MORI Maryellen T.
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Nichibunken Japan review : bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies
vol.12, pp.231-246, 2000-01-01

This essey briefly examines three stories by Edogawa Rampo that treat the theme of "doll-love". Hitodenashi no koi, Osie to tabi suru otoko, and Mushi. The relationshio between doll-love and the desire for self-metamorphosis that prevades Ranpo's literature is considerd. The essey suggests that the doll functions as a fetish to both reveal and disguise a male characte's perverse desires, by elevating them to a quasi-religious form of love.
Chatterjee U. Shi M. Kaminski A. Kanigel A. Fretwell H. M. Terashima K. Takahashi T. Rosenkranz S. Li Z. Z. Raffy H. Santander-Syro A. Kadowaki K. Norman M. R. Randeria M. Campuzano J. C.
American Physical Society
Physical review letters (ISSN:00319007)
vol.96, no.10, pp.107006, 2006-03

The autocorrelation of angle resolved photoemission data from the high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta shows distinct peaks in momentum space which disperse with binding energy in the superconducting state, but not in the pseudogap phase. Although it is tempting to attribute a nondispersive behavior in momentum space to charge ordering, a deconstruction of the autocorrelation reveals that the nondispersive peaks arise from the tips of the Fermi arcs, which themselves do not change with binding energy.
Japanese Society of Equine Science
Journal of Equine Science (ISSN:13403516)
vol.29, no.3, pp.67-74, 2018 (Released:2018-09-19)

The 2016 Equibase data set of American Quarter Horse starts in North America was analyzed, with the purpose of ranking the sires of the racehorses. A speed z-score derived from the race times and distances was used as a racing performance measure. Mixed effects models were used on various subsets of the data based on race distance and sire offspring number. The sire categorical variable was considered as a random effect. Various statistical criteria were used to optimize the model. The constructed models were then varied in terms of the random and fixed effects included, and the conditional modes of the sire effects were extracted from these models. The benefit of the sire ranking that comes from this analysis is that it is controlled for track, jockey, trainer, weather, and several other variables that can impact speed. Sires are typically valued for high rankings for offspring earnings and winners. Yet a sire with a low stud fee may still produce offspring with a high ranking using our z-score model. The offspring of this bargain sire have the potential to produce fast offspring that could pay a dividend on a relatively low cost investment. The model sire ranking approach described in this paper is clearly bringing a new approach to the field of sire rankings.
竹原 幸生 江藤 剛治 鈴木 直弥 高野 保英 森 信人 水谷 夏樹 THORODDSEN Sigurdur T.

CHAN Kelvin T. F. CHAN Johnny C. L.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2018-042, (Released:2018-04-27)

This paper presents a summary of some of the observational and numerical studies on the climatology and possible change mechanisms of the outer-core wind structure of a tropical cyclone (TC), which has been generally referred to as size, a term also to be used in this review although various definitions have been given in the literature. In all the ocean basins where TCs exist, TC size has been found to vary with season, year, decade, latitude and longitude. Such variations are related to those in the synoptic flow patterns in which the TCs are embedded. Several factors have been identified to be responsible for changes in TC size, which include environmental humidity, vortex structure, sea surface temperature and planetary vorticity. Each of these factors can modify the transport of lower tropospheric angular momentum into the TC and hence cause changes in its size. The paper ends with a discussion of outstanding issues in the study of the outer-core wind structure of a TC.
Nakayama K. Sato T. Dobashi T. Terashima K. Souma S. Matsui H. Takahashi T. Campuzano J. C. Kudo K. Sasaki T. Kobayashi N. Kondo T. Takeuchi T. Kadowaki K. Kofu M. Hirota K.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.74, pp.054505, 2006-08

We have performed systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on single-layered cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CuO6+delta to elucidate the origin of shadow band. We found that the shadow band is exactly the c(2×2) replica of the main band irrespective of the carrier concentration and its intensity is invariable with respect to temperature, doping, and substitution constituents of block layers. This result rules out the possibility of antiferromagnetic correlation and supports the structural origin of shadow band. ARPES experiments on optimally doped La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 also clarified the existence of the c(2×2) shadow band, demonstrating that the shadow band is not a unique feature of Bi-based cuprates. We conclude that the shadow band is related to the orthorhombic distortion at the crystal surface.
Shoken ISHII Philippe BARON Makoto AOKI Kohei MIZUTANI Motoaki YASUI Satoshi OCHIAI Atsushi SATO Yohei SATOH Takuji KUBOTA Daisuke SAKAIZAWA Riko OKI Kozo OKAMOTO Toshiyuki ISHIBASHI Taichu Y. TANAKA Tsuyoshi T. SEKIYAMA Takashi MAKI Koji YAMASHITA Tomoaki NISHIZAWA Masaki SATOH Toshiki IWASAKI
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.95, no.5, pp.301-317, 2017 (Released:2017-10-04)

