井上 卓 新里 譲 Inoue Taku Shinzato Yuzuru 琉球大学院医学研究科臨床薬理学分野 沖縄赤十字病院循環器科
琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal (ISSN:1346888X)
vol.27, no.3, pp.123-129, 2008

Background: Elevated heart rate is closely associated with cardiovascular morbidity, mortality and all-cause mortality. Elevated heart rate is also associated with cardiovascular risk factors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether elevated heart rate is associated with cardiovascular morbidity independent of cardiovascular risk factors. Methods & Results: We examined the association between heart rate and cardiovascular morbidity of ambulatory patients. Of 102 patients, 3 were excluded because of low ejection fraction. Among the remaining 99 subjects (54 men, 45 women, $66 pm 12$ years of age), 34 (20 men, 14 women, $ 71\pm 8$ years of age) had a history of cardiovascular disease. The subjects with cardiovascular disease were significantly older, and had lower systolic blood pressure and lower total cholesterol levels than those without cardiovascular disease. Multivanable logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, and antihypertensive agents revealed that a 20 beats/min heart rate increase was associated with an approximately 4-fold increase in the risk for cardiovascular disease (OR 3.597, 95% CI 1.456 - 8.888, p=0.0055). Metabolic syndrome (OR 1.276, 95% CI 0.434 - 3.752, p=NS) and chronic kidney disease (OR 0.736, 95% CI 0.238 - 2.279, p=NS) were not associated with cardiovascular disease. After excluding the patients prescribed such heart rate-lowering drugs as $ \beta $ -antagonist or diltiazem, heart rate increase was still the only factor associated with the risk for cardiovascular disease ( OR3.692, 95% CI 1.123 - 12.137, p=0.0351). Conclusions: Elevated heart rate is closely associated with cardiovascular morbidity independent of other cardiovascular risk factors such as metabolic syndrome or chronic kidney disease.
当間 孝子 宮城 一郎 星野 千春 Toma Takako Miyagi Ichiro Hoshino Chiharu 琉球大学保健学部医動物学教室 那覇検疫所那覇空港支所
琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine (ISSN:02859270)
vol.1, no.4, pp.315-319, 1978

A survey was carried out to certain the mosquito fauna of Iheyajima (21 Km^2) north Okinawa Island, in March, May and August 1978. The following 21 species were found on Iheyajima: Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann, Armigers subalbatus (Coquillett) , Culex halifaxii Theobald, Culex pipiens fatigans Wiedemann, Culex pseudovishnui Colless, Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles, Anopheles lesteri Baisas el Hu, Mimomyia elegans (Taylor), Mimomyia luzonensis (Ludlow), Mansonia uniformis (Theobald), Uranotaenia novobscura Barraud, Uranotaenia jacksoni Edwards, Aedes togoi (Theobald), Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Aedes riversi Bohart et Ingram, Aedes vexans nipponii (Theobald), Culex rubithoracis ( Leicester) , Culex ryukyensis Bohart, Culex bitaeniorhynchus Giles, Culex mimeticus Noe, Culex vagans Wiedemann. Among the species collected, the last 15 had not been previously recorded from Iheyaj ima.
当間 孝子 宮城 一郎 星野 千春 佐久本 微笑 Toma Takako Miyagi Ichiro Hoshino Chiharu Sakumoto Bisho 琉球大学保健学部医動物学教室 那覇検疫所那覇空港支所
琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine (ISSN:02859270)
vol.1, no.2, pp.96-100, 1978

