杉山 寿美 大川 明子 石永 正隆
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.59, no.1, pp.3-11, 2008-01-01

We examined the effect of the butter and margarine contents in dough on the lipid composition of deep-fried doughnuts. An increasing content of butter or margarine in the dough increased the absorption of frying oil and the efflux of butter or margarine from the dough during the deep-frying procedure, and also increased the efflux of cholesterol from the dough. Differing butter or margarine content in the dough did not result in a differing fatty acid composition in the resulting doughnuts due to the higher efflux of fatty acids from the dough.
高正 晴子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.9, pp.1011-1019, 1998-09-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

In this paper I have attempted to clarify the characteristic of the menus for the banquets held in Osaka for Korean delegations during the Edo period.Comparing the 6th Osaka banquet (1655) with the 7th one (1682) for the important officials of the delegation, changes were observed and the banquet for the 10th delegation (1748) tended to be simplified.Also, the delegates who arrived by ship were given food for the journey to and from Edo (Tokyo), and some of the attendants were supplied with food for two or more months when they remained in Osaka. At Osaka, there was the record that venison and whale meat sent by the Kii Tokugawa Household. The delegates were also invited to a drinking party by the Tsushima Household's officials in Osaka before they returned to Korea.Thus, each delegation was civilly received at Osaka, but the banquets became gradually simplified after 1682.
丸井 寧子 中山 徹 大谷 由紀子 杉山 隆一 長瀬 美子 丸山 美和子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.9, pp.641-650, 2006 (Released:2007-10-12)

It is evident that the present framework of kindergartens and nurseries are not capable of coping with the increasingly diversified needs of early childhood education and childcare facilities. Under such circumstances, there have been cases of combining kindergarten and nursery into a single facility aiming at prompting early childhood education, supporting parents in childcare, and solving various problems involving kindergartens and nurseries including helping decrease the number of those working parents in the waiting list of the nurseries of their choice. An overall pattern of how the kindergarten and the nursery are unified into one institution and how it is operated was studies. The subject of this study was those public institutions which have been established and managed at various places in this country. As a result of the unification, the stuff are positive about the advantage of diversification of functions and expansion of activities thanks to an increase of children in their facilities. The expanded facility has brought about, on the other hand, the difficulty in personnel and institution management.
土岐 圭佑
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.69, no.4, pp.243-255, 2018

<p>  The purpose of this research was to examine changes and problems in the concept of independence in the study of home economics through an investigation of research papers about independence in home economics. We also aimed to present perspectives to overcome these problems. The following points became clear.</p><p>  1. In the first period, research aimed to foster independence with regard to everyday life and to show that independence can be achieved by yourself.</p><p>  2. In the second period, research was focused on not only independence in everyday life, but on psychological independence, economic independence, and social independence. However, the concept of independence did not change from that in the first period.</p><p>  3. In the third period, research was focused on independence as the premise of dependence. However, in the study of consumption life, independence was regarded as how an independent individual can consider how to build a better society.</p><p>  4. Based on the results, it is necessary to understand that the concept of independence in the study of home economics is the creation of a relationship of interdependence.</p>
大澤 絢子 加藤 友佳里 嶋谷 真理 野寺 和花 服部 菜里 眞岡 孝至 新藤 一敏
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.62, no.8, pp.499-505, 2011-08-15 (Released:2015-03-11)

The coconut crab (Birgus Latro), the largest terrestrial arthropod in the world, contains carotenoid pigments mainly in the shell, although no previous studies have identified them. We isolated the pigments in this study, by EtOAc extraction, silica gel column chromatography, and GPC column chromatography.We identified them as astaxanthin [optical isomeric ratio: (3R, 3’R), 9%; (3R, 3’S; meso), 41%; (3S, 3’S),50%] and diacyl astaxanthins [fatty acid ratio: stearic acid (18:0), 46%; palmitic acid (16:0), 26%; and oleic acid (18:1n-9), 18%] by 1H-NMR, LRESI-MS, chiral phase HPLC and GC analyses. This is the first detailed analysis of the carotenoids contained in coconut crab. We also examined the antioxidative activity of isolated astaxanthin and diacyl astaxanthins in the singlet oxygen suppression model. These compounds showed equal antioxidative activities with an IC50 value of 4 μM.
加藤 佳子 西 敦子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.61, no.11, pp.741-747, 2010-11-15 (Released:2013-07-01)

