山本 耕司 角谷 直哉 山本 敦史 鶴保 謙四郎 森 義明
Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry
環境化学 (ISSN:09172408)
vol.15, no.1, pp.137-144, 2005-03-25 (Released:2010-05-31)
5 6

大阪市では2000年3月から全域で高度浄水処理水が給水されている。高度処理水をやかん, 電気ポットで加熱, 沸騰させたときのトリハロメタン, 全有機ハロゲン (TOX) の減少経過について検討した。トリハロメタンについては, これまでの水道水にみられた沸騰直前の急激な濃度上昇は見られず, 加熱に伴って減少し, 煮沸1分で消失した。蛇口水でのTOXに占めるTHMの割合は32%であった。TOXの加熱・煮沸に伴う減少経過から, TOXは揮発性と不揮発性のハロゲン化合物から構成されていた。高度処理水のTOXはやかんで沸騰時に17%, 電気ポットで40%しか減少されなかった。
山本 耕平 太郎丸 博
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.30, no.2, pp.165-180, 2015 (Released:2016-07-10)

山本 耕平 安井 大輔 織田 暁子
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.23, pp.35-53, 2015-12-25

This paper aims to compare the average incomes of three groups of Japanese university graduates: medical, STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), and non-STEM/M graduates. Previous studies have shown that graduates of STEM/M (STEM and medicine) earn more than non-STEM/M graduates, and have argued that this difference is because STEM graduates create higher additional value than non-STEM/M graduates. However, those studies did not consider variables that should be important determinants of income in the Japanese labor market. Moreover, there are strong doubts about the interpretation that the higher incomes of STEM/M graduates result from the higher additional value STEM graduates create. Drawing on the 2005 Social Stratification and Social Mobility national survey data, this paper examines whether STEM/M graduates earn more than non-STEM/M graduates, after controlling for other important determinants of income. The results from a multiple regression analysis estimating the effect of STEM/M on income shows that STEM/M graduates earn more than non-STEM/M graduates. When separating medical and STEM graduates, however, the estimated effect of a STEM major is not statistically significant and its value is low (1% higher than non-STEM/M). Moreover, when the sample is divided into men and women, there is a significant gender discrepancy in the effect of a STEM major: male STEM graduates earn more than male non-STEM/M graduates while female STEM graduates earn much less than female non-STEM/M graduates.
山本 耕平
佛教大学総合研究所共同研究成果報告論文集 (ISSN:21896607)
vol.5, pp.157-168, 2017-03-25

ひきこもりからの「脱却」と社会「適応」は,ひきこもりが長期になればなるほど,切実な要求になる。ひきこもる若者たちに再適応を強いる「力」は,彼らを統制・管理する。彼らと深くかかわってきた精神科医療は,彼/彼女らが,自身に向けられた差別と生きづらさから自己を解き放つ力となりえてきただろうか。ひきこもり支援は,ひきこもる若者を解き放ってきただろうか。 ひきこもり支援の現場は,ひきこもる若者が,支援者や家族,地域住民とともに,実践のあり方を共に考える主体として参加し,その参加のなかで,自身の尊厳を見出し,人や社会との関係を見出す支援や生活を相互行為として確認する場である。その場は,「今,なにをのぞみ,なにをすべきか」を発言し創りあげる場であり,淘汰された専門家により結成される揺るぎない場ではない。脱貧困の主体は,いまある矛盾する社会に再適応させるなかでは育たない。それは,課題「解決」を目指すものではない。
山本 耕平
no.17, pp.139-153, 2009-12

The aim of this paper is to reexamine what kind of insight the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) provides us concerning our understanding of science. SSK has definitely described some crucial dimensions of science which traditional sociology and philosophy of science had not taken notice of. However, it seems that SSK doesn't offer any clear implication for our understanding of scientific rationality. I consider this equivocalness a significant problem to be solved, since some claims raised by SSK provide the background assumptions for much of recent research in Science Studies, like the Science, Technology and Society (STS). To make clear what implications are to be brought out from the claims of SSK about the social dimensions of science, I incorporate some recent arguments of Social Epistemology. Recent studies in Social Epistemology show interesting facts concerning the relationship between the social dimensions of science and scientific rationality. Focusing on Philip Kitcher's discussion about the division of cognitive labor and Miriam Solomon's "Social Empiricism, " I argue that the social dimensions of science sometimes make scientific decision-making rational, and sometimes they do not: it is entirely contingent how the social dimensions of science affect the results of scientific activities. In conclusion, I argue that we should not use the claims of SSK about the social dimensions of science as theoretical bases for our evaluation of science, but just as a tool for identifying various factors underlying decision-making processes. I suggest that this interpretation of the claims of SSK offers a better way to utilize our knowledge of social dimensions of science in Science Studies.
山本 耕平
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.17, pp.139-153, 2009-12-25

