小林 茂雄
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.71, no.609, pp.93-99, 2006
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This research investigated the recent adoption of legal graffiti walls and mural paintings as preventative measures against illegal graffiti, and it outlined their advantages and limitations. Mural painting activities generally conflict with those of people engaging in graffiti, causing lack of contact between wall painters and graffiti writers. It has been reported that legal graffiti walls increase illegal graffiti in the surrounding areas even if they work in the early stages. Therefore, this research examined the possibility of mural painting activities for young people engaging in graffiti. It predicted that inviting public participation and cooperating with residents would lead to the prevention of illegal graffiti and to regional revitalization. Finally, the research experimentally produced two constructive and effective mural painting activities in Tokyo.
野中 勝利
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.619, pp.117-124, 2007
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This paper focuses on the Tenmaya department store in Okayama city and the Darumaya department store in Fukui city, describing the characteristics of the locations, the exteriors of the buildings, and the background of the surrounding cityscapes when the stores first opened for business. Tenmaya opened in a part of Okayama that had been a commercial district since the Edo period. Darumaya was established on the site of the former prefectural office across from Fukui Station. Tenmaya's display windows gave it a modern appearance, while Darumaya was housed in a low-rise building that had an accessible feel for shoppers.
速水 清孝
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.633, pp.2489-2495, 2008-11-30 (Released:2009-10-28)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the formation process of the Architect Law, which Tsuyoshi Ichiura personally proposed in 1976, and to consider its characteristics and significance for today. The characteristics of his proposal are as follows: 1. The Law is intended for the individual architectural designers. 2. The qualification of building engineers excluding architectural designers shall be defined by the Law for Professional Engineers, not the Kenchikushi Law forArchitects & Building Engineers. 3. Would not dispute what organization architectural designers shall belong to. 4. Attempted to solve the defect of the Kenchikushi Law for Architects & Building Engineers by improving the overall law system for architects and building engineers. Japanese architects at that time never accepted his proposal since they thought architects shall belong to dedicated architectural firms. However recently, it came to be known that by international standard, the qualification of architects shall belong to individuals, no matter what organization architects belong to. In that sense, his concept of proposal was a pioneer in Japan.
松本 康隆
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.602, pp.191-198, 2006

Sosen KIZU is a designer of modern tea rooms, and the one he designed for the Imperial family in 1930 is one of his most famous work. But, up to know, there has been no study about the whole life work of Sosen Kizu. The purpose of this paper is to settle the fundamental basements for the futures studies about him. In this study, by first piecing out the plans and texts, that is all the historical documents about KIZU and his contemporaries, we want to make a synthesis of his skill as a Tea-Master. By listing up his architecture, we understood where it spread in the different regions, and the approximate proportion of the tea rooms in his all work.
星 和磨 羽入 敏樹 関口 克明
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.73, no.625, pp.267-274, 2008-03-30 (Released:2008-10-31)

We propose a new method of sound ray tracing simulation to solve the problem variability of results due to the influence of the inputted level of detail of modeled rooms. This method offers a way to generate automatically room shapes suited to the analysis frequency. This method was verified by comparing with finite difference time domain method based on wave theory. As the result of a verification, it was clarified that the sound reflection angle can be mostly controlled by this method.
松本 敏夫
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.3, no.5, pp.27-30, 1997

This paper describes about vertical transportation of building materials using high-speed temporary elevator for highrise office building construction. Surveying and analysing of the past constructions, a new method to estimate the times of vertical transportation for building construction was proposed. Applying this method to some current constructions, it is confirmed that this method is available for practical use.
野中 俊宏 久保田 博之 山中 博志 澤地 孝男 瀬戸 裕直
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.545, pp.17-22, 2001

This research aims at clarifying the relationship between air leakage through the building envelope and indoor thermal environment in winter. Laboratory experiments were carried out by using a full-scale research house, which is built in a climatic chamber, and in which an exhaust-only ventilation system was emulated. The influence of the amount of cracks on the indoor thermal environment was quantified. On the first floor, the temperature gradient becomes larger, especially within the space lower than 1,300 mm above the floor. On the second floor, the effect of the air leakage is not so clear as on the first floor.
蟹江 好弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.493, pp.175-183, 1997
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In local cities and their surrounding rigions, the mobilities of inhabitants in the past were determind by the rail roads or bus routes before the development of the motor car. Today the population is more widely dispersed, and mobile, due to the increased owner ship of praivate cars. The aim of this paper is to explain the journeys made by inhabitants who live on the edge of the prefecture, and to chose the Ryomo region, lying across Tochigi and Gunma prefectures, as the object of this study. It is that analysed the area where inhabitants traveled for working, studying and shopping. In this study, the author used the population census of Japan and a questionnair of residents shopping habits.
山田 英代 玉置 伸〓
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.483, pp.199-210, 1996
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This paper aims to analyze the changes in the structure of households with the elderly by the time trends, using census data. The conclusions afe as follows: 1. The ratio of the male of the single have been increasing at the middle ages, and that of female have been increasing at the sinior ages. And the most of the male of the single is under 50 years old, while over50 percent of the female of the single is over 50 years old. 2. The number of the elderly couple housuholds have been increasing rapidly. And the number become twice that of young couple in 1990. 3 The ratio of the stem family have been decreasing in all age groups. And that of households which are consisted of old elderly and their child's couple have been increased.
臼井 敬太郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.621, pp.223-228, 2007

