柴原 直樹
vol.8, no.1, pp.43-51, 2007-06-01

Since the clinical report of erythrophobia by Morita, a great number of psychiatrists aswell as psychologists have focused their attention on anthropophobia named taijin-kyoufushoin Japan. This syndrome is a culturally distinct phobia in japan and included in the officialJapanese diagnostic system for mental disorders. Its symptom is characterized as an individual'sintense fear or shame that his or her appearance, facial expression, eyeshot, or odor shoulddisplease, embarrass, or be offensive to other people. In this paper, I first presented thedefinition of taijin-kyoufusho and then its classification proposed by several researchers. Next,I overviewed various interpretations of the mechanisms of this phobia from psychodynamicviewpoints. Finally, I referred to the current problems of the phobia.
小池 寿子 Koike Hisako
國學院雑誌 (ISSN:02882051)
vol.123, no.11, pp.1-27, 2022-11

久保 清治
vol.5, pp.73-122,
加地 大介
科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(2)研究成果報告書 平成16-18年度
pp.1-71, 2007

本研究は、実体の本質に由来する種的様相(sortal modality)が重要な実在的様相のひとつであると考える立場から、種的様相にまつわる推論を適切な形で処理できる種的様相論理(Sortal Modal Logic)の形式体系を構成すること、そしてその形式体系を前提として、実体と種をその中心的位置に組み込んだ、実体主義的存在論の体系を構築することを目的として行われた。前者に関しては、ロウ(E.J.Lowe)の(第一階)種的論理((1st Order)Sortal Logic)の体系に様相演算子を付加してその固有公理を様相化したうえで二つの様相的固有公理をさらに追加し、その基礎論理を様相論理S5の公理系へと拡張することによって得られる種的様相論理の体系SS5を構成した。そしてその形式存在論的意義についてアリストテレスの様相三段論法と比較しながら考察した結果、その体系が実体主義的な存在論を体現していることが確認された。後者に関しては、まず、種的実体様相と実体の持続に由来する時間的実体様相との間に次のような並行性が成立することを見出した:(1)分類・生起・傾向命題と過去・現在・未来命題とがそれぞれ、一種の必然性・現実性・可能性を表すde copula的述定様相を含む命題として性格づけられる。(2)それらの述定様相はそれぞれ、それに対応する内包的真理様相の源泉を表す十分条件となる。(3)未来命題と傾向命題は真理値を持たない場合があり得るのに対し、それ以外の命題はそうではない。そしてこの相違は、単純部分論理(Simple Partial Logic)における外延的な真理様相演算子によって表され得る。そのうえで、これらの並行性に基づきながら、具体的事象の最も基底的レベルにおいて不可欠なde copula的述定様相として種的実体様相と時間的実体様相とを位置づけることにより、実体を基礎的存在者として認定する存在論的体系の骨格を定めた。
稲葉 利江子 坂東 宏和
vol.63, no.7, pp.342-346, 2022-06-15

第84回全国大会において,情報処理教育にかかわる企画セッションが開催された.本稿では,3月5日に開催された情報入試委員会が主催した「情報入試 -共通テストと個別試験」と初等中等教育委員会が主催した「初等中等教育研究発表セッション」について報告する.
冠 昭夫 若松 義男 志村 隆 都木 恭一郎 鳥井 義弘 KANMURI Akio WAKAMATSU Yoshio SHIMURA Takashi TOKI Kyoichiro TORII Yoshihiro
航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory TR-868 (ISSN:03894010)
vol.868, pp.33, 1985-07

The first Japanese LOX/LH2 rocket engine (LE-5) employs a turbopump-fed gas generator cycle system. The LE-5 engine starts up in such an unique method that the power of the turbopump system is at first built up by a coolant bleed cycle followed by a gas generator cycle. A computer program for the start transient simulation has been developed and it has been utilized for analysing start-up characteristics of the LE-5 engine. The outline of the computer program and the analytical results are discussed here. The results of the analysis have been effectively used for the setting of the firing test condition and for the determination of the engine start sequence in each phases of the development. The results of the simulation are also compared with the experimental results.
佐賀 朝
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 = St. Andrew's University economic and business review (ISSN:02869721)
vol.53, no.3, pp.159-195, 2012-02-29

