長島 裕二 丸山 純一 野口 玉雄 橋本 周久
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.53, no.5, pp.819-823, 1987
28 98

An ion-pairing high performance liquid chromatographic method using a silica ODS columnwas developed for analysis of paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) and tetrodotoxi (TTX). As mobile phase is used a mixture of 0.05<sub>M</sub> phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 2 m<sub>M</sub> heptanesulfonicacid/methanol (99:1) for separation of gonyautoxins and TTXs, and the one (75:25) for separa-tion of saxitoxins. PSP and TTX members thus separated were detected as fluorogenic sub-stances, by heating with a periodate reagent (for PSP), or with 3<sub>N</sub> NaOH (for TTX).
福田 耕一 加藤 登 市川 寿 野崎 征宣 田端 義明
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.57, no.8, pp.1523-1530, 1991
3 2

Properties of gizzard shad which were stored at low temperature as raw material for fish jelly products were studied.<br> From the viewpoint of gel-forming ability, this fish was classified into the group of easy-setting and easy-disintegrating fish such as sardines. Hunter whiteness of <i>kamaboko</i> obtained was about 20% less than that of white-meat fish such as Alaska pollack. The fish exhibited a strong gel-forming ability such as that of lizard fish.<br> Gel-forming ability of the fish decreased to about 70% of the original ability during 12 days iced storage. The tolerant period of iced storage of the fish as material for fish jelly products was estimated to be about 10 days.<br> Gel-forming ability of frozen fish meat was about the same as that of unfrozen fish meat. Minced fish meat stored at -25°C which was frozen after being washed with alkaline-salt solution showed fairly strong gel-forming ability even after a frozen storage period as long as 6 months, while the fish meat which was frozen after being washed with water had weak gel-forming ability.<br> The gel-forming ability of the minced meat washed with alkaline-salt solution or water was found to be significantly correlated to total myofibrillar Ca-ATPase activity and the solubility of myofibrils in the minced meat which was stored on ice or frozen stored at -25°C. No such correlation was observed in the case of minced meat frozen stored at -50°C, even though alkaline-leaching was employed.
立田 穣 小柳 卓
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.52, no.11, pp.2019-2026, 1986

The accumulation of <sup>60</sup>Co, <sup>59</sup>Fe, <sup>54</sup>Mn and <sup>65</sup>Zn by common mussel <i>Mytilus edulis</i> and purplish bifurcate mussel <i>Septifer virgatus</i> from seawater was investigated. High accumulation of <sup>59</sup>Fe in Mytilus and <sup>54</sup>Mn in <i>Septifer</i> was observed in the uptake experiments. Differences in biological half-lives between the two species was observed for <sup>54</sup>Mn and <sup>59</sup>Fe. The organ-specific concen-tration of radionuclides observed in the mussels was high accumulation of <sup>60</sup>Co in kidney andviscera, <sup>59</sup>Fe in kidney and viscera, <sup>65</sup>Zn in kidney but was not observed for <sup>54</sup>Mn although the accumulation of <sup>54</sup>Mn in mantle was different between the species. Autoradiography was applied to examine the details of the distribution of <sup>59</sup>Fe in the soft parts of the mussels.
丸山 俊朗 半沢 昌彦 森 隆 吉田 多摩夫
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.50, no.3, pp.457-463, 1984

Removal of Cells of <i>Olisthodiscus</i> sp. using alumining sulfate was studied by determining the solubility of Al in seawater under various pH conditions, and examining the direct application of aluminium sulfate to the cell suspension in a jar tester.<br> The solubility of the Al desreased from pH 4.5. The minimum and maximum solubility was at pH 6.3 and pH 8.5 respectively. Above pH 8.5, solubility decreased. A pH buffer. action appeared when pH was 4.5-5.0, 8.5 and 10.<br> The aluminium sulfate requirement and pH conditions for a 100% removal of 2×10<sup>4</sup> cells/ml were 50mg/l (4mg of A1/l) at the most and pH < 5.8 and pH > 9.5, respectively. These pH conditions were dependent on aluminium sulgate content. When 6.5 < pH < 8.5, only 10-30% rate of removal was obtained.<br> From these results, it was suggested that the cell removal mechanism was mainiy due to disruption of cells followed by effective coagulation due to highly positive charged aluminium hydroxide when pH < 5.8, and positive charged magnesium hydroxide when pH < 9.5. The pH change alone or coprecipotation with aluminium hydroxide may not play any important role in the removal mechanism of the cells.
多部 田修 高井 徹
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.41, no.2, pp.137-145, 1975
4 13

