橘 廣 岩砂 真一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.72, no.3, pp.177-185, 2001-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not early indications of lateraiization could be found in the perinatal period. The position in the fetal period and spontaneous head-turning soon after birth of one hundred and twenty-two subjects were measured. These subjects' hand activities (preference and manipulation) in infancy were later investigated through a questionnaire given to their parents. Results showed that the position in the fetal period and head-turning soon after birth were related to the functional asymmetries of hand activity in infancy. In addition, the results on the hand activity in infancy suggested that the developmental process of manipulation was different from that of hand preference with respect to functional lateraiization.
山口 陽弘
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.64, no.3, pp.199-205, 1993

In a theory-based concept model, the theory is often treated as implicit. In order to specify the conditions under which people prefer to construct categories of family resemblance, thereby explicating such an implicit theory, two experiments of people-sorting tasks were conducted. The first experiment was based on the paradigm of defining family resemblance in terms of independent sets of matching and mismatching values of personality traits. The second explored the idea that inter-property relationships rather than independent personality traits served to organize categories of people. In both studies, participants with low cognitive complexity persisted in sorting people on the basis of family resemblance, while those with high cognitive complexity continued to sort them along a single dimension. The results indicated that choice of sorting strategies, such as family resemblance or dimension, was related to an aspect of the person's implicit personality theory, namely cognitive complexity. Therefore, it was argued, a theory-based concept model and implicit personality theory were closely related.
富田 悟
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.26, no.3, pp.172-177, 1955 (Released:2010-07-16)

Since Pratt (J. Exper. Psychol., 13, 1930, 278-285) called attention to the phenomenon that high tones were phenomenologically higher in space that low ones, several researches were made, but the results were not in accord with one another.The purpose of this study was to observe the tendency of tonal localization along the vertical dimension.Including the preliminary experiment, four experiments were carried out in the soundproof room using the sound-cage. Os were always blind-folded and were seated in the center of the sound-cage, 160 cm in diameter, without the head-rest. Six or seven pure tones from 250 cps to 4100 cps were used as stimuli. They were led from a TYPE M-III no. 5111 Oscillator to a telephone receiver and were presented in haphazard order, from various positions. Os were divided into four groups in Experiment I and II, and two groups in Experiment III, according to the degree of their knowledge about this experiment.The preliminary experiment dealt with determining the various direct conditions for the main experiments, such as headmovement, participation of other modalities in localizing response, and the method of localization, etc.In the first experiment, Os were asked to localize each tone with their arms.Six tones (250-, 500-, 1125-, 1750-, 2000-, 4100) were presented from seven positions (Fig. 1). With the exception of the case where the souhd source was at 90°(Fig. 2), the displacements of the localization'were measured (Table 1).In the second experiment, the localizations by the verbal indication of the positions on the scale were made (Table 2).Through these two experiments, the average values of the displacements, for every observer of the four groups, came out uniformly in the order, from top to bottom, 4100-, 2000-, 1750-, 1125-, 500- and 250-.In the third experiment, following the example of Dimmick & Gaylord (J. Exper. Psychol., 17, 1034, 598-599), the displacements were measured : Os were asked to localize with their arms the tones (250-, 500-, 900-, 1125-, 1750, 2000 and 4100) coming from a telephone receivers In this experiment, tones were led from two different sources : (1) The position No. 4. in Experiment II. (2) The position got by movingt the former horizontally to the right by 45°.The results were shown in Table 4.Throughout all these observations, the results might be taken as supporting Pratt's proposition that high tones were phenomenologically higher in space than low tones. However, it was found in the preliminary experiment that this proposition was not applicable exactly to the tones of extremely high frequencies and to small pitch differences.
村上 宣寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.53, no.1, pp.23-30, 1982-04-30 (Released:2010-07-16)