Mosquitoes were collected by light traps at three sites in Naha city for one year (1977-1978) and the following 8 species were collected : Culex pipiens fatigans Wiedemann, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett), Aedes vexans nipponii (Theobald), Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles, Culex bitaeniorhynchus Giles, Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann, and Mansonia uniformis (Theobald). Among them, Culex pipiens fatigans was dominant and the number collected was 6,030 (97.7 percent of the total). This mosquito was active through out the year and a few fed and gravid females were found even in the winter season.
當山 冨士子 高原 美鈴 大城 真理子 田場 真由美 蟻塚 亮二 仲本 晴男 大宜見 恵 Toyama Fujiko Takahara Misuzu Oshiro Mariko Taba Mayumi Arizuka Ryouji Nakamoto Haruo Ogimi Megumi 沖縄県立看護大学 琉球大学保健学研究科 沖縄共同病院 沖縄県立総合精神保健福祉センター 今帰仁村役場 Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing University of the Ryukyus Graduate School Okinawa Kyoudou Hospital Okinawa Prefectural General Mental Health Center Nakijin Town Office
沖縄県立看護大学紀要 (ISSN:13455133)
no.14, pp.1-12, 2013-03

【目的】戦闘が行われた沖縄本島とその周辺離島村を含む町村に在住する沖縄戦体験者の精神保健、特に戦争トラウマの現状について把握する。【方法】〈研究デザイン〉量的研究。〈調査期間〉平成24年4月~同年7月。〈対象〉戦闘が行われた沖縄本島の4町村(南部1、中部1、北部2)および沖縄本島周辺離島の2村(南部1、北部1)を含む6町村在住者で、当該町村の介護予防事業に参加していた沖縄戦体験者で、75歳以上の者。〈調査に使用した尺度および質問紙〉1)WHO-5(World Health Organization Mental Health Well Being Index-five items:精神的健康状態表)。2) IES-R(Impact of Event Scale-Revised)改訂 出来事インパクト尺度日本語版によるトラウマの程度を測定。3)沖縄戦に関する質問紙を使用した。【結果】収集したデータ303のうちIES-Rに欠損値がない257を解析対象とした。性別では女218(84.8%)、男39(15.2%)で、平均年齢は82.5歳。WHO-5の平均得点は21.6(±4.2)。IES-Rの平均得点は23.2(±16.1)で、PTSDハイリスク者とされる25点以上が106(41.2%)あった。「沖縄戦を思い出すきっかけ」では、「戦争に関する映像・新聞記事」が208(80.9%)であった。IES-R得点と関連があったのは、「戦争を思い出す頻度」「誰かが危険な目に遭うのを目撃した」「当時の年齢で14歳以上と14歳未満」であった。【結論】今回の対象は、PTSDハイリスク者が4割いたにも関わらず、精神的健康状態は良好であった。その理由として、沖縄戦体験者はレジリエンスがあり、沖縄には"ユイ"という相互扶助の精神があり、地域の共同体との繋がりがあったからだと推察される。また、PTSDハイリスク者が4割もいたことから、沖縄戦体験高齢者の介護や看護を行う際には、沖縄戦によるトラウマやPTSDを意識し関わることが必要だと考える。
宮里 清松 Miyazato Kiyomatsu 琉球大学農家政工学部
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.3, no.1, pp.52-58, 1964-06


1 0 0 0 琉大史学

宮城 航一 六川 二郎 高良 英一 中田 宗朝 金城 則雄 堀川 恭偉 久田 均 銘苅 晋 Miyagi Kouich Mukawa Jiro Takara Eiichi Nakata Munetomo Kinjo Norio Horikawa Kyoi Kuda Hitoshi Mekaru Susumu 琉球大学脳神経外科
琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal (ISSN:02891530)
vol.8, no.3, pp.122-131, 1985

A statistical survey of 268 cases of the central nervous system neoplasm, diagnosed at 7 neurosursical centers in Okinawa prefecture in Japan. 268 intracranial neoplasms occured during the period of 5-years between 1980 and 1984. 243 were primary intracranial neoplasms and 25 were metastatic tumors. The primary intracranial neoplasms had an estimated annual incidence rate 4.3 per 100,000 population. The rate was higher in women than men (5.01 versus 3.55). The incidence reaches steadily to a peak in the 6th decade. Over the age 60, the ratio of the incidence is composed of 3Q.9%. Out of the 243 primary neoplasms, tumors of neuroepithelial tissue occupied 32.9%, meningioma 32.9%, tumors of nerve sheath cells 4.9%, pituitary adenoma 14.0%, congenial tumors 4.1%, vascular tumor 2.5% and primary sarcoma 2.1%.It is stressed that, in Okinawa prefecture the incidence of meningioma and the ratio in the aged, over 60 are higher compared with all Japan.
比嘉 照夫 仲村 康和 Higa Teruo Nakamura Yasukazu 琉球大学農学部
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.15, no.1, pp.7-11, 1979-07

