浅野 純一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.785, pp.1936-1947, 2021-07-30 (Released:2021-07-30)

This study clarifies the relation between expansion process of Urbanization Promotion Area (UPA) in the past and the designation of Residential Inducing Area (RIA) as recent Urban Facility Location Plan by comparative studies of 10 local cities. We analyze characteristics of the relation mentioned above, concretely aerial quantitative index and form of designated area, and discuss land use characteristics of removed area from RIA. The followings are concluded. 1) While removed area from RIA is generally larger in comparatively recent included area into UPA, the area which has been included in UPA at the first area division or in earlier revision is also removed widely in cities which have removed RIA at large scale.2) In the process of urbanizing there are 6 types of urban expansion form, on the other, there are 4 types of urban shrinkage form in depopulating. 4 types are ‘shrinking from peripheral part’, ‘sponge’, ‘shrinking along linking axis with another city’ and ‘finger’. Urban shrinking types of urban form depends on the extent of shrinkage.3) On the relation between removed area and location or densely inhabited district (DID), area having included in UPA at the 1st area division has different characteristic from area included in revision of area division. From the viewpoint for keeping DID or keeping balanced urban form, it is appropriate to be removed from area included in revision of area division. Regarding on land use, it proves appropriate that removied areas included lots of industrial area, roadside area and interchanges. But in the suburban area, because there are many examples including good infrastructure area with land readjustment especially in area included in revision of area division, careful verification on the appropriateness would be necessary.4) In the city of ‘shrinking from peripheral part’ or ‘sponge’, those forms are characterized by removing problematic area to reside, like industrial area, roadside or poor infrastructure area, on site. On the other, in the city of ‘shrinking along linking axis with another city’ and ‘finger’, which remove infrastructure area widely, RIA is designated on the convenience for public transit like railway or bus service line, depending not on appropriateness of removing areas characteristics. Because Urban Facility Location Plan seeks for city planning image in 20 years future, it is considered that some cities might set removing area widely not coinciding to actual shrinking situation. It might be natural that widely removing RIA, widely included appropriate area to reside, for example, good infrastructure area in suburban. And removing RIA widely reaches lastly at ‘finger’ formed by ‘compact plus network’ concept. But some local cities have no better public transit service network fundamentally. Therefore, the appropriateness of removing from RIA is verified carefully along each city situation.
秋本 福雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.773, pp.1427-1436, 2020 (Released:2020-07-30)

Peter Hall wrote, in the history of the green belt idea in Britain there have been several possible objectives of green belt policy: “one is pure containment: the idea of stopping towns growing any larger”(o1, hereafter); “another is to give adequate access to the countryside for recreation of townspeople”(o2, hereafter); and “a third is …to preserve agriculture and a rural way of life”(o3, hereafter), while there are also several different forms of green belt: “at one extreme, a narrow green belt”(f1, hereafter), and “at the other extreme, the countryside can be preserved in toto, with urban development allowed at intervals against a green background” (f2, hereafter). In July 1924, the International Federation for Town and Country Planning and Garden Cities held an international town planning conference in Amsterdam and passed seven resolutions, the third of which said “it is desirable for the built-up parts of cities to be enclosed by green belts intended for, and to remain set apart for agriculture and horticulture, cattle breeding, etc. in order to prevent the formation of endless seas of houses”. In 1938, the Urban Planning Tokyo Local Committee proposed a plan of a narrow circular greenbelt of two kilometers wide (f1) around the City of Tokyo “for the prevention of over-grown city” (o1).  After World War Two, some speculated that the prototype of the Tokyo Circular Green Belt was the third resolution of the Amsterdam conference. Thereafter, this view has been widely accepted in Japan. However, among the Japanese planners being involved in plan-making process of the Tokyo Circular Green Belt plan, only few people including Toitsu Takahashi at the Urban Planning Tokyo Local Committee, and Kouma Matsumura, the Planning Director of the Interior Ministry, referred to the third resolution. Saburo Kimura, who studied the history of London Green Belt Plan and was also involved in the Tokyo Circular Green Belt Plan, did not mention the third resolution at all. And the planner Kazumi Iinuma, who introduced the Amsterdam resolutions into Japan and repeatedly referred to them, did not present the third resolution as the prototype. The fundamental problem of this hypothesis is the lack of verification: it has not yet analyzed the background of the third resolution through the Amsterdam conference minutes. This paper refutes the prevailing view by analyzing the green belt ideas of Howard, Purdom, the conference resolutions, Unwin’s Greater London Regional Planning Committee’s report as well as those of the Japanese planners from the 1920s to the 1940s, and reaches the following conclusions: (1) The third resolution proposed not “a ring-like narrow green belt (f1) to contain a large city (o1)”, but the continuous agricultural areas against which garden cities would constantly multiply (f2, o3). (2) In the Greater London Regional Planning Committee’s Second Report in 1933, Unwin introduced a green girdle, or a narrow green belt (f1) for containment (o3) as well as the recreational use (o2). (3) The Tokyo Circular Green Belt Plan was made with reference to Raymond Unwin’s Greater London Regional Planning Committee’s reports. Hence, the prototype was not the third resolution but Unwin’s report 1933. (4) Hajime Seki and Kazumi Iinuma, reading the conference minutes, got interested in preserving agricultural land as well as recreational space. They proposed the preservation of both lands by establishing a new zoning system.
中野 茂夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.554, pp.281-288, 2002-04-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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The purpose of this study is to consider the influence of traditional industry on a spatial transformation in a modern city. The case of this study is Noda Shoyu Company Limited, which is the predecessor of Kikkoman Corporation. Industrial foundation was essential for the sake of traditional industry's development. At first, however, owners of traditional industry only had their own plants. Afterwards, large-scale infrastructure and modern industrial equipment were introduced by the Noda-shoyu guild. Thereafter as the second stage of their progress, those owners established Noda Shoyu Company limited. That company tidied up a loop road and improved suburbia. It caused the spatial transformation of Noda City.
曾 天然 藤川 昌樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.732, pp.411-421, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)

