渡辺 昭夫
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1992, no.100, pp.1-15,L5, 1992-08-30 (Released:2010-09-01)

To commemorate the 100th issue of International Relations, the editorial board decided to compile a special volume on the Cold War and After: Japanese Perspectives.The 14 articles contained in this volume are for the sake of convenience divided into three groups: theory, history and prospects. The article by Yoshinobu Yamamoto gives an overview of the evolutions of international relations theories during the past four decades which, he argues, can be related to the historical developments of international relations in the real world. Since the latter were to an important degree shaped by the Cold War, a dominant paradigm altered from time to time, reflecting the sequence of events in the East-West relations. After tracing the paradigmatic development from the intitial stage of realist domination through the rise of various versions of liberalism during the 1970's to the resurgence of neo-realism in the more recent times, Yamamoto forsees the coming of an age of liberalist-led integration of international theories following the end of the Cold War.This basically sanguine prospect shown by Yamamoto is in line with one of the major theses dealt with by various writers who contributed to this volume. Influenced by John Gaddis' book The Long Peace, they are concerned with the reasons for the continuation of peace between the two superpowers during the Cold War era. Without necessarily denying the idea that such systemic and objective factors as bipolarity and nuclear deterrence were conducive to the long peace, some of the writers for this volume rather emphasized the learning capacity of the policy-makers of the both superpowers as an explanatory factor (Anami, Umemoto and Ishii). To some if not all, the long peace in the Cold War era was part of the longer trend in international relations, i. e. the trend towards no war among the major powers. The lessons of the two World Wars in the 20th century brought about attitudinal change regardiag the issue of war and peace, signs of which were discernible even in the behaviours of the Soviet and American leaders despite their Cold War rhetoric. Democracy is not necessarily regarded as a prerequisite for international peace. In fact, examining the thought of George Kennan on the problems of democracy, one of the contributors (Terachi) casts doubts on the thesis that democracy is by nature conducive to international peace.If one takes a narrow definition of the Cold War with a focus on Soviet-American relations or East-West relations in Europe, the long peace thesis seems largely acceptable, although his or her explanation may differ from the one offered in the above. A more fundamental objection will be raised, however, by those who adhere to the idea that the ‘hot wars’ outside Europe were the essential ingredient of the Cold War. In fact this was the central theme of The Origins of the Cold War in Asia, a volume edited by Yonosuke Nagai and Akira Iriye fifteen years ago. Wit-nessed two hot wars in Korea and Indochina during their life time, many contemporary Japanese (and probably other Asian) historians would choose this broader definition of the Cold War. This thesis is worth remebering, although, apart from a brief reference by Ishii, it was not fully discussed in the present volume. This is so particularly because the relative weight of the Cold War in the entire history of the post WW II era differs from one region to another. Hece the difference in the impact of the end of the Cold War upon the regional international affairs in the years to come, which is the topic of the the third section of the present volume.Koizumi (who deals with the present and future in the latter half of her article) and Ueta are concered with post-Cold War Europe, whereas all others are either with Asia/Pacific (Sakanaka, Kurata, Tamaki, Hara and Purrington) or with more broad themes (Oizumi and Takehiko Yamamoto).
萬田 正治 山本 幸子 黒肥 地一郎 渡辺 昭三
日本家畜管理研究会(現 日本家畜管理学会)
日本家畜管理研究会誌 (ISSN:09166505)
vol.29, no.2, pp.55-60, 1993-11-10 (Released:2017-10-03)

牛の視力を牛の学習能力を利用した動物行動学的手法により検討した。そのため二叉迷路型の学習装置を用い、供試牛の前方左右に視力パネルとしてのランドルト環(正刺激)と同寸法の円(負刺激)を提示した。さらに配合飼料を視力パネルの後方に置き、供試牛が正刺激のランドルト環を選択した場合のみ、配合飼料が摂食できるよう学習訓練した。視力パネルの左右交換は乱数表によりランダムに行い、1セッション20試行とし、適合度の検定により、正反応率が80%以上に達した場合、供試牛はその学習試験を完了したとし、その供試ランドルト環を識別できたと判定した。ランドルト環は0.01のものから0.02刻みにその大きさを変えていき、識別できた最も小さいランドルト環の値をその供試牛の視力値とした。供試牛には鹿児島大学農学部付属農場入来牧場生産の成牛5頭を用いた。1号牛はランドルト環の0.08、2号牛は0.04、3号牛は0.07、4号牛は0.08、5号牛は0.07までそれぞれ識別することができた。したがって供試牛5頭の視力値はランドルト環図形ではおよそ0.04〜0.08の範囲を示し、人間に比べて視力が極めて弱いことが示唆された。日本家畜管理研究会誌、29(2) : 55-60.1993.1993年5月31日受理
横田 賀英子 渡辺 昭一 渡邉 和美
犯罪心理学研究 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.40, no.1, pp.21-33, 2002 (Released:2018-09-07)