Fifty-two specimens of leptocephalus were collected in the waters south of the Okinawa Islands by the R/V Hakuho-maru, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, during November and December, 1973. These larvae are characterized by an olive leaf shape, a vent at three-fourths of total length (developing larva), straight intestine, 113-119 total myomeres, 6-13 ano-dorsal myomeres, major vertical blood vessels usually lying at segments 16, 38 and 44, large pectoral fin, and no pigment except for the chorioid of the eye. The authors conclude that these larvae are those of <i>Anguilla japonica</i> T. et S., demonstrating that too much confidence should not be placed on the number of ano-dorsal myomeres in identifying anguillid leptocephali to the species level.
佐藤 健司 吉中 禮二 佐藤 守 志水 寛
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.52, no.9, pp.1595-1600, 1986
29 153

The contents of acid-soluble and insoluble collagens in the ordinary muscle of twenty-two species of fishes was determined. In addition, the contribution of muscle collagen to the swimm-ing movement of fish and to the texture of the sliced raw meat was examined.<br> The total collagen content varied with species in the ranges from 0.34 to 2.19% of wet tissue and from 1.6 to 12.4% of crude protein. The solubility of muscle collagen of fishes was generally much higner than that reported for muscle collagen of mammals. As for the swimming movement, the results indicated that the musculature of the fish with flexible body comprises a high proportion of collagen. As for the textural properties, the results indicated that the muscle collagen con-tributes to the toughness of the sliced raw meat.
青海 忠久 木下 泉 田中 克
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.59, no.2, pp.321-326, 1993
12 45

The predator-prey relationship of crangonid shrimp <i>Crangon affinis</i> and juvenile Japanese flounder <i>Paralichthys olivaceus</i> was examined under laboratory conditions.<br> Visual observation and the carcasses of the juvenile flounder provided an insight to the predatory process. The shrimp hooked the juvenile flounder with their movable chcla, and devoured in the order of the abdomen, tail, trunk, eyes, and head.<br> Predation rates: the percentage of flounder lethally attacked by the shrimp per container and numbers of lethally attacked flounder juveniles per shrimp decreased as the size of the flounder increased. These values were greater during dark periods than during light periods. This fact indicates that shrimp are more active and effective predators at night. The daily ration of shrimp was roughly estimated to be 20-25% of their body weight, based on the mean weight of prey consumed daily per 1g of the predator. The maximum size of flounder susceptible to shrimp predation was expected to be larger than 25mm SL. These results suggest that predation pressured by shrimp is considerably heavy on newly-settled Japanese flounder, especially at night.
酒井 正博 青木 宙 北尾 忠利 ジョン ロオベック ジョン フライヤー
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.50, no.7, pp.1187-1192, 1984

The cellular immune response of rainbow trout <i>Salmo gairdneri</i> immunized by immersion or injection with <i>Vidrio anguillarum</i> bacterin was investigated using the passive antibody producing cell assay and passive antidody rosette-forming cell assay. Antibody-producing cels (plaqueforming cell: PFC) were rarely detected in the anterior kidney and spleen of raindow trout immunized by immersion. PFCs were detected in fish immunized by injection and reached the maximum level on the 13th day after immunization. The number of antigen-bingding cells (rosette-forming cells: RFCs) increased rapidly in the anterior kidney and spleen of rainbow trout vaccinated by immersion or injection. The RFC reached the maximum level on the 11th day after immunization. After that the number of RFCs gradually decreased until it reached the same level as that in non-immunized fish on the 28th day. The hemagglutinating antibody of the serum against <i>V. anguillarum</i> of fish vaccinated by immersion tended to be as low as the serum of non-vaccinated fish. However, the hemagglutinating antibody in fish vaccinated by injection was detected first on the 13th day after immunization. The maximum value of the titer was reached on the 28th day after immunization.
川嶋 かほる 山中 英明
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.11, pp.2175-2180, 1992
21 43

