小林 龍彦
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.221, pp.26-34, 2002 (Released:2021-08-16)

Mei Wending (1633-1721) is recognized as one of the most influential mathematicians and astronomers of eighteen-century China. While propagandizing Christianity, Jesuit missionaries introduced Western scientific knowledge to 17^ <th> century China. Mei Wending's devoted his scholarly life to the integration and assimilation of Western science into traditional Chinese mathematical and scientific know-how. Mei Wending was both a prolific writer and influential scholar in Asia, his works were studied by generations of Chinese as well as Japanese mathematicians of the Wasan-ka school. With the aim of creating a more precise calendar, which was in great demand domestically, Wasan-ka scholars carefully studied his works after they were introduced into Edo Japan in 1726. Many Chinese mathematics and calendar texts have been preserved today in the Momijiyama Bunko Library, established by the the Tokugawa government in 1602. During our survey of 18^ <th> century Chinese texts in the Momijiyama Bunko Library, we unearthed several important texts concerning Mei Wending's works, publications and manuscripts hitherto unknown to Japanese historians of mathematics. Some of the most important are : 1) Li ski quan shu <暦學全書> (Compendium of Calendar) 2) Li suan quan shui <暦算全書> (Compendium of Mathematics and Calendar), 2^ <nd> edition, 1724 3) Ge yuan ba xian zhi biao <割圓八線之表> (Table for the Eight Lines Cutting a Circle) 4) San jia ce liang he ding <三家測量合訂> (Recompile of Textbook on Land Surveying by the Three Great Mathematicians) In this paper, we first summarize the contents of the above mathematical and calendar texts. Second, we discuss how the works were transmitted into Japan and how they were viewed and analyzed by Japanese mathematicians at the time. Finally, we discuss the various ways texts were exported from China and introduced into Japan.
小林 龍彦
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.34, no.193, pp.10-18, 1995 (Released:2021-08-27)

Relaxation of the book prohibition policy in 1720, the fifth year of Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune's reign, made possible the importation of astronomical, calendrical and mathematical books from China. As a result "Lixiang kaocheng" <暦象考成> which was published by Chinese scientists under cooperation with the Jesuit in 1723, "Lixiang kaocheng houbian" <暦象考成後編> which was compiled by I. Koegler in 1742, "Lishuan chuanshu" <暦算全書> which was completed by Mei Wending's family in 1723 and so forth were introduced into Japan. Kohan Sakabe <坂部廣胖> (1759-1824) was a mathematician who had a great interest in trigonometry in these scientific books. Basic formulae of the right spherical triangle and the oblique spherical triangle in these books with so many astronomical examples were very useful in establishing his mathematical idea. In 1812 K. Sakabe wrote "Kanki kodo shoho" <管窺弧度捷法>,and in 1815 "Sanpo tenzan shinan-roku" <算法點竄指南録>, a mathematical book which had a good reputation as a textbook among Wasan-ka, was published and in the next year a navigation's book, "Kairo anshin-roku" <海路安心録>, was published. We must point out here that "Kanki kodo shoho", "Sanpo tenzan shinan-roku" and "Kairo anshin-roku" were written under the influence of astronomical, calendrical and mathematical books mentioned above. It will be a proof that he had learned part of western astronomy as a Wasan-ka. Therefore, this paper details his mathematical idea and the background of spherical trigonometry from the following viewpoints: ① His mathematical idea on spherical trigonometry is based on the contents of "Lishuan chuanshu" and "Lixiang kaocheng". ② He try to create new formulae of spherical trigonometry in "Sanpo tenzan shinan-roku". ③ He understand the principle of duality and the polar triangle very well
小林 龍彦 田中 薫
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.27, no.166, pp.110-115, 1988 (Released:2021-09-06)

There used to be a field called Senkyo problem or Common Part Problem in Wasan which the old Japanese mathematicians or Wasan experts earnestly studied during the Edo period. We have already explained in some journals that Takakazu Seki (1642?-1708) was able to solve the problems without using integral calculus. This time, we have found a new description about the missing note of T Seki in the introductory remarks and in the main body of KTangen Sanpo", which was wr ten by Shukei Irie in 1739 According to Irie's description, he called it uKongenki Enjutsu 16 Problems" And in the main body of the text Irie had cited, in order to solve a Senkyo Problem, that T.Seki had used an approximate formula to find the area of a segment of a circle. We were able to restore this approximate formula as follows: If we let d be the chord, c the altitude of a segment of a circle, and S the area, we have, (2d+c)cπ/10=S Through research of Irie's statement, regardless of it being true or not, we obtained some new facts about T. Seki as follows: Firstly, it is obvious that Seki studied "Sanpo Kongenki" written by Seiko Sato in 1669, from which he learned an approximate formula like the one mentioned above. We believe that this matter may create a new point of view on the study of T. Seki. Secondly, T. Seki must have made a note called "Kongenki Enjutsu 16 Problems" immediately after "Kokon Sanpoki" by Kazuyuki Sawaguchi was published. This is because K. Sawaguchi did not solve 16 out of 150 problems in "Sanpo Kongenki", which Sato poured out as new questions for Wasan experts of that time. Thus, we are able to place the missing note in an early time of his work. Thirdly, it is certain that Seki's successors have passed on this missing note for mathematical education and it existed until around the end of the first half of the 18th century.
小林 龍彦 田中 薫
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.22, no.148, pp.206, 1983 (Released:2021-09-24)

