近藤 正聡 チザール バレンティン 寺井 隆幸 鈴木 晶大
プラズマ・核融合学会誌 (ISSN:09187928)
vol.86, no.7, pp.408-412, 2010-07-25

鈴木 晶子 松田 ユリ子 石井 正宏
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.38, pp.1-17, 2014-03-10

鈴木 晶子 松田 ユリ子 石井 正宏
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.38, pp.1-17, 2014-03-10 (Released:2014-03-26)

本研究は、貧困世帯の子どもたちが集中的に進学する公立普通科課題集中校の学校図書館における交流相談の取組みの実践的フィールドワークである。交流相談とは、学外から包括支援が可能な相談員が学校に出向き、生徒たちの潜在的ニーズや課題を発見し、社会的な自立を支援する新たな支援手法である。分析の結果、交流相談は相談機能だけではなく課題発見機能を有していること、学内での相談支援活動は交流相談での課題発見と相談を経て、必要に応じて個別相談につながり、さらに地域資源へとつながっていること、学校図書館がもともと交流の機能を備えていることで、交流相談の場としても有効に機能することがわかった。さらに、セカンドプレイスとサードプレイスの間にある「2.5thプレイス」たる交流相談を起点として、貧困世帯生徒を地域につないでいく有効な支援のあり方として「貧困世帯生徒への+2.5thプレイスモデル」を提示した。 This is a practical fieldwork of a proactive consulting in communal space, which is a new approach of school consulting by professional consultants for students who have subconscious needs or potential problems. This study was conducted in a school library of a public high school wherein consultants approach students who are low achieving or belong to low-income families. Findings are: 1) The proactive consulting in communal space has the capability of providing students with a consulting experience as well as problem-finding. 2) Students who have serious problems can be found through this approach. They can be referred to the appropriate consultants and agencies concerned outside of school, if necessary. 3) The school library that works as a meeting, learning and creative space has shown to be of benefit to this new approach. And we present a model of the +2.5th place for low-achieving and low-income students and to be of help in referring them to their possible future third place.
鈴木 晶夫
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-8, 1996 (Released:2015-04-22)
4 4

The present study investigated relationships between the self-evaluations of each parts in the body, depressive mood, the sense of health, and the self-esteem, focusing on the evaluation of posture. We conducted a survey of 332 undergraduate students.Factor analysis of the results led to identification of the following five factors: (I) mood and sense of health; (II) thickness and profound; (III) length; (IV) bending; (V) state of shoulder. To evaluate the gender difference, a t-test was applied to the self-evaluation of body image. Female students evaluated more bright in facial expression than male students, females were larger than males in hip size, females had thicker legs than males in their leg, their waist and their arm.Analysis of variance was used for the self-evaluation of posture, the Zung depressive scale, the scale of the sense of health, and the self-esteem scale. The group with the lowest evaluation of their own posture was significantly higher on the Zung depressive scale and lower on the scale of the sense of health than the higher evaluation group.Self-evaluation of the human body may affect emotions (depressive mood, sense of health, self-esteem) and affect awareness through posture.
鈴木 晶子 松田 ユリ子 石井 正宏
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.38, pp.1-17, 2013

