高正 晴子 江後 迪子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.8, pp.835-844, 1999-08-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The characteristics and types of food served at wedding ceremonies of the Shimazu household in Kyushu are described.Shimazu wedding ceremonies were different from those of other major households. Food was served after exchanging sake cups. Zoni (a kind of mochi soup) and five kinds of kezurimono were included on the wedding menu. Jinchu (five-color rice), and tegake (a kind of kezurimono) and tokokazari (an alcove ornament) cannot be found at the wedding ceremonies of other important feudal lords. Thus, the Shimazu ceremonies were clearly different, although they were simplified over the years.
樋口 幸永 近藤 隆二郎
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.10, pp.859-868, 2009

The purpose of this study is to clarify the feature of the movement of recording the household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-no-kai, a readers'club of Fujin-no-tomo magazine. This study also aims to reexamine the role of the movement by tracing the transition of the readers'lifestyle as well as what they sought in life. We examined (1) the contents of the magazine as well as the feature of the house-keeping book, (2) how the house-keeping book was promoted as well as what resulted in favor of improved household budget, and (3) readers'comments included some special feature articles on the house-keeping book. The examination found that the initial plan was to assist the club members in forming their household budget by offering the mean value and quantity of their housekeeping items. It was also found that the movement was meant to help its members draw up an ideal budget in the hope that a sound household would eventually contribute to forming a sound society. Then, the movement gradually shifted its stand and tried to assist its members to consider that their households were part of the entire social system. In other words, keeping household account helped its members deepen their understanding of social affairs. This understanding has led up to less dependence on outsourcing of various nature, which would help alleviate environmental disruption. In conclusion, it is safe to state that the act or habit of keeping household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-nokai of the magazine Fujin-no-tomo has helped the club members incorporate the social concept in themselves.
増田 啓子 東 珠実 鈴木 真由子 吉本 敏子 古寺 浩 田崎 裕美 村尾 勇之
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.12, pp.1105-1113, 2000-12-15

本研究はアメリカの家政系学部がスコッツデール会議(1993)における名称変更の決議をどのように受け止め, 家政学についてどのような問題意識をもっているかを明らかにする事を目的とする. アメリカ家政系学部の部科長を村象に1995年9月にアンケート調査を実施した結果, スコッツデール会議で採択された新しい名称「Family and Consumer Sciences(FCS)」については, 支持する回答が61.0%を占め, それに伴い学部名称をFCSに変更する動きがみられた. さらに1998年の追跡調査によると, FCSを用いている大学は20校から46校に増加し, Home Economicsは60校から28校に減少した. アメリカ家政学の名称変更をめぐる背景には, プロフェッションの認識とそのアイデンティティをめぐる様々な問題に対し, 名称変更によってその状況を改善しようとする動きが見られた.
李 有鎭 成瀬 信子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.6, pp.533-543, 2001-06-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

Up to the present time, there have not been many studies carried out to determine an effective method for systematical conditional setting for polka-dot patterns, because most previous studies have used commercial printed polka-dot patterns. Therefore, we prepared thirty samples with different patterns wherein two kinds of patterns (i.e., an oblong and a square) each with polka-dot diameters of 1.6, 1.4 and 0.8 cm were respectively combined with five different colors by means of CG (computer graphics). In addition, in these samples, area ratios of the polka-dots to the background area were consistently maintained at 1 : 7 for the rectangular pattern and at 1 : 5.8 for the square pattern.Characteristic values of these samples were obtained by means of optical measurements and a sensory evaluation to try to determine those factors, which controlled images expressed by the polka-dot patterns set in different conditions. The following results were objectively proved.1. From the results of the SD method, a more significant distinction was found in the evaluation of color samples of different color values for each polka-dot size than in that of different dot sizes on each color sample.2. From the results of the t-test, a more significant distinction was found in the evaluation of the two design patterns in the case of the polka-dot diameter of 1.6 cm. In addition, it was found that yellow and green had relatively profound effects on the arrangement of the polka-dots.3. It was also proved by the method of paired comparison that the variation of polka-dot colors distinguished more remarkably differences in pattern images than their sizes did.4. From the results of the method of paired comparison, for most of the evaluation items, values of evaluation in the case of oblong patterns were higher than those in the case of square patterns.5. There was a correlation between visual evaluation and relative value and chrome on polka-dot patterns.It was found that the sensory test is quite an effective way to study polka-dot patterns.
金 和子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.5, pp.413-421, 1995-05-15 (Released:2010-03-12)