In order to understand the differences between company towns, this paper focused on the relationship between a brewing company and a city. Three kind of data, the ratio of the company's profit in Yibin's GDP, the company's employees in Yibin's total population, and the company's lands in Yibin's area, were used as evaluating indexes to analyze the relationship between the enterprise and the city from the economy, population and urban space aspects. Specialized brewing studios showed up in the Ming Dynasty in Yibin. After the establishment of the People's Chinese Republic of China, these studios were combined to one national company, and a rapid industrial expansion was realized after the Reform and Open Up. In the 1990s, the company went public and purchased some related companies with a large sum of capital. As a result, a production chain has been fully established. If looking at the urban space, it will be found that the factories were mainly constructed in the countryside, along the northern riverbank before the 1980s. After 1990, as the number of the employees increased to 17,832, a city-sized factory housing complex was built. In addition, in order to create a convenient transportation system for the products, the company also paved some main roads connected to the city center. Comparing with Luzhou, Yibin has a similar general flow of the industrial modernization. The difference is that in Yibin, the company caught the chance of the system reform in the 1990s. It purchased some related enterprises within the city, by raising a large sum of funds independently before the rapid urban expansion. This is the biggest reason for evaluating the relationship of the enterprise and the city as moderate. As a conclusion, in Yibin, the enterprise constructed housing complexes, city infrastructures, and has formed a separated urban space within the city, therefore, it can be classified as “A City Within A City” company town. This structure has been formed due to the balance of the enterprise and the city government, the national polices and so on.
初田 香成
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.590, pp.215-220, 2005
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This paper aims to describe and analyze Hideaki Ishikawa's thoughts on amusement places and their meaning in urban history. Especially this paper deal with three issues as follows. First, we describe his thought diachronically to figure out his origin and it's evolution. Second, we describe his practice in Tokyo during postwar reconstruction to clarify his effect on urban space. Third, we explore the background in urban history which made him to act matters as mentioned. In consequence we clarified that his act was linked to urban problem and trend of academic discourse in those days.
大黒 雅之 アレンズ エドワード デディア リチャード チャン ウイ 片山 忠久
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.561, pp.31-39, 2002
