青木 栄一
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.29, no.4, pp.1-11, 1982-03-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

There have been many oral traditions relating to oppositions against railway constructions in the early period of railway development in Japan. The most famous oral traditions have been in Shukubamachis (towns or villages with facilities for relay post-horse), where the inhabitants had There have been many oral traditions relating to oppositions against railway constructions in the early period of railway development in Japan. The most famous oral traditions have been in Shukubamachis (towns or villages with facilities for relay post-horse), where the inhabitants had opposed to railway constructions for fear of losing their travel customers. Curiously, however, in Japan, there have been no reliable historical documents relating to the oppositions, or no historical articles certifying the facts of oppositions, using reliable records. Many stories of railway opposition have remained in vague condition from a view-point of positivism, today. The author insists that it is necessary to prove the fact of railway oppositions, through the following procedures. They are, (1) discovery of reliable documents written contemporaneously, (2) consideration to policies and general opinions about railways on the day, and (3) investigation of ideal rail-routes in relation to topographic feature and railway track gradient (25‰ in maximum gradient in case of Japanese trunk railways).There were two periods of railway mania in Japan, in the closing years of 19th Century, 1885-90 and 1894-99. In those days, inhabitants of rural towns made passionate movement to raise their fund for private railway construction, or to introduce national railways to their towns. It is unreasonable to suppose railway oppositions in those days without showing any reliable documents. As for the Kobu Railway, between Tokyo and Hachioji (opened in 1889), having famous oral traditions of railway opposition by shukubamachis along a traditional trunk road, we have no reliable records to prove the existence of oppositions, and many preserved documents showing the insistence of introduction of railway construction in those days, showed the decision in ideal rail-route in relation to topographic feature and track gradient.There were some categories of railway oppositions, capable to certifying their existence by reliable documents. They were, (1) the oppositions to coastal or riverside railways, which compete with steamship operations, by officers of national railways, (2) the oppositions by military authorities or conservative samurais (feudal warriors) class, insisted the precedence of military expansion or anti-foreign spirit, and (3) the oppositions by farmers, protested the change for worse utilization of water in paddy field, because of the construction of embankment for railways. The first and second categories had lasted by about 1880s and 1870s, respectively, but the third one has continued toward the 20th Century. The author presents some examples belonging to the first and the third categories of oppositions during the Meiji Era (1868-1912) in this article.
青木 栄一
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.54, no.1, pp.1-17, 2006-06-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

The author once published two reports of criticism, in 1982 and 2001, on the legend of movement against railway construction during Meiji Era, spreading all over Japan. On many books of regional history, both in academic or journalistic works, they have introduced the legend that there were many movements against railway, for the infringement to right vested in feudal system, or simple ignorance to newly coming technologies. Strange enough, they did not show any document providing the movement. The author pointed that the legend was fiction created by posterity. His paper was agreed and supported by many articles of railway historians and geographers.In this paper, the author shows some examples of regional history books and school text-books, mainly in the case of the Kobu Railway in Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The railway has had legend that it was constructed in spite of strong opposition by some post-town, along main roads. And he shows how they described the legend, and how they changed their description, with the passage of time. Prior to the 1980s, they had described the legend without any document and had also added “new” legend one after another. After the 1990s, however, many regional history books have changed their style of description, telling the legend apart from the historical truth. It corresponds to the development of regional railway history and geography studies. As for school text-books, correspondence to the change of description in regional history books is progressing, but is slow to some extent.
青木 栄一 荻原 克男
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.30, pp.80-92, 2004-10-08 (Released:2018-01-09)

Although several attempts were made to change educational policy in the 1970s and 1980s in Japan, substantial changes were not realized until the second half of the 1990s. Why did the change occur only in the late 1990s? One explanation has been that the Ministry of Education was forced to change its former policy because of external pressures brought by ad hoc committees and councils set up in the cabinet during the 1990s. This argument appears to exaggerate the strong tendency of the Ministry as a whole to preserve the status quo and often ignores internal processes that enable changes in attitudes within the Ministry. This paper attempts to explore such internal factors in terms of the power relationship between various bureaus in the Ministry. The paper focuses on the relation between the Minister's Secretariat ('kanbou') and other bureaus ('genkyoku') such as the Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau. These two types of bureaus entail a difference in responding to the demands for change. In contrast to the other bureaus that are responsible for the implementation of specific policy, the main role of the Minister's Secretariat (MS) is to exercise a comprehensive coordinating function over all bureaus ('kanboukinou') ; and thus, the MS is more flexible when it comes to policy change than are other bureaus. We hypothesized that the MS's coordinating function was strengthened during the 1990s and that this allowed the Ministry to change its overall behavior. To examine this hypothesis, we analyzed the status of the MS within the Ministry concerning three points: (1) changes in the organizational structure of the MS; (2) the career pattern of the Director-General, or the chief, of the MS; and (3) the frequency of contacts between the Director-General of the MS and the Prime Minister. Results of our research found that, first, the sections responsible for investigation, statistics, and policy planning within the Ministry were integrated into the MS by the 1970s; in the 1980s, a Senior Deputy Director-General was newly established in the MS; and the Deputy Director-Generals of the other bureaus were transferred to the MS. These reorganizations reinforced the structure of the MS. Second, through analyzing the career pattern of the people who were appointed as Director-Generals of the MS, the paper demonstrates that, though being equal in rank to other bureau chiefs, the position grew important during the late 1990s in terms of the status which it has related to its influence on the ministry's behavior. Third, whereas there was hardly any contact between the Director-General of the MS and the Prime Minister in the 1980s, such contact sharply increased in the late 1990s. These analyses revealed that whereas the structure of the MS was empowered during the 1980s, the position of the MS's Director-General remained unimportant within the Ministry. It was in the late 1990s that the MS properly performed its coordinating function attaining its high status among the bureaus as well as relying on its reinforced structure. This empowerment of the MS's function then enabled the Ministry to change its policy during the same period.
青木 栄一
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.86, no.2, pp.201-212, 2019 (Released:2019-10-12)

