中條 和光
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.54, no.4, pp.250-256, 1983-10-30 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The present study was designed to investigate interrelationships among the following three strategies for sentence comprehension: Word order strategy, postposition strategy and semantic strategy. A 2×2×2 factorial design was employed. The three within-subject variables were: Word order of the sentence (SOV or OSV), the presence or absence of postpositions, and the type of verb (human-object or non-human-object). The subject's task was to make rapid judgements about whether the stimulus sentence was acceptable or unacceptable. Main results were as follows: (a) Reaction time was longer for sentences with postpositions than for sentences without postpositions. (b) Reaction time was longer for OSV than for SOV except in the case of human-object sentences without postpositions. These findings were interpreted as evidence that the three processing strategies were used in sentence comprehension, and a tentative model of sentence comprehension composed of the three strategies was proposed.
青木 紀久代
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.62, no.2, pp.102-105, 1991-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The present study was to explore the molding of sexual identity in early-adolescent females. First, a questionnaire was administered to 168 9th grade girls. Out of all the respondents, 12 who did not have conflicts with sexual identity as an accepting group and 10 who had them as a non-accepting group were selected for the interview. Analyses of the results revealed that the contents of their conflicts cover various phases of femininity, which are concerned with body, character, and sex role etc. Moreover, it was found that not only their good images of parents, but also those of males were important when they achieve their sexual identity.
松村 千賀子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.62, no.2, pp.106-113, 1991-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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Japanese Irrational Belief Test (JIBT), a self-report type measure was developed as a means to aid the controlled clinical research on rational-emotive therapy. A five point scale questionnaire consisting of 107 items was administered to 211 Japanese university students, analyzed by factor analysis and item analysis, and seven scales of 10 items each were finally constructed. Seven scales measure the testee's beliefs on self expectation, problem avoidance, ethical blame, helplessness over inside, dependence, cooperativism and helplessness over outside. Coefficients of internal consistency of seven scales were 0.725 to 0.882. Both the JIBT and the STAI were administered to 208 normal subjects to examine their relationships, and the JIBT was also administered to 98 neurotic subjects to compare with the normal subjects. The results showed that for the normal subjects the beliefs on problem avoidance, helplessness over inside, dependence, cooperativism and helplessness over outside were highly correlated with anxious proneness, and statistically significant differences between the normal subjects and the neurotic subjects were found in the beliefs on self expectation, problem avoidance, helplessness over inside, dependence and helplessness over outside.
水野 雅之 菅原 大地 谷 秀次郎 吹谷 和代 佐藤 純
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20317, (Released:2021-07-31)

The purpose of this study was to examine the direct and indirect associations of self-compassion, social support in the workplace, and job stressors with the tendency to burnout among early career physical and occupational therapists. A total of 124 physical therapists and 63 occupational therapists, who were all within their first five years of employment, participated in a web-based survey. Covariance structure analysis was used to examine the associations between the variables controlled by type of occupation. The following findings were revealed: (a) self-compassion was negatively associated with the tendency to burnout, both directly and mediated by job stressors, (b) supervisory support showed a direct negative association with depersonalization and a negative association with the tendency to burnout mediated by job stressors, and (c) support from colleagues showed a negative association with diminished personal accomplishment. We discuss that the potential for self-compassion and social support in the workplace can work effectively in preventing burnout among early career physical and occupational therapists.
林 直保子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.66, no.3, pp.184-190, 1995-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The main purpose of this study is to apply the “selective play paradigm” to explain how cooperation emerges in one-shot prisoner's dilemmas. A unique feature of the selective play paradigm is the option for not playing a PD game. For this purpose, a computer simulation of 100-actor groups was conducted. At the beginning of each replication, each simulated actor was randomly assigned to one of eleven levels of trust, which indicates the actor's estimate of the overall cooperation rate in the group. Each simulated actor, then, decided whether or not to interact with the previous partner based on the calculated expected gains from interacting with one of the other partners. Results of the simulation show that: (1) when substantial opportunity costs exist, having a high level of trust benefits the actor; (2) the above effect of trust depends on the actor's cooperativeness in PD games; (3) but does not depend on the overall cooperation rate in the group.
柳井 晴夫 柏木 繁男 国生 理枝子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.3, pp.158-165, 1987-08-31 (Released:2010-07-16)
12 11