Scallop adductor muscle was examined for changes in contents of ATP and its related com-pounds, arginine phosphate, octopine, arginine, polyamines, and lactic acids during storage at 5, 0, and -3°C.<br> The decrease in ATP and arginine phosphate and the increase in octopine were faster at -3, 0, and 5°C, in that order. During storage, a low level of AMP accumulation, a rapid increase in inosine, and a gradual increase in hypoxanthine were observed. The K value increased fastest at -3°C, and slowest at 5°C, as opposed to the case of fish and prawn. However, results of sensory evaluation indicated that decomposition progressed fastest at 5°C. IMP as well as adenosine was detected during storage, suggesting AMP degraded through two pathways. L-Lactic acid was detected in a small amount, but D-lactic acid was detected in a fairly large amount and accumulated as decomposition progressed. Not only octopine but also D-lactic acid was thought to be the end-products of glycolysis in scallop adductor muscle. As for polyamines, agmatine, putrescine, cadaverine, and tryptamine were detected as decomposition progressed.
山田 陽巳
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.63, no.6, pp.964-970, 1997-11-15

Mantle length-body weight relationships of the swordtip squid Photololigo edulis in the East China Sea were studied using samples from 1986 to 1995 bottom trawl surveys. Allometry formulae of the body weight (BW in gram) against the mantle length (ML in mm) of this squid were estimated by using linear analysis as follows, which showed clear differences between both sexes and sizes by AIC values; in males less than 13cm ML, <i>BW</i>=2.7730•10<sup>-4</sup>•<i>ML</i><sup>2.5961</sup>, 13cm and larger, <i>BW</i>=4.1228•10<sup>-3</sup>•<i>ML</i><sup>2.0429</sup>; in females less than 13cm ML, <i>BW</i>=2.0434•10<sup>-4</sup>•<i>ML</i><sup>2.6705</sup>, 13cm and larger, <i>BW</i>=1.2271•10<sup>-3</sup>•<i>ML</i><sup>2.3002</sup>. This squid tended to have a more slender body shape in males, and in larger squids regardless of sex. It is suggested that the difference of development of reproductive organs causes the difference of body shape in sex. Mantle length-body weight relationships of this squid by season were also estimated by dividing each sex into two size groups.
金沢 昭夫 手島 新一 坂本 義信 B.GUARY Jean-Claude
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.42, no.9, pp.1003-1007, 1976
1 17

This study deals with the variation in the content of lipids and cholesterol in the tissues of a prawn, <i>Penaeus japonicus</i>, with the molting stages, postmolt, intermolt, and premolt.<br> The lipid content was highest in the eyestalk and hepatopancreas among the tissuesexamined. The hepatopancreatic lipid content varied during the molting cycle, reaching a maximum value at the premolt stage. In contrast, that of the eyestalk remained almost constant throughout the molting cycle.<br> The cholesterol content was highest in the eyestalk among the tissues examined. In addition, the hypodermis had a considerably high cholesterol content. During the molting cycle, the cholesterol content of the eyestalk varied, reaching a maximum at the intermolt stage.
松野 隆男 永田 誠一 佐藤 嘉純 渡辺 哲夫
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.40, no.6, pp.579-584, 1974

The carotenoid pigments from the fin and skin of horse mackerel, swellfishes, porcupinefishes and striped mullet were investigated. Tunaxanthin was predominant in horse mackerel (63-69%), swellfishes (33%) and porcupinefishes (56%). The following carotenoids were identified and their contents determined in the respective fishes: β-carotene(-, -, 4%), α-cryptoxanthin (2-trace, 3, 10%), cryptoxanthin (-, 10%, -), lutein(15-19, 3, 6%), zea1xanthin(10-16, 33, 16%), diatoxanthin(-, 7%, -), cynthiaxanthin(-, 8%, -), α-doradecin (-, 3, 1%) and astacene (-, trace, 1%), respectively.<br>Carangoxanthin originally reported in horse mackerel by Hirao was not detected in fishes collected at various seasons and places in spite of our detailed investigation.<br>In contrast with the above fishes, striped mullet contained zeaxanthin (68%) and lutein (20%) as the major carotenoids and a relatively small amount of tunaxanthin (6%).
坪井 潤一 森田 健太郎 JUN-ICHI TSUBOI KENTARO MORITA 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科:(現)山梨県水産技術センター 東京大学海洋研究所:(現)(独)水産総合研究センター北海道区水産研究所 Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University:(Present address) Yamanashi Fisheries Technology Center Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo:(Present address) Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute Fisheries Research Agency
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.70, no.3, pp.365-367, 2004-05-15