切り干し大根の香気形成について, 生大根と切り干し大根 (生干し, ゆで干し) の各香気濃縮物を非加熱 (エーテル振とう抽出), 加熱 (SDE法) の各条件で調製し, GC, GC-MSを用いて香気成分を検索した。さらに, 生大根, 切り干し大根, 煮熟切り干し大根の香気成分を比較し, 切り干し大根の香気形成について考察した.生大根は風乾により辛味を思わせる刺激的な生大根臭からやや刺激臭の残る乾燥大根臭へと変化するが, 成分的にはMTBelの約95%以上が消失し, メタンチオール, ジメチルスルフイド, (E) -メチルチオブテニルシアニド, 酢酸等が増加した。しかしながら, 成分的にもフレーバー的にも生大根と大差なく, また, 生干し, ゆで干し問においても差はなかった.ところが, 切り干し大根を水と共に加熱すると特有なフレーバーを生じ, 生干しと切り干しでは匂いも異なった.切り干し大根の香気成分は160以上の成分からなり, 炭化水素 (3), アルコール (14), アルデヒド (18), ケトン (10), ケトアルコール (2), エステル (2), 脂肪酸 (5), フラン (2), ピリジン (1), ピラジン (2), ピロール (1), チオフェン (4), ニトリル (9), イソチオシアナート (13), 含硫アルデヒド (5), その他の含硫化合物 (11) を同定したが, 主要成分は生大根と同様含硫化合物であった.切り干し大根臭から煮熟切り干し大根臭への香気成分の消長は, 特に含硫化合物にみられ, 生大根香気成分中95%以上を占めていたMTBelの分解生成物と思われるメタンチオールやスルフィド類, アルキルニトリル類, 熱的にやや安定な (Z, E) -MTBeNやMTBI, CH3S基の付加化合物であるメチルチオ誘導体等が煮熟切り干し大根臭の主要香気成分であった.
五島 淑子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.41, no.12, pp.1169-1178, 1990-12-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The purpose of this study is to make a quantitative study of local food and nutrition in Edo Period, based on a data base processed from “Bocho Fudo Chushin-an” (a geographical description and local history of Chasha-han compiled in 1840s). The average individual food supply (per capita per day) was estimated by dividing total food production estimated in the previous studies by population (523, 000) and further divided by the number of days per year (365). The individual nutrition supply was estimated in reference to Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan (third edition).The daily food supply of individual can be summarized as follows : cereals, 465.1 g; sweet potatoes and starch, 71.9 g; nuts and seeds, 0.6 g; pulses, 22.6 g; fishes and shellfishes, 12.5 g; meat, 3.7 g; eggs, 0.1 g; vegetables, 179.5 g; fruits, 8.1 g; fungi, 0.2 g; algae, 1.0 g and beverages, 95 ml. This result shows that people in those days lived on rice and barley.The daily nutrition supply of individual was 1, 861 kcal of energy, 52.4 g of protein, 11.3 g of lipid, 284 mg of calcium, 10 mg of iron, 1, 603 I.U. of retional potency, 1.62 mg of thiamin, 0.66 mg of riboflavin and 100 mg of ascorbic acid. Cereals formed 86.4% of total energy, and lipid 5.5%. Animal protein was only 5.7% of total protein supply. It was clarified that their living depended chiefly on cereals.
田尻 絵里 重黒木 彩乃 畑本 陽一 吉村 英一
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.71, no.5, pp.269-279, 2020 (Released:2020-05-29)

異なるエネルギーの清涼飲料水の摂取が朝食と1日の食事摂取量に及ぼす影響, および習慣的な身体活動と補償効果の関連を検討することを目的とし, 無作為クロスオーバー試験 (エネルギーのある甘味料入り清涼飲料水 ; sweetener群 (以下, S群) ; 225 kcal vs. エネルギーのない人工甘味料入り清涼飲料水 ; artificial sweetener群 (以下, AS群) ; 0 kcal) を実施した. 対象者は月経後2週間以内の女性16名 (平均21.6±0.5歳) とした. 飲料摂取前, 摂取後0, 20, 40, 60, 120, 150分に血糖測定と主観的食欲を評価し, 飲料摂取後60分に自由摂食の朝食を提供した. 150分以降は自由生活とし, その後1日のエネルギー摂取量を評価した. さらに, 対象者は実験日を除く任意の1週間加速度計付活動量計を装着し習慣的な1日の身体活動を評価した. AS群はS群と比較して朝食摂取前までの血糖値は有意に低かった (p<0.010) が, 朝食後の飲料摂取後120分では有意に高かった (p=0.004). 主観的食欲は飲料摂取後60分のときAS群が有意に高かった (p=0.034). 一方, 飲料のエネルギーを含む朝食及び1日の総エネルギー摂取量はAS群よりS群で有意に高く (p<0.010), エネルギー摂取量の補償効果は認められなかった. 習慣的な身体活動量と補償効果の間には有意な相関関係は認められなかった. 本研究より, 異なるエネルギーの清涼飲料水の摂取は血糖値と主観的食欲に影響するが, その後の食事摂取量には影響しないことが示唆された.
難波 敦子 成 暁 宮川 金二郎
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.2, pp.193-197, 1998-02-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

