伊東 尚史 村田 寿 大山 剛 吉田 照豊 境 正 山内 清 山口 登喜夫 宇川 正治
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.66, no.2, pp.298-299, 2000-03-15 (Released:2008-02-01)
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ブリの細菌性溶血性黄疸の症状を, アスコルビン酸(AsA)給与により軽減できることを明らかにするため, AsAカルシウム塩を94mg/100g配合されたシングルモイスト飼料(1区)を対照とし, これに外割で2%L(+)-アスコルビン酸を加えた高AsA飼料(2区)を5日間ブリに給与後, 黄疸原因菌を接種した。原因菌の接種によりすべてのブリで黄疸が発症したが, 高AsA飼料給与区の肝臓および血漿のAsA含量は, 対照区の値と比べ著しく減少した。黄疸発症魚の血液ヘモグロビン含量の減少, 比肝重値および比脾臓重値の増加および血漿ビリルビン含量の増加は, それぞれ1区に比べ2区の方が抑制された。すなわち, 高AsA飼料の短期間給与により, ブリの細菌性溶血性黄疸の症状を軽減できた。
竹内 裕
日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.75, no.5, pp.876-877, 2009-09-15

金 銀好 向井 徹 飯田 浩二
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)

北海道噴火湾周辺海域において,周波数 38, 120, 200 kHz の計量魚群探知機を用いて音響散乱層の特徴を調べ,その構成生物であるオキアミ類とカイアシ類の識別方法を検討した。生物の確認は,直径 80 cm のリングネットによる垂直曳網で行った。オキアミ類とカイアシ類は,周波数 38 kHz よりも 120 kHz と 200 kHz でより強い音響散乱を示し,さらにこれら 2 周波数の SV 差は,オキアミ類で−1.5~1.3 dB,カイアシ類で 2.2-3.7 dB となり,この SV 差を利用して両種を識別する可能性が示された。
松田 由美子
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.34, no.9, pp.841-846, 1968

The present study was undertaken to find a proper method for the production of dried "tokoroten, " <i>gelidium</i> jelly, which, on reconstitution, gives a jelly having favourable flavour and elasticity similar to those of the original one.<br> The jellies were dehydrated by the following four different methods: A) Freeze-drying after vacuum freezing, B) Freeze-drying after still air freezing at -21°C, C) Drying at room temperature after still air freezing at -25°C and subsequent thawing in still air, and D) Drying at room temperature after still air freezing at -25°C and subsequent thawing in running tap water. Among them, the latter two methods correspond to the conventional one for the production of agar-agar in Japan.<br> After being stored in carton boxes at room temperature for a definite period, the dried samples were reconstituted into jellies for examination of various properties.<br> Immediately after processing, the dried products obtained by the former two methods gave the jellies quite similar to the original one in all the properties examined, although the jellies prepared from the stored products showed a slight discolouration, increase of jelly strength and off-flavour.<br> On the other hand, the properties of jellies from the dried samples produced by the latter two methods were considerable different from those of original one even immediately after drying. This may be due to the loss of water-soluble constituents.
松田 由美子
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.34, no.9, pp.836-840, 1968

Effect of pre-freezing rate on the quality of lyophilized "tokoroten", <i>gelidium</i> jelly, was examined.<br> The jellies were freeze-dried in a vacuum freeze dryer at a platen temperature of 60°C and chamber pressure of 20-300μHg after being frozen by the following methods: spraying with liquid nitrogen, vacuum freezing, air blast (3m/sec) freezing at -30°C freezing on a cold plate at -30°C and still air freezing at -21°C (Fig. 1).<br> When the jelly was frozen at a higher rate, the shape of lyophilized product remained unchanged and its tissue was fine (Fig. 3-2), whereas the one frozen at a slower rate gave a shrinked product and its tissue was rough (Fig. 3-5).<br> Although the ultra-quick freezing by spraying with liquid nitrogen gave a product whose tissue was very fine, remarkable cracks and projections resulted during the subsequent freeze-drying (Fig. 3-1). The colour of lyophilized jelly was more preferable as the rate of prefreezing was higher. A slight difference was observed in the distribution of ash and dissolution velocity in hot water. However, the freezing rate did not affect the reconstitution of the products: the quality of all the jellies made from the dried products was similar to that of original jelly.<br> It may be concluded from these results as well as the simplicity in processing that the vacuum freezing is the most preferable method for pre-treatment of the jelly.
松田 由美子
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.34, no.11, pp.1026-1030, 1968