本研究では,我が国で過去に発生した人質立てこもり事件87件を分析し,犯人の投降に影響を与えた状況要因について検討した.その結果,以下のことが明らかとなった.1 事件中に,犯人が人質を死傷させた場合には,犯人が投降する確率が低かった.2 発生場所が建物内である場合,犯人がマスコミ報道を要求している場合,犯人と人質問に会話があった場合には,犯人が投降した確率が高かった.3 立てこもり事件の終結においては,犯人の投降もしくは立てこもり継続への意思決定と,警察の強行制圧もしくは交渉継続の意思決定の双方が影響していたことが示唆された.本研究の結果により,我が国における過去の人質立てこもり事件において,どのような状況要因が,犯人の投降に影響したのかが,明らかになった.今後は,犯人,警察,人質問のダイナミックスについて,さらに研究を進める必要がある.
廣田 昭久 横田 賀英子 和田 純一郎 渡辺 昭一 高澤 則美
日本鑑識科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:13428713)
vol.5, no.1, pp.33-53, 2000 (Released:2009-11-27)
9 7

In the present study we investigated heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) in the guilty knowledge test (GKT). Participants were instructed to “steal” envelopes and hide them. Participants were then presented with questions focusing on certain aspects of the particular envelopes they had stolen. They were requested to respond with “no” to every question, thus denying their knowledge about the critical items. Heart rate, SCR, and HRV components of high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) were measured during the GKT examinations. Results showed that heart rate decreased in the critical items. They also showed that decrement of heart rate was most distinctive about 10-15 seconds after the onset of the questioning of the critical items. The results indicated that there is a characteristic response pattern between heart rate and HRV concerning the critical items. That is, heart rate decrement is accompanied by increment of HF component and decrement of LF component. Also, in order to examine which method would serve as the most effective measure for psychophysiological detection of deception, we compared among three different analytical methods: fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis, peak-to-valley method, and complex demodulation (CDM) method, in assessing HRV, respectively. Results showed that the CDM method traced both HF and LF amplitudes were most effectively, and therefore would be the best indices for detection. Some hypotheses were discussed concerning psychophysiological responses in detection of deception, one of which was the implication that subjects might have adopted passive coping, in other words, hemodynamic reaction pattern-II, when presented with the critical items, because of the particular cardiovascular response pattern shown in the psychophysiological detection of deception.
黒崎 嘉子 天野 光彦 栗田 吾郎 桧山 充 岡田 重宣 渡辺 昭宣
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.40, no.2, pp.108-112, 1987-02-20 (Released:2011-06-17)

埼玉県内のK血液処理施設で処理された食用と畜血液 (豚) の衛生状態を調査し, 以下の成績を得た.1) K血液処理施設に搬入された原料血液からは, 平均で一般生菌数2.8×104/ml, 低温細菌数1.5×104/ml, 大腸菌群数4.2/ml, 黄色ブドウ球菌数4.6/ml, 耐熱性菌数1.9/mlが検出され, ウェルシュ菌およびサルモネラは検出されなかった.2) 豚の血液は, 4℃ で48時間保管した場合, 細菌数の増加はみられなかった.3) K血液処理施設で生産された製品の「豚プラズマ」からは, 平均で一般生菌数1.9×104/ml, 低温細菌数1.1×103/ml, 大腸菌群数3.2/ml, 黄色ブドウ球菌数2.1/ml, 耐熱性菌数1.11mlが検出され, ウェルシュ菌は検出されなかった. サルモネラは48例中1例から検出された. また, 抗菌性物質は検出されなかった.4) 製品「豚プラズマ」の汚染は, 夏季に高く冬季に低かった.5) 製品の製造工程における各細菌数は, 経時的に大差はなかった.6) 製品「豚プラズマ」は, -20℃ で保存すると, 経時的に細菌数の減少がみられた.
鈴木 安恒 長田 光博 渡辺 昭
International Society of Histology and Cytology
Archivum histologicum japonicum (ISSN:00040681)
vol.23, no.5, pp.431-446, 1963