A search for the correlation between Japanese and Chinese food cultures identified the production of natto, a non-salted and fermented soybean product, in China. Natto is prepared by Jingpo-zu in Dehong Thai-zu Jingpo-zu Province of Yunnan in China. Boiled soybean covered with bamboo grass, straw or loquat leaves is left to ferment in a bamboo basket. After fermentation, it is eaten with pepper, or salt and pepper is added to produce a seasoning like Japanese miso. Salted natto is also dried for storage as drynatto, and some natto is used to prepare Shui-douchi a kind of supplementary food. Our search indicates that the nattoline from Nepal via Bhutan and Myanmar that has been presented by Sasaki can be extended to Yunnan in China.
福渡 努 江畑 恵 佐々木 隆造 保苅 義則 紅林 毅久 橋詰 昌幸 柴田 克己
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.4, pp.265-272, 2005-04-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

(1) ヒトを用いて, カツオ由来ナイアシン高濃度含有パウダー(カツオパウダー)中のナイアシンの生物有効性について検討した.21~23歳の健康な女子経生8名を対象として, 食事摂取基準を満たす食事を2日間与えた後, ナイアシン51mgを含むカツオパウダー15gを摂取させた.カツオパウダーを摂取した日に, 摂取カツオパウダー中のナイアシンの52%がニコチンアミド代謝産物として尿中に排泄された.カツオパウダー中のナイアシンはニコチンアミド標品に近い, 高い生物有効性を持つことが示唆された.(2) カツオパウダーがストレプトゾトシン(STZ)誘発性糖尿病の予防・改善効果を有するか検討した.5週齢のWistar系雄ラットにカツオパウダー添加食を8日間与えた後, STZ20mg/kg body weightを腹腔内注射し, さらにカツオパウダー添加食を21日間与えた.カツオパウダー摂取によるSTZ誘発性の糖尿病の予防・改善は見られなかった.しかし, STZ誘発性糖尿病によるナイアシン栄養状態の悪化を防止した.
川端 博子 鳴海 多恵子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.2, pp.123-131, 2009 (Released:2011-08-30)

Thread-tying tests and questionnaire surveys were conducted on 247 boys and 271 girls in elementary schools from July to November, 2007. The questionnaires asked the participants' about their frequency in engaging in play, their confidence towards play, their study preferences, and their consciousness towards making things by hand. We analyzed how their skill or lack of skill in using their fingers and hands was related to the results of the questionnaires. The results were as follows: (1) The mean number of knots made in a five-minute thread-tying test was 6.4 for boys and 10.2 for girls, showing a significant difference between boys and girls. Comparing these results with the previous results in 1995, skillfulness in fingers and hands among elementary-aged children appears to be declining. (2) Boys and girls with abundant indoor play experience tended to have higher skillfulness in fingers and hands. As their degree of confidence towards play using their hands declined compared with the results in 1995, a change in the way they play can be considered as one of the reasons for their decline of their skillfulness in fingers and hands. (3) Boys and girls with higher skillfulness in fingers and hands tended to like studies which require the use of their hands and other studies that require repetition. This tendency is more prominent among girls. (4) Sewing seems to have a mutual relationship with skillfulness in fingers and hands, abundant play experience, preference towards studies using the fingers and hands, and consciousness towards making things by hand. Therefore, it can be suggested that sewing studies can nurture positive attitudes towards various other kinds of learning and activities using the hands, as well as develop skillfulness in fingers and hands.
堤 ちはる 永弘 悦子 田中 初美 中島 史絵 吉中 哲子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.1, pp.5-14, 1998-01-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

