石井 正和 加藤 大貴 山田 智波 高木 麻帆 市川 瑞季 栗原 竜也 河村 満
公益財団法人 パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター
ストレス科学研究 (ISSN:13419986)
vol.29, pp.43-51, 2014 (Released:2014-10-31)
1 1

We encountered cases of headache exacerbation in migraine patients living in the Tokyo metropolitan area following the Great East Japan Earthquake in the present study. We investigated the effects of the disaster situation on patients with migraine headaches following the Great East Japan Earthquake as well as their physical symptoms and psychological states using a questionnaire. The questionnaire survey was also conducted to clarify the prevalence of patients with headaches prior to earthquakes. The recovery rate was 65.7% (71/108 people). The seventy-one patients with migraines included 68 female patients (95.8%) and 19 patients that had migraines with an aura (26.8%). The exacerbation of headaches was observed in 24.6% of the migraine patients after the earthquake. Furthermore, a degraded psychological state was noted in patients with worsening headaches who began taking medication for insomnia. However, the disaster situation did not directly affect headache symptoms. Some of the patients examined (7.0%) had headaches prior to earthquakes in the Tokyo metropolitan area. These results indicate that the exacerbation of headaches was observed in migraine patients who exhibited co-morbidities including insomnia and anxiety in the Tokyo metropolitan area away from the affected area. We also showed that some of these patients had headaches prior to earthquakes.
木島 竜吾
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.23, no.3, pp.179-188, 2018 (Released:2018-09-30)

How detailed feature of virtual world could be seen by the actual user is an important performance of VR display system, such as Head Mounted Display (HMD). The average or standard user's eyesight in a virtual world could be regarded as a performance index of the VR display system in terms of resolution. This paper aims to show the way to obtain the theoretical value of eyesight from the specifications of components that form an VR display system. This is obtained by synthesizing the total performance of an VR display system's from those of components and by comparing that with standard user's contrast sensitivity function. Through the example estimations, the valid region of the equivalent eyesight from pixel pitch, a new simple conversion from blur size to eyesight were provided.
戸澤 あきつ 恒光 裕 岡本 清虎 谷口 隆秀 八代 純子 本多 英一
動物臨床医学 (ISSN:13446991)
vol.13, no.1, pp.1-4, 2004 (Released:2007-11-02)

抗菌および抗ウイルス活性を持つことが知られているポビドンヨードを主成分とする各市販製剤(イソジン液、イソジンガーグル)を動物コロナウイルス(豚伝染性胃腸炎ウイルス:TGEV、猫伝染性腹膜炎ウイルス:FIPV、牛コロナウイルス:BCoV)にin vitroで作用させたところ、常用濃度で強い抗ウイルス活性を示した。このことは本製剤による手洗い、うがいがウイルス感染防御に役立つことを示唆している。

44 0 0 0 OA 鉄道院年報

vol.明治41、42、43年度 軌道之部, 1912
Masaomi Nangaku Takashi Kadowaki Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi Norio Ohmagari Moritoki Egi Junichi Sasaki Tetsuya Sakamoto Yoshinori Hasegawa Takashi Ogura Shigeru Chiba Koichi Node Ryo Suzuki Yasuhiro Yamaguchi Atsuko Murashima Norihiko Ikeda Eriko Morishita Kenji Yuzawa Hiroyuki Moriuchi Satoshi Hayakawa Daisuke Nishi Atsushi Irisawa Toshiaki Miyamoto Hidetaka Suzuki Hirohito Sone Yuuji Fujino
Japan Medical Association / The Japanese Associaiton of Medical Sciences
JMA Journal (ISSN:2433328X)
vol.4, no.2, pp.148-162, 2021-04-15 (Released:2021-05-07)

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impacts on various aspects of the world. Each academic society has published a guide and/or guidelines on how to cope with COVID-19 separately. As the one and only nationwide association of academic societies that represent medical science in Japan, JMSF has decided to publish the expert opinion to help patients and care providers find specifically what they want.This expert opinion is a summary of recommendations by many academic societies and will be updated when necessary. Patients that each academic society targets differ even though they suffer from the same COVID-19, and recommendations can be different in a context-dependent manner. Readers are supposed to be flexible and adjustable when they use this expert opinion.
名波 弘彰
文藝言語研究 文藝篇 (ISSN:03877523)
no.46, pp.180-107, 2004

