高橋 信幸 山岸 俊男 林 直保子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.70, no.1, pp.9-16, 1999-04-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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Recent computer simulation studies (Takahashi & Yamagishi, 1995, 1996) suggest the possibility that altruists outperform egoists, and the key to their advantage is a strategy called Downward OFT. The strategy calls for acting always altruistically, at the same time selecting as the target of the altruism the most altruistic person among potential recipients. The main purpose of this study was to examine whether people actually follow Downward OFT in a situation where no direct reciprocity was possible. Results were as follows: (1) Pure generalized exchange (i.e., unilateral recourse giving) did emerge and persisted over forty-five trials. (2) Subjects selected other altruists as recipients of their unilateral resource giving. (3) The tendency of altruistic subjects to discriminate among potential recipients of their altruism was stronger than that of self interested subjects. (4) Subjects who unilaterally gave more resource ended up with more profit (resource received minus resource given) than those who gave less.
桜井 茂男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.60, no.5, pp.304-311, 1989-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This study was conducted to investigate the relation between hopelessness and causal attribution in Japanese schoohaged children. In Study 1, the Japanese edition of hopelessness scale for children developed by Kazdin, French, Unis, Esveldt-Dawsan, and Sherick (1983) was constructed. Seventeen original items were translated into Japanese and they were administrated to 495 fifthand sixth-graders. All of the items could be included to the Japanese edition of hopelessness scale. The reliability and validity was examined. In Study 2, the relation between hopelessness and causal attribution in children were investigated. The causal attribution questionnaire developed by Higuchi, Kambare, and Otsuka (1983) and the hopelessness scale developed by Study 1 were administrated to 188 sixth-graders. Children with high scores in hopelessness scale significantly attributed negative events to much more effort factor than children with low scores. It supports neither the reformulated learned helplessness model nor the causal attribution theory of achievement motivation. It was explained mainly from points of self-serving attribution, cultural difference, and social desirability. Some questions were discussed for developing studies on depression and causal attribution in Japan.
生田目 光 猪原 あゆみ 浅野 良輔 五十嵐 祐 塚本 早織 沢宮 容子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20206, (Released:2021-01-31)

This study investigated the reliability and validity of the Japanese versions of the Fear of Happiness Scale and the Fragility of Happiness Scale. The scales were administered to 341 Japanese undergraduates. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that, like the original versions, the Japanese Fear of Happiness Scale and the Fragility of Happiness Scale each had a one-factor structure. The two scales also each had good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity. Furthermore, the scales showed incremental validity by predicting psychological elements (life satisfaction, depression, anxiety, stress) better than the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and the behavioral activation system (BAS). The results of the present study revealed that the Fear of Happiness Scale and the Fragility of Happiness Scale had an adequate reliability and validity in this Japanese group.
大久保 暢俊
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.4, pp.333-338, 2010 (Released:2011-04-20)

This study examined the effects of attention by a third party to a comparison target on self-evaluation in social comparison. University students (N=114; 42 males and 72 females) were randomly assigned to comparison-target (superior, inferior) and perspective-taking (perspective taking of a third party, non-perspective taking) conditions. First, participants completed a linguistic performance test and were given feedback on their results. Next, participants were asked to look at another's score (either high or low) from the viewpoint of a friend, or from their own viewpoint. Finally, participants rated their own test performance. In social comparison research, a contrast effect is said to occur when self-evaluation is displaced away from the evaluation of the comparison target. The results indicated that undergraduate females who saw the other's score from the viewpoint of a friend had a contrast effect in their self-ratings. Conversely, undergraduate males who saw the other's score from their own viewpoint showed a contrast effect in their self-ratings. The results suggest that social comparison depends on the attention of a third party and that there are gender differences in the direction of this influence.
神谷 俊次
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.68, no.4, pp.290-297, 1997-10-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This study investigated the relationship between affective properties of stimuli and their retention. Thirty sentences describing various scenes were chosen as stimuli to elicit affects which are experienced in daily life. Ninety undergraduates rated each sentence on the following eight dimensions: anxiety, hostility, boredom, liveliness, calmness, friendliness, concentration, and surprise. One week after participating in the scene rating task, participants were given an incidental free recall test, in which they were instructed to recall a word or phrase describing each scene. Results indicated that memory for affectively pleasant scenes was superior to that for unpleasant scenes. However, a discriminant analysis on the kind of emotion activated indicated that the relaxant-tensive dimension determined the retention of the stimulus sentences more than the dimension of pleasantness.
多田 奏恵 長谷川 龍樹 近藤 洋史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.21319, (Released:2022-06-30)

The autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) produces tingling sensations induced by sounds and accompanied by positive emotions, whereas in misophonia, everyday sounds provoke maladaptive behaviors and negative emotions. People with autism spectrum disorders sometimes suffer hyperacusis. However, it is unknown whether the three types of auditory-related reactions are interdependent. We investigated ASMR, misophonia symptoms, and autistic traits in a non-clinical population (N = 552; 18-60 years) through self-reporting measures. 58 % of young adults reported that they watched ASMR videos, whereas only 12 % of participants over age 30 did so. The prevalence of misophonia, previously unknown in Japan, was estimated at 54 %. Misophonia Questionnaire (MQ) scores increased with advancing age. Scores were higher for females than for males, although we did not find a gender difference in sensitivity to ASMR. Factor analyses of eight questionnaire subscales (n = 180) demonstrated that ASMR scores are linked with MQ scores, but not with Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) sub-scores. The close link between ASMR and misophonia may be based on auditory processes underlying hyperacusis.
野波 寛 杉浦 淳吉 大沼 進 山川 肇 広瀬 幸雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.68, no.4, pp.264-271, 1997-10-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
44 19

This study researched the effects of cognitive variables on recycling behavior, as well as effects of various media of influence on the cognition and behavior. According to Hirose (1994), the decision making process for recycling consists of two steps. The first leads to goal intention of an ecological lifestyle. The second is related to behavior intention of recycling in line with the goal intention. Mass media, such as newspaper and TV, are thought to influence beliefs about environmental problems, including three determinants of goal intention: perception of seriousness, responsibility, and effectiveness. Personal media, such as personal contacts with pro-environmental activists, are thought to influence evaluation of behavior, including three determinants of behavior intention: evaluation of feasibility, cost and benefits, and social norms. Local media, such as municipal announcement and circular, are hypothesized to have a mixed effect of the two. Path analysis indicated that goal intention affected recycling behavior through behavior intention. Effects of the three media of influence on the cognitive variables were also consistent with the hypothesis.
井上 晴菜
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.21010, (Released:2022-06-30)

This study explored the effects of the similarity of verbalized information between target and distractor voices on speaker identification. Participants listened to the target voice, and either described it using one of three catego ries (“adjective-selection,” “adjective-rating,” or “free-description”) or did not describe it (Control). They then rat ed “the degree to which the voice sounded like the target person” for three types of voice stimuli: the target voice, a high-similarity voice (verbalized information was similar to the target voice), or a low-similarity voice (verbal ized information was dissimilar to the target voice). Results showed that “the degree to which the voice sounded like the target person” in the free-description category was significantly higher than in the control group in the high-similarity voice condition. These results suggest that verbalization leads participants to misidentify the high-similarity voice as the target person. Therefore, a verbal overshadowing effect in previous studies may have occurred because verbalization caused participants to perceive the high-similarity voice as the target person as much as the target voice, leading them to choose the high-similarity voice.
木下 冨雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.5, pp.482-494, 2021 (Released:2021-12-25)

