山田 俊弘
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.47, no.245, pp.13-25, 2008 (Released:2021-08-05)

In order to clarify the mutual influence between Robert Hooke and Nicolaus Steno in the history of geoscience, the present paper analyzes their collections of minerals as well as their texts about the Earth. Following a brief review of the circumstances of mineral collections and classifications in seventeenth-century England, I examine the text of Hooke's Discourse of Earthquakes (1668/1705) and the specimens that Hooke referred therein. I also note that Hooke utilized the specimens or related facts, or even fables, reported in natural histories, travel writings, classic texts, the Scriptures, letters and accounts of acquaintances, and so forth. Meanwhile, a study of the minerals referred to in Steno's Index of Natural Things and the contents of his Prodromus on Solid Bodies (1669) reveals that Hooke and Steno observed similar specimens, independently acquired, with some local differences between England (the Royal Society repository) and Italy (the Medici collection). Hooke, however, assumed that even fossil objects like ammonites or belemnites were of organic origin while Steno probably refrained from identifying such 'problematic' objects as being organic. Nevertheless, given the early interest of Steno in meteorological and terrestrial phenomena in his Chaos Manuscript (1659) and De thermis (1660), it is possible that Steno understood the significance of fossils in his early years, though Hooke's priority of publication is undeniable, given that he determined their organic origin in the early 1660s and published on them in Micrographia (1665).
山田 俊弘
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.43, no.229, pp.1-12, 2004 (Released:2021-08-12)

This paper, in the first place, aims to make reappraisal to Bernhard Varen's General Geography(1650) from the viewpoint of the interaction of geography with the new science. I especially investigated the role of Descartes' theory and Varen's influence upon Steno. It is certain that Varen was familiar with the texts of Descartes such as Meteorology(1637) and Principles of Philosophy(1644). At the same time, however, he did not entirely adopt Cartesian doctrines but was even critical to the hypothesis of the flux and reflux. Steno, being famous as a founder of modern geology, made transcription from the many chapters of the first part of General Geography in his student years of Copenhagen(Chaos-manuscript, 1659). This shows the Steno's strong interest in the . meteorological and terrestrial phenomena since his early years and suggests high possibility that the Geography of 'Physics and Geography' in his Prodromus(1669, p.5) signified the Varen's General Geography. In this sense, therefore, the book should be reevaluated in the contexts of post-Cartesian theories of the Earth. The Dutch translation(1750) of the Varen's General Geography with numerous Newtonian annotations was introduced by ship to Japan and accepted by the Sendai Clan in 1829. This implies the introduction of the Newtonian theories of the Earth into Japan in the late Edo period, although there has hitherto been no obvious evidence that someone read the book to such an extent to utilize the knowledge. I could also show that the Description of the Realm of Japan(1649) and the General Geography shared the common sources concerning at least to the information of Japan and the Far East.
氏野 智也 小島 梨沙 山田 俊幸 田中 将史 中山 尋量

中道 上 山田 俊哉 松井 知子 阪井 誠 島 和之
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.14, no.3, pp.249-258, 2012-08-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

The purpose of this work is to reduce the target pages of the web usability evaluation by usability testing. The target pages will reduce by detecting low satisfaction web pages. We analyze users ' interaction data for detecting low satisfaction web pages using variable selection. Analysis results, detectable interaction data are browsing time, moving distance of gazing points and wheel rolling. We apply statistical discriminant analysis to these interaction data and detect low usability web pages by classification between low usability group and others. Analysis result, we get mathematical line between evaluation target pages and low usability rate. Evaluators can determine evaluation target pages by using mathematical line of low usability group.
大坪 由佳 田代 教二 添島 正和 大森 桂二 山田 俊介 森永 健三 木村 瞳 岡松 加恵 山本 勝己 長島 義之 山崎 裕 城戸 寛史 松浦 正朗
福岡歯科大学学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850064)
vol.33, no.1, pp.11-19, 2007-03-31

The aim of this study was to investigate a treatment policy for the practices of Kyushu area dentists related to dental implant restorations for single missing teeth of the lower first molars and edentulous mandibles. Questionnaires were sent to 43 dentists practicing in the Kyusyu area. Valid answers were obtained from 23 dentists. During 2003, 20 clinics had performed various numbers of implant treatments, and a total of 539 cases had been treated with implant prostheses. During 2004, 21 clinics had performed implant treatments, and a total of 679 cases had been treated with implant prostheses. Thirteen clinics had performed single-tooth implant restorations of missing lower first molars during 2003 and 2004. The totals of the cases were 47 such cases during 2003, and 56 such cases during 2004. Conversely, 406 cases of missing lower first molars had been treated with conventional bridges during 2003, and 423 such cases during 2004. Only 5 clinics in 2003 and 6 clinics in 2004 had cases with edentulous mandibles treated with implant-supported prostheses. The totals of the cases were 19 cases during 2003 and 18 cases during 2004. Conversely, more than 300 cases during 2003 and 450 cases during 2004 had been treated with conventional full denture. Fourteen of 23 dentists strongly recommended implant therapy to patients with single missing teeth of the lower first molars and 10 dentists recommend implant therapy to the patients with edentulous mandibles.
山田 俊治
日本豚病研究会報 = Proceedings of the Japanese Pig Veterinary Society (ISSN:09143017)
no.52, pp.22-28, 2008-02-01

楠 幹江 山田 俊亮
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.70, no.1, pp.24-32, 2019 (Released:2019-01-25)

著者らは, カンボジア王国シェリムアップ州バイヨン中学校において, 女子生徒を対象に家庭科の授業実践を行っている. 本稿は, カンボジアの被服文化に即した巻きスカート型の制服の下衣の製作を中学家庭科の実習授業として行うことを目的としたものであり, グループ学習ならびにルーブリックを取り入れた授業の検証を行った. 制服を題材としたことは, 生徒達にとって, 学ぶ楽しみと友人との語らいを提供する大切な衣服であるという点を重視したことによる. この制服を自分で製作し, 清潔に扱い, 最後まで活用する方法を身につけることは, 家庭科が目的としている「生きる力」を育むことにつながると考える. 以上のような試みを, カンボジアにおける家庭科の授業の充実化ならびに生活の向上を目指し, 日本からカンボジアへの家政学を介した国際協力手法の試みとして本稿では報告する.
吉岡 明 山田 俊郎
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.48, no.1, pp.56-64, 1990-01-01 (Released:2009-11-13)
5 6

An economical synthetic process of methyl jasmonate has been established.Total yield of this process is higher than 60 % for all five steps from cheaply available adipic acid. 2-Pentyny1-2-cyclopentenone, the key intermediate in this route, is synthesized by applying the improved palladiumcatalyzed enone formation from allyl β-keto carboxylate as a key reaction. The pentynyl moiety is introduced by the use of pentynyl chloride which is prepared in two steps from 2-butyne, our original source, cheaply.