中澤 弥子 吉岡 由美 髙﨑 禎子 小木曽 加奈 小川 晶子
vol.30, 2018

栗田 敬 熊谷 一郎 市原 美恵 小川 歩実 熊谷 美智世 永田 裕作 香西 みどり

Karinto is one of the typical traditional sweets, which is classified as a puffed confectionery. When we examine the cross section of karinto we can recognize amazing resemblance to the texture of vesiculated pyroclastic materials. This gives us an idea that the formation mechanism of karinto seems collateral to that of pumice and scoria in volcanic process and it would help deep understanding of magmatic vesiculation process. This is the starting point of our research on karinto.Here we report experimental investigation on the formation of karinto,cooking process. Particularly we focus on the sound generation during the cooking to characterize vesiculation process. The basic material of the starting dough is flour,baking soda,sugar and water. Baking soda and water determine volatility of the sample. Heating induces vaporization of water and thermal decomposition of baking soda, which result in volume-expansion and create a peculiar vesiculated texture. To see the control of this we tested following 4 sets of the composition;Sample A:flour 50g,baking soda 2g,sugar 10g,water 25gSample B:flour 50g,baking soda 0g,sugar 0g,water 25gSample C:flour 50g,baking soda 2g,sugar 0g,water 25gSample E:flour 50g,baking soda 0g,sugar 0g,water 30gSample A is based on the standard recipe of karinto. Sample C and E seem interesting to see the effect of volatile components.In the cooking experiment we put the dough of 50mm in length x 10mm in width x 6mm in thickness into hot oil at 180-170C. Soon after start of deep frying familiar cooking sound becomes audible. We recorded this and took movie by high speed camera to inspect size and location of bubbles which emanate from the dough. Common to all the composition the sound changes systematically; in the first several minutes continuous sound with flat spectrum to 25KHz emanates while after this high frequency component gradually decreases and prominent peaks in the spectrum appear in several hundreds Hz, which sound as "chant d'Oiseau". Associated with this transition size of bubbles which appear on the surface of dough changes from broad distribution to homogeneous. Also the vesiculation points become localized. All these observations are consistently interpreted that after 4-5minutes steady paths of the gas emission from the inside have been set up. The talented experienced patissier could discriminate the difference of the sound to inspect maturity.Only in the case of Sample E destructive explosions were observed at about 2 minutes from the start. During heating two competing processes are working inside the dough:solidification which proceeds from the outside and gas formation. Both are driven by higher temperature. When the solidification advances ahead hard shell is formed to impede escape of gas, which results in accumulation of high vapour pressure inside. This is the cause of the explosion. The standard recipe smartly avoids this route by arranging combination of the ingredients but in our experiments we seek the condition for explosion.In the presentation we report progressive evolution of the spectrum of cooking sound with textural evolution in relation with magmatic process.
小川 健
vol.2019, pp.331-335, 2019-08-10

小川 哲哉
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.83, pp.43-59, 2001-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

In der pädagogischen Forschung wird die deutsche Jugendbewegung als eine Bewegung der Jugend zur Selbsterziehung angesehen und neue Formen des Verhältnisses der beiden Geschlechter untereinander in der Jugendbewegung werden für wichtig gehalten. Obwohl das Sexualitätsproblem, vor allem im Bezug auf das Problem von Geschlechtskrankheiten bei einer pädagogischen Betrachtung der Jugendbewegung wichtig war, wurde es bisher nicht lebhaft diskutiert. In diesem Aufsatz wird festgestellt, daß sich die Jugendbewegung mit dem Sexualitätsproblem unter dem Einfluß der Sexualpädagogik jener Zeit, vor allem der abstinenzlerischen sexualpädagogischen Auffassungen F. W. Foersters, ernstlich befaßt hat.Die Hauptthese dieser Arbeit lautet, daß die Sexualitätsdiskussion in der deutschen Jugendbewegung eine Ambivalenz zur Folge hatte. Einerseits betätigten sich die Jugendlichen unter Berufung auf die Keuschheit im Sinne einer Lebensreform und hielten sich an sexuelle Abstinenz bis zur Eheschließung. Ihre Sexualmoral offnet den Weg für ein gleichberechtigtes Verhältnis der Geschlechter im Sinne einer Kameradschaft. Auf der anderen Seite vermieden die Jugendlichen, das Sexuelle offentlich zu diskutieren, so daß es als Privatsache betrachtet wurde, wenngleich die Jugendlichen das Sexuelle keineswegs ganz außer acht lassen konnten. Schließlich haben die Jugendlichen die Moglichkeit einer Losung des Sexualproblems selbst unterdrückt.Bisher wurde die deutsche Jugendbewegung für eine Bewegung von Jugendlichen zur Selbsterziehung, indem sie sich von den Erwachsenen emanzipierten, gehalten. In Wirklichkeit aber haben sich die Jugendlichen in Hinsicht auf das Sexualitätsproblem einer Selbstunterdrückung unterworfen.
小川 克正
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1964, no.9, pp.68-83, 1964-04-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

Man's existence is restricted by an antinomy-it is an existence which is temporally in via. To be a man (Menschsein) and to become a man (Menschwerden) - between these two states-lies a limitless distance and an endless number of problems. Education fof the fundamental direction of man, if it possible for him to be a man, will be restricted by the structure of this antinomy. That is to say, it must take place amid polarities which involve contradictory opposition and relations of strain -i. e. self and society, interiority and exteriority, eternal and temporal, freedom and authority.Formalistic education which treats man as a simle object (a technical production education) is opposed to Socratic education by communication. The latter takes hold of the roots of freedom in various and diverse individuals and at this point begins its appeal to reason in attempting to lead a person to open his eyes to self. True education takes its place between these two extremes. True education, while esteeming man's freedom and existential status, also considers the actuality of his being restricted by society. This antinomy is the framwork which not only makes possible true education but also sets the limits of directive education.
小川 祐輔
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.51, no.1, pp.41-57, 2018-07-31 (Released:2019-05-02)

In this paper, I evaluate Donald Davidson's strategy to escape from “mediational epistemology (ME)”. He presents a critical argument against the crucial idea of ME that conceives of our empirical beliefs as depending on mental intermediaries that convey information to our minds. However, it seems that Davidson shares “inside/outside picture” with ME, and this fact leads him into the wrong direction. After reviewing his approach, I explain which role the picture in question plays within his strategy and argue that, in order to escape from ME satisfactorily, we have to question this picture itself.