In order to find subject types in word association and their relationship to response styles and subscales of MMPI and WAIS, two factor analyses of 32 subjects were conducted: an analysis in terms of the number of responses to each stimulus (Analysis I) and that of the coefficient of similarity between subjects for associated words to all stimuli (Analysis II). In Analysis I, five subject types were found: the active type with high arithmetical ability, the quiet type with high verbal ability, the singular type with high performance intelligence, the sensitive and rational type, and the extroverted. In Analysis II, seven subject types were found: the irresolute type with low verbal and high spatial abilities, the honest type, the type with high general intelligence, the sensitive and neurotic type, the type with low spatial ability, the quiet type with high mathematical ability, and the type with poor vocabulary. The validity of Analysis II seemed to be high because friends fell under common subject types of this analysis. In response styles, the number of responded verbs positively correlated with introversion and negatively with spatial ability, and that of nouns positively with general intelligence. These findings also suggested that the defensive attitude is related only to reaction time (Analysis I), and that the neurotic tendencies are indistinguishable from psychotic ones on the basis of reaction time because both were related to the same subject factor.
小川 時洋 門地 里絵 菊谷 麻美 鈴木 直人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.71, no.3, pp.241-246, 2000-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
47 38

This study aimed at developing a self report instrument of general mood states which was brief and easy to administer for Japanese respondents. Four studies were conducted. In Study 1, we administered some existing mood questionnaires in order to select appropriate items from them. Factor analysis using oblique roration yielded eight factors. Following Study 2 and 3, we developed an instrument called the General Affect Scales with three 8-item subscales: positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), and calmness (CA). The reliability and the validity of each scale were then investigated. It was shown that the subscales except the CA are highly internally consistent and factorially valid. Finally, these subscales were compared with other mood scales in Study 4.
竹橋 洋毅 樋口 収 尾崎 由佳 渡辺 匠 豊沢 純子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.6, pp.580-590, 2019 (Released:2019-02-25)
4 12

Grit refers to a non-cognitive trait that is characterized by perseverance and passion for long-term goals. In this study, we developed a Japanese version of the Grit Scale and examined its reliability and validity. A confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the Japanese version of the Grit Scale had two factors corresponding to the original version (study 1, 2, and 3). The results indicated that the scale has high reliability (study 1 and 3). Grit was positively correlated with conscientiousness (study 2 and 3) and self-control (study 3). Nonetheless, grit demonstrated predictive validity of longitudinal persistence and success measures over conscientiousness, self-control, and intellectual ability (study 3). These results are consistent with previous studies and support the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Grit Scale.
萩生田 伸子 繁桝 算男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.1, pp.1-8, 1996-04-26 (Released:2010-07-16)
21 11

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the conditions of data, under which the direct application of factor analysis to ordered categorical data may not be appropriate. For this purpose, we conducted two simulation studies, in which the numbers of observations, items, categories and factors were systematically changed, and in which two methods for estimating correlations were used. In these simulations, we examined the effects of the various conditions of data on the reproducibility of the true factor loadings and true number of factors, and on the frequency of improper solutions. Based on the results, several practical suggestions were provided to prevent inappropriate uses of factor analysis for the ordered categorical date; e.g., at least five categories are needed for sound applications of factor analysis.
中里 浩明 Michael H. Bond 白石 大介
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.47, no.3, pp.139-148, 1976-09-20 (Released:2010-07-16)
8 7

2 experiments were performed using Norman's procedure to examine his hypothesis on the 5 major dimensions of personality perception (Norman, 1963; Passini & Norman, 1966). (a) A factor analysis was run on peer nomination rating data for male and female college students using Norman's original scales. 5 factors were extracted generally similar to those of Norman (1963): Extroversion (sociability), agreeableness, conscientiousness (responsibility), emotional stability (toughness), and culture (cultural sophistication). (b) From the data of peer nomination ratings using behavior descriptions derived from scales of Nagashima et al. (1967) only 3 factors, toughness (volition), likableness, and extroversion were found. Thus, there was a discrepancy among 2 results in the number and structure of the factors. Further discussion was made with reference to the dimensions of meaning of Osgood et al. (1957).
柿崎 祐一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.20, no.2, pp.24-32, 1950 (Released:2010-07-16)
6 6