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that occurred suddenly at the beginning of 2020 has had a significant and multifaceted impact on the economy, society, civilian life, and culture, as well as the human mind. For this reason, it is essential to establish a collaborative system that includes medical science, which has been the subject of much discussion, as well as the natural sciences, the humanities, and social sciences to evaluate the impact of COVID-19. This paper focuses on defense in depth and risk communication and discusses the issues caused by COVID-19 from the perspectives of social psychology and risk studies, both of which have an inherent interdisciplinary nature.
小林 正法
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.5, pp.463-472, 2021 (Released:2021-12-25)
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Conducting psychological experiments online has become popular in Japan and is useful for psychological research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous studies found that well-known psychological phenomena were successfully observed through online experiments. However, using recall tests, including a free recall test or a cued recall test, might be difficult in an online experiment. This is because the suggestion function, which is included in the Input Method Editor (IME), can aid recall when participants type their response. Recently, a plugin for online experiments, which might overcome this problem, was developed. However, it remains unclear if this technique is effective for psychological studies that use recall tests. Therefore, I examined whether false memory and retrieval-induced forgetting were replicated by recall tests in online experiments when the IME was bypassed by using the plugin. The results indicated that false recall and retrieval-induced forgetting were successfully observed. Given my results, online experiments using some types of recall tests can be conducted without the suggestion function.
篠ヶ谷 圭太
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.91, no.3, pp.193-201, 2020 (Released:2020-08-25)

This study involved the development of a questionnaire about monitoring in learners’ interaction and examined its role in peer tutoring. Confirmatory factor analysis yielded a 4-factor model: “self-understanding”(checking one’s own level of understanding), “other-understanding” (checking others’ level of understanding)”, “difference” (checking difference in one’s own and others’ ideas), and “engagement” (checking one’s own level of engagement). In the main study, 54 college students conducted a peer tutoring session and completed the questionnaire about monitoring after the session. Data analysis on the relationship between monitoring scores and protocols revealed that tutors’ scores of self-understanding and other-understanding were positively correlated with interpretive explanations, while the score for difference was negatively associated with descriptive explanations. The score of engagement only showed a positive association with non-explanatory utterances. The results also suggested that tutees’ score for self-understanding and other-understanding are positively associated with complimentary explanations. Finally, the importance of focusing on learners’ monitoring during interactions and future perspectives for research studies about cooperative learning are discussed.
外山 美樹 長峯 聖人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.6, pp.543-553, 2022 (Released:2022-02-25)

The purpose of this study was (a) to develop the Coping Strategies for Difficult Goals Scale, which consists of five subscales: “goal level adjustment,” “goal strategy adjustment,” “goal content adjustment,” “goal disengagement,” and “goal continuation”; and (b) to examine the relationship between coping strategies and well-being when goal achievement is difficult. College students participated in this study. The results indicated that (a) the Coping Strategies for Difficult Goals Scale has adequate validity and reliability; (b) goal disengagement was negatively associated with well-being, whereas goal content adjustment was positively associated with well-being; (c) the relevant well-being aspects differ between goal level adjustment and goal strategy adjustment; and (d) while goal persistence was associated with psychological well-being, it was also associated with depression. Finally, we offered specific suggestions for future research.
川崎 直樹 小玉 正博
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.6, pp.527-532, 2010 (Released:2012-03-20)
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This study examined the common and different factors of self-esteem, narcissism, and social phobia from the perspective of self-acceptance. Japanese undergraduates (N=267) completed a questionnaire that assessed narcissism, social phobic tendency, self-esteem, and self-acceptance. Three aspects of self-acceptance were measured: definite evaluation of self-features, self-acceptance for each features of the self, and subjective estimation of their own self-acceptance evaluations by others. The results showed that definite evaluation and self-acceptance evaluations were related positively to narcissism and self-esteem. However, the relation between narcissism and self-acceptance evaluations was not significant when controlled for the effect of definite evaluation of self-features. In addition, social phobic tendency was negatively related to definite evaluation and self-acceptance evaluations. These results implied that self-acceptance evaluation was an important factor that explains the common and different factors of self-esteem, narcissism, and social phobia.
竹島 康博
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.93, no.1, pp.65-71, 2022 (Released:2022-04-25)