This article examines the historical trajectory of urban lower class society in modern Osaka. Taking into account developments from the early modern period, it analyzes the transformation, expansion, and structure of urban lower class society in the modern period, as well as the way of life of lower class city residents. Specifically, this article focuses on the example of the1930s. First, it analyzes urban lower class society, which was characterized in the early modern and modern periods by the fact that its members frequently gathered together in concentrated residential zones, while also considering the development of the city of Osaka as a whole. Centering on the transformation and dismantling of early modern Osaka's best-known slum district, Nagamachi, urban lower class society developed during the modern period in a form whereby new slums emerged during the processes of industrialization and urbanization. The slums that appeared after Nagamachi's dismantling, including Kamagasaki and those in the Nipponbashi neighborhood, each possessed a subtly different character. Entering the twentieth century, Osaka's slums became even more diverse. Not only did the city's largest outcast community, Nishihamacho, continue to expand, but also new communities inhabited by immigrants from the Korean peninsula and migrants from Okinawa appeared. Thereby, an urban lower class society possessing various unique features took shape in Osaka. Lower class city residents, who lived in the above slum districts, were neither the "negative versions" of modern urban citizens, nor passive subjects. In the rapidly industrializing and changing society of the early twentieth century, they established a world in the city's back-alley tenements into which impoverished migrants, who moved to Osaka, married, gathered together in low-income residential districts, and permanently settled, were absorbed. Influenced in part by new urban governmental policies, during the early twentieth century, lower class city residents not only continued to congregate in the same residential communities, but also began to participate in local reform movements and become increasingly aware of their rights as citizens. The eviction disputes that occurred in the Nipponbashi area over the municipal government-led Substandard Housing District Reform Project are a manifestation of the growing rights consciousness of lower class city residents. Second, this paper examines the case of urban "lower class" laborers in the1930s. In particular, it engages the theme of "lodging and employment brokering." Focusing on brokers who provided housing and employment introduction services to short-term and non-contract laborers and remain a problem in contemporary Japan, this paper analyzes range of issues concerning the supply of "lower-class" labor power during the1930s. Examining two types of laborers, dockworkers and bathhouse workers, this article considers their similarities, differences, and mutual relationship. In the bottom tiers of urban society in1930s Osaka, lower class laborers were closely linked with a specific stratum of brokers called "inns," "rooms," and "brokerages," who provided them with housing and employment introduction service. In addition to arranging housing and employment for unskilled laborers sent to work at the port and the city's baths, brokers extracted brokerage fees, board, and commissions from them. However, in the1930s, as the national unemployment crisis deepened, government officials and labor unions began to view such brokers as a problem and their reform became an important social issue. A significant number of Osaka's dockworkers and bathhouse workers were Korean laborers. During the period in question, which saw an intensification of the problems of low-wage labor and harsh labor conditions, immigrant Korean laborers were forced to accept terrible living conditions. Furthermore, small and mid-sized entrepreneurs involved in the management of bathhouses and shipping labor at the city docks passed on their financial struggles to their workers in the form of poor living and labor conditions. As I noted above, the structure of urban lower class society in Osaka, which formed in the early modern period, was transformed by an increase in the number of migrants from elsewhere in Japan and abroad. During the first half of the twentieth century, lower class city residents continued to play vital role in urban society, supporting the development of the mega-city of Osaka at its base.
黒﨑佐 仁子
聖学院大学論叢 = The Journal of Seigakuin University (ISSN:09152539)
vol.第32巻, no.第2号, pp.93-108, 2020-03-15

久保田 泉
政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

安全保障・国際問題プログラム / Security and International Studies Program