延慶本平家物語の『愚管抄』依拠説は編年記事ばかりでなく、本系、傍系の説話のレベルにまで及んでいることはこれまでの研究蓄積であきらかにされてきている。この依拠は本稿の課題たる終局部の構想にまで浸透 ...
千々和 泰明
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2019, no.195, pp.195_59-195_74, 2019-03-25 (Released:2019-05-16)

Termination of war is a “bridge” between war and peace. However, comparing with other research topics of the International Relations (IR) discipline, the subject of the end of war remains highly understudied in both qualitative and quantities terms. In fact “restoration” of interstate relationship presupposes “collapse” of them. War termination phenomena deserves more scholarly attentions if understanding the transition process from the collapse to restoration of interstate relations goes at the heart of the entire IR discipline.This paper purports to answer the question of how wars end. It presents the concept of “the dilemmas between the compromised peace and the fundamental settlement of cause of conflict” and argues that costs, future risks, and relative importance of them are an independent variable that shape the equilibrium point to solve these dilemmas. These are often malleable as an outcome of interactive processes among the belligerents. In order to advance this argument, the paper takes the following steps.First, in reviewing the existing theoretical literature on war termination, this paper categorizes them into four approaches as: power politics; rational choice; domestic politics; and cognitive psychology, and reviews them systematically.Second, it claims that the analytical frameworks of war termination as power politics and rational choice approach offer more useful analytical leverage than domestic politics and cognitive psychology approach. As such this article focuses on the relations between compromise and fundamental elimination of cause of conflict, on the top of power. Although the winning belligerent can eliminate fundamental cause of conflict in order to eradicate the root of future trouble by imposing unconditional surrender on its hostiles, entailed costs will increase. On the other hand, if it chooses the compromised peace to avoid increasing its warfighting costs, there would be a problem that it only postpones the rise of an unavoidable battle in the future. So this article presents the following hypotheses: (1) in the case that the level of warfighting cost is high and future risk will be low for winning side, the form of war termination would tend to attain the compromised peace; (2) in the case of the level of costs is low and future risk will be high for prevailing side, the form of war termination would tend to attain the fundamental settlement of cause of conflict; (3) in the case of the level of costs and future risk in ascendant side are balanced, the form of war termination would be indeterminate and strategic interactions among the belligerents would decide the equilibrium point to overcome this dilemmas.Third, this article provides the illustration of the above hypotheses through actual historical case studies such as termination of the Gulf War in 1991, the Iraq War in 2003, and the Pacific War in 1945.
外務省調査部 編
vol.第2輯 (蘭領印度民族史), 1935
猪原 弘之 小山 聡 栗原 正仁
vol.2016, pp.44-48, 2016-10-28

奥村 友利愛 吉城 秀治 辰巳 浩 堤 香代子 今里 鈴花
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学) (ISSN:21856540)
vol.75, no.5, pp.I_911-I_922, 2019 (Released:2019-12-26)

Kenta Shirasawa Daijiro Harada Hideki Hirakawa Sachiko Isobe Chittaranjan Kole
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
pp.20146, (Released:2021-04-06)

Genome sequence analysis in higher plants began with the whole-genome sequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana. Owing to the great advances in sequencing technologies, also known as next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, genomes of more than 300 plant species have been sequenced to date. Long-read sequencing technologies, together with sequence scaffolding methods, have enabled the synthesis of chromosome-level de novo genome sequence assemblies, which has further allowed comparative analysis of the structural features of multiple plant genomes, thus elucidating the evolutionary history of plants. However, the quality of the assembled chromosome-level sequences varies among plant species. In this review, we summarize the status of chromosome-level assemblies of 114 plant species, with genome sizes ranging from 125 Mb to 16.9 Gb. While the average genome coverage of the assembled sequences reached up to 88.7%, the average coverage of chromosome-level pseudomolecules was 72.9%. Thus, further improvements in sequencing technologies and scaffolding, and data analysis methods, are required to establish gap-free telomere-to-telomere genome sequence assemblies. With the forthcoming new technologies, we are going to enter into a new genomics era where pan-genomics and the >1,000 or >1 million genomes’ project will be routine in higher plants.