Objective: The purpose of this study is to clarify the connection between self-esteem in family relationships and relationships with friends, and general self-esteem. Methods: 154 elementary school pupils (78 boys and 76 girls) were surveyed as part of this research. The survey was conducted using three kinds of questionnaires about self-esteem in the family, with friends, and in general. Results: Validity and reliability of these three scales were confirmed. The results of covariance structure analysis indicate that self-esteem in the family directly affects general self-esteem. Self-esteem in the family also influences general self-esteem through self-esteem with friends. Conclusion: For elementary school pupils self-esteem in the family is an important factor in the process of establishing self-esteem with friends and in general.
庄 莉莉 村上 かおり 鈴木 明子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.71, no.4, pp.231-239, 2020 (Released:2020-04-23)

現在, ブラジャーは女性の生活必需品となっており, 第二次性徴期から乳房の発達やブラジャー装着についての知識をもってブラジャーを正しく装着することが求められる. 多くの研究によって第二次性徴期における女子の下着装着の課題と下着教育の必要性が明らかにされているが, 下着教育に重要な役割を担っている母親は娘にどのような影響を及ぼしているのかは明らかになっていない. 本研究では, 質問紙調査によって母親とその娘である女子高校生のブラジャー装着に関する意識や行動の実態を明らかにし, 母娘間の関係性を分析することによって, 今後の下着教育の在り方に, 示唆を得ることを目的とした. 結果として, 母娘とも体の変化やブラジャー装着に関する意識は高いとは言えず, 装着に関する実態も望ましくないことが明らかになった. ブラジャー装着に関する知識・理解および関心・意欲の観点には, 母親と娘との関係性は見られなかった一方, 母親の実態や行動は娘に影響をもたらしていることが検証された. また, 娘は下着教育の場は家庭であるという認識が強いことが示されたが, 母親は自分の知識に自信をもっておらず, 下着装着について学校教育に期待している実態が見られた. 娘だけではなく, 母親を対象とした下着教育が必要であり, また, 母娘が交流できる場も求められると考える.
髙橋 秀子 東海林 明弘
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.66, no.10, pp.512-520, 2015 (Released:2015-10-17)

We investigated the substance of a lecture book used in “discipline dojo” performed in Okutama, Senmayacho, Ichinoseki, Iwate prefecture until the mid sixties.   A section referring to “notes on torimochi and guests” in the text book provides information on the protocols that must be observed during a wedding ceremony and the ensuing reception. The ceremony and reception took place in both the homes of the bride and bridegroom. A bowl, which represented the bride, was passed from the mother of the bride to the matchmaker, and then from the matchmaker to the mother of the bridegroom. The ceremony and reception were conducted by an emcee, known as “torimochi” who led people in chanting “utai”. At discipline dojo people learned about wedding ceremony protocols and how to chant “utai”. We were the first people to use this lecture book as part of academic research.
坂田 由紀子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.40, no.5, pp.335-339, 1989

市販のしらす干しについて, 衛生学的見地から品質調査を行った.鮮度の判定はpH, 水分, 水分活性, 塩分濃度, トリメチルアミン-窒素, 揮発性塩基窒素, ヒスタミンについてであり, 微生物学的検査では, 大腸菌群, 一般生菌, 腸炎ビブリオについて検査した.<BR>1) 水分は, 平均約40%で半乾燥品であるため, 生魚より低かったが, 含有量のばらつきが大きかった.これは, 生産地で出荷先にあわせて, いろいろな乾燥度の製品を製造しているためであると考えられる.<BR>ヒスタミン量は平均して新鮮な魚肉の含有量と同等であり, 最高でも3.57mg/100gで中毒量を超えるものはみられなかったが, 2期には含有量が1期に比べて有意に増加した.<BR>2) 微生物学的検査では, 一般生菌数は, 魚の干物と生魚の付着菌数より多い結果となったが, 10<SUP>6</SUP>/g数を示したものが全体の32%あり, 大腸菌群数も干物に比較して検出率が高い結果となった.一般生菌数, 大腸菌群数ともに, 時期的な差はなかった。腸炎ビブリオは1例も検出されなかった.<BR>3) しらす干しの塩分濃度は市販の魚の干物より高く, 平均6.3%であり, 含有量は1期に有意に増加した.最近は魚の干物でも, 水分量が多く生魚に近い値になってきている事実に注目すれば7), しらす干しも生魚と同じように低温保持に十分な注意を払われなければならないし, また, それを購入した消費者も同様に取り扱う必要があると考えられる.
須田 成美 河田 敏勝 上甲 恭平 井上 尚子 高橋 勝六
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.67, no.1, pp.14-22, 2016 (Released:2016-01-23)

