analysis of the records. The observed phase velocities were inverted to an S-wave velocity profile by an inversion based on genetic algorithms assuming a four-layer model. The inverted profile has a sediment thickness that is thinner than those deduced by seismic refraction survey and a deep borehole near the array. We included Love wave phase velocity data determined from an earthquake array observation into the inversion of the phase velocity data from microtremor measurements. The resultant new structure is in a better agreement with deep borehole data than that inverted only from microtremor data.
崔 延敏 浅見 泰司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.564, pp.303-310, 2003

For newly built condominium supply, it is crucial to uncover characteristics of the potential buyers' behavior as "rules" or "patterns" from historical data. A new approach is applied to extract informative and unexpected rules or patterns from a database with relatively few transactions but a huge number of attributes using data mining methodology. For the val idity of the proposed method, the real data of 798 condominium purchasers in Tokyo metropolitan area are analyzed. Results include that if access time to the nearest railway station to be over 10 minutes, then "accessibility" as a resigned factor increases, which implies that potential accessibility in mind would be around 10 minutes on walk or within about 350 meters from nearest railway station.
山根 一三 佐々木 照夫 山本 裕行 菊池 公男
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.1, no.1, pp.115-118, 1995

In the design and construction of a long beam, considerable attention should be paid to its deflection. This paper discusses a method that minimize the beam deflection by successfully utilizing the composite effect of steel beam and concrete slab. The camber of the beam to cancel its deflection can be reduced, if the beam is temporarily supported at several points until the achievement of composite effect. The error of the camber can be moreover adjusted by pushing up the supports. Also presented is a practical application of the method to the long span crossed beam in a highrize office building.