松井 佐織 廣吉 康秀 阿南 会美 阿南 隆洋 菅原 悦子 渡辺 明彦 菅原 淳 藤田 剛 向井 秀一
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.56, no.2, pp.279-285, 2014 (Released:2014-02-26)

Chlamydia trachomatis(以下クラミジア)による直腸炎は,イクラ状・半球状小隆起が典型的内視鏡像とされるが,自験例では典型例が少なく,丈の低い隆起や隆起を伴わない例を認めた.自験例28例のうち初回内視鏡検査時に隆起性病変を認めた18例では丈の高い隆起(典型例)を3例(10.7%)に,丈の低い隆起を15例(53.6%)に認めた.隆起を伴わなかった10例(35.7%)では,びらん・アフタ・発赤などの所見を認めた.クラミジア直腸炎では,半球状小隆起以外の内視鏡所見が認められることも多いと考えられ,症例の集積と検討が必要と思われる.
吉澤 壮 大屋 裕二 烏谷 隆 渡辺 公彦 三井 哲夫 玉島 正裕
一般社団法人 日本風工学会
vol.22, pp.221-226, 2012

新興国の著しい経済発展による、国際的な物流量の増大が地球環境に影響を与えるのではないかと懸念されている。そういった観点から、船舶の環境への負荷を減らすため、より高効率な船舶が模索されている。その一つとして、風圧抵抗を減らし、高効率化を図るため船首が半球状に改良された自動車運搬船(Pure Car Carrier:以下PCC)がある。その模型と現行のPCCの模型を風洞内で回転させ、抗力、横力、回頭モーメントを測定した。風圧抵抗を比較し、その減少を定量的に把握した。また、その改良型のPCCにセールを兼ねた翼形状のファンネルを搭載し、同様に風洞実験を行った。ファンネルも船体とは独立して回転可能になっており、船体とファンネルに対する風向が船体の風圧抵抗に与える影響を調べた。その結果、抗力、横力、回頭モーメントともにファンネルの有無によって特定の角度で影響を及ぼしていることが分かった。

1 0 0 0 OA 製法新書

渡辺遂 編
平岡 史博 穂苅 真樹 渡辺 嘉二郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2003, pp.40-42, 2003

In budou, effective hit is chiefly judged to the opponent by umpire's eyes. The shock speed of the tool going up as athlete's skill improved and judging only by umpire's eyes became difficult. As a result, the possibility of causing the misjudgment has risen. If the judging standard can be quantified, and there is a system that can easily judge effective hit, it can use not only the misjudgment prevention but also to practice shock, and is useful for a further improvement of the skill. The judgment method of assuming sports chanbara to be an example in the main discourse and using the gyro sensor and the system that had achieved it were constructed. Moreover, the validity of the effective hit judgment system that achieved it was verified by the experiment.
渡辺 勇三
vol.20, no.6, pp.1-6, 2006-06-24
渡辺 隆幸
no.12, pp.33-46, 2010 (Released:2012-12-06)
渡辺 喜七
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.25, no.4, pp.1-28, 1991-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

In this paper, I attempt to define “business ideology” as a decisive element in management and entrepreneurship. Then I go on to examine comparatively the role it played in 18th century Japan and the United States. At first I define the concept of business ideology as the fundamental principle, goal or spirit of business which entrepreneurs regard as the soundest basis for the foundation, maintenance and development of the enterprise, greatly affecting strategic and managerial decision-making. Secondly, I describe the business ideology and/or the spirit of the modern capitalism of Benjamin Franklin as the origin of modern entrepreneurship in the United States. Franklin's business values and ideology did not only emphasize the virtues of temperance, industry, frugality and rational techniques for making money; but also strongly affirm freedom, individualism and social responsibility in modern industrial society. It is worth emphasizing that Franklin's ideas and example contributed to the formation of modern work ethics and business ideology which promoted American industrialization. Thirdly, I touch upon the social values and business ideology of the Tokugawa era of Japan in the 18th century. In order to understand the business ideology of the era, two examples, the business philosophy, Shingaku, by Baigan Ishida and House Rule formed by the Mitsui have been examined. They both approved the traditional values of diligence, frugality, obedience, loyalty and patience based on Confucianism, affirming “profit making” without guilty feeling. Among the many aspects of management of the House Rule of the Mitsui in 1722, we observe the strongly conservative and firm policy that prohibited new ventures in favor of maintaning the ancestral business and the House. Finally, comparing the business values and ideology of America and Japan in the same century, we consider “what were the real factors” of promoting industrialization in the modern society by re-examination of Weber's theory of the spirit of the modern capitalism. We observe that the spirit or ethics in the business values of the Tokugawa era, Baigan's thought, and the business ideology of the merchant's House is similar to what we find in Weber's theory of modernization. They all emphasize the virtues of diligence, frugality, honesty, patience and confidence of profitmaking, “the spirit of capitalism”. If we compare American values with Japanese values in the 18th century, or the business ideology of Franklin with the Merchant's House Rule, clear similarities as well as differences will be found. Diligence, frugality and profit-making are the same values for both sides. However, the big difference is the fact that America produced progressive, innovative minds, the spirit of freedom, criticism and individualism, but Japan failed to evolve those ideals in the Tokugawa era. My final point is that these American spirits or ideas were vital factors in bringing about spontaneous industrialization and modern capitalism. Therefore, we observe something missing in Weber's theory of modernization. Especially Weber failed to appreciate the role of individualism, freedom, and innovation in driving entrepreneurship and industrialization.
渡辺 尚
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.14, no.3, pp.1-33,i, 1980-02-29 (Released:2010-11-18)