In the Sanso of 1663, Shigekiyo Muramatu (1608〜1695) made calculations of the circumferences of a regular square, a regular octagon, a regular sixteen-sided polygon, …… inscribed in the circle with the diameter 1,and ended in the circumferences of regular 2¹⁵ -sided polygon. And he got π=3.141592648777698869248 from this conclusion. Similarly Takakazu Seki (1640?〜1708) wrote the Katsuyȏ-Sanpȏ in 1712, in which he showed his measurement of the circle. From the perimeter of an inscribed 2¹⁷-sided polygon, he let the circumferences of a regular 2¹⁵ sided polygon be a, that of a regular 2¹⁶-sided polygon be b, and that of a regular 2¹⁷-sided polygon be c, and he made calculations as follows: b+(b-a)(c-b)/(b-a)-(c-b)=3.14159265359 "extremely weak". Shu-Li-Jing-Yun was introduced into Japan in about 1723. In this book Ludolf (1540〜1610) also showed his measurement of the circle, and he got π=3.141592653589793238431541553377501511680 from the perimeter of an inscribed 2³⁵-sided polygon. In this paper we made a comparative study with the process of their measurements, which is an oblique side of rectangular triangles produced in each process.
小林 龍彦 田中 薫
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.22, no.147, pp.154-159, 1983 (Released:2021-09-24)

We studied Problems of the Pierced Object in the Old Japanese Mathematics and we took statistics on these problems in mathematical Tablets. The investigation revealed the fact that many problems were studied during the Bunsei (1818〜1830), especially in and around Edo. And after that period they spread in the country. The main objects of this paper are to give the analysis of the above-mentioned investigation, especially to make the history of mathematical solution clear in these problems.
小林 龍彦 田中 薫
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.22, no.145, pp.47-50, 1983 (Released:2021-10-06)

Toshisada ENDO, states that the first discovery of cycloid during the Bunsei period (1818〜1828) is attributed to Nei Wada (1787~1840). On the other hand, Yoshio MIKAMI pointed out that the same subject had already been studied by Tadao SHIZUKI (1760〜1806) in his Rekishō Shinsho (vol.1,1798; Vol.2, 1800; Vol.3, 1802). But these works seems to be insufficient, so we have discussed the same subject from astronomical points of view.
藤田 益伸 小林 龍生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第84回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PE-013, 2020-09-08 (Released:2021-12-08)

佐藤 勝重 中村 清一 小関 隆 山内 富美子 馬場 美智子 三上 正志 小林 龍一郎 藤川 晃成 長岡 滋
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.29, no.8, pp.1037-1041, 1991-08-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

56歳女性. 右耳痛・右顔面痛を主訴に当院耳鼻咽喉科を受診, その後右耳介及びその周囲に水疱形成がみられ, 急性呼吸不全を呈して当科に紹介された. 血中抗帯状疱疹ウイルス抗体価は1,024倍と上昇, 神経学的に多発性脳神経麻痺を呈し, 胸部X線写真上右下肺野に浸潤影が見られた. 多発性脳神経麻痺を合併した Ramsey Hunt 症候群と診断, 急性呼吸不全の原因は反回神経麻痺による中枢部気道閉塞と嚥下性肺炎によるものと考えられた. 抗生剤と抗ウイルス剤 (アシクロビル) の併用により著明な改善がみられた. 文献的検索では, 下部脳神経麻痺を合併した Ramsey Hunt 症候群の報告は比較的少なく, さらに, 呼吸器合併症を呈した症例は稀であった.
三瓶 良祐 小林 龍生 小倉 正恒 田中 良弘
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.40 Suppl. No.2 (第48回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.48101171, 2013 (Released:2013-06-20)