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1.はじめに 無風時の全身の着衣量についてはすでに多くの基準の中に整理されている。また、裸体表面については、無風・有風時の部位別の対流熱伝達の研究例も多い。しかし、部位別の着衣表面での対流熱伝達率や着衣熱抵抗に関する研究は少ない。2.研究方法 (1)従来法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 着衣抵抗を求めるに当たり、従来法は(1)、(2)式に基づいている。つまり、裸体表面における空気層抵抗をもって、着衣表面の空気層抵抗とする方法が取られている。(2)直接法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 人体各部の熱抵抗は(3)式で表され、サーマルマネキンで熱量と皮膚温度が解っていれば、着衣の表面温度を測定することにより、着衣抵抗が直接算出できる。(3)対流熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の熱損失は(4)(5)式で表され、各部の総合熱伝達率から放射熱伝達率を差し引くことにより各部の対流伝達率が算出できる。(4)放射熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の放射熱伝達率は(6)式で表され、放射率と有効放射面積率より各部の放射熱伝達率が算出できる。3.計測方法 (1)サーマルマネキン 計測に用いたマネキンは皮膚温度可変型の女性体のサーマルマネキンで、主に室内の不均一温熱環境の評価用として開発されたものである。部位の分割数は16であり、表面積は表-1、有効放射面積率は表-2のよう求められている。制御は(7)式に基いており、設定温度を変更することにより皮膚温を変更できる。(2)着衣 計測に用いた着衣は下着、綿100%の長ズボン、および綿100%の長袖シャツ、靴下、靴である。頭にはセミロングのかつらを取りつけ、着衣の一つとして評価した。また、人体各部の着衣からの熱損失量を明確にするため、マネキンの各部位の境界をビニールテープで縛り、着衣内での部位間の熱の移動がないよう配慮した。図-1に写真を示す。(3)着衣面積率 着衣面積率は写真法により、表-3のように求められている。(4)実験手順 制御環境室内にマネキンを設置した。マネキンの周囲には、天井から布を垂らし、気流を防ぐとともに、室温と放射温度を一致させた。座位の場合はメッシュチェアーを使用し、自然に背もたれにもたれさせた。表面温度測定は、熱画像をマネキン正面と背面から測定した。熱画像を解析することにより、各部位の正面と背面の着衣表面温度を求め、それらを平均することにより各部位の着衣表面温度とした。実験条件としては、裸体時についてはマネキンの設定温度を20、25、30、36.5℃、着衣時については25、30、36.5℃で実験を行った。室温はおよそ15℃とした。4.結果および考察 (1)対流熱伝達率 図-2に立位の裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。裸体では、足、下腿で特に大きい。また、手や前腕でも胸や背中に比べ大きい。着衣時では、全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に頭や胸では裸体時の2倍近くになる。さらに、腰、胸、背中で温度差の増大に伴う対流熱伝達率の急激な増加が見られる。図-3に座位の裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。着衣時では、立位と同様に全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に腰、頭、胸、背中では裸体時の2倍以上になり、立位の時よりさらに大きな着衣の影響がみられる。全身でみても、立位・座位とも着衣の影響は大きい。また、立位の方が着衣時における温度差の影響が顕著である。(2)対流伝達率のモデル 表-5、6に対流伝達率のモデルを示す。モデルはべき乗則(h_c=a(v)^b)または対数則(I_<cl>=a ln(v)+b)で近似される。裸体部位別では、円筒に対するべき指数0.25に比べ、大きくなる傾向があり、結果として、全身立位が0.43、全身座位が0.59となった。着衣時では、裸体時に比べ全身立位が41%増加、全身座位では53%増加となった。(3)着衣熱抵抗 着衣熱抵抗の測定結果を図-5〜7に示す。立位では、温度差の増大に件い、着衣抵抗は低下する。特に着衣熱抵抗の高い頭、胸、背中、腰で低下が著しい。一方座位では、それらの部位を含め着衣抵抗の低下は立位と比べ緩やかである。全身でも同様の傾向がみられた。また、着衣抵抗の算出方法による差異が見られ、特に、部位別では非常に大きな差になる場合がみられる。5.まとめ 無風時の部位別の着衣抵抗と着衣表面の対流熱伝達率を着衣の表面温度計測により求めた。着衣時は裸体時に比較して対流熱伝達率の増大が認められた。特に頭、腰、胸、背中で大きくなる傾向がみられ、全身では40〜50%程度の増大がみられた。着衣熱抵抗については、算出方法による差異が見られ、特に部位別では非常に大きな差になる場合がみられた。最後に、実用に供するため、対流熱伝達率について近似モデル式を作成した。なお、本論文で求めた対流熱伝達率や着衣抵抗は通気の影響を含むものであり、同タイプの着衣にのみ適用すべきである。
小野寺 徹 遠藤 和義
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.610, pp.147-152, 2006-12-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
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In recent years, the management environment of the local homebuilders has been changing. There have been demands that they should grasp the reality of cost management. However, it has hardly ever been examined, because their methods are tacit knowledge in their business. This paper aims to understand the actual conditions of cost management in the homebuilders through the examination of the actual data on the cost management in the small scale building works. First, we obtained the documents on the cost of building works concerned. Secondly, we input the necessary information into a spread sheet program. Finally, we analyzed the change of the amount of all expenses in the itemized statements of contract price presented to the clients.
辻 泰岳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.704, pp.2291-2298, 2014-10-30 (Released:2014-10-30)