Although the origin and development of the chambers of industry and commerce in Germany is regionally different and chronologically complicated, they could be grouped into several types. One of them, Rhine-type, is characterized by closely cooperative relations under the chambers which reflect an interregional interdependence in one of the most industrialized parts of Germany.The chambers came here into existence at the beginning of the 19th century as auxiliary institutions of the Napoleonic central government in Aachen/Burtscheid, Crefeld, Stolberg, Trier, Eupen and Malmedy. Only Cologne made an exception because there had been in this city an organization of merchants already in the 18th century which was reorganized later as chamber of commerce.After Rhineland was annexed to Prussia as a result of the Vienna Congress the government in Berlin did not allow at first the foundation of new chambers. But in the 1820's it approved another form of merchant organization, “Kaufmännische Korporation”, in the eastern part of Prussia i.e. in Berlin, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Konigsberg, Tilsit, Elbing and Magdeburg. The chambers which were founded at length in the 1830's in Rhineland i.e. in Elberfeld, Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Koblenz, M.-Gladbach, Wesel, Lennep, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Essen and Solingen, had to be now organized after the principle of the eastern institution, compulsory membership related to the minimum of the business tax.The new principle was applied also to the older Napoleonic chambers, which caused a serious confusion especially in the chamber of Cologne. Big merchants were opposed to a reorganization. Moreover this affair fell on the beginning of the steamship navigation on the Rhine since 1827 by Preussisch-Rheinische Dampfschiff-fahrts-Gesellschaft and the conclusion of the Rhine Navigation Act in 1831 which gave a fatal blow to the class of small sailboat owners. The both antagonistic parties struggled now for the membership and leadership of the chamber. Therefore the chamber could hardly function through the 1830's as an institution for local interests of different classes and sectors.In this process, however, the transition from the Napoleonic to the Rhine type of the chambers was performed and the leadership of the liberal big merchant class was in Cologne established which enabled the chamber now to represent the interest not only of the city but also of Rhineland as a whole because the merchants were most clearly aware of consequence of interregional relations with Holland and Belgium which were indispensable to build up the industrial structure of Rhineland in the era of traffic revolution.The both companies of Preußisch-Rheinische Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft and Rheinische Eisenbahn Gesellschaft were creations of the chamber of Cologne as entrepreneur on the initiative of leading merchants by this time as Merkens, Boisserée and Camphausen.
渡辺 馨
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.6, no.2, pp.25-46, 1971-11-10 (Released:2009-10-14)

After the World War II, especially in 1960's, Courtaulds' first problem of diversification was to shake itself from rayon fibre maker and to become non-cellulosic fibre producer. Thus Courtaulds began to produce acrylic fibre and thereafter nylon, polyester etc.Before the first half of 1960's, ICI had occupied monopolistic position in producing nylon and polyester, and Courtaulds in acrylic. But in response to the intrusion into domestic market by Du Pont, Monsanto, Hoechst, AKZO as non-cellulosic fibre producers, Courtaulds had to choose either to become the producer of raw material of fibre by backward integration, or to become textile manufacturer by forward integration. Courtaulds chose the latter alternative, and has come to share large in textile manufacturing field.As a fibre producer, such diversification of Courtaulds was questionable, because of low efficiency of investiment. But the fact that ICI also was afterward compelled to go into the textile manufacturing, the writer concludes that the behavour of Courtaulds toward diversification was not a mistake.