The heat transfer rate through lined clothes was measured for various lining materials. Heat transfer resistance, which is a scale of the heat retention capability of clothes, increased as a function of the amount of lining material used per unit area. The heat transfer resistance of clothes with down lining was large, those with feather and cotton fibers were 3/4 that of down, and those with crimped polyester fiber and wool fiber were 1/2 that of down. The heat transfer coefficient of lining is given by the sum of the conductive heat transfer coefficient and the radiant heat transfer coefficient. The conductive heat transfer coefficient decreases with an increase in the thickness of the lining. The radiant heat transfer rate through the lining decreases with the shading of the lined material. The decreasing fraction in the radiant heat transfer coefficient against empty air space is defined as the shading fraction. The shading fraction increased with an increase in the amount of lining used, and the shading fraction of the down lining was large, as was the heat transfer resistance of lined clothes. The shading fraction of feather lining was small, which was the reason for the small heat transfer resistance of clothes with feather lining, despite having the same thickness as the down lining. Fiber diameters of lining fiber used were 16, 34 and 40 μm for cotton, crimped polyester and wool fibers, respectively, and the shading fraction of fiber lining for a given amount of lining per unit area increased with a decrease in fiber diameter. The shading fraction of fiber lining increased with the surface area of the lining, calculated using the fiber diameter, and was independent of the kind of lining material used. The shading fraction correlated with the surface area of the fiber lining. Down is an excellent material for retaining heat in lined clothes because of the large shading fraction of radiant heat transfer due to its large surface area consisting of stalks and small fibers, and its relatively large lining thickness per unit amount, which results in a small conductive heat transfer rate.
久保 加織 川勝 聡美 堀越 昌子 石永 正隆
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.4, pp.351-358, 2001-04-15

The possible utilization as food of linseed oil containing a large proportion of α-linolenic acid, an n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acid, was studied. Linseed oil was oxidized very slowly during storage at 4℃, so we judged that it could be stably kept for 8 weeks at 4℃. Linseed oil was gradually oxidized at 20℃, but the addition of roasted sesame oil was effective for suppressing this oxidation. The fatty acid composition of linseed oil scarcely changed during the storage, showing that the content of α-linolenic acid was more than 50%. Mayonnaise made from linseed oil remained stable in a refrigerator and its composition scarcely changed during 8 weeks. The addition of roasted sesame oil to the mayonnaise further improved its oxidative stability and acceptability.
辻 啓子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.39, no.7, pp.751-758, 1988

65 歳以上の高齢者の外出時の着衣状況を夏, 冬の 2 期について調査し, 下着および中衣を中心に分析した結果は, 次のように要約することができる.<BR>1) 着衣枚数は, 夏は, 男女ともに 「 2-3 」 の組合せの者が最も多く 60% を占めた. 冬は, 男子は「4-3」の組合せの者が 45%, 「 5-3 」の組合せの者が 28% で, 上衣の着衣枚数のほうが多かった.女子は男子に比し着衣枚数の組合せ別出現の範囲が大きく, とくに和服形式にその傾向は顕著であった.<BR>2) 男子の下着は, 夏は, 上衣は半袖シャツの着用者が 55%, ランニングシャツの着用者が 29%, 下衣は下ばきとしてさるまた・パンツ類の着用者が 85%, ブリーフの着用者が 11% であった, また, ロングパンツは84% の者に着用されていた.冬は, 長袖シャツ 1 枚の着用者が 64%, 長袖シャツ 2 枚の着用者が 21% で, 下衣は下ばきの上にズボン下またはタイツを着用している者が 97% あった.<BR>3) 女子の下着は, 夏は, 上衣はシュミーズ類を着用している者が最も多く 66% を占めた. 下衣は下ばきとしてズロース・ショーツ類の着用者が 49%, パンティの着用者が 18%, 3 ・ 5 分ショーツの着用者が 11% であった.また, 下ばきと最外衣の間にはシュミーズ, スリップ, ペティコート等を 93% の者が着用していた.<BR>冬は, 着衣形式によって異なるが, 上衣は, 和・洋ともに長袖シャツを着用している者が多かった.下衣は, 下ばきの上にズボン下, タイツ, パソティストッキング, 5 分ショーツ等を保温のための被服として着用していた.<BR>4) 防寒のための中衣としては, 男子はセーター・カーディガン類, ベスト類が多く, 着衣枚数の多い場合はそれらが互いに組み合わされて着用されていた. 女子は, 洋服着用者はセーター・カーディガン類, 和服着用者は半じゅばん, 長じゅばん, 袖なし半てんを着用していた.<BR>5) 提示した下着の要求項目を配慮していると回答した者は少なく, とくに男子は各項目とも 10% に満たなかった. 項目別では, 「 素材・品質」, 「 フィット性・ゆとり量」は夏, 冬ともに出現率は高いが, 季節別では, 夏は 「 べとつき感」, 「着脱のしやすさ」, 冬は, 「 軽さ」の出現率が高かった.
藤田 恵子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.53, no.1, pp.31-41, 2002-01-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

