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三田学会雑誌 = Mita journal of economics (ISSN:00266760)
vol.111, no.1, pp.51-67, 2018-04

1. マンデヴィルと『蜂の寓話』について2. 『公営売春宿弁護論』 : その書誌的背景とマンデヴィルの提案3. 『弁護論』をめぐる研究者の解釈4. ベンサムの先駆としてのマンデヴィル : 『蜂の寓話』と『弁護論』の統一へ5. 結び解説
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イギリス哲学研究 (ISSN:03877450)
vol.23, pp.35-48, 2000-03-31 (Released:2018-04-25)

Some scholars believe that Hume used the “anatomist” method in the Treatise, and the “painter” method in the Essays. But the “painter” method in the Essays can be further separated into two methods, “allegory” and “history”. Hume regarded the historical method as a more effective way to appeal to his readers' mind than the allegoric method because the former proved to be useful for refinement of passions. Hume demonstrated this in “Of the rise and progress of the arts and sciences” by arguing that arts and sciences, especially the modern gallantry, had grown historically from such particular passions as curiosity and generosity under different circumstances generated by republics and civilized monarchies.
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The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.46, no.46, pp.83-96, 2004 (Released:2010-08-05)

This survey looks at the trends in Hume studies since the 1980s. With regard to the original text and translation of Hume's writings, the new Clarendon edition of the Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary, and the reliable and accessible translation are expected.The survey of recent Hume studies is divided into theoretical and historical readings.The theoretical approach produced several interesting studies. Livingston and Schmidt proposed the Hegelian reading of Hume's overall philosophy. Although we might say there is some affinity between Hume and Hegel, the extent to which the readings of Livingston and Schmidt can be considered valid is doubtful. Whelan tried to grasp Hume's political philosophy by seeking similarities between Machiavellian Realism and Hume. His attempt aims to apprehend the elusiveness of Hume's political philosophy, but the composition of the book assumes a degree of monotony due to his emphasis on the similarities between the two thinkers.In terms of an historical reading, the revisionism movement in the history of political philosophy has influenced and led the Hume studies since the 1980s. Within what is called “Wealth and Virtue” framework, Pocock, Robertson and Hont produced rich studies on Hume's political philosophy. However, this framework exerted too much influence upon subsequent Hume studies, so that the historically diverse realities were coerced to fit into this frame. Further, the idea of “discourse” sometimes produced confusion rather than clarity in this field.Since the end of the 1990s, Hume studies in the history of economic thought have been on the rise, as if the recent studies in the history of political philosophy triggered them. Their discussions have concentrated on Hume's monetary theory, but the interest in this field will lead into unexplored topics hereafter. That is to say, we have now reached the “post-Wealth and Virtue” stage, and the revisionism serves to produce the recent briskness of new Hume studies in the history of economic and political thought.Lastly, we need mention the rise in the recent years of interest in Hume's History of England. Recently, some scholars have shown deep interest in Hume's historical narratives. The recent increase in interest in the History proves that the historical studies on Hume will be followed by Hume studies in more diverse fields in the future. Along with these new studies, the problem of the relation between Hume's economic thought and his alleged appraisal of commercial society and civilization in general will need to be tackled.
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The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.38, no.38, pp.98-110, 2000 (Released:2010-08-05)

David Hume's theory of luxury has been studied chiefly from the viewpoint of the history of economic theory, but its real importance can be understood only when it is placed in a wider historical context of morals and politics. Hume first attempts to clarify the interdependent relationships between specific moral characters and particular constitutional arrangements as demonstrated by the affinity between the virtue of industry and free government. He claims that the virtue of industry begins to degrade into corrupt forms of avarice and egoism when it overrides its proper limit of moderation. Hume's well-known attack upon the traditional notion of luxury and his vigorous defense of its modern notion as the refinement of arts entail another so-far neglected element of his skeptical attitude toward unregulated vicious forms of luxury. Hume employs the notion of “honour”, traditionally taken as one with the classical virtue of martial spirit, for strengthening those morally acceptable exertions of industry and for guaranteeing its socially beneficial consequences. This does not necessarily indicate a more pessimistic interpretation of Hume's theory of luxury than that so far accepted. Rather it argues in favor of Hume's overall strategy for the defense of modern civilization as the fundamental attack against both the classical and the modern extreme notions of luxury.