馬淵 誠士 志村 宏太郎 松本 有里 梅本 雅彦 北田 文則 木村 正 藤江 建朗 中村 英夫
pp.281-288, 2021-03-10

▶要約 目的 : 子宮頸癌に対する広汎子宮全摘術が術者に与えるストレス・疲労を,術式別(ロボット支援下・腹腔鏡・開腹)に比較した. 方法 : 広汎子宮全摘出術の術中に,執刀医の心電図・筋電図を無線測定機器で持続モニタリングした. 結果 : ロボット支援下手術では,開腹手術や腹腔鏡手術に比して,脊柱起立筋の筋活動量が有意に軽微であった.ロボット支援下手術では心拍数が終始一定であったのに対し,開腹手術と腹腔鏡手術では心拍数は手術の進行とともに漸増し,ロボット支援下手術と比較して有意に高値となった.Tone-Entropy法による評価でも,ロボット支援下手術ではEntropyが終始一定であったのに対し,開腹手術と腹腔鏡手術では手術の進行とともにEntropyが低下し,ロボット支援下手術のストレスが少ないことを示す結果であった. 結論 : ロボット支援下広汎子宮全摘術は,開腹手術や腹腔鏡手術に比して執刀医へのストレス・疲労が少ない術式である可能性が示された.
加賀 芳恵 木村 正明 枝 恵太郎 大林 隆司
小笠原研究年報 (ISSN:03879844)
no.41, pp.125-135, 2018-07-31

木村 正子
英文学研究. 支部統合号 (ISSN:18837115)
vol.4, pp.313-319, 2012-01-20

This paper examines the issue of a fallen woman in Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth, exploring the reasons why the heroine Ruth Hilton should die even after repenting. In Victorian literary convention, fallen women were treated as objects of moral scorn and their story of transgression and plight was offered as a warning to unmarried women readers who were themselves expected to be "angels in the house." Gaskell did not consider all fallen women as depraved. She poses the question: Is a woman's "fall" a problem of individual morals or a social issue intertwined with the Victorian double standard? While Gaskell's Ruth casts a light on the socially ill treatment of fallen women, the novel ends with Ruth's abrupt death, leading critics to argue that Gaskell could not go beyond the bounds of the Victorian norms. This may be partly true, but in Gaskell's mind as long as Ruth's repentance is complete, she does not die a sinner. As a character, Ruth is an anomaly in. the Victorian world because she feels both repression and passion, the latter of which should not belong to an "angelic" woman. This deviancy has a productive side for Ruth to have a chance of speaking out and to liberate herself from the manacles of patriarchy. Instead she is forbidden to have her place in the Victorian society. Her death is both punishment and reward. This is Gaskell's argument against the idealistic woman model, the "angel in the house" which denies woman's individuality and a personal history.
陳 福君 中島 登 木村 郁子 木村 正康
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.115, no.6, pp.476-482, 1995-06-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
70 93

Averaged blood glucose levels were 400 mg/dl in nonfasted mice, and 250 mg/dl in fasted mice in 4 weeks after injection with streptozotocin (STZ, 150 mg/kg, i.v.). These mice were used for experiments. Hypoglycemic effects of hot water extracts (W) from Folium Mori (Mulberry leaves, Morus alba L., China and Japan) or Cortex Mori Radicis (Morus alba L., China) were observed in fasted and nonfasted STZ-induced diabetic mice at a single dose of 200 mg/kg (i.p.). The W from Folium Mori exhibited most potent hypoglycemic effects. The most potent fractions of Folium Mori and Cortex Mori Radicis were ethanol-insoluble extracts (A2). These A2 fractions demonstrated a fall in blood glucose levels of 24.6±6.0% and 60.5±9.1% at nonfasted STZ-mice, and 81.4±7.9% and 77.3±5.8% at fasted STZ-mice, respectively. The increase in glucose uptake was a mechanism of hypoglycemic actions by W and A2 of Folium Mori.