This paper investigates the 1966 exhibition “From Space to Environment,” held at Matsuya Department Store in Tokyo, Ginza, involving the architects Isozaki Arata and Hara Hiroshi. This exhibition's subtitle was “Synthesized Exhibition of Painting + Sculpture + Photo + Design + Architecture + Music,” which was instrumental in introducing the terms Intermedia and Environment Art (Kankyo geijutsu) to Japan. This paper examines the exhibition installations studying primary sources and clarifying the formation of the collective named Environment Society. This paper analysis the impact generated by the topic of “Environment” seen through a different point of view rather than the one of art movement establishment of the time.
辻原 万規彦 角 哲
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.785, pp.1998-2009, 2021-07-30 (Released:2021-07-30)

When we examine the relationship of the governing process by the Empire of Japan with their construction activities in the area under Japanese administration,it is important for us to examine the state and the role of Japanese administration office buildings. Karafuto Prefecture, commonly known as South Sakhalin, was officially established by the Empire of Japan in 1907 after the Russo-Japanese War. In this study, we focus on the headquarter buildings of the Karafuto Agency in Toyohara, presently Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Oblast (Prefecture), Russian Federation. The drawings included in the official documents of the Karafuto Agency owned by the Archives of Hokkaido were listed and scanned. Most of these drawings, 48 in total, have not had previous references. These drawings and documents made it possible for us to examine the overview of the headquarter buildings of the Karafuto Agency in Toyohara. Before the conflagration in 1942, this headquarters of the Karafuto Agency consisted of several buildings: the two-storied main building (including the old wooden building, the new reinforced concrete annex, and the old reinforced concrete annex), the two-storied old wooden annex, the two-storied new wooden annex (including the new wing and the temporary wing), some storehouses, and other small buildings. The Room names or roles in these buildings were also identified by using some drawings. The construction periods of each building were roughly estimated by several drawings and documents. There is a possibility that Mr. Yasushi TAMURA, “Gishi”, chief engineer of the Karafuto Agency, planned the two-storied old wooden main building with reference to the standardized layout for the division headquarter building in the Imperial Japanese Army in the Meiji era. However, the conflagration in 1942 destroyed the two-storied old wooden main building constructed in 1907 and some small buildings. After the conflagration in 1942, at the same site they planned a two-storied reinforced concrete new headquarter building with its basement, which was formed in an inverted m-shape. However, practically, because of the lack of Japanese governmental budget they constructed only the east part of this building: the front entrance part, one-storied north wing with the basement, two-storied main part with the basement, and two-storied east wing with the basement in 1945. There is a possibility that Mr. Yoshio KAIZUKA, “Gishi”, chief engineer of the Karafuto Agency, planned this new headquarter building with reference to the typical layout for the prefectural office buildings in Japan in the Showa era. Furthermore, there is a high possibility that the existing building, which are found out at present at the same site, is part of this new headquarter building that was planned and constructed after the conflagration. Because some drawings for old main building of Karafuto Agency constructed in 1907, some drawings for the old annex and the new annex, and some elevation drawings for the new headquarter building were not confirmed, our confirmation of these materials is our future issue.
吉村 英孝 塚本 由晴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.649, pp.751-758, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-06-09)
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The aim of this study is to clarify the criteria of the relationship between building frontage and streetscape through automobile management in suburban areas. First, we chronologically investigated the use, frontage width and building frontage of roadside buildings through map and photos. Secondly, the buildings' ground plan parking arrangements, backyard, and boundaries were examined and analyzed. Thirdly, nine “building front types” in three groups were made clear through similarities found between various characteristics and their arrangements. Next, the ground plans and groups of building frontage types were combined to obtain several “roadside building types”. Following this we could demonstrate the relationship between the “roadside building types” and the generational change of their frontage width as well as quantity. Finally, by comparing chronological change and distribution of streetscape, a framework for discussing the analogical streetscape of roadside building types can be presented.
渡辺 秀俊 安藤 正雄 高橋 鷹志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.474, pp.107-114, 1995-08-30 (Released:2017-01-27)
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A man sitting for an extended period changes positions both consciously and subconsciously. This study, premised on the transactive relation between man and his environment, analyzed through observation the sitting behaviour of theater audience and train passengers, with the aim of understanding the dynamics of sitting posture. The findings show that the number of times a change of posture took place is affected by attire, condition of neighboring seats, and the differences of spacial features and its location. Moreover, they point out to the existence of multiple basic postures such as those determined by the design standard of the seats, as well as seat types. The result of the analysis with Marcov Chain Model indicates irreducible, non periodic pattern of posture transition. The existence of multiple basic postures was confirmed using the stationary distribution method, while the computation of average time intervals shows short interval for the postural change. This analysis of postural transition provides a fundamental understanding that can be utilized as index for the evaluation of seats.
佐々木 学
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.606, pp.93-98, 2006