本研究は、貧困世帯の子どもたちが集中的に進学する公立普通科課題集中校の学校図書館における交流相談の取組みの実践的フィールドワークである。交流相談とは、学外から包括支援が可能な相談員が学校に出向き、生徒たちの潜在的ニーズや課題を発見し、社会的な自立を支援する新たな支援手法である。分析の結果、交流相談は相談機能だけではなく課題発見機能を有していること、学内での相談支援活動は交流相談での課題発見と相談を経て、必要に応じて個別相談につながり、さらに地域資源へとつながっていること、学校図書館がもともと交流の機能を備えていることで、交流相談の場としても有効に機能することがわかった。さらに、セカンドプレイスとサードプレイスの間にある「2.5thプレイス」たる交流相談を起点として、貧困世帯生徒を地域につないでいく有効な支援のあり方として「貧困世帯生徒への+2.5thプレイスモデル」を提示した。This is a practical fieldwork of a proactive consulting in communal space, which is a new approach of school consulting by professional consultants for students who have subconscious needs or potential problems. This study was conducted in a school library of a public high school wherein consultants approach students who are low achieving or belong to low-income families. Findings are: 1) The proactive consulting in communal space has the capability of providing students with a consulting experience as well as problem-finding. 2) Students who have serious problems can be found through this approach. They can be referred to the appropriate consultants and agencies concerned outside of school, if necessary. 3) The school library that works as a meeting, learning and creative space has shown to be of benefit to this new approach. And we present a model of the +2.5th place for low-achieving and low-income students and to be of help in referring them to their possible future third place.
山口 創 鈴木 晶夫
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.36, no.2, pp.219-229, 1996-12-10 (Released:2010-06-04)
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本研究の目的は, 気分に及ぼす座席配置の構成要因を明らかにすることである。実験Iでは日常場面でよく見られる座席配置を用いて, 座席配置と喚起される気分についての検討を行った。またどちらが先に座っているかの効果についても検討した。その結果, 2者が近距離で座るほど緊張感と親密感がともに高くなり, 相手から見られていることが緊張感との間に関連が見られることが示唆された。実験IIでは座席配置の構成要因を距離, 位置, 身体方向にわけてこれらを統制した場面を設けてそれぞれと気分との関連を検討した。その結果, 緊張感に及ぼす座席配置の要因は距離と, 相手に対して自分がとる位置であること, 親密感に及ぼす座席配置の要因は距離と, 相手と自分との座席の対称性であることがわかった。実験IIIでは, 座席配置の構成要因の中で, 視線と気分の関連性について検討した。その結果, 緊張感に及ぼす位置の効果は相手から受ける視線と同一であること, 視線に関わらず, 相手との対称性によって親密感が喚起されることが明らかになった。
鈴木 晶夫 春木 豊
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.62, no.6, pp.378-382, 1992-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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Posture is a nonverbal behavior and a universal means of animal and human communication. It is observed not only in interpersonal communication but in clinical situation. Our recent research shows that posture affects the mood and emotional awareness of the subjects. This study compared the subjects' awareness between two groups, the operational group (actual posture) and the image group, which only imagined a postural change. Six kinds of posture were adopted. These postures included two dimensions; inclination of trunk (straight or bent), and head (up, front or down). In these conditions the subjects estimated their mood and emotional awareness with 17 pairs of adjectives on a 3 point scale. The results of ANOVA showed statistically significant differences in conditions of both inclination of trunk and head. Especially, when the subject bent his back while hanging his head, this made most feeble, lifeless, and shadowy mood than any other postures. The authors confirmed that posture exerted a strong influence on one's emotional awareness.
鈴木 晶夫
早稲田大学人間科学研究 (ISSN:09160396)
vol.8, no.1, pp.61-73, 1995-03-25

There are so many factors that have effects on facial recognition. We used three kinds of "Noh" masks, "Masu", "Chuujou", and "Fukai", to investigate the effects on facial recognition by changes in the shaddow of view of the masks. This study investigated two points, the relation between the shaddow of the face of "Noh" masks and the selection of emotional categories on facial recognition; and changes of impressions of the "Noh" mask due to changes in the shaddow of the mask. The results of ANOVA showed statistically significant differences in conditions of the shaddow and the kind of "Noh" masks. The selection of emotional categories and the changes of impression on each "Noh" mask depends not only on the shaddow, but on the combination of the kinds and the shaddow of view of the "Noh" mask. In the case of masks having some features in the facial shapel (e.g. a dimple, wrinkles), the features have effects on the selection of emotional categories and impressions of the "Noh" mask.
鈴木晶夫 小貫 悟
人間科学研究 = Waseda journal of human sciences (ISSN:09160396)
vol.7, no.1, pp.23-32, 1994

There are many factors that have effects on facial recognition. We used adopted four kinds of "Noh" masks, "Waraijou", "Daikasshiki", "Shakumi", "Douji", to investigate the effects on facial recognition of changes in the angle of the view of the masks. This study investigated two points: the relation between the angle of the face of the "Noh" masks and the selection of emotional categories on facial recognition; and changes of impressions of the Noh Mask due to changes in the angle of the mask. The results of ANOVA showed statistically significant differences in conditions of the angle and the kind of "Noh" masks. The selection of emotional categories and the changes of impression on each "Noh" mask depend not only on the angle, but the combination of the kinds and the angle of view of the "Noh" mask.
鈴木 晶子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.44, pp.227-239, 2005-03-10

The purpose of this paper is to obtain an overview of the current state of community support for "Hikikomori", to develop a model of the support for Hikikomori in community setting, and to indicate problems that we have to solve. The support for family of youths in Hikikomori state is to help mental suffering that family have, and to think together and suggest concrete, adequate ways to approach Hikikomori youths. These supports take such forms as study groups by family themselves and family session and family therapy. The support for Hikikomori youths is provided in the forms of personal session, home visit, free space, SST group and so on. The process of support for Hikikomori begins with the support for family, follows the support for Hikikomori youths mainly in the form of personal session, and then spreads various resources such as mental friends and free space. For better support for help Hikikomori, however, present difficulties must be overcomed, which include the shortage of human resources and the luck of sufficient network in community, especially collaboration between municipality and private support sector. Moreover, we should study the effects of existing ways of supporting, especially the support to youths in Hikikomori state, and improve them qualitatively and quantitatively