The aim of this paper is to reexamine what kind of insight the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) provides us concerning our understanding of science. SSK has definitely described some crucial dimensions of science which traditional sociology and philosophy of science had not taken notice of. However, it seems that SSK doesn't offer any clear implication for our understanding of scientific rationality. I consider this equivocalness a significant problem to be solved, since some claims raised by SSK provide the background assumptions for much of recent research in Science Studies, like the Science, Technology and Society (STS). To make clear what implications are to be brought out from the claims of SSK about the social dimensions of science, I incorporate some recent arguments of Social Epistemology. Recent studies in Social Epistemology show interesting facts concerning the relationship between the social dimensions of science and scientific rationality. Focusing on Philip Kitcher's discussion about the division of cognitive labor and Miriam Solomon's "Social Empiricism, " I argue that the social dimensions of science sometimes make scientific decision-making rational, and sometimes they do not: it is entirely contingent how the social dimensions of science affect the results of scientific activities. In conclusion, I argue that we should not use the claims of SSK about the social dimensions of science as theoretical bases for our evaluation of science, but just as a tool for identifying various factors underlying decision-making processes. I suggest that this interpretation of the claims of SSK offers a better way to utilize our knowledge of social dimensions of science in Science Studies.
トイボネン トゥーッカ 山本 耕平
フォーラム現代社会学 (ISSN:13474057)
no.13, pp.102-110, 2014-05-31

社会起業および社会イノベーションという概念は、この20年間で、新たな実践と研究の領域を切り開いてきた。しかし、社会起業家の社会イノベーションの事例などについては研究が蓄積されてきた一方で、起業家の恊働については十分な研究がなされていない。そこで本稿では、この側面をより体系的に探究するための、柔軟な枠組みを構築することを目指す。社会起業という領域における恊働は、いわゆる社会イノベーション・コミュニティー-恊働を可能にする物理的環境およびインターネット環境に加えて、社会起業の文化によって動かされる混合体-という文脈で展開されるようになっている。いまやこうしたコミュニティーは世界中で生まれているが、これはさらに、当初の恊働関係を超えてより広範な社会イノベーションの「回路をつなぎ換える」ような、恊働体(collaborative community)と見なせるだろう。社会イノベーション・コミュニティーは、多様な参与者を取り込み、学習と創造能力の向上を促進することで、創意にあふれ、かつ持続可能な経済への転換を触発するようになっている。こうしたコミュニティーや、それがもたらすイノベーションのプロセスおよび影響にかんするさらなる研究においては、社会ネットワーク分析、社会関係資本の理論、エスノグラフィーといった多様なアプローチが実り多い成果を生むと思われる。
山本 耕平
京都社会学年報 = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.25, pp.17-33, 2017-12

This paper is an attempt to measure the impact of Japanese social science books using Google Scholar and Google Books. While it has often been noted that Japanese social scientists are likely to use books rather than journal articles as their tool for scholarly communication, there have been few attempts to measure the impact of books such as by citation counts. One obstacle to those attempts is that there has been no database that enables us to gather information about different types of scholarly publications other than journal articles. Google Scholar and Google Books, that index information of a much wider range of scholarly publications than existing databases like Science Citation Index, are expected to provide a clue to solve this problem. To explore how many times they are cited, and what types of document contribute to their citation counts, this paper counts the number of citations to eight representative books of Kakusa Shakai-ron (social inequality studies) which were published between 1995 and 2012 using Google Scholar and Google Books. The citing documents are classified into four categories: book, journal article, bulletin paper, and other types of publication (e.g. conference paper). Citation counts from journal articles and those from bulletin papers correlate strongly with total citation counts, while those from books do not Citations from bulletin papers contribute to the growth rate of total citation counts more than those from journal articles do. Overall, the types of publication which are not indexed in the existing database such as bulletin papers have a substantial effect on the impact of social science books. This result indicates the need to pay attention to the wide range of scholarly publications indexed in Google Scholar/Books.
山本 耕三
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:04546148)
vol.60, pp.91-98, 2011-12-12

Rikubetsu Town is the periphery of the two center: Obihiro City and Kitami City. We measured that how thetown depend on the two center. The results are as follows: Rikubetsu belongs to the Ashoro Town commuter area. Thus, in the commuter, Rikubetsu has links with the Tokachi region. Similarly, in visiting relatives and friends, Rikubetsu has strong links with the Tokachi region. On the other hand, Rikubetsu belongs to the Kitami trading area and medical care zone. Rikubetsu residents, as well as shopping goods, which depend on grocery shopping in Kitami. In conclusion, Rikubetsu has traditionally stronger ties between Tokachi region. However, because of motorization and changes in retailers, in some aspects, Rikubetsu became positioned on the periphery of Kitami.
山本 耕三
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.48, no.2, pp.59-76, 1993