Angiolo Mazzoni's Reggio Calabria Station Building, constructed in 1938, is one of the latest works of a series of railway station buildings that Mazzoni had designed in Italy. One explanation for Reggio Calabria Station Building characteristic would be that it achieved the total design by systematic rule in each level from architecture to furniture. It was based on "The principle of architecture" that Mazzoni suggested in the magazine Architettura e Arti Decorative, in 1927. The rules adopt the following logic. First, a grid system is set for fixing the ground plan and the elevation of the architecture. Next, the same grid is divided equally as a layout of stones to finish the surface inside and outside of architecture; the built-in furniture also follows the layout of stones as a part of the architecture. In addition, shelves are also designed by the systematic way, determination of the proportion by the combination of contents inside and the division of the front of shelves.
斎尾 直子 長谷 夏哉
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.614, pp.33-39, 2007
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By recent trends such as decrease in numbers of children, increase in nuclear families and working women who are bringing up children, and declining of local community, home and/or local community may not take a role for place-making of children after school, Moreover, atrocious and terrible crimes to children occurred recently have make difficult outdoor-playing by only children. Therefore, prompt improvement of place-making with safety and security is required. This paper examined the trends and actual situations of place-making after school in urban areas, with viewpoint of the balance between "safety and security" and "comfortable space". The target was put on the children in first to third-year students of elementary schools that need still enough nursing and the future direction was tried to approach.
趙 衍剛 小野 徹郎 井戸田 秀樹 平野 富之
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.66, no.546, pp.31-38, 2001
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1.序 構造信頼性解析では、外力や抵抗に含まれている不確定性は一般に確率変数として表され、確率変数の分布形を仮定・決定することは構造信頼性解析および構造信頼性設計の肝要なステップとなる。確率変数の分布形を決定するために、観測データにフィットする予想分布として幅広く用いられる正規、対数正規分布などの分布形はほとんど平均値と標準偏差の二つのパラメータで決められる。一旦平均値と標準偏差が決定すると、分布形の高次モーメントも決められ、分布形の重要な特徴としての歪度などは自由に選択できないことは大きな欠点である。本研究では統計データを精度よくフィットするために平均値、標準偏差、歪度の三つのパラメータで決められる分布形を提示することを試みる。2.三つのパラメータを有する分布形の提示 三つのパラメータを有する分布形を式(1)の累積確率分布関数(CDF)および式(2)の確率密度関数(PDF)で定義する。この分布形を有する確率変数χと標準正規確率変数μの関係は式(4)と式(5)のように得られ、χの3次までのモーメントは式(6)と式(7)のように求められる。式(6)と式(7)より、χの平均値と標準偏差はそれぞれパラメータμとσ,に等しいことが分かる。歪度には平均値μと標準偏差σ,を含めず,歪度はパラメータλだけの関数である。即ち,式(1)(2)の分布形は平均値,標準偏差および歪度の三つのパラメータで決められる。パラメータλの絶対値が小さいときλと歪度α_1の間には式(8)の簡単な線形関係で表わされる。式(8)を前節の各式に代入することにより式(9)と式(10)の分布形が得られる。χの3次までのモーメントは式(14)のように求められ、χの平均値,標準偏差および歪度がそれぞれパラメータのμ,σ,α_3に等しいことが分かる。α_3>0およびα_3<0のときの標準型の確率密度関数はそれぞれFig.3とFig.4に示す。式(9)と式(10)の分布形はは直接平均値μと標準偏差σおよび歪度α_3で定義されており,パラメータを決める手間も必要としない。本研究では式(9)と式(10)を三つのパラメータを有する分布形として提示する。この分布形はα_3が0に近付くことにつれて正規分布の分布形に近付く。3.応用と考察 3.1実測データによる分布形の考察 H型鋼の断面積に関する718個のデータ及び残留応力に関する320個のデータをフィットする正規、対数正規分布および本提案分布の確率密度関数をFig.5とFig.6に示す。提案分布は正規、対数正規分布より明らかにこれらのデータをよくフィットすることが分かる。正規、対数正規分布および本提案分布に対する検定の結果をTable 1及びTable 2に示す。