湯 立 外山 美樹 長峯 聖人 海沼 亮 三和 秀平 相川 充
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20326, (Released:2021-12-25)

Regulatory fit theory (Higgins, 2000, 2008) proposes that people experience regulatory fit when they pursue a goal in a manner that sustains their regulatory orientation. The present study applied the regulatory fit theory and examined the relationship between regulatory focus and student engagement. We hypothesized that a fit between chronic regulatory focus (promotion or prevention focus) and motivational regulatory strategies in difficult learning situations enhances emotional, cognitive, and behavioral engagement. We conducted a survey among Japanese college students (N = 304) to test this hypothesis. The results indicated that increasing the levels of emotional and behavioral engagement were more strongly related to the frequent use of strategies to enhance self-efficacy in promotion-oriented individuals than in prevention-oriented individuals. These results partly supported the regulatory fit hypothesis. We discussed the results of this study in terms of theories of motivation.
佐藤 愛子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.43, no.3, pp.146-151, 1972-08-10 (Released:2010-07-16)
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浅川 伸一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.6, pp.523-529, 2005-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

In this article, I discuss the implementation of neural network models for reading English words aloud. Since 1989, there has been existing a debate about the models of reading English words aloud. One is the Dual Route Cascaded (DRC) model. The other is the Triangle model, whose original version was developed in 1989. Because there are arbitrary variables of both models, we did not decide which model gives better accounts for the numerous data given by psychological experiments and neuropsychological evidence. Therefore, in order to give a solution of this debate, an attempt to integrate both models was made. Introducing the Mixture of Experts Network, an elegant solution to overcome the arbitrariness of both models could be given. The Mixture of Expert Network can include both the models as a special case of this Network. From the Mixture of Expert Network's point of view, the difference between the Dual Route Cascaded model and the Triangle model would be able to describe as the quantitative difference of the dispersion parameters.
新美 亮輔 山田 真也
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.91, no.2, pp.94-104, 2020

<p>Faces and clothing are clues to interpersonal perception. However, it is not known whether perceptions of faces and clothing are interacting with each other. We examined the effects of facial attractiveness on subjective ratings of clothing attractiveness. Participants were shown pictures of a person wearing a T-shirt in which the faces and shirt designs were manipulated. The faces were either male or female, attractive or unattractive. Participants were instructed to rate the attractiveness of the shirts, not the faces. Nevertheless, attractive female faces increased shirt attractiveness ratings, irrespective of the participant's gender. Attractive male faces only slightly increased shirt attractiveness ratings. Gender differences and individual variability in visual attention were not responsible for these effects. The current results more likely reflect social or cultural factors, such as the higher priority placed on female facial attractiveness than male facial attractiveness in today's society.</p>
吉田 富二雄 小玉 正博
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.1, pp.35-41, 1987

The effects of approach by an unaquainted male to high- or low-neurotic (on the MPI scale) female subjects on physiological responses (heart rates and eye blinks) and self-rated affective/cognitive responses (tension, anxiety and apparent size of the male) were examined. (a) In the first trial, non-neurotic subjects showed an abrupt increase of HR near the personal space boundary, however showed a rapid habituation at the second and third trials. In contrast, self-rated affection (tension and anxiety) increased gradually as the male approached, and habituation was slow at the later trials. (b) Neurotic subjects displayed higher tension than non-neurotic subjects, while tension, anxiety and heart rate were less habituating. (c) INDSCAL analysis revealed that these three self-rated indices clustered together, while the physiological ones did not. (d) It was suggested that the eye blink response had a tension reducing function.
小林 麻衣 堀毛 一也 北村 英哉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.6, pp.525-534, 2018 (Released:2018-02-25)
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This two-part study aimed to examine the effects of temptation coping strategies on self-control when faced with a conflict between academic goals and temptations. The results of Study 1 indicated that the general use of temptation coping strategies promoted goal pursuits. Study 2 investigated whether differences in the difficulty of goal achievement had an effect on the effectiveness of temptation coping strategies. Goal Verification, Temptation Avoidance, and Goal Execution, which are subscales of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, were effective strategies to facilitate self-control regardless of the difficulty of goal achievement. However, Mood Changing, which is another subscale of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, was a strategy that did not affect self-control. These findings indicated that the temptation coping strategies were largely effective in academic situations. The implications of adaptive self-control are also discussed.
阿部 純一
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.5, pp.275-281, 1987
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This paper describes a theory of human melody perception and his final-tone extrapolation behavior, enbodied in a computer simulation model called FTES 2. Related experimental findings were also presented. The processes used by an expert musician in extrapolating final-tones and the computer simulation of these processes are contrasted and discussed. The theory consisted of a few general rules and several personal &ldquo;tonal&rdquo; processing rules. The present findings indicate that interpretation of a melody depends, in large part, on the characteristics of the &ldquo;tonal&rdquo; rules.
杉森 絵里子 浅井 智久 丹野 義彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.5, pp.389-396, 2009