The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the characteristics of the modifications carried out on the Piazza Mattei fountain during 1584-1658. The results of my research were as follows: in accordance with the bloom of baroque art and the shift in the role of fountains in Rome, it became evident that there were fountain restorations carried out before 1658, and that a great number of the forms of the constitutive components of fountains, and the pathways of water flow, were transformed.
児島 由美子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.603, pp.183-189, 2006

A large number of researches have tried to solve the mysteries of the Akasaka Imperial Villa, but the interior decoration of the Akasaka Imperial Villa still has a lot of mysteries. The furniture and the decoration reflect the times, so it is very important to have a lot of information about the interior decoration to understand the Akasaka Imperial Villa in those days. This study found out the procurement process of the interior decoration of the Akasaka Imperial Villa. It relied on many imports to complete the western classic style room, but some products made in Japan were found in the room.
堀 賀貴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.671, pp.173-181, 2012

Ancient mosaics, which could be designed to take account of the form and function of the space, where they laid, captures the interest of a number of researchers as an example of luxury and power. But others noted that the elaborate process of fitting together the tesserae to make an image. On a mosaic in the House of the Dioscuri at Ostia, an outline was probably not applied on the wet underlying mortar to guide the hand of the mosaicists. Fortunately, the asymmetry of the design in the frame provides the means of exposing any minor errors introduced in the course of fitting the tesseraeto reconstruct mosaic production process. And the emblema depicting Venus was precisely worked directly on the bedding plaster mosaic without any guidelines. Since the four panels of the pictorial type were set in floors, the discontinuity has occurred between panels.
田束 優 奥崎 智道 藤澤 彰
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.768, pp.405-412, 2020-02

<p> This subject discussed reconstruction of the main shrine of "KATORI-Shrine" in Hananoi Kashiwa-city Chiba. The purpose of this subject is explaing about the professional ability of the master carpenter ''MASATOSHI MIMURA'' and the carver ''TSUNEHACHI ISHIHARA'' in construction of shrine and temple architecture used many decorations of building.</p><p> The main shrine of "KATORI-Shrine" was reconstructed in the fifth year of KAEI. It was needed a vast sum of money for the reconstruction and accomplished it forty year later including the years for fund-raising.</p><p> "MASATOSHI MIMURA" took the master carpenter and "TSUNEHACHI ISHIHARA" took the master carver, they participated in the construction with their clan. They decided the extent of contract work and worked in cooperation with each other. "MASATOSHI MIMURA" contracted to construct until the foundation of roof and the ground pattern of carving. "TSUNEHACHI ISHIHARA" contracted to carve lumber and make the carving for decorate wall board.</p>
中西 大輔
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.777, pp.2419-2425, 2020-11