Temporal synchrony between visual and auditory stimuli plays an important role in audiovisual integration. Audiovisual temporal synchrony is recalibrated by the most-recent timing of audiovisual stimuli. My previous study has shown that this recalibration happens when there is compensation for neural processing speed differences based on spatial frequency (SF) using a simultaneity judgment task. The present study tested this finding using a temporal order judgment task. In this experiment, participants judged the temporal order of a pure tone and a Gabor patch. The results indicated that the high SF stimuli induced a larger positive rapid recalibration than the low SF stimuli. However, this difference is mostly explained by a simple bias repeating a previous judgment. Therefore, the current study has confirmed that rapid recalibration is not affected by the differences in neural processing speed based on SF. Furthermore, this experiment suggested that the magnitude of choice-repetition bias should also be taken into account when comparing the magnitude of rapid recalibration in the temporal order judgment task.
山田 恭子 鍋田 智広 岡 かおり 中條 和光
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.2, pp.90-97, 2009 (Released:2012-03-06)
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The influence of environmental context on false recognition was investigated by using two lists with different associative structures. Sixteen auditory to-be-remembered lists were presented to the participants. Eight were associated lists, consisting of items that were associated with lure items which were not presented in the study session. The remaining eight were category lists, consisting of category examples. A lure item of each category list was one of the category examples. In the study session, participants were asked to judge how imaginable the items were. The next day, participants engaged in a word recognition test that included the studied items and the lure items. The test was administered visually on a computer display either in the same room as the study session or in a different room. In the associated list condition, reinstatement of the environmental context increased both correct and false recognition. In the category list condition, only false recognition was increased by reinstatement of the environmental context. These results indicate that the reinstatement of the environmental context facilitates false recognition.
西村 多久磨 藤原 和政 村上 達也 福住 紀明
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.21301, (Released:2022-03-31)

The present study investigates the relation between social skills and indicators of school adjustment: school satisfaction, self-esteem, depression, and aggression. A total of 284 students (boys = 145, girls = 139) participated in a questionnaire survey. The results of correlation analysis and Zou’s test revealed that (a) hairyo skills, which consist of compassion for others and maintaining relationships with peers, were negatively correlated with aggression; and (b) kakawari skills, which consist of assertion and developing relationships with peers, were positively correlated with school satisfaction and self-esteem, and negatively correlated with depression. These outcomes show significant result indicating that contents of social skills should be considered when trying to understand school adjustment problems and conducting social skills training.
太幡 直也
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.91, no.1, pp.34-43, 2020

<p>The items of the Cognition of Lying Scale were developed based on the expectancy–value theory in terms of expectancy and the value of telling lies. A factor analysis of undergraduates' responses indicated three factors: Cognition of negative aspects of lying (7 items), Cognition of the potential for lying well (4 items), and Cognition of the genetic determination for lying well (3 items). Studies 1 and 2 confirmed that the Cognition of Lying Scale is reliable and has construct validity. The relationships between the factors and the number of lies told on the previous day were examined in Study 3, which indicated that Cognition of negative aspects of lying was negatively correlated with the number of lies told on the previous day.</p>
小岩 広平 小松 眞峰 若島 孔文
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.91, no.5, pp.312-322, 2020

<p>In contemporary adolescent friendships, there is a problem of people attacking those who fail to "take a hint." In this study, we introduced four scenarios in which one friend failed to "take a hint" based on Bateson's concept of the communication mode. We also investigated the differences in the coping behavior that the adolescent chose, depending on their relationship with their group of friends. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 226 university students. As a result, four types of coping behaviors for people who failed to "take a hint" were found: "Ignore," "Criticize," "Jeer or Tease," and "Follow Along." Furthermore, an adolescent's relationship with their friend group was associated with their coping behavior. Adolescents who built an avoidant friendship tended to choose "Ignore" as their coping behavior. On the other hand, adolescents who built a mob-like friendship were likely to choose "Jeer or Tease." This discussion deals with the possibility of becoming sensitive to the people who fail to "take a hint," if the adolescent needs the friendships in the group.</p>
高橋 晃
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.69, no.1, pp.9-14, 1998-04-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This report concerns with the recognition memory and the confidence rating. The hit ratio was correlated to the confidence ratings, while the correct rejection (CR) ratio was not correlated to the confidence ratings. Especially, in case of short presentation of target items, negative coefficient was observed between CR and its confidence rating. This is because there were no memory traces of new items, so subjects used supplementary information about those items that had no relations to experimental learning episodes, and the subjects used that information as clue in recognition judgement. Although the base of the confidence rating was relpaced by the plausibility of such information, the subjects could not monitor the source of confidence.