Auditory hallucinations are important symptoms when making a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Since normal people may also experience auditory hallucinations, there may be a spectrum of auditory hallucinations ranging from those experienced in schizophrenia to those experienced by normal people. To assess the propensity to auditory hallucinations in a non-clinical population, we selected forty items from the questionnaire in Tanno, Ishigaki, & Morimoto (1998) and developed the Auditory Hallucination-like Experience Scale (AHES). Test-retest reliability showed that the AHES was internally consistent. There were high correlations between the AHES and the STA subscale and the overall O-LIFE (especially &lsquo;unusual experiences&rsquo;), both of which are thought to be strongly related to schizophrenia. Furthermore, the rate of false positives was higher in people more prone to auditory hallucinations than in the group less prone to auditory hallucinations. Factor analysis revealed that the AHES consists of four factors. The results suggest that the AHES has high reliability and validity as a measure of susceptibility to hallucinations.
今在 慶一朗 今在 景子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.3, pp.238-245, 2004

The purpose of this research was to examine disputant's cognitive processes in a civil suit empirically. We analyzed the data which was gathered by The Judicial Reform Council. We assumed that a disputant who wishes to reduce costs for suit often chooses settlement procedure in the judicial process and who thinks highly of the judge is more likely to accept judge's proposition. Although we could not confirm the effect of cost anxiety, the results suggested that a good impression forward the judge promotes reaching settlement. It was also suggested that corporations are apt to compound more than natural persons. In addition, analysis of effect of settlement indicated that reaching settlement promotes acceptance, agreement and satisfaction about unfavorable outcomes.
畑中 美穂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.74, no.2, pp.95-103, 2003-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This study examined the relationship between utterance inhibitions in conversations and mental health. Utterance inhibitions were classified into five groups: partner orientation, self orientation, partner-self distance maintenance, norms and situations, and lack of communication skills, according to their presumed causes in motivation and skill. A questionnaire asked 271 undergraduates, 131 men and 140 women, how often they experienced such inhibitions, in what situations, and so on. They also completed General Health Questionnaire. Results indicated that when the frequency of inhibitions due to lack of communication skills was high, both men and women reported poorer mental health. When the frequency of inhibitions due to norm and situation considerations was high, women reported better mental health. These relationships between inhibition frequency and mental health were all linear. Moreover, dissatisfaction ratings of conversations mediated the effect of utterance inhibitions on mental health in women, but not in men. These results suggested that we needed to look into quality differences among various kinds of utterance inhibitions.
山根 一郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, no.6, pp.329-334, 1987-02-27 (Released:2010-07-16)
4 2

Psychological distance between self and others was assumed, semiologically, to be experienced in four aspects (active representation, active presentation, passive representation and passive presentation) which can assume different values from one another. It was further assumed that there is a behavioral tendency to reduce differences among these aspects by means of two types of behavioral principle: egoistic and contextual. With acquaintanceship classified into four levels (total acquaintance, peripheral acquaintance, known stranger including familiar stranger, and total stranger) in terms of psychological distance and behavioral norms, it was hypothesized that the ‘other’ person who embarrasses us most is an acquaintance by norm but a stranger psychically. The results of questionnaire surveys supported this hypothesis and confirmed that it is difficult to treat the peripheral acquaintance as an acquaintance.
坪見 博之 齊藤 智 苧阪 満里子 苧阪 直行
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.3, pp.308-326, 2019