In this study, the high school textbooks of 88 volumes of six companies, and ten kinds of magazines of eight companies were analyzed, in order to clarify the features of the changes from the 1970s to the 1990s in drawing methods of the upper trunk of women.(1) At this time, ready-to-wears became popular among ordinary people, homemade clothes and order-made suits both decreased in number.(2) In most high school textbooks, the short measurement methods disappeared in the 1980s and the proportional method of the Bunka style came to appear in the 1990s.(3) The number of magazines which printed patterns began to decrease from the 1970s, and four magazines that carried many patterns were discontinued from the end of the 1980s to the beginning of the 1990s.(4) Since the kind and number of basic patterns were selected, this time can be called the “Selection Time of Basic Pattern Making of Women's Upper Trunks.”
藤田 恵子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.5, pp.415-423, 2000-05-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

In this study, 200 basic patterns in 176 books and magazines were used to survey the historical changes in drawings of the upper trunk of women. These books and magazines were extracted from among 375 sewing publications, textbooks, teacher's manuals, three kinds of women's monthly magazines, and a stylebook, which were published from the beginning of the Meiji era to 1945. The results are as follows : At first, basic patterns were drawn based on mainly breast size to make the upper trunk of girls' dresses at the end of the Meiji era. Thereafter, patterns which could be used for both children and women were created. Then patterns specially designed for women were developed. After 1935, basic patterns were adopted in school curriculums at elementary schools and by women's magazines, and the use of basic patterns for dress making became standard practice among ordinary people. Therefore, basic patterns contributed to the spread of Western dress in Japan. Drawings for women were partly influenced by men's pattern making and Kimono cutting methods. In addition, drawings designed to cover the complicated curves of shoulders and breast swells began to emerge in this period.
都築 (早川) 和代 磯田 憲生 梁瀬 度子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.6, pp.537-544, 1991

気温と着衣が運動時の人体に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために, 相対湿度50%, 気流0.2m/sec以下とし, 着衣を裸体 (ビキニタイプの水着着用), 半袖Tシャツ・短パン着用, 長袖・長ズボン着用の3種類とし, 気温条件を裸体20~30℃, 半袖20~27.5℃, 長袖15~25℃に設定した環境下で, 被験者に30分間の安静および自転車エルゴメーターによる40分間, 0.5kp, 50rpmの軽い運動を負荷する実験を行い, 次の点を明らかにした.<BR>(1) 平均皮膚温は, 気温が高くなるほど, 着衣が増えるほど高くなる.体重減少量は安静時は気温や着衣にかかわらず, ほぼ同じであるが, 運動時では安静時よりも多く, 半袖で多くなる傾向が認められた.<BR>(2) 温冷感申告は, 気温が高くなるほど, 着衣が増えるほど暑い側申告となる.温熱的中性申告は安静時では, 裸体気温26℃, 半袖24.5℃, 長袖21.5℃で得られ, 運動時では裸体21.5℃, 半袖20.5℃, 長袖18.5℃で得られた.<BR>(3) 着衣量について, 文献からの算出を試みた.衣服表面温度, 皮膚温などの実測値から算出する着衣量と温熱的中性気温との関係が他の着衣量算出式との関係に比べて, clo値の定義式に近い傾きになった.スポーツウエアなどのゆとり量が多い衣服や運動時についての着衣量の算出には, 詳細な検討が必要であると考えられる.
池谷 真梨子 柳沢 幸江
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.68, no.2, pp.70-79, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)

