村田 陽平
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.75, no.13, pp.813-830, 2002-11-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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村田 陽平
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.6, pp.533-551, 2000-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Over the decades since the 1970s, feminist geography has challenged the exclusion of women from the production of geographical knowledge. With the emergence of feminist geography, gender perspectives have attracted considerable attention. However, men who feel alienated by changing gender roles have not received much attention. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the empirical situation of the masculinity of geographical knowledge by highlighting the major characteristics of alienated middle-aged single men in contemporary Japan.In the introductory section, an overview and the significance of feminist geography are discussed. This is followed by a discussion of the importance of men's studies within gender research in geography. The development of men's studies has enabled an interrogation of masculinity from varied angles.The second section is devoted to an explanation of the interview method employed in the article and its limitations. The informants are ten single men, aged 35-64. Their narratives are quoted as evidence of their alienation.The third section interprets the concrete places within which middle-aged single men feel alienated. The specific contents of these places of alienation are presented as follows:1. In rural areas, where they do not play an important role within patriarchy, they are not regarded as 'full-fledged' men.2. At the workplace, where they are unable to participate in male bonding which is a feature of homosocial workspaces.3. At home, where the lack of women results in their homes being labelled as 'dirty', as men are considered to lack the ability to do housework.4. In contemporary gendered urban spaces, where despite an image of these spaces allowing diversity, middle-aged single men feel suppressed.The evidence from the research points to the above four factors being the main considerations underlying the alienation of single and middle-aged men.Based upon the discussion of the preceding sections, the fourth section interprets the meanings of space and place from the standpoint of men who feel alienated, with reference to feminist geography. Firstly, it is noted that place in humanistic geography, which has been criticized by feminist geography as having a masculinist bias, alienates middle-aged single men, as well as women. Moreover, feminist geography points out that the notion of space in Marxist geography is also gendered. This paper draws attention to the fact that gendered space does not privilege all men, but just those men who meet certain conditions of masculinity.The final section discusses the conclusion reached, that hegemonic masculinity in geographical knowledge oppresses not only women, but also men. Therefore, it follows that we need to elucidate differences among men.
村田 陽平
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.6, no.2, pp.165-190, 2012 (Released:2012-03-26)

村田 陽平
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.77, no.7, pp.463-482, 2004-06-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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村田 陽平
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.58, no.5, pp.453-469, 2006 (Released:2018-01-06)
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Men’s studies in geography have investigated the meaning of gendered space from a male perspective and have contributed to realizing gender equality since the 1990s. While scholars have been eager to conduct case studies, they have paid little attention to theoretical discussions, however. In this paper, I examine the validity of queer theory as a major theoretical framework in contemporary gender studies, and propose an alternative epistemology of men’s studies in geography.Queer theory is a set of ideas based on the thought that the concept of identity or category is not essentially fixed but constructed by social-cultural performance. Influenced by queer theory, gender geography has also deliberately challenged all notions of fixed gendered space in various ways since the 1990s. Queer theory, however, has some limitations as a theoretical framework for deconstructing the concept of identity.I examine the limitations of queer theory from the perspective of the actual meaning of identity for men. By clarifying how we recognize male identity in daily spaces, I argue that queer theory cannot explain the emotions of ordinary men who have no doubt about the existence of male identity. This is because queer theory places too much emphasis on destabilizing identity and it lacks the perspective that people do not always think that identity should be deconstructed.Based on this examination, I propose an alternative epistemology of men’s studies in gender geography by introducing phenomenology. The epistemology of phenomenology has clarified how we recognize the meaning of everyday world, and helps us to understand the nature of human cognition to gendered space. Men’s studies in geography, therefore, should not anticipate destabilizing to male identity and the space, but should examine the actual meanings for men, which can lead to construct space and place for gender equality.
