佐藤 琢紀 木村 昭夫 佐藤 守仁 糟谷 周吾 佐々木 亮 小林 憲太郎 吉野 理
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.18, no.10, pp.687-693, 2007

<b>背景</b> : 2004年に敗血症診療の初のガイドラインであるSurviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock (SSCG) が発表され, 全世界的に敗血症の治療法が標準化されつつあり, 初期輸液療法の重要性が提唱されている。<b>目的</b> : 本研究では, 初期輸液療法の重要性の再確認と具体的な輸液量の検討を行った。<b>対象と方法</b> : 2001年1月1日から2006年8月31日までに当センター救急部に救急搬送されたsevere sepsisあるいはseptic shock 64症例について検討した。治療開始後72時間と28日でそれぞれ死亡群・生存群に分け, 各群間で来院時の重症度スコアやSSCGで推奨されている治療法について比較した。<b>結果</b> : 初期輸液療法に関して, 72時間後・28日後ともに生存群の方が死亡群に比して有意に輸液量が多かった。来院時の重症度スコアや抗菌薬, 昇圧剤投与等の初期輸液療法以外の治療法の施行割合では, 各群間で有意差を認めなかった。来院後1時間輸液量が1,700ml以上であれば100%の生存が得られた。1時間輸液量が1,700ml未満であっても, 24時間輸液量が3,200ml以上であり, 24時間尿量が550ml以上確保できたときは, 93%の生存率が得られたが, 24時間尿量が550ml確保できなかったときは, 38%の生存率であった。1時間輸液量が1,700ml未満, 24時間輸液量が3,200ml未満であっても, 24時尿量が550ml以上確保できたときは, 82%の生存率が得られたが, 24時間尿量550ml確保できなかったときは, 36%の生存率であった。<b>結語</b> : severe sepsisの初期治療法では, 臓器灌流量を維持するための適切な初期輸液が, 重要であることが再確認され, 従来から言われている輸液量の指標は妥当であることも確認された。
竹内 幸絵 佐藤 守弘 熊倉 一紗

佐藤 守 阿部 和博 菊永 英寿 高田 大輔 田野井 慶太朗 大槻 勤 村松 康行
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.84, no.4, pp.295-304, 2015

モモ[<i>Prunus persica</i>(L.)Batsch]とカキ(<i>Diospyros kaki</i> Thunb.)を供試し,福島第一原子力発電所事故の放射性降下物により休眠期汚染された落葉果樹に対する高圧洗浄機を用いた樹皮洗浄による放射性セシウムの除染効果を検証した.夏季洗浄処理として 18 年生モモ'あかつき'を供試し,2011 年 7 月 5 日と 27 日の 2 回にわたり,樹皮洗浄処理を実施した.休眠期洗浄処理として 2011 年 12 月 21 日に 30 年生カキ'蜂屋',2012 年 1 月 24 日に 7 年生モモ'川中島白桃'を供試し,樹皮洗浄処理を加えた.高圧洗浄処理によりカキではほぼ全ての粗皮がはく離したが,モモの表皮はほとんどはく離しなかった.2011 年夏季に洗浄処理されたモモ'あかつき'の果実中 <sup>137</sup>Cs 濃度は洗浄による有意差は認められなかった.2011 年から 2012 年の冬季に洗浄処理されたモモ'川中島白桃'の葉および果実中 <sup>137</sup>Cs 濃度は洗浄により有意に減少した.同様にカキ'蜂屋'でも洗浄処理翌年の葉および果実中 <sup>137</sup>Cs 濃度は洗浄により有意に減少した.これらの対照的な結果と矛盾しない現象として,汚染された樹皮洗浄液による二次汚染および樹皮からの追加的汚染の可能性について考察を加えた.
佐藤 守弘
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.51, no.2, pp.37-48, 2000-09-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Edo doro-e is defined as a group of landscape paintings which were produced in the late Tokugawa period using Western linear perspective and pigments called doro-enogu, especially the newly imported Prussian blue. The object of representation was mainly various famous places of Edo, especially feudal lords' residences (daimyo yashiki). The aim of this paper is to analyze the function of doro-e and locate it as a form of visual culture in the social context of the period. Through the iconographical and formal comparison with topographical representation of ukiyo-e landscape prints by Utagawa Hiroshige, the characteristics of doro-e can be defined as images that macroscopically portray the city's eternal and physical aspects with a rational gaze. Based on this definition, the function of doro-e is understood as the representation of the city of Edo as the capital of warriors, an image of the city in the imagination of lower-status warriors who came to Edo through the system of alternate attendance of feudal lords.
金澤 健二 山口 弘二 佐藤 守夫 鈴木 直之 金尾 正雄
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.30, no.332, pp.454-460, 1981-05-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
1 1