1 0 0 0 OA 憲法志料

木村正辞 纂輯
vol.2篇 巻6, 1884
西田 茂樹 木村 正文
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.60, no.3, pp.129-139, 1994-05-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

The purpose of this study is a re-evaluation of population dynamics, especially of marriage, divorce, and stillbirth by legitimacy, in Japan before the World War II. Formerly we reported results of similar analysis for the period between 1872 and 1898 and for the period 1899 and 1919. In this study, we have investigated the successive period from 1920 to 1940. Marriage rates over this period were estimated to be around 60 to 80 per 1, 000 unmarried women over age 15 and showed a decrease until the mid-1930's . Divorce rates were estimated to be around three to five per 1, 000 married women and showed a clear decrease since 1920. Illegitimate birth rates also showed a clear decrease from 27 to eight per 1, 000 unmarried women over age 15 in the study period. Ratios of illegitimate births to all births also showed a clear decrease. It was considered that these trends of marriage, divorce and birth by legitimacy were affected by the new appeared custom of registration of marriage which was the retardation of registration of marriage until the first baby was born. Illegitimate stillbirth rates were much higher than those of the legitimate in the study period. Illegitimate stillbirth rates showed a decline until 1927 and then turned to a increase. Legitimate stillbirth rates showed a decline in all study period but annual rates of decreasing were going to smaller since 1928. It was suspected that these trends of stillbirth were made by the phenomenon that some deaths of infant were registered as stillbirth.
笹川 満廣 木村 正
動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:02870223)
vol.10, pp.22-30, 1974

Dynatosoma属キノコバエとして,D. maculipes(MATSUMURA), D. major f. sapporoensis OKADAおよびD. reciprocum WALKERの3種が日本に産することは既に報告されている(松村, 1915;岡田, 1939;笹川, 1964)。筆者らは,それらを含む同属の, 日本産種について分類学的検討をおこなった結果,アシマダラフトキノコバエD. maculipes(MATSUMURA)は欧州産D. mgromaculatum LUNDSTROMのシノニムであることが判明し,それに近縁の2種を新種(D. spinimanum, longicorne)として記載した。さらに1未記録種D. cochleare STROBLに類似する新種D. camurumを記載した。本属のキノコバエは中胸背,触角および腿節の色彩ならびに雄外部生殖器,とくにはあく器の構造に種的特徴をみることができる。

1 0 0 0 OA 欟斎雑攷 : 2巻

木村正辞 著
vol.巻1, 1909
滝口 克己 黒正 清治 小林 克巳 石田 彰男 木村 正彦
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.286, pp.29-35, 1979
1 1

This paper describes the newly developed loading apparatus for experimental studies to clarify the restoring force characteristics of reinforced concrete columns subjected to bi-directional horizontal forces and axial force. The loading method by this apparatus is as follows : 1) The base of column is fixed on the bed of loading apparatus. 2) The axial force is vertically applied by dead weight. 3) Two horizontal forces are applied to the top of column by oil jacks independently each other. In this loading apparatus, the relative three rotational displacements between top and base of column are restrained by the link mechanism, but the two horizontal displacements and vertical displacement are not restrained. Three specimens were tested without axial force, in order to obtain the fundamental data about the restoring force characteristics of reinforced concrete columns to bi-directional horizontal displacements and to examine the effects of the link mechanism on restraining rotational displacements. In this experiment, horizontal, vertical and rotational relative displacements were measured. From these experimental results, it was found that all rotational displacements were negligibly small, but horizontal and vertical displacements were not restrained by the link mechanism at all. Therefore, the loading apparatus developed here was operated properly and was restraining the rotational displacements, as was expected in its design. As a result, it was proved that the experiments of reinforced concrete columns subjected to bi-directional horizontal forces and axial force could be carried out on the clear conditions conveniently.
木村 正史 三浦 常司
神戸大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:13413430)
vol.11, pp.109-127, 1995