PROBLEM. The objective of these experiments is to determine the effects of preceding retinal stimulations upon the dominancy of one figare in the binocular rivalry. First, we begin with the conditions where, preeeding the rivalry of two antagonistic figures, one of them is given to one or both eyes.APPARATUS. and PROCDURE. Two circular light patches (1°15′ in visual angle) with five parallel odlique lines are exposed one to each eye on a sort of haploscope. In binoculrr image these two sets of lines are at right angles to each other and here riv lry can be observed. The duration of the appearance of each figure in seconds (t) and the nuuber of the appearance (n) are noted by two electric keys manipulated by Os' own hands. The observations which last 90 seconds with 30 seconds pause are repeated several times in direct s quence.The dominancy of one figure over the other is defined by ΔΔr=(tr/tl)2⋅(nl/nr) where r amd l refer to right and left respectively. If Δr>1 the right figure is dominant, and vice versa.In the following experiments, the figure applied to the left eye has always the same lines_??_ (in reality five lines), and to the right_??_. The condition is schematized as (L_??_·R_??_) in what follows.EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS.1. Precedi g the cnndition of rivalry we stimulated (a) the left eye with_??_, or (b) the right eye with_??_.The schema: (a) [L_??_·-]→[L_??_·R_??_](b) [-·R_??_]→[L_??_·R_??_]In one O out of 5, the figure which preceded showed dominancy in rivalry, but in the other four cases the opposite figure became dominant more or lets significantly. In the following experiments we omitted the first O, in view of the main purpose of our investigation, and also of his personal incov nience. Hence the problem of the individual differenee in this respect is posiponed to future investigation.2. To the remaining Os., a mere ci cular light patch was given to one eye as the preceding stimulus. Under this condition also, the figure given to the other eye showed dominancy, but the effect in this case is not so sigeificant as in 1.3. The direct comparison of the effects manifested in 1. and 2. The results were not clear enough.4. The same figure was given to both eyes as the preceding stimulus. Namely:(a) [L_??_·R_??_]→[L_??_·R_??_](b) [L_??_·R_??_]→[L_??_·R_??_]The results showed the dominance of R_??_in (a). and of L_??_in (b). From these results cults we may conclude that the effect shown in 1 was not only the effect of mere light and of the figure upon retina, but was also influenced by the figurality i.e. the direction per se of oblique lines.3. Here we gave the antagonistic figures as the preceding stimulus. Namely:(a) [L_??_·-]→[L_??_·R_??_](b) [-·R_??_]→[L_??_·R_??_]The results were not clear. Perhaps, the effect of light as the preceding stimulus (shown in 2) and that of the figure (shown in 1 and 3) had canceled each other.6. To one eye the preceding stimulus was the figure and to the othermere circular light patch. Namely:(a) [L_??_·RO]→[L_??_·R_??_](b) [LO·R_??_]→[L_??_·R_??_]In (a) R_??_ was dominant while in (b) L_??_ was dominant. So the effect of figurality is greater than tha of mere light.CONCLUSION. We may conclude from these res lts that in the field of binocular rivalry, a preceding stimulation has an effect in point of its figurality. In our Os, it manifest itself as an effect which makes the figure antagonistic to the preceding one dominant in succeeding rivalry.
大山 正 田中 靖政 芳賀 純
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.34, no.3, pp.109-121, 1963
12 16