This paper describes the domestic commodity traffic to and from Nagoya during the early stage of industrialization in Japan (from Taisho era to early Showa era, 1920s and 1930s), focussing on the existence and the expansion of the Chukyo-sphere and the fluctuation of the in- and out-freight area each of 53 items during this period. Nagoya was a large castle town during Tokugawa era, but its economic sphere of influence was confined within its territorial area, while Edo (Tokyo) and Osaka were already retaining the nation-wide market. The author revealed the Chukyo-sphere had grown up to one of the three metropolitan areas in 1922, through an analysis of the domestic freight dealt with Nagoya at this period, comparing that of Tokyo and Osaka. Secondly, the author investigated the fluctuation of the in- and out-freight area each of 53 items in 1922 and 1937. In addition, freight volume and transport distance of 53 items categorized in the freight were investigated using regression analysis. By 1922, Nagoya had already grown up to one of the three metropolitan areas, although its hinterland called Chukyo-sphere, was smaller in area comparing with that of Tokyo and Osaka. Nagoya got a firm market for out-flow commodities in Nagano, Gifu and Aichi Prefectures, while Shizuoka Prefecture remained as a competitive area with Tokyo, and Mie Prefecture with Osaka (Fig. 1). On the other hand, Gifu, Aichi and Mie Prefectures were included as the hinterland of Nagoya for in-flow of commdities (Fig. 2). As for the out-flows of the commodities in 1922, rice, wood and most of industrial items were transported nation-wide. Most of agricultural products were distributed Inside Honshu. Stone and gravel were scarcely transported from the city (Table 3). In terms of in-flow of commodities, most of agricultural products were gathered from Hokkaido and Honshu, while most of industrial items from Honshu and Kyushu (Table 5). Transport distance and freight volume are usually explained by the gravity model, and the less volume is transported for the longer distance. However, this was not always the case for the commodity flows to and from Nagoya known from in- and out-freight items in 1922 (Tables 4 and 6). Flows of agricultural products and heavy low-priced raw materials generally showed higher distance resistance among in-freight items. On the other hand, flows of fuel showed less or no distance resistance among in-freight items, and that of machinary among out-freight items. The year of 1937 was one of the years which Japan enjoyed the highest industrial production before World War II. In this year, flows of many commodities indicated large expansion of market comparing that of 1922 (Fig. s 3 and 4, Tables 7 and 8). As shown in out-flow of many items increased their markert, suggesting that Nagoya, at this period, made a firm foundation as one of the three metropolitan area in Japan. However, certain flows such as that of out-flow of fuel indicates the city lost its hinterland. The reason for this case, Nagoya lost Shizuoka Prefecture as its hinterland because of the development of Shimizu Port, and going into shifts unloading fuel port for the demand of Shizuoka Prefecture to Shimizu Port.
山本 耕平
音楽教育学 (ISSN:02896907)
vol.49, no.1, pp.25-36, 2019 (Released:2020-08-31)

本研究は, 作曲家の林光 (1931~2012) が日本教職員組合主催の教育研究全国集会に講師として参加していた1960年代後半から1970年代を中心に取り上げ, 彼の音楽教育論を明らかにすることを目的とする。林は1950年代にうたごえ運動や労音などの社会運動と積極的に関わる中で, 「民衆芸術論」の実践をこれらの社会運動に見出していた。そして後に彼は1968年から教育研究全国集会に講師として参加し, 民衆芸術論を基に「歌うことを中心とした音楽教育」を構想した。歌曲の教材選択について林は教科書にこだわらず子どもたちが生き生きと歌えるものを選ぶべきだと考えていた。そして教師の伴奏については, 楽譜通りに弾くことよりもむしろ教師の持てる技術の中で子どもの歌声を引き出すことを重視していた。林の音楽教育論とは, 知識や技術を重視する傾向にあった当時の音楽教育に対し, 子どもが主体的に音楽を楽しむ中で人間的に成長していくことを目指すものであった。
山本 耕平 赤堀 三郎
東京女子大学社会学年報 = Tokyo Woman's Christian University annals of sociology (ISSN:21876401)
no.11, pp.1-14, 2023-03-02