In order to obtain basic data for high-temperature, high-cycle fatigue properties of S45C(0.45C) and SCM435 (0.35C, 1Cr, 0.15Mo) steels, rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out up to 108 cycles on smooth and two kinds of notch specimens at room temperature, 200, 300, and 500°C with a frequency of 125Hz.The fatigue strength at 108 cycles and the S-N curves up to 108 cycles were found to change depending upon test temperature and stress concentration factor. The temperature and material dependences of fatigue strength of the smooth specimen were explained qualitatively by the blue brittleness phenomenon of the materials used.Cracks were observed on the cross section of specimens endured 108 cycles sometimes depending on the test condition. The temperature dependence of the change in fatigue strength due to the variation of stress concentration factor corresponded to the existence of such cracks. The notch root curvature for branch point at 400∼500°C was larger than that at room temperature to 300°C. It is considered that oxidation film formed at the surface of crack plays an important role in delaying for crack to propagate.
佐藤 守
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.18, no.3, pp.39-57, 1967-12-01 (Released:2009-11-11)

The study of “traditional” young men's groups (Wakamono-gumi) in Japan has been focussed mainly on the customary institution of young men's lodging house and on the function of marital control, both from the viewpoint of Japanese folklore, and has not analyzed its transformation in relation to village structure. This report considers the traditional groups as the original pattern for new young men's associations (Seinen-dan) since late Meiji, and involves consideration of how the former was recognized, using the example of Izu fishing village. It considers first the traditional group in village structure, and then pursues how it was transformed in relation to inner factors in the village as well as nationwide conditions. The results of the research are as follows : (1) The traditional group was first organized as a substructure of the fisherman's boss group in the fishing village under the feudal system. The Community structure that was organized by the boss group and its fishing workers (the former having special fishing rights and latter not) had reflected its dual character on the traditional young men's group, and there its exclusive character had produced two groups : the one consisting of young fishermen and the other of young merchants and handicraftsmen.(2) Since the middle of Meiji the establishment of public social systems, the reformation of fisheries laws and the development of fishing tecniques relaxed gradually the solidarity of the boss group based on inshore fishing grounds. Next, united body of traditional groups was organized by governmental guidance to new young men's associations on the level of local autonomous entities that generally included several national villages. Therefore the association had dual character : that of the united body to be used for military forces, and that of each traditional group as a branch of body adhering closely to each village system. The coexistence of the two different groups was ensured by the homogeneous gemeinschaftlich character proper to their structure. This coexistence continued essentially to the end of the World War II.(3) After the War (1945) with the dissolution of the united body, the young men's associations started. But since 1955 socio-economical changes have not allowed all young men in the village to be organized as a unit. So there are many different small young men's groups now.The organization principles of young men's groups have experienced the following changes : (a) gemeinschaftlich (b) “gemeinschaftlich-nationalistic”, (c) individualistic. The change of these principles is founded on the structural character of the fishing village in each time.
渡辺 裕 佐藤 守弘 輪島 裕介 高野 光平

奥田 安弘 佐藤 守男
北大法学論集 (ISSN:03855953)
vol.55, no.1, pp.290-270, 2004-05-06
佐藤 健司 吉中 禮二 佐藤 守 志水 寛
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.52, no.9, pp.1595-1600, 1986
29 153

The contents of acid-soluble and insoluble collagens in the ordinary muscle of twenty-two species of fishes was determined. In addition, the contribution of muscle collagen to the swimm-ing movement of fish and to the texture of the sliced raw meat was examined.<br> The total collagen content varied with species in the ranges from 0.34 to 2.19% of wet tissue and from 1.6 to 12.4% of crude protein. The solubility of muscle collagen of fishes was generally much higner than that reported for muscle collagen of mammals. As for the swimming movement, the results indicated that the musculature of the fish with flexible body comprises a high proportion of collagen. As for the textural properties, the results indicated that the muscle collagen con-tributes to the toughness of the sliced raw meat.