野口 肇
助産婦雑誌 (ISSN:00471836)
vol.20, no.4, pp.48, 1966-04-01

1月29日づけの各紙朝刊は,軒なみに,天皇の第三皇女和子さんの夫君である鷹司平通氏が,自宅にすぐちかいマンションの一室で死んでいたとかきたてました.それぞれ「事故死」とか「変死」とのべているが,おなじ部屋で銀座のバー「いさり火」の前田さんというホステスが死んでおり,ガスストーブの栓があけはなしてあったとのことです.警察当局のしらべではどちらもお酒をそうとうのんでいて,死因は一酸化炭素の中毒,他殺のあとはないそうです.つまりひらたくいえば,よくあることだが,妻のある中年男がバーのホステスと合意の心中をしたのです.ふつうなら新聞はほんの数行だけ隅に報道するはずですが,なにしろ当事者が皇族のひとりというので大さわぎでした. いうまでもなく鷹司氏は元明治神宮宮司の長男,平安時代からつづいている五摂家の当主という純良な血統で,機関車の研究ではいくつも著書をもっている権威者,交通博物館につとめるまじめなサラリーマンです.同館長の意見ではたいへんまじめで,こうした心中事件などおもいもよらなかったと語っています.記憶をよびさませば,昭和25年5月,「民間人」として内親王を夫人にむかえたさいしょの人,当時やんやと祝福されたものです.趣味は古典音楽と切手の収集,バーあそびや女性関係などかりそめにもウワサにのぼらない模範的な紳士でした.
深串 徹
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2017, no.187, pp.187_46-187_61, 2017

<p>How to commemorate the Sino-Japanese war is a controversial issue in contemporary Taiwan. The government of the Republic of China (R. O. C.) often commemorates the war from legitimate Chinese government's point of view, whereas some Taiwanese scholars criticize it as ignoring the memories of the majority of Taiwanese people. As a result, scholarly attention in Taiwan has gradually been shifting to explore the memories of "ordinary" Taiwanese people during the war. At the same time, not enough attention is being paid to the concrete contents of the official memory of the war and how it was created. In particular, scholars are holding different images as to whether the official historical narrative of the war during Chiang Kai-shek period (1950–1975) could be recognized as containing "anti-Japanese" sentiment or not. The major factor for these divisions is lack of clear definition and indicators of what constitutes "anti-Japanese" sentiment.</p><p>This article defines the historical narrative that contains "anti-Japanese" sentiment as follows: If, in a certain period of time, a government claims that the reason why she is being cautious of Japan comes from its past adversarial relationship with her, that narrative could be characterized as containing "anti-Japanese" sentiment. As for the indicators, this paper establishes four criteria: 1) Was the war against Japan described as the most important fight in the R. O. C.'s history? 2) How strongly did the R. O. C. government stress its victimhood in the war? 3) Was reconciliation with Japan described as being done sufficiently? 4) When the R.O.C. had diplomatic conflict with Japan, did the government provoke Taiwanese people to remember the memory of war?</p><p>Using these definitions and indicators, this paper examines the R. O. C. government's official historical narrative of Sino-Japanese war during Chiang Kai-shek administration. The author argues that when there was diplomatic relations with Japan, the R. O. C.'s official narrative of war had a conciliatory tone toward Japan. While provoking hostile feeling against the Chinese Communist party in mainland to fight a civil war, the R. O. C. formed and used the memory of the Sino- Japanese war to promote its relations with Japan in order to consolidate anti-communist camp in East Asia. Therefore, during that period, the official historical narrative was hard to estimate as "anti-Japanese".</p><p>However, after the R. O. C. broke off its diplomatic relations with Japan, in response to latter's normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China, the reconciliation with Japan was described as null and void because of destruction of peace treaty between the R. O. C. and Japan. Shortly afterwards, the narrative of victimization in the war grew stronger in the official discourse of the R. O. C., the historical narrative started to contain "anti-Japanese" sentiment.</p>
阿部 安成 加藤 聖文
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
vol.348, pp.129-154, 2004-05
永瀬 和彦 別所 雅章 生田 憲人 漆原 健
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.79, no.806, pp.3432-3441, 2013 (Released:2013-10-25)
2 2

To keep on-time performance of commuter trains in mega cities, the skillful brake handling is required for the drivers on the approach of the stations. However, on the course of the training for the newly comer drivers, such skill has been telepathically given by their instructors, and none of theories nor quantitative instructions has been introduced. The authors proposed a method to quantitatively evaluate the brake handling skill on the approach of the stations. Using the newly proposed method, they investigated the data piled up in the event recorder of the EMUs operated the JR West Ohsaka Kanjoh Line, one of the most densely train-operated commuter lines in the JRs. On the investigations, they confirmed that the brake handling skill could be easily and quantitatively evaluated by the method. Then, they applied it to investigate the trains operated on the Tohkaido Main Line between Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe, where the interval of the stations is longer and the scheduled operating speed is higher than the formally investigated line. The results of the study are briefly reported in the paper.
藤本 猛 フジモト タケシ Takeshi FUJIMOTO
清泉女子大学人文科学研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Seisen University Research Institute for Cultural Science (ISSN:09109234)
no.38, pp.23-46, 2017