This study is an attempt to investigate the affective meaning of 16 colors and 14 symbolic words as judged by Japanese and American subjects and to seek synesthetic correspondence between the colors and the words. Four groups of subjects (Japanese male college students, Japanese female college students, American female highschool students and American famale college students) rated the colors, and two groups of subjects (Japanese and American female college students) judged the words on a 35scale semantic differential. Color cards and semantic scales used, and two of the four color-groups of subjects were the same a those of the factor-analytical study previously reported (<i>Jap. psychol, Res., </i> 1962, 4, 78-91).<br>First, in connection with colors, a good agreement was found among the four subject groups in their judgment of meaning of each color represented by mean scale scores (See Fig. 1-4 in the text). Secondly, it was noted that scales correlating highly with the Munsell Hue were mainly Activity scales (e.g. <i>hot-cold, near-far, womanly-manly, unstable-stable, dangerous-safe, excitablequiet</i>). Scales correlating highly with Value were in the main Potency cales(e.g. <i>heavy-light, deep-shallow, full-empty, hard-soft, tense-relaxed, strong-weak, dry-wet.</i>) Evaluative scales (e.g. <i>beautiful-ugly, good-bad, clear-muddy, fresh-stale, healthy-unhealthy, new-old</i>) appeared to have no such particular correlation with any of the Munsell dimensions. However, colors ranging from Yellow to Blue generally tend to be rated as positive on Evaluative scales(i.e., toward <i>good</i>), whereas colors approaching to and departing from the Purple-Red region tend to be rated negatively (i.e., toward <i>bad</i>). Black and Gray were judged as <i>bad</i> whereas White was rated as <i>good</i>.<br>In connection with the 14 symbolic words, it was discovered first that the factor structures of both Japanese and American <i>Word</i>-spaces were reasonably similar to each other but quite different from the factor structure of the <i>Color</i>-spaces. In the former, the Evaluative factor was most salient while in the latter the Activity was most salient, although three factors-Evaluation, Potency and Activity-were as a group most dominant in each of four concept-culture group. Secondly, on the basis of 15 descriptive scales, 5 for each factor, it was discovered that symbolic words display similar affective meaning to certain colors (Table 2). For example, ANGER and JEALOUSY were found to be closely associated with Red, while SIN and FEAR were related to Black and Purple. ETERNITY, VIRGINITY, and QUIETNESS, on the other hand, were associated with Blue or White, while HAPPINESS, HOME and LOVE with Green. Thirdly, the whole scale profile of each word was correlated with that of each color. Basically similar associative relations were obtained between words and colors, as discovered above.<br>The results obtained in this part of study were in general agreement with results obtained by Obonai and Matsuoka (<i>J. gen. Psychol</i>., 1956, 55, 229-239) who used direct word-color associations to assess the synesthetic relations. Differences between their study and ours were submitted to test in the last part of the present study by asking a new group of subjects to choose a color associate from 16 color-stimuli for each of the concept words, where the colors and words used were the same as in earlier parts of this study. The obtained data confirmed the Obonai-Matsuoka study. In general, it was concluded that the semantic differential provides a useful method for assessing the association between different classes of concepts.
畑野 快 杉村 和美 中間 玲子 溝上 慎一 都筑 学
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.13319, (Released:2014-10-01)
3 7

This study aimed to develop a 12-item version of the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (the 5th stage) (EPSI (5th)) and examine its reliability and validity. University students (N = 545) participated in this study. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that a two-factor model provided a better fit than alternative one-factor models. An analysis of Cronbach’s α coefficients and the test-retest method showed acceptable scale reliability. In accordance with our hypotheses, correlation analyses revealed that the EPSI (5th) subscale scores (i.e., synthesis and confusion) were significantly related to measures of self-esteem, life satisfaction with life, and identity confusion. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
相羽 美幸 太刀川 弘和 Lebowitz Adam J.
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.5, pp.473-483, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)

The interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide proposes that suicide occurs in the presence of three factors: perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and acquired capability for suicide. The Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) was developed to assess the first two factors, and the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale (ACSS) was developed for the third. Our study presented here developed and evaluated Japanese versions of the INQ and ACSS, and determined the best ones for Japanese samples. In Study 1, we asked 189 university undergraduates to evaluate each scale’s clarity. In Study 2, 812 undergraduates were asked about the INQ, the ACSS, and validity items, and 225 undergraduates participated in a second survey approximately one-month from the initial survey for test-retest reliability. In Study 3, 104 psychiatric patients completed the INQ and ACSS and were asked about suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt. Content, structural, generalizability, and external validity results showed that each version of the INQ and ACSS demonstrated acceptable validity. Our comprehensive evaluation provides evidence that INQ-10/INQ-15, and ACSS-5/ACSS-FAD can yield reliable data from Japanese-language population samples.
田巻 義孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.65, no.1, pp.67-82, 1994-04-20 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

The thalidomide catastrophe in 1959-1962 has given great impetus to the basic research interests in the adverse effects of various insults on germ cells, embryos, fetuses, and immature postnatal individuals. It has called further attention to behavioral ability to learn or respond appropriately to a changing environment in the offspring that are prenatally exposed to various insults, even though the insults have negligible or no congenital malformations. The new field, behavioral teratology, obtained independence from its mother field teratology in the mid 1970s. The fact that most behavioral alterations can be traceable to adverse influences in the environment does not necessarily mean that it has given insight into the mechanism by which these behavioral deviations took place in developmental processes. Cause-and-effect relationships in behavioral teratogenicity are not always apparent, and thereby behavioral teratology retains distinctive methodological problems.
武藤 世良
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.1, pp.95-101, 2016 (Released:2016-04-25)
5 5