A working group is studying the feasibility of a future Japanese space-borne coherent Doppler wind lidar (CDWL) for global wind profile observation. This study is composed of two companion papers: an instrumental overview of the space-borne CDWL for global wind profile observation (Part 1), and the wind measurement performance (error and bias) investigated using a full-fledged space-borne CDWL simulator (Part 2). This paper aims to describe the future space-borne CDWL in terms of technical points and observation user requirements. The future mission concept is designed to have two looks for vector wind measurement with vertical resolutions of 0.5 (lower troposphere: 0-3 km), 1 (middle troposphere: 3-8 km), and 2 km (upper troposphere: 8-20 km) and horizontal resolution of < 100 km along a satellite. The altitude and orbit of the satellite are discussed from a scientific viewpoint. The candidate altitude and orbit of the satellite are 220 km and an inclination angle of 96.4° (polar orbit) or 35.1° (low-inclination-angle orbit). The technical requirements of the space-borne CDWL are a single-frequency 2-μm pulse laser with an average laser power of 3.75 W, two effective 40-cm-diameter afocal telescopes, a wide-bandwidth (> 3.4 GHz) detector, a high-speed analog-to-digital converter, and a systematic lidar efficiency of 0.08. The space-borne CDWL looks at two locations at a nadir angle of 35° at two azimuth angles of 45° and 135° (225° and 315°) along the satellite track. The future space-borne CDWL wind profile observation will fill the gap of the current global wind observing systems and contribute to the improvement of the initial conditions for numerical weather prediction (NWP), the prediction of typhoons and heavy rain, and various meteorological studies.
Y. Otsuka T. Ogawa A. Saito T. Tsugawa S. Fukao S. Miyazaki
The Seismological Society of Japan, Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Volcanological Society of Japan , The Geodetic Society of Japan , The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences
Earth, Planets and Space (ISSN:13438832)
vol.54, no.1, pp.63-70, 2002 (Released:2010-03-09)

The dual frequency radio signals of the Global Positioning System (GPS) allow measurements of the total number of electrons, called total electron content (TEC), along a ray path from GPS satellite to receiver. We have developed a new technique to construct two-dimensional maps of absolute TEC over Japan by using GPS data from more than 1000 GPS receivers. A least squares fitting procedure is used to remove instrumental biases inherent in the GPS satellite and receiver. Two-dimensional maps of absolute vertical TEC are derived with time resolution of 30 seconds and spatial resolution of 0.15° × 0.15° in latitude and longitude. Our method is validated in two ways. First, TECs along ray paths from the GPS satellites are simulated using a model for electron contents based on the IRI-95 model. It is found that TEC from our method is underestimated by less than 3 TECU. Then, estimated vertical GPS TEC is compared with ionospheric TEC that is calculated from simultaneous electron density profile obtained with the MU radar. Diurnal and day-to-day variation of the GPS TEC follows the TEC behavior derived from MU radar observation but the GPS TEC is 2 TECU larger than the MU radar TEC on average. This difference can be attributed to the plasmaspheric electron content along the GPS ray path. This method is also applied to GPS data during a magnetic storm of September 25, 1998. An intense TEC enhancement, probably caused by a northward expansion of the equatorial anomaly, was observed in the southern part of Japan in the evening during the main phase of the storm.
Sharpe Paul T. Young Conan S.
日経サイエンス (ISSN:0917009X)
vol.35, no.11, pp.40-49, 2005-11

Aoki S. Fukugita M. Hashimoto S. Ishikawa K.-I. Ishizuka N. Iwasaki Y. Kanaya K. Kaneda T. Kaya S. Kuramashi Y. Okawa M. Onogi T. Tominaga S. Tsutsui N. Ukawa A. Yamada N. Yoshié T.
American Physical Society
Physical review D (ISSN:05562821)
vol.62, no.9, pp.094501, 2000-10
14 18

We present a study for the pion decay constant fπ in the quenched approximation to lattice QCD with the Kogut-Susskind (KS) quark action, with the emphasis given to the renormalization problems. Numerical simulations are carried out at the couplings β=6.0 and 6.2 on 323×64 and 483×64 lattices, respectively. The pion decay constant is evaluated for all KS flavors via gauge invariant and noninvariant axial vector currents with the renormalization constants calculated by both the nonperturbative method and perturbation theory. We obtain fπ=89(6) MeV in the continuum limit as the best value using the partially conserved axial vector current, which requires no renormalization. From a study for the other KS flavors we find that the results obtained with the nonperturbative renormalization constants are well convergent among the KS flavors in the continuum limit, confirming restoration of SU(4)A, flavor symmetry, while perturbative renormalization still leaves an apparent flavor breaking effect even in the continuum limit.
T. V. Subba Rao
Asian folklore studies
vol.39, no.2, 1980
Zaiser Martha J. Moyer Jack T.
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.28, no.1, pp.95-98, 1981

三宅島沿岸で観察されたエソ科魚類<I>Synodus ulae</I>の産卵行動について報告する.本科魚類の産卵習性は未知であった.本種の産卵は1980年9月7日18時04分に三宅島伊ケ谷湾水深14mで観察された.産卵時の水温は29℃, 潮流はほとんどなかった.彦卵は雌雄一対 (全長約20cm) によってなされたが, 雌雄の外見による識別は困難であった.雌雄は海底から約1m上昇し体側または腹部を互いに接触させたまま約4m急上昇して旋回し, 雌雄別々に海底に戻る.急上昇の頂点で産卵が行われ雲状の生殖体が多量に放出される.産卵観察は1例だけであったが, 求愛行動はしばしば目撃された.即ち雌雄が砂底上に体を接触させて静止し, 雄はときどき咽喉部をふくらませて雌の周囲をまわる.薄暮時の急上昇による本種の産卵行動は産卵時の捕食圧を防ぐための適応と考えられ, この点について論議を行った.
Moyer Jack T.
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.21, no.1, pp.34-36, 1974

1973年8月24日~28日に三宅島でニシキベラの産卵行動を観察した.産卵行動は毎日午前10時までに終了した.水温は27℃ であった.産卵に際しては岩の近くに多数の個体が群がり, 海底から30~40cmほどのところに泳ぎ上っては生殖物質を放出するのが観察された.