<p>Working memory (WM) is a capacity-limited cognitive system that strongly relates to higher-order cognitive abilities including fluid intelligence. It has been suggested that WM training can increase memory capacity, which in turn, improves general intellectual abilities. To evaluate these claims, the present review critically re-assessed nine meta-analysis studies, and revealed that the effect of WM training on fluid intelligence (Gf), executive function, and academic performance is relatively small (averaged Hedges' adjusted <i>g</i> < .20). Moreover, there were several methodological issues regarding the study design (placebo effect, small sample size), analytical approach (inadequate group comparison, lack of correction for multiple comparisons), and theoretical framework (lack of theoretical account of the training mechanisms) in previous WM training studies. We propose a set of recommendations for future training studies that go beyond training the WM ability per se. This includes theoretically possible methods to enhance intellectual abilities by, for example, learning strategies to effectively encode and recall information into long-term memory.</p>
池上 真平 佐藤 典子 羽藤 律 生駒 忍 宮澤 史穂 小西 潤子 星野 悦子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20005, (Released:2021-09-30)

Regardless of the time and location, people listen to music. One may ask why people listen to music and what function it serves. This study clarifies the psychological functions of listening to music and the attributes associated with the individual differences found in these functions. A total of 916 participants between the ages of 15 and 88 were asked to rate various psychological functions of music listening and Big Five traits. A factor analysis identified the seven factors of psychological functions of music listening: “self-awareness”, “emotion regulation”, “communication”, “tool”, “embodiment”, “social distance regulation”, and “solace”. The results revealed that the individual differences in the functions were the result of gender, age, and personality traits. The nature of these seven functions and future directions are discussed.
太幡 直也 佐藤 広英
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.3, pp.211-216, 2021 (Released:2021-08-25)

This study investigated the relationship between privacy consciousness for others and disclosing others’ information on Twitter. A model was developed based on a previous study in which this relationship was mediated by concern for others’ privacy on Twitter. 153 undergraduate participants who were regular Twitter users were asked to respond to a questionnaire inquiring about disclosing information about friends and acquaintances on their Twitter accounts during the past month. Participants also responded to scales assessing consciousness about others’ privacy and concerns about others’ privacy on Twitter. As expected, the results supported our predictive model. However, there was no significant direct relationship between privacy consciousness for others and disclosing others’ information on Twitter.
小堀 彩子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.3, pp.193-200, 2010 (Released:2010-11-05)
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This study elucidates processes of coping with work-family conflicts in double-income couples with children. Eight stories of dilemmas concerning work-family conflicts were constructed. Regular employees (N=20) were instructed to narrate the parts of the story in which they thought about how to cope with work-family conflict situations. The protocol analyses revealed the following: (a) most people prioritized their home over their jobs when their families encountered difficult situations, and (b) in cases where either spouse had a demanding or difficult job, there were gender differences with regard to the process of coping with work-family conflicts. The implications of these results are discussed.
安藤 延男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.37, no.4, pp.219-229, 1966