It was reported in the previous paper<sup>1)</sup> that the lyophilization is a preferable method for the preservation of "tokoroten", <i>gelidium</i> jelly, as the lyophilized product gave, on reconstitution, a jelly having similar flavour and elasticity to those of the original "tokoroten". In this study, freezing preservation of it was attempted.<br> "Tokoroten" cut into 1.4cm cubes was frozen by three different methods, vacuum freezing, air blast freezing (3m/sec) at -30°C and still air freezing at -30°C, and stored at -25°, -15°and -5°C for 3 months. At a definite storage interval, the samples were dissolved in boiling water. The resulting solutions were condensed to the original concentration and gelatinized. The jellies thus obtained were examined on their qualities, such as colour, flavour, texture, palatability, jelly strength and compressive strain, to compared with those of the original one.<br> Immediately after freezing, reconstitution of all samples was nearly perfect. The jellies prepared from the stored samples showed only slight discolouration and off-flavour. The storage temperature and period did not affect the qualities appreciably.<br> It may be concluded from these results that "tokoroten" can be preserved frozen at least for 3 months at a temperature as high as -5°C without any unfavourable change of quality, and that the frozen "tokoroten" can be reconstituted almost perfectly if the process of thawing in boiling water is introduced.
平野 敏行 章 超樺 森下 昭寿 鈴木 健 白井 隆明
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.3, pp.547-557, 1992
6 35

The volatile compounds collected on a porous polymer Tenax TA from wild and cultured ayu fish were evaluated by GC-sniffing and identified by GC-MS. GC-pattern and odor quality of wild ayu were similar to that of cultured ayu. The main compounds responsible for a cucumber-like and/or watermelon-like aroma were identified as (E, Z)-2, 6-nonadienal, (E)-2-nonenal, and 3, 6-nonadien-1-ol; (E, Z)-2, 6-nonadienal play a significant role in the characteristic aroma of ayu. However, by the same analytical experiment, it was shown that carbon-9 carbonyls and alcohol were not detectable in river algae eaten by wild ayu and in artificial diets for ayu culture.
宮崎 一老
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.28, no.10, pp.955-966, 1962

Knowledge of the larval history of bivalves, especially their identification of species in plankton samples, would be of great importance for fisheries investigators making possible reliable prediction of spatfalls and efficient collections, as well as breeding seasons of adult forms and dates of larval settlement, and would, moreover, contribute much toward the solution of a wide range of problems, both practical and academic.<br> Up to this time little has been known concerning the larvae of most bivalves, although several extensive studies had been made by STAFFORD, KÄNDLER, LEBOUR, MIYAZAKI, YOSHIDA, J∅RGENSEN, SULLIVAN and REFS.<br> In the present work the author has revealed that the identification of larval stages of bivalves should be carried out not only by the shapes of prodissoconth but also by their developmental findings and the spawning habits of adult population, the latter being classified into groups A and B as shown below.<br> A-group (Marine form); a) Standard type, b) Protobranch type, c) Egg mass or string type, d) Incubatory type.<br> B-group (Freshwater form); a) Glochidium type, b) Lasidium type, c) Sphaerium type, d) Corbicula type, 1) Corbicula leana type, 2) Corbicula sandai type, 3) Corbicula japonica type (Brackish).<br> Further, having closely studied the drawings and descriptions covering some 200 species in aggregate number published by the investigators abovementioned, the present author has classified post-larvae into 20 types on the basis of definitely recognizable characteristics of prodissoconchs, which would be useful to any investigators interested.
本多 直人 松下 吉樹
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.75, no.4, pp.701-703, 2009 (Released:2009-10-09)
4 5

海中を潜行するエチゼンクラゲをスキューバ潜水により追跡し,深度変化を計測することで,遊泳速力を求めた。傘径 0.6~1.6 m の 14 個体の遊泳速力は,最小 0.07 ms-1,最大 0.17 ms-1 であった。傘径を B とすると,遊泳速力=0.1 B s-1,一拍動あたりの推進距離=0.25 B の関係が求められた。傘径 1~1.5 m の大型個体でも遊泳速力は約 0.1~0.15 ms-1 となるため,対馬暖流の流軸上や強い潮流の中では,流向と逆方向への移動はできないと推測される。また,エチゼンクラゲの遊泳速力は,ほとんどの場合に漁獲対象とする魚類の遊泳速力より小さいと推測される。
倉上 政幹 川名 武
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.5, no.2, pp.93-94, 1936-07-10 (Released:2008-02-29)
1 1