本研究は,プライバシー不安のジェンダー差がいかなる要因によって生じるのかを量的データの分析から検討することを通じて,情報技術が高度化する現代社会におけるプライバシー不安の性質を理解するための手がかりを得ようとするものである.科学技術のリスク認知に見られるジェンダー差の説明として先行研究において論じられてきたメカニズムを 4 つの仮説として整理し,2020 年に実施されたインターネット調査のデータ(n=5,961)を用いた線形回帰モデルの推定によって検証した.推定の結果,プライバシー不安は女性のほうが有意に高いこと,その差は知識量のジェンダー差や公的機関にたいする信頼のジェンダー差によっては説明できないこと,子どもの有無によってジェンダー差の度合いに違いがないことが確認され,女性が相対的にケア役割を内面化しやすいというジェンダー化された社会化の過程によってプライバシー不安のジェンダー差が生じる,という仮説が棄却されずに残った.ジェンダー化された社会化の過程にはケア役割の取得のほかにもさまざまな過程がありえ,それらの各々の過程が及ぼす影響を弁別することが課題として残るものの,科学技術にたいして疎遠な存在として社会化された集団が当該の科学技術にたいする不安を抱きやすいとすれば,現代のプライバシー不安は知識の提供などの短期的な対応によっては解消しづらいものである,という含意を得た. This study attempts to understand the nature of privacy concerns in contemporary society, where information technology is becoming increasingly advanced, by examining the factors contributing to gender differences. Four hypotheses were developed, drawing on the literature on gender differences in science and technology risk perception. They were tested by estimating linear regression models using data from the Internet survey conducted in 2020 (n=5,961). The estimation results confirmed that privacy concerns are significantly higher among women. Gender differences in knowledge or trust in public institutions cannot explain this discrepancy. Moreover, no difference in the degree of gender difference due to the presence or absence of children was detected. These results suggest that the gendered differences in privacy concerns are caused by the gendered socialization process, in which women are relatively more likely to internalize care roles. Considering other aspects of the socialization process as possible determinants of these gender differences is required. However, the findings imply that people who are socialized to be alienated from science and technology are likely to be anxious. Contemporary privacy concerns are difficult to resolve through short-term measures such as education.
山本 耕司 鶴保 謙四郎 細川 守 山本 攻
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
衛生化学 (ISSN:0013273X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.278-284, 1981-10-31 (Released:2008-05-30)

In order to elucidate the effect of fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) for water works on the water quality, the time course of elution of organic matters from FRP test pieces was investigated and the free available chlorine consumption by test pieces was also studied. Total organic carbon (TOC) of the water, in which test pieces were immersed, was regarded as the amount of organic matters eluted from test pieces to water. The amount eluted to distilled water was propotional to the surface area of test pieces, and entirely dependent on the water temperature. The similar tendency was observed in the amount of styrene contained in the eluted organic matters. Gel filtration of the eluate showed that the organic matter contained high molecular weight substances. The organic matter was also eluted from the test pieces which had been washed with tap water during 12 months. The chlorine had no effect on the elution profile of organic matters from test pieces. The time course of elution of styrene, however, showed a time lag in the presence of chlorine. The styrene reacted with the chlorine in water and the product was 1-phenyl-2-chloroethanol. The chlorine consumption by test pieces, however, was not able to be estimated by the amount of eluted styrene. A linear relationship existed between the decrease of chlorine and the square root of time. Its slope was propotional to the initial concentration of chlorine and the surface area of test pieces. The chlorine consumption by test pieces could be explained by the assumption that the diffusion of chlorine into the interface between test pieces and water was the rate-determining step.
山本 耕平

本研究は、人獣共通感染症の可能性のない魚コラーゲンを足場材として用い、歯髄除去後の歯髄を再生する、真に細胞生物学的な歯髄治療法の可能性を多面的に解析し、新たな歯髄再生療法の開発を図ることを目的とする。再生医療を推進する上で基礎となる組織再生工学には、細胞、成長因子、足場の3項目が不可欠である。歯科保存学領域において特に歯内療法分野において今回、再生医療の原理・原則を導入した。確実で早期に歯髄欠損修復を進めることで歯の延命化が可能となり、臨床上極めて重要である。具体的な研究項目は、①ヒト歯髄幹細胞の特性の確認②魚コラーゲンを使った足場材の有効性・安全性の証明をin vitro、in vivoの系で検証する。予定であるSCIDラットが入手が難しくその代替実験を考える間、令和元年度秋季学術大会にて魚由来コラーゲンペプチドによるヒト歯髄由来幹細胞の骨芽細胞分化誘導能の解析を共同実験者としてポスター発表した。しかし、SCIDラットは入手困難であり代替としたSCIDマウスでは歯髄再生には困難であった。令和元年度は歯髄組織由来歯髄幹細胞膜分取の研究に着手している。