The purpose of the paper is to construct a personality inventory which measures broader dimensions regarding multiple traits of personality common to normal people by means of extensive use of factor analysis. For the purpose, we prepared 300 items which are supposed to reflect the hypothetical 20 personality traits. Out of the 300 items, 240 items were selected on the basis of means and standard deviations of the items. We applied the oblique Promax rotation method in factor analysis and repeated it several times by changing the number of items and the number of factors. Finally, 12 factors were extracted from the 120 items, in each of which the 10 items having more than 0.4 factor loadings. Basing upon the result, we constructed a new personality inventory consisting of 13 scales (including a lie scale). The constructed scales demonstrated high testmretest reliabilities ranging from 0.880 to 0.950.
奥田 秀宇
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.55, no.1, pp.22-28, 1984-04-30 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of the present study was to examin the reactions (favorable or unfavorable) of the subjects toward another who expressed an opinion favoring either equal or equitable reward allocation for work performed in a hypothetical situation. There were 88 subjects in Exp. 1 and 60 in Exp. 2. In both experiments, the subjects were asked their reactions toward another who expressed an opinion on reward allocation. The results suggest that when a person expressed an opinion about a reward which would accrue to himself, the reactions of the subjects toward him depended upon the degree to which he agreed to sacrifice his own gain. When the opinion was unrelated to his own reward, the person who supported equal allocation was liked but who supported equitable allocation was disliked. Whether the opinion about allocation was similar to that of the subjects had no effect on their reactions toward that person expressing the opinion.
大西 将史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.79, no.4, pp.351-358, 2008

This study examined the role of trait guilt in discriminating between anthropophobic tendency and social anxiety. 212 University and technical college students (103 males and 109 females) were administered a questionnaire with a trait guilt scale, an anthropophobic tendency scale, and a social anxiety scale. Trait guilt showed a positive correlation with anthropophobic tendency when the influence of social anxiety was controlled. When the influence of Anthoropophobic tendency was controlled, trait guilt did not correlate as highly with social anxiety. These results were discussed related to cultural views of the self. Japanese culture is a “shame culture” because interdependent view of the self (seeing themselves as essentially connected with others) is dominant. People worry about appearances and how others see them, and are ashamed of their own deficiency or negative side, which leads to a sense of betrayal of others and thus guilt becomes a prominent trait.
中山 真孝 齊藤 智
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14029, (Released:2015-05-28)

The present study investigated principles of phonological planning, a common serial ordering mechanism for speech production and phonological short-term memory. Nakayama and Saito (2014) have investigated the principles by using a speech-error induction technique, in which participants were exposed to an auditory distractor word immediately before an utterance of a target word. They demonstrated within-word adjacent mora exchanges and serial position effects on error rates. These findings support, respectively, the temporal distance and the edge principles at a within-word level. As this previous study induced errors using word distractors created by exchanging adjacent morae in the target words, it is possible that the speech errors are expressions of lexical intrusions reflecting interactive activation of phonological and lexical/semantic representations. To eliminate this possibility, the present study used nonword distractors that had no lexical or semantic representations. This approach successfully replicated the error patterns identified in the abovementioned study, further confirming that the temporal distance and edge principles are organizing precepts in phonological planning.
西野 泰代 氏家 達夫 二宮 克美 五十嵐 敦 井上 裕光 山本 ちか
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.1, pp.17-24, 2009 (Released:2012-02-14)
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This study investigated the trajectories and related factors of deviant behavior among students during their three years of junior high school. Data was analyzed from 344 students who completed a questionnaire survey every September. Nineteen categories of deviant behavior were examined, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, bullying, truancy, violence, and stealing. We determined behavioral trajectories from mild deviant behaviors to more serious ones. The data showed that more than half of the children who engaged in serious deviant behaviors in the third year followed a trajectory from mild deviant behaviors. The three factors of “deviant peers”, “attachment to parents” and “achievement” were related to the trajectory into more serious deviant behaviors.
渡邊 徹 野村 行雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.11, no.4, pp.329-361, 1936