This study examined the reproducibility of the hierarchical semantic structure of respect-related emotions and the prototypical meaning of sonkei (respect) in modern Japanese people. Participants, ages 20–79, rated the semantic similarity of 153 pairs of 18 respect-related words used in previously published work. Hierarchical cluster analysis (n = 515) showed almost the same semantic organization as the previous study. The highest level of abstraction consisted of “person-focus respect, emotional attitude” and “action-focus respect, emotional state.” The basic level consisted of (a) respect mingled with mild love; (b) ought-respect (respect as moral duty); (c) idolatry (worship and adoration); (d) awe mingled with fear; (e) admiration; and (f) wonder. The word sonkei was included in category (a). Additional analyses were conducted according to age. The results revealed that the basic categories seen in adults ages 60–79 differed from those in the whole sample and that sonkei was included in the category which could be considered as ought-respect. These findings suggest that the semantic organization of respect-related emotions is gradually changing under the influence of modern culture.
小川 昭利 横山 諒一 亀田 達也
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.4, pp.366-375, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)
1 4

Theory-of-mind (ToM) has been extensively studied using neuroimaging, with the goal of finding a neural basis for ToM and its associate emotional and cognitive processes. In neuroimaging, a functional localizer is used when a region of interest needs to be identified in a way that is statistically independent of the main experiment. The original ToM localizer (ToM-L) for functional magnetic resonance imaging (Dodell-Feder et al., 2011) measures brain activity when a set of English sentences and related questions are read and answered by participants. We developed a linguistically localized version of the ToM-L for use with Japanese speakers, and evaluated it by scanning 70 participants. The results showed that this localizer could be used to define individual ToM-related areas, requiring about one-third of the scanning time of the original ToM-L while maintaining its statistical ability to identify individual ToM-related brain regions.
大日向 達子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.26, no.5, pp.311-319, 1956 (Released:2010-07-16)
4 1

The present study on the instrumental conditioning of color discrimination by pigeons was undertaken to determine whether the learning was based on absolute or on relative discrimination. It was assumed that if the learning was based upon relative discrimination, the luminance relation of the stimuli would be transferred regardless of their wave-length and, on the other hand, if it was based upon absolute discrimination, pigeons would respond to wave-lengths without regards to luminance relations.The entire experiment was divided into two major parts, Exp. I and II, each of which comprised two groups of experiments, A1 and B1 in the case of Exp. I and A2 and B2 in the casg of Exp. II. Each group was subdivided further into four unit-experiments, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thus, the total number of unit-experiments was 16. The experiment was conducted with the Skinner Box and with 32 pigeons as subjects, 2 pigeons participating in one unit-experiment.Each unit-experiment contained 3 problems, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, given in this order. The purpose was to see if each succeding problem was learned more rapidly than the one preceding.Stimuli and Procedure-Four colors, red, yellow, green and blue whose dominant wave-lengths were 675.6, 574.9, 538.6 466.5mμ respectively were chosen as stimulus materials. Each of these four colors was paired with each of the other three colors. The luminance ratio of the two colors in the pair was 6 : 1, the lighter one being the positive stimulus that was reinforced. The stimuli were presented one by one in random order, each for 12 seconds through filters. The number of reinforcements per day was 32 and the criterion of learning was set at 95 percent correct response. The general plan of experiments is summarized in Table 1 and 2. The mention must be made that in Exp. I, A1 and Exp. II, A2 the color pairs used in the 3rd problem were brighter than those used in the 1st and 2nd problems and in Exp. I, B1 and Exp. II, B2 the pairs in the 2nd problem were brighter than those used in the 1st and 3rd problems. In either case, the luminance ratio of the two colors in the pair was kept 6 : 1.Results-Errors made during 32 reinforcements in the preceding problem were compared with those made in the succeeding problems and the following facts were found :Table 1Plan of Exp. I.Transfer of learning of the 1st problem to the 3rd problem was based upon the luminance relation of the stimuli in both Exp. I, A1 and B1. This clearly is a case of relative discrimination.In Exp. II, A2 the pigeons showed both relative discrimination of luminance and absolute discrimination of wave-length, however, in B2 they showed only absolute discrimination.Transfer of learning of the 2nd to the 3rd was based almost on absolute discrimi-Table 2Plan of Exp. II.nation in Exp. I and relative discrimination in Exp. II.The learning of the 3rd problems in Exp. I and II was accelerated in comparison with the original learning.
梅垣 佑介 木村 真人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.5, pp.430-439, 2012 (Released:2013-03-01)
9 6