村田 陽平
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.57, no.5, pp.532-548, 2005-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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The consideration of male bodies is a significant issue for gender studies in geography since they are an influential factor in constructing gendered spaces. Few studies, however, have paid attention to male bodies, a fact that contrasts starkly with the amount of attention directed toward female bodies. Thus, the objective of this study is to clarify how male bodies contribute to the construction of gender-differentiated spaces by investigating the representation of tobacco advertisements in Japan.In Japan, smoking is primarily a male behavior; the smoking rate for men is about 47%, whereas that for women is about 12%. This is because Japanese tobacco advertisements tend to represent male bodies and their spaces around them.This study uses Japanese tobacco advertisements in Japanese magazines during 1987-2000. Surveying these advertisements, the following five characteristics were more significantly associated with represented male bodies than with female bodies.First, male bodies are represented with natural scenery whereas female bodies are represented in artificial environments. This implies that male bodies are intended to challenge nature. The images also emphasize the vastness of their space.Second, male bodies are represented with few words, while female bodies are accompanied by many words. This means that male space is emphasized by quiet, dignified male bodies through the elimination of words.Third, male bodies are accompanied by women's eyes. This representation of women gazing deeply at smoking men leads to the acknowledgement of male smoking space. This also means that male space is supported by female bodies.Fourth, male bodies are represented with the gesture of exhaling smoke, whereas such representation of female bodies is controlled. This difference indicates that only males are allowed to control their space by breathing out smoke.Fifth, male bodies are represented with distance between each other, contrary to women's bodies. Male relationships are defined only by their work, women, and smoking in order to bridge the distance.In conclusion, Japanese tobacco advertisements represent male bodies and contribute to the construction of male space as well as suggesting how men's personal space is associated with the wide open spaces. On the other hand, this finding also means the advertisements are prejudiced and biased toward men and the spaces they occupy. Therefore, it follows that we need to elucidate the meanings of "ordinary" male bodies in daily spaces.
村田 陽平
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.75, no.13, pp.813-830, 2002

村田 陽平 埴淵 知哉
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.5, no.2, pp.154-170, 2011 (Released:2011-02-12)
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川端 秀仁 角南 祐子 千葉 幸惠 麻薙 薫 村田 陽稔 柳堀 朗子 片桐 克美 鈴木 公典 藤澤 武彦
一般社団法人 日本総合健診医学会
総合健診 (ISSN:13470086)
vol.44, no.2, pp.387-397, 2017 (Released:2017-05-01)
1 1

【目的】日本人の中途失明原因の第一位は緑内障であり、多くは正常眼圧緑内障と言われている。日本緑内障学会で行った疫学調査(多治見スタディ)によると、40歳以上の日本人の5%が緑内障でありうち72%が正常眼圧緑内障と報告されている。しかし、緑内障発見に有効である眼底検査は、2008年度以降の特定健康診査では、ごく限られた対象者にしか実施されていない。 近年安価で、小型軽量な簡易視野計(Frequency Doubling Technology Screener; FDT)が開発されたため、成人眼検診として出張検診で眼底検査とFDT検査を併用した場合の効果と有用性の検証を行った。【方法】2012年度秋に定期健康診断を実施している某企業の従業員2,392名のうち、同意を得て検診を行った892名(男738名、女154名)に成人眼検診(問診、視力、眼底検査、FDT検査)を実施した。判定は、日本緑内障学会のガイドラインに準拠した。また、緑内障疑いで垂直CD比(0.7≦垂直CD比<0.9)かつFDT検査が陰性の者を継続管理者として区分し、精密検査対象者には眼科受診を勧奨した。【結果】成人眼検診で所見が見られた(要精密検査73名、要医療12名)85名のうち、精密検査を受診した59名から、緑内障7名を発見した。40歳以上の成人眼検診結果では、緑内障有病率(補正後)は1.67%となった。 成人眼検診の緑内障(緑内障疑いおよび緑内障関連病を含む)に対する陽性的中率は89.5%となり緑内障の早期発見に有用であることが判った。 また、眼底検査に所見が無く簡易視野検査のみに所見を認めた11名の精密検査結果は、受診した9名中7名の内訳は緑内障1名、網膜神経線維束欠損1名、黄斑変性症3名、乳頭陥凹拡大1名、軽微な網膜異常1名であった。【結論】成人眼検診は、眼底検査では発見できなかった疾患を簡易視野検査で発見できた。また、緑内障発見に対する感度も高く、精密検査対象者の絞込みができ、有用な検診方法であることが認められた。
村田 陽平 埴淵 知哉
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨 2007年 人文地理学会大会
pp.601, 2007 (Released:2007-12-12)

回想法(reminiscence, life review)とは,1963年にアメリカの精神科医ロバート・バトラー(Butler,R.N)が提唱した,高齢者を対象とする心理療法の一つである。回想法の目的は,高齢者が専門家とともに,過去の記憶を辿り,今までの人生を振り返りながら,これからの自己の「生」に対する肯定感の獲得を目指すものである。回想法の実施により,自尊感情の高まりなど個人の内面への効果や,生活の活性化や対人関係の進展など社会面への効果等が指摘されており,バトラーの提唱以降,アメリカ,カナダ,イギリスなど欧米を中心に取り組まれてきた。日本でも少なからず研究や実践が進められてきたが,近年では,認知症や閉じこもり等,介護予防の一環として高齢者のQOL(生活の質)の向上に期待できるものとして注目を集めている。この動きの中で,従来は病院や介護施設(特別養護老人ホーム,老人保健施設)など限定された場所で行われてきた回想法を,「地域」の活動としてまちづくりの核に位置づける自治体がみられるようになってきている。そこで,本発表では,回想法を取り入れた2つの地域事例(北名古屋市「回想法センター」・恵那市「明智回想法センター・想い出学校」)の紹介を通じて,回想法と今後の地域づくりとの関係性を考える契機としたい。