As the thyroid gland, as any other endocrine organs, is responsible for the mental as well as the bodily development, it has, been advocated by E. Kretschmer, G. Eward, W. Jaensch, M. R. Berman, O. Klieneberger and other psychologists and characteologists that the thyroidhas a great effect upon the human character. Above all, Berman insisted in his <I>The Glands Regulating Personality</I> upon that the thyroid internal secretion has a very definite controlling relation to intelligence and the complexity of the convolutions of the brain, and that when the chemical reactions which depend upon the thyroid go faster, more oxygen and food materials are burned up or oxidized, more energy is liberated, the metabolic wheel rotates More quickly, the individual senses, feels, thinks and acts more quickly. But his theory is imaginative and speculative, lacks the exact psychological experimental ground.<BR>We began this study for the purpose of detecting the effect of the thyroid gland upon the behavi6ur and learningabilityof animals. For this purpose, we used 32 albino rats and 12 mice and we sorted them into pairs of the same breeding according to their age, sex and weight?\one group for experimental and the other for control animals. To ah experilnental albino rat, we administered the desiccated thyroid gland every day successively 0.005 gm. per 100gm. of its bodily weight and to an experimental mouse 0.0006gm. for some days. Then after about ten days, we experimented on the albino rats by the Obstruction Method, the Maze Learning Method, the Choice Box Method and on the mice by the Revolving Wheel Method. The results of the observations and experiments are as follows:<BR>1) The behaviour of the hyperthyroid rats was more stimulating, more smart ahd more active than that of control rats.<BR>2) The former crossed over the water funk in the obstruction box sooner than the latter. See Fig. 6 in the Japanese Text, pp.344 & 345)<BR>3) In the maze learning, the former eliminated the blinds more readily and reached to the goal sooner than the latter. (See Fig. 8 and Fig 9 in the Japanese Text, pp. 350-1 and 353)<BR>4) The hyperthyroid mice revolved the wheel in the revolving wheel cage more than 10,000 times in six hours in the first trial day in spite of the fact that the control revolved only a few hundred times. But the former hardly improved in revolving the wheel by learning, while the latter revolved more and more times till they surpassed the former in revolving times by above 2,000 times after one week's learning. (See Fig. 12 in the Japanese Text p.359)<BR>5) The above mentioned changes in the behaviour and learning ability of the hyperthyroid animals seemed to appear from five to ten days after the beginning of administrating the desiccated thyroid gland.<BR>6) When we discontinued to administer the desiccated thyroid gland, the animal became less active and less stimulating. We could not make clear whether the improved learning ability would change afterwards again or not.<BR>7) We could not know how these changes happened. In order to find out: whether these changes came from the hunger of the hyperthyroid animals, we tried an experiment, but could not get to any conclusion.
中尾 達馬
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>This study, using both the cross-lagged and synchronous effects models, examined the temporal and causal relationships between attachment and other critical psychological variables (loneliness, mental health) in university students under the restrictive conditions of campus activities due to COVID-19. The participants of the analysis were 150 university students (88 males, 62 females) who responded to two web surveys three months apart: one in early May 2020 and the other in late July or early August 2020. The main findings were: (a) AIC and BIC indicated that the cross-lagged effects model fit the data better than the synchronous effects model; (b) attachment anxiety had a negative cross-lagged effect on mental health three months later; and (c) loneliness had a positive cross-lagged effect on attachment avoidance three months later. This study's academic contribution was to extend the previous findings about the interrelationships over time in a potentially attachment-related threat situation, the COVID-19 pandemic, and to clarify whether attachment influences loneliness and mental health in this situation or vice versa.</p>
石井 僚 村山 航 福住 紀明 石川 信一 大谷 和大 榊 美知子 鈴木 高志 田中 あゆみ
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.5, pp.493-502, 2019

<p>The study described here developed a short surrogate index for the children's socioeconomic status (SES) using house possessions and investigated its validity. In Study 1, 192 pairs of parents and their middle school-aged children participated in a questionnaire survey. Based on the results, three items regarding possessions at home were selected for the short surrogate index out of the 17 items used in the Programme for International Student Assessment. Furthermore, the short surrogate index for the children's SES was related to family income, parents' academic background, and hierarchy consciousness. In addition, it was found to have good test-retest reliability, thereby demonstrating its validity. To confirm that the item selection and validity in Study 1 did not involve sampling error, Study 2 investigated the reproducibility of validity with a different sample. One hundred ninetyfive pairs of parents and their middle school-based children responded to the questionnaire, and the results redemonstrated the index's validity. Studies in different disciplines using the short surrogate index can be conducted because SES can be both the main and confounding variable.</p>
遠藤 寛子 湯川 進太郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.458-467, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-03-01)