The main purpose of this study is to find out how the natural transition of reference groups occurs in female adolescence, and what are the determinants in such a transition.<br>A trend analysis and panel study were made concerning the transition of reference groups on the basis of responses to the reference group checklist, which were obtained from 152 students of the Fukuoka Jo-gakuin Girls (Junior High and Senior High) School.<br>They were first tested in November, 1959, when they were first-year junior high students, and second in February, 1965, or six years later.<br>The reference group checklist was designed in order to determine what reference groups are chosen by each individual in a critical situation where she must make a decision as to whether becomes a Christian. Out of school authorities, parents, intimate friends, classmates (as a total), teachers, church members and all the rest, Ss were required to choose their four most significant ones, to form six-pairs by combining the four and to state to which group's (or individual's) expectation or norm they would attach the greatest importance, supposing they were faced with the decision as to whether they become Christians or not.<br>A group chosen once was given one point and, therefore, the highest possible score one group could have was 3 and the lowest 0. The group which obtained 3 points was referred to as the &ldquo;first refer ence group&rdquo; (called RG 1 for short), one which obtained 2 points as the &ldquo;second refer ence group&rdquo; (RG 2), and one which obtained 1 point as the &ldquo;third reference group&rdquo; (RG 3) for a given individual respectively. The intensity of the normative function a group has on an individual also followed the same scoring method.<br>The results of trend analysis mainly based on the group reference indices (RG 1) which appear in Table 1 and Fig. 1 were as follows:<br>1. When <i>S</i> was J<sub>1</sub> (1 st year-junior high), the choice of reference groups showed a trend toward parents, w<b>hile</b> when she was S<sub>3</sub> (3 rd-year senior <b>hi</b>gh) this trend waned, and gave way to <b>tha</b>t toward diversity. However, a rela<b>tiv</b>ely large number of <i>S</i>s retained their identification with parents even when they were S<sub>3</sub>, probably because they were female.<br>2. Their choice of parents ranked first when they were J<sub>1</sub> and S<sub>3</sub>, but this trend gradually decreased.<br>3. Their choice of school authorities and classmates also showed a drastic downward trend, while their choice of intimate friends, teachers, church members and all the rest increased; particularly the increase of intimate friends and church members was striking.<br>4. From the results of this trend analysis based on the &ldquo;reference transition index&rdquo; (RTI for short) in Table 2-2, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, it follows that the transition of reference groups in female adolescence is charaterized by the emergence <i>away from</i> reliance on parents <i>toward</i> peer-group and <i>away from</i> the more secondary formal group of school authorities and classmates toward the informal face-to-face groups around their school life. Generally speaking, as the frame of reference of individual social attitudes, the function of thier family group is considerably strong in the early stage of adolescence and becomes relatively weak in the middle stage, while the function of primary face-to-face groups, particularly that of intimate friends, increase considerably.<br>As a result of panel study based on Table 2-2 and Fig. 2, it was found that the transition of reference groups in female adolescence can be divided into two types of pattern; the first pattern may be called the &ldquo;<i>continued family group reference</i>&rdquo; type which is one shown by those groups who chose their parents or church members when they were J<sub>1</sub>; the second pattern may be called the &ldquo;<i>peer group-oriented</i>&rdquo; type which is
髙坂 康雅
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20040, (Released:2021-08-30)

This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between stress responses and the lifestyle habit changes of elementary school students during a temporary leave of absence from school during measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections. We surveyed 637 parents of elementary school students about their lifestyle habit changes and stress responses during their temporary leave and finally analyzed 510 subjects. Variance analysis, showed that there were significant differences in “irregular sleep,” “disordered eating habits,” and “increased use of games and smartphones,” but the effect size was small. When the correlation was calculated, “disordered eating habits” was associated with all stress responses, and six lifestyle-related changes were associated with lethargy.
藤井 美保子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.68, no.3, pp.187-196, 1997-08-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
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In this study, effects of self touching behavior on the performance of lexical retrieval were investigated. In Experiment 1, 52 women were required to retrieve Japanese idioms, and to recall them approximately 2 minutes after the retrieval. The participants were randomly assigned into two groups; in one group, they were tested with the restriction of their hand movement, whereas in the other group, they were allowed to move their hands freely. Results revealed that when the movement was restricted, their performance in the retrieval task was significantly deteriorated. In Experiment 2, after the presentation of tape-recorded verbal stimuli, 26 women were required to recall them either with an interval of 2 minutes or with an interval of 2 weeks. The self-touching behavior was found to occur more often when the recall was performed with the interval of 2 weeks than when it took place immediately after the stimulus presentation. Thus self-touching is considered to serve as a cue to retrieve information stored in the long term memory.