キウイフルーツ果汁中のコラゲナーゼ活性の存在を新たに明らかにし, さらにその精製を行い, その生化学的性質について検討し, 以下のような結果を得た.(1) 粗抽出液の活性は果肉部にあり, 至適pHは5.0, 至適温度は60℃であった.このことから, 加熱調理の初期の段階で本酵素は強く作用するものと思われた.(2) 粗抽出液を-20℃で1カ月冷凍保存しても安定であり, 調製直後のものの約89%の活性が保持されていた.(3) 粗抽出液のコラゲナーゼ活性は新鮮重量あたり, いちじく, パパイヤ, 生姜, マンゴーより高く, パイナップルより低かった.(4) ゲルろ過クロマトグラフィーの溶出位置から, 本酵素の分子量は約52kDaと推定された.精製酵素のSDS-PAGEでは約60kDaの位置にコラゲナーゼ活性を有する単一バンドが検出された.(5) 精製酵素のコラゲナーゼ活性は, 100mM のEDTAの添加によって著明な減少は認められなかった.(6) 精製酵素のコラゲナーゼ活性は, HgCl2により阻害され, システインによりその阻害は回復した.このことからSH酵素であることが考えられた.(7) 精製酵素はプロテアーゼ活性を示さなかった.(8) キウイフルーツ1個あたり最低量138μgのコラゲナーゼが含まれていた.
石原 健吾 髙石 鉄雄 伊藤 廉子 澤田 祐子 辻 沙奈恵 森友 理絵 脊山 洋右
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.63, no.2, pp.71-77, 2012-02-15 (Released:2013-09-30)

This study compares the physiological work load between two ascending patterns, single-step (SS) and double-step (DS), when climbing a public staircase at the two different climbing rates, controlled speed (105steps/min) and free speed. The SS pattern involved climbing one step at a time, while the DS pattern involved climbing two steps in a single stride. Thirteen female subjects climbed a typical 7-storey building, giving a total of 168 steps and vertical movement of 27.7 m. The results for perceived exertion (RPE), blood lactate level, oxygen consumption and muscle EMG activity were significantly higher (p < 0.05) with the DS than SS pattern at a controlled speed. The results also showed that the ascending speed, heart rate, blood lactate level, respiratory quotient (RQ) and RPE were significantly higher (p < 0.05) with the DS than SS pattern at a free speed. These results clearly indicate the higher physical workload involved with the DS than SS pattern at both free and controlled speeds.
古濱 裕樹 牛田 智 山越 さとみ
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.6, pp.389-397, 2005-06-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The effect of temperature and pH on the yields of indigo and indirubin from indoxyl which was generated from indoxyl acetate was examined. In the indoxyl solution of pH 9-10 at 65-85°C, a significant amount of indirubin was produced in addition to indigo. In the case of indigo dyeing using fresh leaves of Strobilanthes cusia, a kind of indigo plants, a purple shade of dye can be achieved by merely heating the dye bath. This was explained by the relatively higher pH of the juice of the plant. In this condition, a yield of indirubin was promoted by heating. The indirubin dyeing consists of two processes, the production of indirubin in the fiber and the penetration of indirubin, which has already been produced in the dye bath, into the fiber. In the case of Polygonum tinctorium, indirubin could be dyed by making a mild alkaline juice from fresh leaves and by heating.
中村 泰彦
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.41, no.1, pp.67-70, 1990-01-05 (Released:2010-03-10)

アンモニアガスを乾燥小麦の殺菌に利用する場合の小麦粒への吸着・脱離, 抗菌効果, 小麦発芽への影響についてモデル実験を行い, 以下の結果を得た.(1) 小麦への吸着は最初の1~2時間で急速に進み, 10時間でほぼ飽科に達した.吸着したアンモニアは大部分が表層部にあり, 胚乳部への浸透は少なかった。(2) アンモニアを吸着した小麦は空気中に放置することにより徐々にアンモニアを脱離した.しかし, 吸着したアンモニアの一部は揮散せず, 粒内に残留した.(3) アンモニアに曝された小麦はかびおよび細菌生菌数が減少したが, 同時に発芽率も低下した, (4) アンモニアの菌増殖抑制作用は, 吸着したアンモニアを揮散させると消失した.小麦粒の発芽活性はその場合でも完全には回復しなかった.
岡野 雅子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.47, no.5, pp.435-444, 1996-05-15