釣られやすさの種間差を明らかにすることは, 天然個体群保全や放流指針策定において重要である。本研究では, 野生化したニジマスと天然のイワナが生息する自然河川において餌釣りとフライフィッシングを行い, 釣られやすさの種間差を比較した。その結果, 餌釣りではイワナの方がニジマスよりも釣られやすかったが, 逆にフライフィッシングではニジマスの方がイワナよりも釣られやすかった。放流直後のニジマスは非常に釣られやすいと考えられてきたが, 自然水域に馴化した個体や再生産された個体では, 釣られにくくなることが示唆された。
東海 正 大本 茂之 藤森 康澄 兼廣 春之 松田 皎
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.63, no.5, pp.715-721, 1997-09-15
6 3

A separator-trawl used for a mantis shrimp catch in Tokyo Bay has a separator panel and two codends; separator net-panel (100mm stretched mesh length) on part of the top of the first codend (62mm mesh length) which is covered with the second codend (33.6mm mesh length). The fishermen hoped mantis shrimp as a main target species would be caught in the second codend and be separated from starfishes retained in the first codend, because large amounts of starfishes cause difficulty in fishermen's hand-sorting on deck. Separation efficiencies of the trawl were obtained from the catch numbers in the two codends in a fishing experiment. Separation efficiency between species <i>i</i> and <i>j</i> is defined as γ<i><sub>i</sub></i>+γ<i><sub>j</sub></i>-1, where γ<i><sub>i</sub></i> is the recovery ratio in the codend for <i>i</i>-species, that is, a proportion of the <i>i</i>-species catch number in the <i>i</i>-species codend. While the recovery ratio for starfish in the first codend was 0.96, that for mantis shrimp in the second codend was 0.66 which was not so high as expected. Thus, separation efficiency between mantis shrimp and starfish was 0.62. Although the separator net-panel has enough large mesh size for small animals, e.g. small crab <i>Carcinoplax vestina</i>, some species of low swimming ability failed to pass through the separator panel and were retained in the first codend. This implies that separation performance of the separator-trawl depends on the swimming ability of each species in the net as well as mesh selectivity of the separator net panel.
伊藤 靖 三浦 浩 中村 憲司 吉田 司
日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.75, no.6, pp.1019-1026, 2009-11-15
5 5

マアジの行動様式を把握するため日本海佐渡島羽茂地先の水深 45 m に設置された人工魚礁において,超音波バイオテレメトリー(V9P-1H, VEMCO 社製)を全長 30 cm のマアジへ外部装着し,追跡を行った。追跡は 2008 年 6~7 月の間に 1 尾ずつ 7 回行った。マアジは日中には人工魚礁や天然礁の天端から高さ 10 m 程度に留まり,夜間は水深 5~10 m の表層を遊泳しながら礁から離脱し,早朝,礁に移動し,日中,礁に蝟集するといった明確な日周行動を示した。<br>
境 正 山口 徹 河原 聡
日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.75, no.3, pp.453-455, 2009-05-15

水産練り製品製造中の脂質酸化の変動を明らかにするため,ちくわ及びかまぼこ中の 4-ヒドロキシヘキセナール(HHE)とマロンアルデヒド(MA)含量を測定した。スケソウダラより作成した冷凍すり身から,ちくわは焼きにより,かまぼこは蒸しにより作成した後,0℃ にて 2 日間貯蔵した。加工前後及び貯蔵期間中,ちくわ及びかまぼこの HHE 含量は有意ではないが増加した。加工後ちくわの MA 含量は有意に増加し,かまぼこの MA 含量は有意に減少した。貯蔵 2 日目にちくわの MA 含量は有意に減少し,かまぼこのそれは有意に増加した。<br>
大村 敏昭 濱津 友紀 山内 務巨 高橋 豊美
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.72, no.3, pp.430-439, 2006-05-15
5 5