【はじめに、目的】全身振動刺激トレーニングは、振動するプラットフォーム上で運動することによって身体機能を向上させるトレーニング方法である。トレーニング効果として、筋力増強、筋柔軟性の向上や神経筋協調性の改善に対する効果などが報告されている。脊髄腫瘍術後、深部感覚障害による脊髄性失調を呈した症例に対し、全身振動刺激トレーニングを実施し、身体機能に関する即時および長期効果が得られたので報告する。【方法】対象は、脊髄内腫瘍(Th2/3レベル、Cavernous angioma)、52歳の男性。H17年度より右下肢のしびれを自覚。H22年5月、右下肢の違和感、しびれが増強し、右下肢麻痺、両下肢感覚障害、膀胱直腸障害、歩行障害を認めた。H22年11月15日に他院にて腫瘍摘出術を実施。11月16日よりリハビリテーション開始。H24年4月全身振動刺激トレーニング開始時、MMT左右下肢とも5レベル。感覚は両下肢でしびれが強く、表在覚は両下肢とも軽度鈍麻、運動覚は右足趾で軽度低下、振動覚は右内踝7秒、左内踝9秒とともに低下。Romberg sign陽性。基本動作は自立しており、走行も可能なレベルである。全身振動刺激トレーニング機器であるPOWER PLATEを使用し、周波数35Hz、振幅2~4mmの振動刺激を用いて、スクワット姿勢など7種類の運動と2種類のストレッチを3回/週、14週間施行した。振幅、刺激時間は1週間ごとに振幅2mm・30秒、4mm・30秒、2mm・60秒、4mm・60秒と段階的にあげ、5週目以降は4mm・60秒で実施した。評価は1週間毎に、閉眼閉脚立位時間、開眼片脚立位時間(左右)、垂直飛びをPOWER PLATE 実施前後に計測した。各評価は3回試行し、即時効果はトレーニング実施前後に得られた最高値を、長期効果は全身刺激トレーニング実施前の平均値を採用した。統計学的検討として、t検定を用い、有意水準は5%とした。【倫理的配慮、説明と同意】本研究を実施するにあたり、ヘルシンキ宣言に基づき症例に対し事前に十分な説明と同意を得てから研究を実施した。【結果】即時効果として、閉眼閉脚立位時間は、実施前16.3±8.8秒から実施後115.3±14.7秒で有意差を認めた(P<0.01)。開眼片脚立位時間は、実施前、右13.5±6.2秒、左16.8±8.6秒から、実施後、右23.4±15.0秒、左41.6±31.7秒で、両側で有意差を認めた(P<0.01)。垂直飛びは、実施前30.2±2.9cmから実施後35.6±1.2cmで有意差を認めた(P<0.01)。POWER PLATEを用いた運動後、すべての評価項目で即時効果を認めた。また、長期効果は、閉眼閉脚立位時間は初回、23.2±12.9秒から評価14回目で100.1±24.5秒、開眼片脚立位時間は、初回、右16.0±6.2秒、左18.2±12.5秒、評価14回目で右86.0±34.0秒、左68.8±49.5秒、垂直飛びは初回、33.3±2.3cm、評価14回目で34.8±0.5cmとすべての評価項目で長期的な改善効果の傾向が見られた。【考察】即時効果として、閉眼閉脚立位時間は、実施前16.3±8.8秒から実施後115.3±14.7秒で有意差を認めた(P<0.01)。開眼片脚立位時間は、実施前、右13.5±6.2秒、左16.8±8.6秒から、実施後、右23.4±15.0秒、左41.6±31.7秒で、両側で有意差を認めた(P<0.01)。垂直飛びは、実施前30.2±2.9cmから実施後35.6±1.2cmで有意差を認めた(P<0.01)。POWER PLATEを用いた運動後、すべての評価項目で即時効果を認めた。また、長期効果は、閉眼閉脚立位時間は初回、23.2±12.9秒から評価14回目で100.1±24.5秒、開眼片脚立位時間は、初回、右16.0±6.2秒、左18.2±12.5秒、評価14回目で右86.0±34.0秒、左68.8±49.5秒、垂直飛びは初回、33.3±2.3cm、評価14回目で34.8±0.5cmとすべての評価項目で長期的な改善効果の傾向が見られた。【理学療法学研究としての意義】脊髄腫瘍摘出術後に脊髄性失調を呈した症例に対し、全身振動刺激トレーニングを施行し、バランス能力と筋パワーの2つの異なる身体機能に改善を認めた。脊髄性失調の症例に対して全身振動刺激トレーニングにより改善効果のある可能性が示唆された。
小林 龍太郎 遠藤 雅人 吉崎 悟朗 竹内 俊郎
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.68, no.5, pp.646-651, 2002-09-15
3 12

本研究ではティラピアOreochromis niloticusの近赤外光に対する感受性の測定を試みるとともに,その系統差を明らかにするために,回転ドラム追従実験装置を用いた実験を行った。供試魚は異なる2系統各200尾で,照射光は可視光と波長限界700,750,780,800nmの5種類を用いた。その結果,全ての個体が可視光下および波長限界700nmの光で感受性を示した。しかし,波長限界800nmの光では全個体が感知不可能であった。感知できる最も長波長側の波長限界は1系統が750nmであったのに対し,もう一方の系統は780nmであり,同一種において系統差のあることが明らかとなった。
小林 龍生
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
vol.57, no.5, pp.404-408, 2020-05-18 (Released:2020-06-13)

堀尾 裕俊 野守 裕明 森永 正二郎 冬野 玄太郎 小林 龍一郎 伊賀 六一
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.34, no.4, pp.439-443, 1996-04-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

症例は51歳, 男性. 特発性間質性肺炎の経過観察中, 肺癌を発見された. 肺癌の病期および間質性肺炎の活動性や呼吸機能の結果より手術可能と判断し, 左上葉切除を施行した. 術後9日目に間質性肺炎の急性増悪を認めたが, 迅速な診断と早急なステロイド治療により救命し得た. 肺癌術後急性増悪例は致命的であり, その救命率はきわめてまれであるため報告した.