正規、対数正規分布より、本提案分布の適応度かなり小さい、提案分布は正規,対数正規分布より明らかにこれらのデータを良く適応していることが分かる。3.2鋼構造信頼性解析における構造特性の分布形 鋼構造信頼性解析における構造特性として、降伏応力、極限応力、ヤング率、伸び率、ポアソン比、断面積、残留応力などの統計データについて、3次までのモーメントおよび検定結果をTable 3に示す。正規分布,対数正規分布はそれぞれヤング率と伸び率の統計データによく適応し、提案分布は降伏応力、ポアソン比、断面積、残留応力などの統計データによく適応していることが判る。3.3二つのパラメータを有する分布形との比較 既存の二つのパラメータを有する分布形との比較により提案分布形の一般性を検討する。変動係数が0.1,0.2,0.3と0.4の4ケースのGamma, Weibullおよび対数正規分布の確率密度関数と提案した確率密度関数の比較をそれそれFig.7,Fig.8,Fig.9に示す。Fig.7,Fig.8,Fig.9により,ほとんどの場合では細い実線と太い破線はほぼ重なっている。即ち,α_1が大きくないとき,提案分布は既存分布を含む一般的な分布として使うことができる。3.4モーメント信頼性指標としての応用 式(12)を限界状態関数Z=G(X)の標準正規化関数として取り扱い、3次モーメント信頼性指標β_<TM>は式(21)のように得られる。式(24)の1層1スパン骨組の終局限界状態関数に対して、限界状態関数の3次までのモーメントは容易に計算でき、3次モーメント信頼性指標は2.6145として得られ、この結果が精算値にかなり近いことが判る。3.5分布形が分からない確率変数の取り入れ 分布形が分からない確率変数に対してその統計データから必ず平均値、標準偏差、歪度等のモーメントが計算できる。分布形の変わりに、式(12)と式(13)のx-uとu-x変換を用いれば、分布形が分からない確率変数をFORM/SORMに取り入れることができる。されに、式(13)のχはuの簡単な陽的関数なので、標準正規確率変数uの乱数を利用して、χの乱数も容易に発生でき、MCSにも適用できる。式(25)の限界状態関数には、χ_1,χ_2の分布形が未知であり、統計データからその3次までのモーメントが得られている。χ_1,χ_2の分布形が未知であるものの、式(12)と式(13)のχ-uとu-χ変換を用いて、FORMの解析結果はP_1=0.1032のように得られる。式(13)によりχ_1,χ_2の乱数を発生し、サンプル数が10,000で得られたMCSの結果はP_1=0.1012となる。4.まとめ 1.提案分布形は予想分布として応用することができ、二つのパラメータを有する分布形より統計データをよく対応することが判る。2.歪度が小さいときの既存のGamma、Weibull、対数正規分布などの二つのパラメータを有する分布形を代表することができる。3.三つのパラメータを有する分布形より、3次モーメント信頼性指標が容易に得られる。4.提案分布形に基づく標準正規化手法を用いて、分布形が分からない確率変数をFORM/SORM及びMCSに取り入れることができる。5.構造特性の不確定性を表す確率変数は一般に正的歪度を有する。提案分布は降伏応力、ポアソン比、断面積、残留応力などの統計データによく適応している。6.提案分布形の適用範囲は|α_3|$le;1である。
室永 芳久 両角 光男
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.584, pp.67-73, 2004
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss factors promoting/preventing the going-out activities of the elderly in relation to spatial structure of the physical environment in their neighborhood. We took six residential districts in Kumamoto city as the case,' in suburb, two active districts in terms of the going-out activities of the elderly, the other two represent relatively inactive districts, in downtown area, two districts represent the residential districts having 'good' environment in terms of well-developed transportation networks and commercial services. In these districts, we analyzed 918 sets of answers of the elderly people to the questionnaire, and investigated the physical environment using fieldwork survey data. We analyzed the differences of the going-out patterns of the elderly in each characteristics, spatial structure of the territory of daily life, their evaluation of the neighborhood. Findings can be summarized as follows. For the eldelry, safe and comfortable walking environment is fundamental conditions. However, it is more important for them to have several places that they freely access through safety pedestrian network within the walking distance. Combination of these places and pedestrian network creates the space which is attractive for the elderly and promote their going out. Although the road with much traffic is the barrier of movement for the elderly, they reach the distinction exceeding it if it is near in distance. But for the old-old people, .the influence of the restrictions by such a barrier and distance becomes stronger.
趙 聖民 朴 重信 布野 修司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.620, pp.9-15, 2007