The results of age determinations from 1910 to 1930, show that the breeding of Clupea pallasii in Hokkaidô is poor without exception in the year of either maximum or minimum sun-spots and has a peak in each intermediate period, while the 65 years' statistics show that in extreme cases of sun-spots the yearly catch is often unusually rich or poor.
道津 喜衛 塚原 博
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.30, no.4, pp.335-342, 1964

<i>Mogurnda obscura</i> are the large eleotrid goby, about 15cm in length (Fig. 1: A, B). They are distributed in the western Japan, and are dwelling in rivers, brooks, lakes and swamps, and solitary in life (Fig. 2: A). Especially the river dwellers are found on sandy mud bottom of stagnant waters in middle and lower course of river. They are rather nocturnal and feeding on small fishes and crustaceans, especially small shrimps. They are active in warm seasons, especially in spawning season extending from April to June, and they have a tendency to become hibernant in winter.<br> The male fish are larger than the female, and they are polygamy. The sex dimorphism evidently appears in the form of genital papilla. No nuptial coloration appears in both sexes. The number of the ripe ovarian eggs, 1.5 to 1.9mm in diameter, were counted 934 to 3, 559 in 5 specimens ranging 95 to 162mm in total length (Table 1). The nest preferences were widely given to many kind of substances, e. g., stone, wood, bamboo, grass root, etc. in various forms. The egg masses were found mainly on underside of the nest shelters, and they were guarded by the male parent until the egg hatched out (Figs. 2, 3). A pair of the ripe fish, reared in an aquarium, spawned an egg mass on the inner wall of the earthernware pipe given as a nest. The egg is ellipsoid in shape, 5mm in long axis and 2mm in short axis. It is demersal adhesive one with a large yolk (Figs. 2, B: 3). The embryo hatched out after it developing to juvenile form (Fig. 4: A, B). The incubation period was about 30 days at 16 to 19°C.<br> The newly hatched larvae were 7.5mm in total length with separate ventral fins, and after the hatching they entered instantly into a bottom life (Fig. 4). The larvae as well as the ones of the relatives, <i>M. (M.) adspersus</i> and <i>M. mogurnda</i>, and shout, and grew in an aquarium (Fig. 1, C).<br> It is expected that the spawning is induced smoothly by the setting of artifical nest on the bottom of the habitat, because the nest is wanting under the natural condition. The authors adopted earthernware pipes and pieces of bamboo, about 30cm in length and 7cm in diameter, for the artificial nest, and attained a desired effect.
田代 一洋 岩槻 幸雄
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.61, no.5, pp.684-688, 1995-09-15

Fifty-eight young Japanese centropomid fish <i>Lates japonicus</i> were captured from the Hitotsuse River estuary, Miyazaki Prefecture, southeastern Kyushu, Japan, through April to September, 1989, and their sizes of total length (TL) (mean TL 222mm) and body weight (BW) (mean 147g) were recorded. They were reared in a concrete tank (20 ton) until the end of November, 1992, growing to a mean TL of 500mm and mean BW of 1, 825g. The diet of the fish was comprised mainly of raw sardines, shrimp, jack and mackerel. However, negative Feeding efficiency rates and Conversion fac-tors were apparent over the two winter seasons. Feeding activity, based on the mean quantity of food taken per individual, was closely related to water temperature and salinity (S) changes, especially being highest over about 25°C (S 28-30) and reduced to zero below about 16°C (S 34). The species seemed to be strongly resistant to disease, skin erosion and transportation stress, because all individ-uals used for the experiment survived.
久田 孝 宮本 浩衣 坂尻 誠 安藤 琴美 矢野 俊博
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.67, no.2, pp.296-301, 2001-03-15 (Released:2008-02-01)
8 11

13の製造元で製造されている魚介糠漬け36製品について調べたところ, 全体的に最優勢菌群は好塩性の乳酸球菌であった。しかし, その菌数は製造元あるいは製品によって大きく異なり, 検出限界以下(<(10)2/g)&acd;(10)7/gであった。好塩性あるいは耐浸透圧性の酵母菌数も製造元あるいは製品によって異なり, 検出限界以下&acd;(10)6/gであった。これら糠漬け試料のうち3製品のみで, 好気性球菌や酵母が乳酸球菌よりも優勢となっていた。糠漬け中の主な有機酸は乳酸であったが, その濃度も0.1&acd;1.7g/100gと製造元や製品によって異なった。揮発性塩基窒素(VBN)は糠漬け中に50&acd;230mg/100gであった。
伊藤 史郎
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.72, no.3, pp.471-475, 2006 (Released:2006-06-07)
1 1
松岡 正信
vol.74, no.4, pp.694-696, 2008 (Released:2011-01-28)