村田 陽平
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.54, no.6, pp.557-575, 2002
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The politics of space involving sexuality has been studied mainly from the perspective of women and of homosexual men. Women's studies of space make clear that space is not constructed for female sexuality but for that of males. Gay studies of space conclude that, though homosexual men are 'male', they are inclined to be alienated from spaces which are premised as being heterosexual. Otherwise, little attention has been given to the viewpoint of heterosexual men. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the politics of space involving heterosexual men in Japan.<br>This study picks up one of the statements which was brought up in the Japanese political world in 1999. It is the Nishimura's statement, which was claimed by Shingo Nishimura (a member of the Diet)-at the time, a parliamentary vice-minister of the Defense agency-in an article in the '<i>weekly Playboy</i>'. The statement was problematical because it contained positive statements regarding the nuclear armament of Japan and was also sexist. Sexism among Japanese politicians is not unfamiliar, but against this case there was an unprecedented opposition which came in the form of criticism by some members of the men's group in Tokyo. This paper clarifies this situation by analyzing some discourses on relevant texts, magazines and newspapers that reported the statement.<br>First, I point out the spatial structure of sexuality through which Nishimura's statement is premised, in order to elucidate why the discriminatory aspects of the statement were put aside in public space. This is because, in public space, sexual matters are recognized as being a problem of dignity and are regarded as the domain of private space. Otherwise, in private space, sexual matters are thought of as being natural, so Mr. Nishimura and the affirmative people did not recognize the opposition of women and claim that their opinions are sympathetic towards them. Namely, it is made clear that the statement assumes that public space is non-sexual and private space is natural. However, the spatial structure of sexuality has relevance to the one that suppresses both women and homosexual men.<br>Secondly, it is made clear how the spatial structure of sexuality is constructed. First, I indicate the place occupied by the '<i>weekly Playboy</i>' magazine. The magazine has contents oriented towards both private space and the public space of discourse. Secondly, sexual content has a function in public space. The reason that we overlook sexual discourse in public space is that sexual discourses are regarded as natural. So it is thought that private space within which sexual matters are contained was constructed before the construction of public space. However, in actuality, such a private space is a fiction whose logic is hidden. Thirdly, it comes to light how male heterosexuality works in public space. Women tend to be judged by their attributes, while men tend to be judged by their actions. So male heterosexuality is not regarded as a form of action but as an attribute. So long as male heterosexuality is recognized as an attribute, it is not problematized and reproduced in public space.<br>Thirdly, I explain the meanings of space for heterosexual men on the basis of discourses by heterosexual men who have an objective view towards Nishimura's statement. For example, members of the men's movement in Tokyo collected signatures against Nishimura's statement in a petition that was limited only to men. The reason behind it was not necessarily meant to exclude women, but was rather to stress the viewpoint of (heterosexual) men. They found that male members of the Diet did not accept their argument against Nishimura's statement. Though they recognized the sexual contents of the statement as a problem of public space, their argument was not recognized as a problem of public space. This case demonstrates that heterosexual men can also put into question the spatial structure of sexuality as their exclusive problem.
村田 陽平
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
vol.2005, pp.29-29, 2005