The purpose of this study is to discuss how children perceive their families and home lives, where they were born and where they have been brought up Observations of their make-believe plays were made: 1) Mother's role was the main one while they played house in the day nursery, while father's role was supplementary. Mother in their play prepared meals, took care of baby and did shopping. In other words, the family and home life portrayed were not largely different from those conventionally portrayed in the past. 2)Children in the children's home I observed interacted less with each other, only few playing house. Each child's symbolic play portrayed the acts of eating, sleeping and taking care of baby. I heard little references to their family relations. 3) It is easy for children to recognize the acts of eating, sleeping and taking care of baby in their daily life. However, the child's view differs between those children in the day nursery and those in the children's home. The former enact family and human relations while the latter portray independent acts not related to one another. 4) Children in the children's home seem not to have developed the abstract images The family and home life are important in developing a child's abstract concepts, which, in turn, influence him/her in forming good relationships with others.
佐藤 真紀子 金子 佳代子 宇高 順子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.10, pp.555-567, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

Changes to the description of food and nutrition in home economics textbooks for elementary and junior high schools published in the period from 1947 to 2012 were analyzed. The description of nutrients and their functions changed with advances in the study of food and nutrition. The present textbooks for elementary and junior high schools consistently and systematically describe nutrients and their functions. The description of food groups and daily food guides changed according to the food intake, health and dietary problems of Japanese people. Further development of teaching material and methods is needed. The description of menu planning gradually changed to focus on a nutritionally balanced diet and to emphasize the combination of shushoku (cereals), shusai (protein-rich foods), fukusai (vegetables), milk and milk products, and fruits. Nutritional balance as well as multiple elements are desirable for learning future menu planning.
植竹 桃子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.3, pp.148-157, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

In order to be prepared for natural disasters and develop an effective self-sufficient emergency body waste management system, the author devised a personal emergency toilet that uses disposable diapers that are readily available on the market and tested it under various conditions.   The addition of 200 cm3 of wood pellets sold as cat litter to each toilet unit was found to be effective in preventing the toilet from producing ammonia gas and emitting a foul smell. An oxygen-based bleaching agent for clothes was not very effective in preventing them, especially during the hot summer season. Spraying the toilet about six times with the agent after use was found to be the most effective. This disposable diaper-based personal toilet is cheaper than ordinary emergency toilets on the market, and the materials are easily available. Based on the results, the author proposes adopting disposable diaper-based personal toilets to prepare for natural disasters.
藤本 麻紀子 田村 明弘
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.61, no.2, pp.101-108, 2010-02-15 (Released:2012-11-15)

In this research, we paid attention to one of the man's high and non-particular sensations, the sense of time, in an effort to examine whether or not the sense of time could be used as an index in quantifying the interaction of man and his space. 20 courses were selected and subjects were respectively directed to walk the specific courses in order to evaluate their self-affection, image of the course treaded, and sense of time. The walking distance was identically set in experimenting the sense of time. As a result, subjects felt the walking time shorter in a comfortable setting and longer in an uncomfortable scene. To be more specific, their sense of time in courses through a shopping district with many distractions was neither long nor short, while their sense of time tended to become shorter where there were obstacles such as congestion of passers-by and bicycle traffic. As the walking distance was set shorter, their sense of time became shorter than the actual time and their walking pace became slower. It should be pointed out that this experiment involved some problems. The walking distance was in fact not identical in some courses selected, and the subjects became tired as a result of continuous walking to affect the evaluation. Therefore, we intend to solve those problems and further our study of the interaction of man with his space and sense of time.
表 真美
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.6, pp.369-378, 2006 (Released:2007-10-12)

The old articles on the table talk, which were carried in the magazines of the Meiji period, were investigated with a view to locating the first publication citing the advantages of the table talk as well as clarifying the types of those articles. The magazines including those for women by eight different publishers were studied. The results are as follows: 1) The very first article on the table talk in Japan was found in Tsushin Jogaku Kogiroku or Correspondence Course of Study for Women by Yoshiharu Iwamoto in 1887. 2) 23 articles are related to the table talk, and they may be classified into six types: (a) Those that acknowledge it as strengthening the family tie, (b) Those that cite good effects on the education of children, (c) Those recommending it to help rationalize the family system, (d) Those describing in reference to food preparation and table manners, (e) Those that emphasize how happy conversation at the table is good for health, and (f) Those describing how the table talk should be in the new form and function of the dining room.