In addition to lung and gill respirations, there is a specific type of respiration in the <i>Misgurnus anguillicaudatus</i> which is generally called 'Loach's intestinal respiration' and is considered to be of as large as one third of the total respiration volume.<br>Many experimental and physiological studies about the intestinal respiration have been made (SUYEHIRO 1933, KOYAMA 1958 etc.), yet no one has made any morphological study up to the present.<br>After our cytological and electronmicroscopical studies of matured loach's intestines it has been confirmed that the respiration is carried out by straight intestine (lower intestine) and especially that columnar cells each are to play an active part in it. Furthermore comparative studies have been made between lung epithelium (LOW 1952, BARGMANN and KNOOP 1956, KARRER 1956 and GRONIOWSKI and DJACZENKO 1961) as well as gill epithelium (HAYEK 1960, MIZUHIRA et al. 1962) and loach's lower intestine epithelium from the respiratory functional view point.<br>The results obtained are summarized as follows;<br>Material and methods: Matured loachs (<i>Misgurnus anguillicaudatus</i>) were sacrificed after one day's starvation, and upper intestine (coiled intestine) and lower intestine (straight intestine) were extracted and fixed in LEVI'S solution, ZENKER-formol and 10% formalin. For the electron microscopy, small pieces of both intestines were fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide adjusted to pH7.4 with phosphate buffer, dehydrated through a series of alcohol, and then embedded in styrene and n-butyl methacryrate (1:1), epon, and new epoxy resine 'epok 533' recommended by KUSHIDA's method. Thin sections were cut on a PORTER-BLUM microtome with glass knives, stained with uranyl acetate, and examined in a HITACHI's HU-10 electron microscope and a NIPPON DENSHI's JEMT-6 electron microscope at magnification of 1, 000-10, 000.<br>1. The epithelium of the intestinal mucous membrane is composed of one layer of columnar cells. Villi are well developped in the upper intestine where columnar cells form a great majority of the intestinal epithelial cells, and goblet cells are recognized scatteringly. These columnar cells take slender columnar form and have striated border. The nuclei are round or oval in shape and are found at the basal part of the cell. Mitochondoria are of a short thread shape or a short bacilli-form and mostly gather at the apical portion of the cell. Small arteries and capillaries are observed in the lamina propria of the mucous membrane.<br>2. In the lower intestine (straight intestine), no villi are observed and yet goblet cells are found in comparatively great numbers. What especially differs from the upper intestine (coiled intestine) is the fact that blood capillaries get into intercellular spaces of the columnar cells from the lamina propria, and widen their space and swell toward the intestinal lumen. As a result the surrounding columnar cells remarkablly transform themselves because of the pressure of the capillaries, turn into a thin layer and lose their striated border.<br>These phenomena are recognized in almost all parts of the lower intestine and are particularly remarkable about the anus.<br>However, as far as goblet cells are concerned, their form differs according to the mass of the mucous contents as in the upper intestine, and the above said insertion of the capillaries has practically no deforming effect upon their form. Furthermore, they open into the intestinal lumen with a small stoma, and do not cover the intestinal side of capillaries.<br>Consequently it is the columnar cells that perform the respiration, while goblet cells only assume charge of producing mucus for the smooth discharge of feces through the intestinal cavity.<br>No PANETH's cells and no chromaffin cells are found.<br>The intestinal muscle layers consist of inner circular and outer longitudinal layers
渡辺 昭五
芸能 (ISSN:09113282)
vol.29, no.1, pp.p8-19, 1987-01
渡辺 昭則
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密機械 (ISSN:03743543)
vol.40, no.478, pp.969-975, 1974-11-05 (Released:2009-06-30)

1 0 0 0 千秋歌集

[渡辺千秋著] 渡辺昭編
五十嵐 喜雄 〓上 奎介 知久 幸宏 今井 良子 渡辺 昭次
公益社団法人 日本化学会
日本化学会誌(化学と工業化学) (ISSN:03694577)
vol.1989, no.9, pp.1616-1619, 1989-09-10 (Released:2011-05-30)

横田 賀英子 渡辺 昭一 渡邉 和美
犯罪心理学研究 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.40, no.1, pp.21-33, 2002

<p>本研究では,我が国で過去に発生した人質立てこもり事件87件を分析し,犯人の投降に影響を与えた状況要因について検討した.その結果,以下のことが明らかとなった.</p><p>1 事件中に,犯人が人質を死傷させた場合には,犯人が投降する確率が低かった.</p><p>2 発生場所が建物内である場合,犯人がマスコミ報道を要求している場合,犯人と人質問に会話があった場合には,犯人が投降した確率が高かった.</p><p>3 立てこもり事件の終結においては,犯人の投降もしくは立てこもり継続への意思決定と,警察の強行制圧もしくは交渉継続の意思決定の双方が影響していたことが示唆された.</p><p>本研究の結果により,我が国における過去の人質立てこもり事件において,どのような状況要因が,犯人の投降に影響したのかが,明らかになった.今後は,犯人,警察,人質問のダイナミックスについて,さらに研究を進める必要がある.</p>
浅野 文 島谷 幸宏 渡辺 裕二 渡辺 昭彦
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木計画学研究・論文集 (ISSN:09134034)
vol.13, pp.303-312, 1996-08-31 (Released:2010-06-04)

都市における鳥類と人間との関係を調べるために、1993年に農村域として小貝川、1994年に都市域として多摩川で、鳥類の避難行動 (逃避行動、回避行動、警戒行動) 開始時の距離を測定した。測定された距離の結果は、(1) 地域による相違 (小貝川に対する多摩川での距離の短縮化)、(2) 経時的な相違 (1976年の既存データに対する1994年の測定距離の低下)、(3) 種の特性による相違 (体長と距離の相関性、水鳥 (W1) と都市鳥 (U) の分布状況と位置の変化) で特徴づけられる。以上の結果は、都市域は鳥類にとって必ずしも生息しにくいだけの環境ではなく、有効な側面を持っていることを示しており、その結果に基づき、人間と鳥類との共存関係について考察した。
渡辺 昭夫
歴史学研究 (ISSN:03869237)
no.252, pp.1-14,49, 1961-04