We carried out a survey, using a questionnaire, on the approaches being taken by nursery schools to infants' finger-feeding and on nursery school teachers' perspective on the importance of finger-feeding and related factors, in order to obtain basic materials which would assist in the promotion of infants' finger-feeding at nursery schools. The survey targeted nursery school teachers working at 1,627 nursery schools in Tokyo and the response rate was 37.1%.  Approximately 95% of the responding nursery schools are actively promoting finger-feeding. Nursery schools taking proactive approaches are encouraging cooperation among nursery school staff and are also actively providing assistance to infants' families.  Many of the nursery school teachers report that infants active in finger-feeding later become highly-motivated towards eating. The survey suggests that factors relating to finger-feeding include infants' interest in eating, how they are fed at home, forms of meals and infants' individual likes and dislikes.  From the above, we are of the opinion that in order to promote infants' finger-feeding at nursery schools it is critical that cooperation among nursery school staff be encouraged, that infants' interest in eating be fostered, and that cooking staff-including nationally-certified and other nutritionists-provide meals in forms which facilitate finger-feeding. Furthermore, we believe it is necessary for nursery schools to communicate the importance of finger-feeding to infants' families so that an environment at home can be developed where infants' finger-feeding is accelerated.
岡本 祐子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.10, pp.923-932, 1995-10-15

高齢者の精神的充足感獲得の実態を調査し, それに関連する生活的・心理的要因を分析した.高齢期の精神的充足感形成に関連する要因として, (1) 高齢者をとりまく物理的・環境的状況に関する要因 : 家族構成において配偶者や孫と同居していること, 健康, 経済状態がよいことなど, (2) 自分の現状に対する高齢者自身の主観的評価に関する要因 : 他人や社会に対する貢献度, 家族との関係, 宗教・信仰などにおいて満足できていること, (3) 高齢期以前の要因 : 現役引退までの職業, (4) 人格的要因 : 主体的欲求をもっていること, の四つの側面が存在することが示唆された.高齢期の精神生活の質的向上のためには, これらの側面の状況の改善とともに, 高齢者の主体的欲求が実践できるような支援を行っていくことの必要性が考察された.
中村 久美 今井 範子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.55, no.7, pp.561-572, 2004

屋外物置購入世帯を対象に調査を行い, その購入経緯や収納状況を明らかにするとともに, 居住者の収納に関わる生活スタイルとの関連から, 屋外物置の位置付けやあり方を考察した.結果を以下に要約する.<BR>1) 屋外物置の収納内容を詳細に見ると, 屋外使用品のみ収納している世帯が45%をしめる.中高年層を中心に, 屋内使用の日常品や, 季節用品などの非日常品を収納している世帯も少なくない.さらにびん・缶などの資源ゴミの保管場所として活用されることも多い.<BR>2) ほとんどの世帯が, 収納スペースの不足する部屋を指摘している.屋外物置の収納物は, 収納スペース不足の指摘のある居室に対応するモノであり, 住宅諸室からあふれ出たモノを, 屋外物置に収容していることが確認できる.<BR>3) モノの持ち方や片付けに対する生活態度, 意識より, 収納に関わる生活スタイルをみると, 物持ちがよくそれらをきちっと管理する「こだわりタイプ」 の世帯が半数をしめる.とにかくモノを持つことに価値をおく「とりそろえタイプ」も3割存在する.一方限られたモノをきっちり管理する「すっきりタイプ」やモノを持つことも整理することにも消極的な「あっさりタイプ」は少数派である.<BR>4) 屋外物置の位置付けとして, 1つは, 屋外使用の生活用品, 用具の収納庫としての使い方がある. 実際に収納される屋外使用品は, 積雪地域特有の生活用品や, 温暖地域のガーデニング用具, あるいはスポーツ, レジャー用品など, 地域性を反映する.「すっきりタイプ」の居住者はこの種の使い方が多い.このタイプは若年層が多いことから今後このような使い方は増えると考えられる.<BR>5) 「こだわりタイプ」を中心に, 住宅内にあふれるモノを受け入れることで, 居住スペースの確保と住宅内収納スペースの有効利用を図る使われ方がされており, 住宅内収納空間の不適応を補う, 消極的な意味ながら, 屋外物置を設置する意義は見出しうる. 一方, 屋外物置は一時収納, 処分保留のスペースと位置付けて使われる場合もあり, 住み手がモノの保有や管理のあり方を考えるうえで, 以前の蔵や納戸に替わる有効なスペースとして積極的に評価できる.また, 資源ゴミの分別保管場所としての用途は, そのスペースがまだ一般には住宅内に確保されていない現状では貴重である.<BR>6) 屋外生活品の専用庫として使われる物置は, 収納物とそれに対応する設置場所ごとに, ふさわしいデザインが求められる.一方, 住宅内の収納スペースの延長として使われる場合, 屋内生活品を含めた多様な収納物に配慮して, 耐久性, 棚数, 換気などへの配慮を要する.