This paper aims to clarify spatial formation of the previous Japanese residential district and transformation of shop House in shopping district at the front of station in the Samrangjin village of Milyang city (KOREA). Shopping district area was shaped on the parallel line along the railroad. In this research, we clarify formation process and spatial pattern of Shop house in the Samrangjin. As the result of this study, we found that the characteristics of street construction and arrangement of Shop house and transformation of living space by Korean living style. Transformation of living space is caused firstly by appearance of 'ROJI', 'MADANG'. Division of Living space and Shop space are affected by the positional at of 'ROJI', 'MADANG', and linked also with transformation of circulation. In this study we found out the composite formation of Japanese living style and Korean living style.
ウィボヲ アリフ サルヲ 篠野 志郎 齋藤 敦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.605, pp.189-197, 2006

竹脇 出 大淵 邦之 山崎 雅弘
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.69, no.583, pp.39-46, 2004
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A new frequency-domain method is developed for evaluating the earthquake input energy to a structure-pile-soil system or a super-structure alone subjected to a horizontal ground motion at an outcropping engineering bedrock surface. It is shown that the formulation of the earthquake input energy in the frequency domain is essential for including the frequency-dependent vibration property of the surface ground in terms of the wave propagation theory and the frequency-dependent property of the dynamic Winkler-type spring of the soi l around piles. It is also demonstrated that (l)the present formulation is effective for various input levels and various ground nronerties and (2)the energy input mechanism in the building structure-pile-soil system can be well described by the newly introduced energy transfer function (F-function).
須藤 由佳子 松原 斎樹 合掌 顕 藏澄 美仁 小東 敬典 青地 奈央 飛田 国人
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.73, no.630, pp.1037-1043, 2008-08-30 (Released:2009-09-30)
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Effects of direction of the attention under the combined environment of color and temperature were discussed experimentally. Thermal conditions, color conditions and direction of the attention to environment were controlled. Subjects were 44 male and 105 female students. They participated in either winter or summer experiments. The results are summarized as follows: (1)Evaluations of the subjects were different between those who paid attention to color and those who did to temperature, (2)the effect of colors on the evaluation of subjects who paid attention to color was larger than that of the other subjects.
近藤 靖史 小笠原 岳 藤村 淳一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.547, pp.67-74, 2001
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It is well known that water vapor and carbon dioxide in the air have several infrared bands where these gases absorb and emit radiative energy. Therefore the radiative heat absorbed by room moisture may not be neglected in the prediction of room air temperature. Glicksman and Chen(1998) carried out numerical analysis and showed that the effect of radiative heat absorbed by room air moisture should be considered in the prediction of temperature distribution in large enclosed spaces. In this paper the analysis method of the radiative energy absorbed by room moisture is shown and some examples simulated by this method are presented. (1) The numerical analysis with temperature of walls as a given boundary condition was carried out. The simulated results with 25%, 50%, 75% relative humidity were compared to the case with absolutely dry air and the impact of radiative heat absorbed by room moisture on air temperature was confirmed. The effect of moisture on air temperature was remarkable especially when the temperature difference between walls was large and the volume of space was big. (2) The interactive simulation of convective and radiative heat transfer was conducted with the moisture's effect on air temperature simultaneously. The results showed that the impact of the radiative heat absorbed by room moisture appeared not only in air temperature but in the surface temperatures of walls.
西郷 正浩 両角 光男 位寄 和久
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.499, pp.237-243, 1997
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The aim of this paper is to propose a description model for 3-D CAD system and some of utilities required to make the system an attractive tool of schematic design studies. This paper analyzes relationship of design thinkings and the way of visual representations as well as the trend of their transition, reviewing 845 visual representations of sketches and model photos produced in different stages of 20 projects by 15 designers. Showing that it is a common procedure for designers to use visualizing elements of three major types and that seven subtypes, as their design advances from a vague and abstract design stage to a concrete design stage, the authors proposed a description model for 3-D CAD system : A) Reference Element (A-1 Reference Line, A-2 Reference Sign) B) Space Element (B-1 Space Node, B-2 Space Slime, B-3 Space Block) C) Building Element (C-1 Fundamental Object, C-2 Custom Object) They also pointed out that a description models of the STEP or the IFC, that have been developed to describe designed building (product model,) should introduce several sub-types the authors have proposed to support schematic design development process, and that a CAD system should allow designers to develop their designs manipulating both Space Elements and Building Elements reciprocally.
本間 義規 鈴木 大隆 坂本 雄三
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.530, pp.25-30, 2000
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To clarify the hygrothermal environment of vertical edge insulation methods in moderate and humid climate region, especially in the summer involving the rainy season, temperature and relative humility of 12 houses have been measured. From the measurement results, the temperature variation in the crawl space tends to slide slightly backward compare to the outdoor air. Evaporation from the drying concrete keeps the humidity in the crawl space rather high, especially in the summer just after completion. But it becomes moderate on condition that it passes through the winter. Daily diurnal range of temperature in the crawl space is smaller, and absolute humidity is lower, than the other construction method, that also ensures against condensation proofing.