NAA,糖,リン酸混合物質の葉面散布が,興津早生温州の果実の糖,酸に及ぼす影響について,1975年7月18日から9月5日までの間調査を行なった. 1.NAA散布は,果実の糖,酸を減少させる傾向にあり,実用上の効果は期待できなかった. 2.リン酸混合物質は,糖の増加には影響が認められず,酸を著しく減少させる効果が認められた.その結果,甘味比がかなり高くなり,早期出荷の品質安定に効果的に作用した.また,混入したグラニュウ糖による影響は認められなかった. 3.グラニュウ糖の散布は酸の減少を早める傾向にあるが,リン酸混合物質との関連において,それらの原因を明らかにすることはできなかった.
高木 繁幸 古城 信人 中山 顕児 相葉 宏之 Takagi Shigeyuki Kojo Nobuto Nakayama Kenji Aiba Hiroyuki 琉球大学保健学部附属病院脳神経外科
琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine (ISSN:02859270)
vol.3, no.1, pp.28-35, 1980

Eleven cases were diagnosed as Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) and performed shunt therapy in our hospital over a four-year period. They were analyzed on factors considered to exert influence upon the shunt effect. Many successful cases of the therapy were found among patients not more than 60 years old, although the therapy displayed a remarkable effect on a 77 year-old patient. Eight patients had etiology of NPH. Of then, six were affected with subarachnoid hemorrhage. And other three patients had on etiology. There was no relationship between the shunt effect and the type of etiology of NPH. The time interval between the onset of symptoms of NPH and the performance of shunt therapy was two months on the average in the effective cases and 7.5 months on the average in the ineffective cases. Therefore, the shorter this interval, the more satisfactory the results of this therapy tended to be. There was no relationship between clincal symptoms and the effect of operation. It was necessary, however, to be very careful about the apphcation of shunt therapy to patients with mental symptoms alone. CT scanning was most important as an auxiliary test. Even in patients with dilated ventricle and periventricular low density, shunt operation was ineffective when the patients had brain atrophy and injuries of the brain. Postoperative complication was seen in two patients. It was an injury of blood vessels induced at the time of insertion of ventricular tube. The injury led subdural, intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage. In conclusion, shunt therapy should be indicated after careful selection of a causative disease, the minute observation of clinical symptoms and the findings of auxiliary tests, especially CT scanning. It seems necessary to evade an insignificant operation of shunt therapy.
山城 三郎 Yamashiro Saburo 琉球大学農学部農業工学科
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.7, no.2, pp.1-12, 1968-12

比屋根 真一 川満 芳信 村山 盛一 Hiyane Shinichi Kawamitsu Yoshinobu Murayama Seiichi 琉球大学農学部
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.33, no.1, pp.2-8, 1998-08