宦官とは、去勢された男性のことを指す。ユーラシア大陸に広範に見られるこの風習は、中国においては紀元前の古代から存在し、彼らは特に禁中にて皇帝の身辺に奉仕し、一種の奴隷でもあり、また官僚でもある存在であった。そして最高権力者たる皇帝との距離の近さから、しばしば政治に介入し、専横な振る舞いが見られ、その特異な身体的特徴もあって、非常に負のイメージの強い存在である。 そんな宦官に関する北宋時代の史料を見ていると、宦官の「子」や「妻」という表現をよく目にする。言うまでも無く宦官には生殖機能がなく、子ができるはずがない。このことにつき改めて諸史料を調査し、検討を加えたところ、北宋初期に命令が出され、30歳以上の宦官には養子一人を取ることが認められていることが判明した。これによって基本的に北宋時代の宦官には、養子によって家が継がれ、その養子の多くがまた宦官となって次代の皇帝に仕える、というシステムになっており、結果としていくつかの宦官の家柄が成立していたことが推測される。また彼らのなかには複数の養子を兄弟として育てたり、皇帝の声がかりなどで妻を娶り、宮中とは別の場所に邸宅を構えるものも存在し、宦官でありながら一般官僚と変わらぬ家族生活を営むこともできていたことがわかった。 北宋時代の後宮が、基本的には限られた宦官一族によって支えられていたことが分かったが、その実態については史料が限られているために全面的に解明することは不可能である。しかし零細な史料をつなぎ合わせると、歴代皇帝の後宮に仕えたいくつかの宦官一族の存在が見つかった。その一つが李神福にはじまる一族であった。六代十二人の存在が確認できるこの一族は、初代から第六代までの歴代皇帝に仕え、特に李神福は太宗・真宗皇帝に50年以上も仕え、穏和な性格で知られた。その曽孫である李舜挙は軍事面で神宗皇帝に仕えて戦死したが、その散り際の潔さ、忠誠心の厚さによって、司馬光・蘇軾ら当時の士大夫から賞賛された人物だった。 以上判明した北宋時代における宦官の実態は、これまで抱かれてきた宦官の負のイメージとはいささか異なるものであったといえるだろう。 A "eunuch" is defined as a castrated official in Chinese courts. Seen widely in the Eurasian continent, this custom had a particularly long history in China, from the ancient era before Christ. Eunuchs were either slaves or officials who served the then emperor in the inner palace. Closely connected with the emperors, they lorded it over others and intervened in national politics. The peculiar physical mark given to them emphasized their negative character to a great extent. In Northern Song primary sources, we can often find a number of expressions, such as "child" and "wife" of eunuchs. Nevertheless to say, eunuchs were deprived of any reproductive functions, and of having their own child. In my investigation into this point, particularly through examining various primary sources, I found out that an imperial order issued in the earlier Northern Song period permitted eunuchs, who were thirty years of age or over, to adopt at least one child. In doing so, I also discovered a patrimonial system in which Northern Song eunuchs largely made their adopted sons to inherit their families, and most of the sons became eunuchs to serve the next emperor. As a result, several eunuch families came into existence. While some eunuchs adopted several children, bringing up them as brothers, others were married to a woman introduced by the emperor, thereby setting up a residence outside the court. My research shows that they enjoyed a family life similar to that of ordinary bureaucrats. In the Northern Song Era, as this paper shows, the inner palace was largely maintained by a limited number of the eunuch families. However, it is impossible to elucidate the overall picture, because of the limited availability of historical documents. Still, with some relatively minor and fragmented documents, we should pay attentions to several eunuch families that served the inner palace of the Northern Song Emperors. One was a family that Li Shenfu originated. This family gave six family heads and twelve members, who served the Northern Song's emperors from the first to sixth emperors. In particular, Li Shenfu, known as mild-tempered in character, attended the Emperor Taizong and Emperor Zhenzong for fifty years in all. His grandson Li Shunju worked as a serviceman for the Emperor Shenzong and later died in battle. The scholar-officials, such as Sima Guang and Su Shi, praised him for loyalty and grace in the last moment. In conclusion, this paper argues that the realities of Northern Song Era eunuchs, as shown above, differ to a certain degree from the existing conception of Chinese eunuchs.

2 0 0 0 OA 赤城義臣伝

片島深淵子 編
vol.巻首, 1868