The present study investigated the effect of optimistic bias on help-seeking intentions and behaviors in relation to health care professionals and nonprofessionals for depressive symptoms. In addition, the study tested the hypothesis that seeking help from professionals poses a greater threat for self-esteem than from non-professionals. A questionnaire survey (N = 462) using clinical vignettes was conducted with university students. The results suggested that optimistic bias had an impact on help-seeking intentions and behaviors directed towards both health care professionals and nonprofessionals. There seemed to be a relatively stronger threat to self-esteem in help-seeking involving nonprofessionals and a weaker threat in help-seeking involving professionals, contrary to previous studies. The results were explained by the threat to self-esteem and equity theories. Understanding the rationale of optimistic bias and symptom recognition in the help-seeking process may provide relevant information to bridge the service gap in the treatment of depression.
河合 輝久
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.1, pp.42-52, 2019 (Released:2019-04-25)
1 2

This study investigated the recognition of and first aid strategies for depression in a close friend among Japanese university students. A total of 1,500 university students were asked to identify what was wrong with a vignette portraying depression and to report their first aid strategies or intentions. First, only 26.14% of participants correctly identified the person as having depression. Second, although the most common responses to the vignette were to listen to the person or to intend to do so non-judgmentally; much less common responses were to encourage professional help-seeking and to intend to do so. Japanese university students were less likely to intend to use the range of helpful first aid strategies while also taking care of themselves. Third, correctly recognizing depression was positively correlated with helpful first aid strategies and intentions (except for listening non-judgmentally in the depression vignette and encouraging self-help), and was negatively correlated with harmful first aid strategies. There is room for improving first aid strategies in Japanese university students when considering depression.
植村 友里 松本 良恵 神 信人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.12015, (Released:2014-06-01)

Why do people behave altruistically toward others, even in situations where nobody would observe their behavior? We formulated the following hypothesis regarding this question: “Reputations are decided by behaviors in situations that nobody can observe, rather than by behaviors in situations that can be observed by others.” The validity of this hypothesis was examined through a Prisoner’s Dilemma experiment. In the first stage, participants played the Prisoner’s Dilemma game in a situation where nobody could observe them. In the second stage, participants selected another partner in the game, based on information about their behavior in the first stage. The results indicated that participants tended to choose people that behaved altruistically in situations where nobody could observe them. Furthermore, this tendency was stronger with cooperative participants. These results support the hypothesis of this study.
伊藤 美奈子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.65, no.1, pp.18-24, 1994-04-20 (Released:2010-07-16)

The degree of integration of contrasting traits in the person may be an index of personal maturity. This study examined such an integration process from the framework of individual and social orientedness. Subjects, 118 male and 329 female students, were asked to fill out an orientedness scale, a short version of TSPS: a measure of the two-sidedness of personality, and a self-esteem scale. Results showed that for those high on one-sidedness, individual orientedness turned out to be the sole factor, clearly bisecting those high and low on self-esteem and other traits. High correlations of self-esteem with traits like leadership and activity seem to indicate that the highly one-sided use a single dimension for their judgments. On the other hand, when one-sidedness was low, both individual and social orientedness became necessary, and ratings of personality traits moderate. Self-esteem correlated with flexibility and deliberateness, showing both active and reflective tendencies. As for the orientedness, individual orientedness is related to active traits and self-esteem, while social orientedness correlated with both active and reflective traits, implying moderate characteristics for the person's personality.