サトウキビ4種を用いて,光合成速度の長時間連続測定から光合成支配要因を調べた.2000μmol m^<-2>s^<-1>の強光条件下では,測定後半に光合成速度の低下が認められた.特に,高い光合成速度を示したTainanおよびNiF4は,低いBadila,Yomitanzanと比較して急激な低下であった.しかし,1000μmol m^<-2>s^<-1>の条件下では,BadilaおよびYomitanzanは緩やかな山なりの曲線を描いたのに対し,Tainanは直線的に,NiF4においては時間の経過と共に緩やかに上昇した.気孔伝導度の日変化は光合成速度と同様のパターンを示した.光強度2000μmol m^<-2>s^<-1>の条件における葉内CO_2濃度は,測定開始から8~10時間経過後上昇した.CO_2濃度900ppm条件下において光合成速度を長時間連続測定し,気孔の影響を省き光合成速度の制限を明らかにした.その結果,900ppm区の光合成速度は350ppm区に比べ若干高めで推移したものの,両区とも測定開始後約5時間目以降に低下した.従って,光合成速度に対する気孔の制限程度は低いと考えられた.日変化を基礎にCO_2収支量の"光―光合成曲線"を作成したところ,1000μmol m^<-2>S^<-1>に飽和点を持つ飽和型曲線を示し,瞬時の測定の"光―光合成曲線"とは著しく異なる結果となった.以上から,光強度2000μmol m^<-2>s^<-1>の条件における光合成速度の低下は,気孔閉鎖に伴う葉内への炭酸ガス供給量の低下に起因したものではなく,葉の内部要因の活性低下が主な原因と推察された.
大城 淳一 国吉 孝夫 盛島 浩明 照喜名 重順 城間 健治 新垣 聰 東恩納 厚 新垣 民樹 浦崎 政仁 佐久川 廣 金城 福則 斎藤 厚 Ohshiro Junichi Kuniyoshi Takao Morishima Hiroaki Terukina Shigeyoshi Shiroma Kenji Arakaki Satoshi Higashionna Atsushi Arakaki Tamiki Urasaki Masahito Sakugawa Hiroshi Kinjo Fukunori Saito Atsushi 琉球大学医学部第一内科
琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal (ISSN:02891530)
vol.11, no.1, pp.28-34, 1989

Sulfasalazine and corticosteroids have been used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Recently, it is investigated to use metronidazole for treatment of ulcerative colitis. We tried to use metronidazole for three patients with ulcerative colitis , to whom neither sulfasalazine nor corticosteroids were effective. In case 1 the patient was 37-year-old female,to whom conticosteroids had been ineffective. After treatment by metronidazole together with corticosteroids, the symptoms were improved. In case 2 the patient was 74-year-old female, who had relapsed during treatment with sulfasalazine. Treatment with metronidazole alone resulted in the remission of disease. In case 3 the patient was 32-yearold female, to whom the treatment with sulfasalazine and corticosteroids enema had been ineffecitve. By use of metronidazole together with sulfasalazine, she had remission. It seems that metronidazole is useful for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, especially in patients who did not respond to other drugs.
玉木 正人 下地 光好 久貝 忠男 大田 治 佐久田 斉 川畑 勉 鎌田 義彦 宮城 和史 赤崎 満 大嶺 靖 伊波 潔 国吉 幸男 古謝 景春 草場 昭 Tamaki Masato Shimoji Mituyoshi Kugai Tadao Ohta Osamu Sakuda Satoshi Kawabata Tsutomu Kamada Yoshihiko Miyagi Kazufumi Akasaki Mitsuru Ohmine Yasushi Iha Kiyoshi Kuniyoshi Yukio Koja Kageharu Kusaba Akira 琉球大学医学部外科学第二講座
琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal (ISSN:1346888X)
vol.13, no.3, pp.321-327, 1993

A case of schwannoma originating in the right intrathoracic vagus nerve was reported. A 72-yearold woman had an abnormal shadow in the right upper mediastinum on a chest roentgenogram. A CT scan and MRI revealed a tumor in the upper mediastinum compressing the trachea, right carotid artery and right subclavian artery. An incisional biopsyof the mass in the right neck was revealed to be benign schwannoma. The mass was 55 ×42×29mm in size and originated from the right vagusnerve at the proximal level and extended to the branch of the recur-rent laryngeal nerve. There was no evidence of invasion of the mass into the surrounding organsand tissues were evident. Subcapsular ex tirpation was done preserving the nerve fibers. However, postoperative hoarseness due to dysfunction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve occurred. Mediastinal schwannoma originating in the vagus nerve is notso common ; 29 cases have been reported in Japanese literature.