Endo and Yukawa (2012) investigated the process of maintaining anger and demonstrated that a sense of unintegration of thoughts maintained anger by promoting recurrent thinking and avoidance behavior. Our present study examined how personality characteristics and situational factors affected the process of maintaining anger. Undergraduates (N=713) wrote about an anger episode, and completed questionnaires assessing their sense of unintegration of thoughts, recurrent thinking, avoidance behaviors, and maintaining anger. The questionnaires also assessed personality characteristics such as difficulty in identifying feelings, and situational factors such as the need for maintaining relationships, anger arousability, and meaning-making for the anger episode. The results of covariance structure analysis indicated that difficulties in identifying feelings and anger arousability contributed to maintaining anger by increasing the sense of unintegration of thoughts just after the episode. However, the need for maintaining relationships directly reduced the sense of unintegration of thoughts just after the episode, and indirectly decreased the present sense of unintegration of thoughts by meaning-making. Moreover, although recurrent thinking promoted the current sense of unintegration of thoughts, it also provided meaning.
小林 正法 服部 陽介 上野 泰治 川口 潤
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.4, pp.405-414, 2016 (Released:2016-10-25)
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Intrusive thoughts and difficulty in controlling thoughts are common, not only for people with psychological disorders, but also for healthy people. Individual differences in thought control ability may underlie such problems. The Thought Control Ability Questionnaire (TCAQ), which consists of 25 items, was developed by Luciano et al. (2005) in order to measure individual differences in the perceived ability to control unwanted intrusive thoughts. The purpose of the present study was to develop the Japanese version of the TCAQ and evaluate its reliability and validity. We translated the English version of the TCAQ into Japanese. We also conducted confirmatory factor analysis with a one factor solution, similar to the previous study. Based on the analysis, we excluded items whose factor loadings were lower than .30, resulting in 22 items for the Japanese version of the TCAQ. The model exhibited acceptable goodness-of-fit. The Japanese version of the TCAQ also demonstrated good reliability as well as evidence of construct validity. Thus, the development of the Japanese version of the TCAQ was successful.
西川 正之
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, no.4, pp.214-219, 1986-10-30 (Released:2010-07-16)

Ninety college students were asked to place themselves in the role of a hypothetical help recipient and to answer a series of questions regarding their reactions to the help. Recipients of voluntary help were more glad and rated the donor more positively, but felt less obligation to reciprocate the donor than those of compulsory help. With regard to the type of outcomes, successful helping produced stronger feeling of obligation to reciprocate the donor and greater liking for the donor. In addition, recipients of high cost help felt more depressive and more obligated to reciprocate the donor than recipients of low cost help. These results suggest that activation of the compensatory norm facilitates reciprocation.
清水 美智子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.33, no.2, pp.71-83, 1962 (Released:2010-07-16)
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1) To testify Vinacke's hypothesis which assumed the parallel relationship between intelligence and conceptualization, six groups of feeble-minded children (IQ<80) graded in MA (4:0-9:0) were chosen as the subjects for the classification task of 20 picture-cards each representing some familiar object (e.g. an automobile) and the result was compared with that of the previous experiment in the same condition but in normal children (90<IQ<110) as subjects.2) The responses of the chidren were, by the qualitative examination of the classification and the verbal expression of the classifying principle by the suject, divided into six categrories of which those belonged to the preconceptual stages were analyzed further.3) The increase of the responses in the conceptual level with MA, was confirmed and the result was statistically significant, and, as to this tendency, there was no statical difference between the normal and the feeble-minded. Moreover, the successive order in which the various preconceptual responses became dominant with ascending MA, showed remarkable correspondence in both the normal and the feeble-minded group, suggesting a general developmental stages of the conceptualization.4) Meanwhile the comparison with the normal in the weight of the various preconceptual response categories disclosed some qualitative characteristics of the feebleminded which were not identified by MA as the quantitative, statistical concept; e.g. their stand still mental state, their primitive mentality in contrast to higher CA, and the dominancy of the mechanical verbal habit unsupported by the proper conceptualization.
鈴木 直人 金野 祐介 山岸 俊男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.78, no.1, pp.17-24, 2007-04-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
8 9

The purpose of this study is to show that expectations of generalized reciprocity within one's own group are responsible for in-group trust. To test this hypothesis, an allocator choice game in the minimal group situation was used. We assigned the role of a recipient in a dictator game to all 81 subjects, and measured whether they chose to be a recipient of either an in-group or an out-group “allocator” who freely allocate a fixed reward between him/her and a recipient. The results indicate that in-group trust occurs only in the condition in which recipients know that allocators make a reward allocation knowing the group membership of their recipient; recipients show no preference for either an in-group or an out-group allocator when allocators make the decision without knowing the group membership of their recipient. It is thus shown that participants' in-group trust is derived from the general belief that people treat in-group members more favorably than out-group members—a belief about generalized reciprocity within groups.