青木 栄一
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.78, no.4, pp.374-385, 2011-12-29 (Released:2018-12-26)

青木 栄一
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.29, no.4, pp.1-11, 1982

There have been many oral traditions relating to oppositions against railway constructions in the early period of railway development in Japan. The most famous oral traditions have been in <i>Shukubamachis</i> (towns or villages with facilities for relay post-horse), where the inhabitants had There have been many oral traditions relating to oppositions against railway constructions in the early period of railway development in Japan. The most famous oral traditions have been in <i>Shukubamachis</i> (towns or villages with facilities for relay post-horse), where the inhabitants had opposed to railway constructions for fear of losing their travel customers. Curiously, however, in Japan, there have been no reliable historical documents relating to the oppositions, or no historical articles certifying the facts of oppositions, using reliable records. Many stories of railway opposition have remained in vague condition from a view-point of positivism, today. The author insists that it is necessary to prove the fact of railway oppositions, through the following procedures. They are, (1) discovery of reliable documents written contemporaneously, (2) consideration to policies and general opinions about railways on the day, and (3) investigation of ideal rail-routes in relation to topographic feature and railway track gradient (25&permil; in maximum gradient in case of Japanese trunk railways).<br>There were two periods of railway mania in Japan, in the closing years of 19th Century, 1885-90 and 1894-99. In those days, inhabitants of rural towns made passionate movement to raise their fund for private railway construction, or to introduce national railways to their towns. It is unreasonable to suppose railway oppositions in those days without showing any reliable documents. As for the Kobu Railway, between Tokyo and Hachioji (opened in 1889), having famous oral traditions of railway opposition by <i>shukubamachis</i> along a traditional trunk road, we have no reliable records to prove the existence of oppositions, and many preserved documents showing the insistence of introduction of railway construction in those days, showed the decision in ideal rail-route in relation to topographic feature and track gradient.<br>There were some categories of railway oppositions, capable to certifying their existence by reliable documents. They were, (1) the oppositions to coastal or riverside railways, which compete with steamship operations, by officers of national railways, (2) the oppositions by military authorities or conservative <i>samurais</i> (feudal warriors) class, insisted the precedence of military expansion or anti-foreign spirit, and (3) the oppositions by farmers, protested the change for worse utilization of water in paddy field, because of the construction of embankment for railways. The first and second categories had lasted by about 1880s and 1870s, respectively, but the third one has continued toward the 20th Century. The author presents some examples belonging to the first and the third categories of oppositions during the Meiji Era (1868-1912) in this article.
青木 栄一
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
vol.57, pp.24-39, 2015-06-15 (Released:2017-07-06)

This article investigates why educational administration bodies in Japan receive criticism for being highly independent from local governors or governments, when educational administrations are more dependent on governing bodies than police and firefighting administrations. Until recently, in the field of educational administration, it was regarded as axiomatic that educational administrative bodies are highly independent from local governments. However, we find the following: (1) The independence of the educational administration is lower than that of the police and firefighting administrations. A person who is appointed superintendent of education may either have teaching experience, or be an administrative officer within a governor's bureau. In contrast, only police officers may become chiefs of prefectural police headquarters, and only fire department officers may be appointed as a fire chief. Additionally, the number of personnel exchanges between governor's bureaus and secretariat of education boards is larger than those between governor's bureaus and either prefectural police headquarters or fire departments. Therefore, educational administrations are more dependent on local governments than police firefighting administrations. (2) Educational administrations have more posts for branch office heads (principals) than police administrations (chief of police station) or firefighting administrations (fire station chief). Educational administrations thus have more positions and policy resources within local governments. Though educational administrations are not actually highly independent from local governments or governor's bureaus in terms of personnel management, especially at the levels of branch office head positions within local government, they receive severe criticism from local politicians and heads of government. The notion that these bodies are highly independent may result from primarily considering educational administrations in terms of boards of education, which themselves exist as administrative committees independent of a governor's bureau.
青木 栄一
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.42, no.6, pp.349-362, 1969-06-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

日本の私鉄はおおむね局地鉄道としての性格をもち,沿線地域の産業活動が鉄道の貨物輸送に直接反映する可能性が高い.このことから私鉄の貨物輸送の実態を全国的,総括的に把握するため,貨物運輸密度(1日1キロ当り貨物平均通過トン数)および輸送貨物の品目構成から明らかにしようと試みた. 考察の結果,日本の私鉄の大部分は貨物品目構成の上で,農産品または林産品,あるいはその両者の発送・および肥料の到着が大きい比率を占める1型(第1次産業基盤の私鉄),鉱産関係品の発着,あるいはセメントの発送が大きい比率を占めるm:型(第2次産業基盤の私鉄),およびI・III型の中間型であるII型の3者に分類することができた.I・II・III各型に属する線区数は調査私鉄113線区 (1955~56年現在,総数の83%に相当)中,それぞれ43 (38%), 17 (15%), 38 (34%)であった.また一般に貨物運輸密度の高い線区では第2次産業生産物およびその関連貨物の比率が高く,皿型に属し9第1次産業生産物およびその関連貨物の比率が高い線区では貨物運輸密度が低い.