Most first names in English exist in three forms : e. g., Thomas, Tom, Tommy or Susan, Sue, Susie. They are called the regular, short, and pet form, respectively. This paper analyzes the short forms of polysyllabic names from a morphological viewpoint. There are six known patterns in making short forms : (1) omission of letter(s) at the beginning, (2) omission of letter(s) in the middle, (3) omission of letter(s) at the end, (4) omission of letter(s) both at the beginning and in the middle, (5) omission of letter(s) both at the beginning and at the end, (6) omission of letter(s) both in the middle and at the end. Of these six patterns, (3) ranks first and pattern (1), second. These two forms account for over 84% of all short forms. The short form is less commonly used for feminine names such as Mary and Sarah. A few short forms are exception to the rules, such as Hank for Henry. This paper discusses these exceptions and classifies them under the title of sound changes and independent names. Except in a few cases, short forms have a strong tendency to Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) and its variants, i. e., closed syllable structure-a hallmark of the English language.
木村 正康 / 柳 誠治 今野 泰生 野島 浩史 木村 郁子 Ikuko KIMURA
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.18, no.3, pp.407-410, 1995-03-15 (Released:2008-04-10)
5 11

β-Eudesmol, a sesquiterpenoid alcohol contained in Atractylodes lancea, potentiates succinylcholine (SuCh)-induced neuromuscular blockade. The potentiating effect is greater in diabetic muscles than in normal ones. As a ligand for affinity chromatography to study the potentiating mechanism, we designed and synthesized newly β-eudesmol-related cyclohexylidene derivatives (2-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl) cyclohexylidene ; KTE-13, 2-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-4-cyclohexylidene carboxylic acid ; KTE-32 and 4-tert-butoxycarbonyl-2-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl) cyclohexylidene ; KTE-33). We examined the potentiating effects of those compounds in phrenic nerve-diaphragm muscle preparations of normal and alloxan-diabetic mice. KTE-33 (100μM) potentiated more greatly SuCh-induced neuromuscular blockade in diabetic muscles than in normal ones (the potentiating ratios in normal and diabetic muscles were 6.7 and 10.6, respectively), while KTE-13 (100 μM) and -32 (200 μM) potentiated weakly. These results suggest that the ester group in KTE-33 rather than a carboxyl group in KTE-32 is important in inducing the potentiation of SuCh-induced neuromuscular blockade in diabetic state.
木村 正寿 友松 重樹 長瀬 慶紀 田坂 英紀
宮崎大學工學部紀要 (ISSN:05404924)
vol.34, pp.191-196, 2005-08

Abstract ###In an internal combustion engine, it is usually considered that combustion and flow are ###affected each other. In our previous works, it seemed to be in good correlation between ###combustion and flow characteristics. But after precise examinations, the correlations were ###not enough. The cause of this disaffection would be the change of actual fuel air ratio ###during the combustion experiments in the engine. So the examination of this###discrepancy was made by the injection duaration of the fuel injection system. The ###discrepancy was decreased by this check of the injection duaration when engine was ###running.The relationships between combustibility and flow characteristics was ###inclined to be come near in some extent, but more improvement should be required.
木村 正子
英米文学 (ISSN:04246853)
vol.49, no.1, pp.55-69, 2005-03-15

In contrast to Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Gaskell's heroine is recognized as obedient to the Victorian ideological figure, the "angel in the house." This is a strategy of Gaskell to hold her authorship in the mid-Victorian male-centered literary world, for male editors claimed that female writers should write "feminine" stories. Gaskell ostensibly obeyed their claim and wrote stories about angelic heroines ; however, she secretly contrived to undermine the patriarchal foundation that binds the heroines. In Cousin Phillls (1863), the heroine Phillis aspires to maturity that allows her to grow to womanhood, but her message is ingeniously hidden behind the veil of male narrative. The narrator Paul believes that Phillis' broken heart is no less tragic than loss of "innocence" - the innocence of Eden. Making this ironical use of Paul's view, Gaskell suggests that the image of the "angel in the house" is made up by the Victorian male self-deception.