夏季の北海道太平洋沖陸棚斜面のキチジ小型魚は主にヨコエビ類が高密度で生息する襟裳岬東沖水深 550~750 m に,中型魚は調査海域の中ではフタトゲエビジャコの密度が高い浅い水深帯に集中していた。大型魚は調査海域に広く分散しており,この行動は餌をめぐる種内・種間関係を軽減させ,餌を効率よく獲得する戦略であることが示唆された。深い水深帯ほど肥満度 K と肝臓重量指数 HSI が低かったのは,主要餌種の栄養価の違いに起因すると考えられた。中型魚の K と HSI が低かったのは,体長増加の急な時期であるためと推察された。
木村 喬久 吉水 守
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.47, no.9, pp.1173-1183, 1981
1 8

The application of a coagglutination test using staphylococci specifically sensitized with antibody against the bacterium causing bacterial kidney disease to the diagnosis of this disease in salmonids was studied. This method proved to be a simple, rapid and reliable diagnostic test suitable for use in the laboratory or field, and requires no special apparatus. It was found to be highly specific and more sensitive than the immunodiffusion test. In a study of 758 fish from 24 farms suspected in outbreaks of bacterial kidney disease the rate of detection of the disease with the coagglutination test was as high or highter than the rates obtained by Gram staining or clinical examination.<br> The procedure of this method is summarized as follows:<br> 1) Kidney sample from diseased fish is homogenized with four to nine volumes of PBS, and heated in a boiling water bath for 30min.<br> 2) The supernatant is collected after centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 20min. This may be omitted if a centrifuge is unavailable.<br> 3) One drop of the supernatant and one drop of anti-BKD antibody sensitized staphylococci suspension are mixed on a glass slide and incubated at room temperature. The slide is examined after 30, 60 and 120min.<br> 4) If positive coagglutination is observed, the infected fish should be examined microscopically to confirm the diagnostic results.
前田 辰昭 高橋 豊美 上野 元一
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.47, no.6, pp.741-746, 1981
2 7 7

Once a month from February 1974 to February 1975, adult Alaska pollack <i>Theragra chalcogramma</i> (PALLAS) were caught by bottom gill nets at four definite stations in the adjacent waters of the Funka Bay, Hokkaido. The authors examined several biological factors of the Alaska pollack, density of the fish shoal, and distribution fo the eggs. As a result, the annual life cycle of the adult Alaska pollack from February 1974 to February 1975 was diveided into four periods as follows.<br> 1) Spawning period, judging from the value of gonad index and the maturation stage of the adult Alaska pollack, was from December to March, and the peak in the period was from December to February.<br> 2) Feeding period, judging from the value of feeding index, percentage of empty stomach and the value of liver index, was from May to October, and the peak was during July and August.<br> 3) As the transitional periods, the terms from the end of spawning period to the beginning of feeding period and from the end of feeding period to the beginnign of spawning period were assigned. The former was from the last of March to the last of April, and the latter was from the last of October to the last of November.
吉水 守 木村 喬久 坂井 稔
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.42, no.8, pp.863-873, 1976
2 9

A total of 92 masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) which had developed silvering were divided into 4 groups. Three of these groups were transplanted from fresh water. The feeding conditions varied with the group. Viable counts were determined in the intestinal contents or slime of these salmon, in their ambient waters and in their diets. Over 1500 strains were isolated from the above samples. The composition of the microflora was determined according to the scheme of Shewan <i>et al</i>. (1960).<br> The results are summarized as follows:<br> 1) Microbial viable counts in the intestinal contents or slime of the fish which were transplanted under normal feeding conditions were nearly constant while those which were transplanted without being fed decreased rapidly. This decreasing tendency was found in both fresh and sea water reared non-feeding fish.<br> 2) The predominant genus in the intestinal microflora of the fresh water fish was <i>Aeromonas</i>, while in sea water fish it was <i>Vibrio</i>. Upon transplanting the fish from fresh water into sea water fish it was Vibrio. Upon transplanting the fish from fresh water into sea water, <i>Aeromonas</i> of the terrestrial type was gradually replaced by <i>Pseudomonas</i> as the proportion of sea water in the rearing water increased. This was followed by further replacement by <i>Vibrio</i> of the halophilic type which became predominant in the intestinal microflora.