<p> The aim of this paper is to follow the tile craftsmen's relocation in Kyoto by researching documents in order to acquire historical data, track the technological lineage and reveal the contemporary social circumstances. This paper concentrates on a tile craftsman 'Fukuda Kaga' describing what his relocation in 1739 meant for the provision of roof tiles in Kyoto.</p><p> Several generations called Fukuda Kaga worked in the Daibutsu district, which was known as a major production area of roof tiles for temples and shrines. The term 'the tile craftsman in the Daibutsu district' can be found on many roof tiles and ridge tags.</p><p> It is known that the Fukuda Kaga were active from 1590 to 1735. They worked in Myoshinji-temple, Kyoougokoku1i-temple, Daitokuji-temple, and Kiyomizudera-temple. After 1735, their activities decreased significantly, and their course is unknown except for the last work in 1775.</p><p> Investigating <i>Hinamiki</i>, the diaries kept at Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine, I found records about his working activities m the Hiiragibara district in 1739. Being part of the Kamigamo district, t he Hiiragibara district was under the control of Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. Therefore, Fukuda Kaga had to apply to the shrine for his work, and the shrine recorded his application in <i>Hinamiki</i>.</p><p> The following three points were revealed as a conclusion by deciphering:</p><p> 1. Fukuda Kaga moved to the Hiiragibara district in 1739, after he surveyed the geology of the area and selected a site for his workshop in 1738. Mentioning of Fukuda Kaga's name could be found before 1731 at Myoshinji-temple, and before 1735 at Daitokuji-temple. At Myoshinji-temple, a new tile craftsman applied to the temple for permission to open business in 1739, which was the same year Fukuda Kaga applied to Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. At Daitokuji-temple, the name of a different new tile craftsman from another district could be found in 1780.</p><p> 2. A merchant named Yorozuya Kan'uemon at the Daitokuji-temple town mediated between Fukuda Kaga and Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. At first, Yorozuya Kan'uemon applied for permission to open a tile shop to the shrine. After the permission was granted, Fukuda Kaga became the applicant, and Yorozuya Kan'uemon stood as a guarantor for Fukuda Kaga. It has to be noted that the application forms were prepared by Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine.</p><p> 3. The relocation of Fukuda Kaga was due to an agreement between himself and Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine. The main motivation for Fukuda Kaga to work in the Hiiragibara district was the great demand for a tile craftsman in the area, and the little competition. Contrary to this, the Daibutsu district was abundant in tile craftsmen in the same period consuming a great amount of the local clay. Furthermore, Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine needed him in order to overcome financial difficulties, because at the time, the shrine was indebted, and some of the priests were too poor to fix their own houses. They expected the tax revenues from Fukuda Kaga to solve these problems, and also to stabilize the lives of local farmers by giving them work.</p><p> In conclusion, Fukuda Kaga didn't close his workshop by An'ei era. Fukuda Kaga moved to the Hiiragibara district legally and based on his own intentions. After his relocation, new tile craftsmen started to work at the temples, where Fukuda Kaga had worked before. His move indicated the end of an epoch in the provision of roof tiles for temples and shrines in Kyoto.</p>
伊藤 裕久 濱 定史 小見山 慧子 山崎 美樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.774, pp.1829-1839, 2020-08

<p> This paper seeks to clarify the transition of the townscape and the dwelling pattern of Shake-machi (Shinto priest town) of the Kasuga Taisha Shinto Shrine in the pre-modern times through the analyses of the Toma family's house which was built in the late 18th century and the existent archival materials from Toma family archives. We especially examined the formative process of the dwelling pattern of Negi (the lower-class Shinto priest) in Shake-machi during the Edo era, while paying attention to the difference before and after the Great Fire of Takabatake in 1717. The contents are as follows.</p><p> Introduction.</p><p> 1. Spatial composition and the dwelling pattern of Shake-machi at the beginning of the Meiji era.</p><p> The organization of the Kasuga Taisha Shinto shrine was constructed by the two hierarchies of the Shinto priest called Shake (the upper-class) and Negi(the lower-class). They lived in the north and south settlements separately. The north (Noda) declined, and the south (Takabatake) developed in the Edo era and 21 Shake and 93 Negi families lived in Takabatake in 1872. The houses of Negi were aligned along both sides of the main street there. Their dwelling lots of Tanzakugata-jiwari (Strip shaped land allotment) were divided into three types of the frontage dimensions (Narrow3ken/Middle5ken /Wide7-10ken). Middle and wide types accounted for most of their dwelling lots.</p><p> 2. Changing process of Shake-machi in the pre-modern times and its dwelling pattern.</p><p> In 1698, 30 Shake and 205 Negi families (double in 1872) lived in Takabatake and more over there were many Negi families which did not own their dwellings but were the tenants. Negi families did not only conduct exclusively religious services but also worked as actors, craftsmen and merchants like common people of the city. Therefore, the dwelling pattern of Negi was similar to Machiya (traditional town house of common people) style. Half of the Shake-machi was burned down in the Great Fire of Takabatake in 1717. Small Negi families without possessions or wealth were overwhelmed, and it was estimated that the new dwelling lots of a large frontage size increased by integrating their narrow dwelling lots after the Great Fire in 1717 and the new townscape with the dignity as Shake-machi was reconstructed by the sequence of the large frontage of mud walls and front gates along the street.</p><p> 3. Architectural characteristics of the house of Toma Family who was the Negi and its reconstructive study.</p><p> Toma family's house is surrounded by Tsuijibei (mud wall with a roof) with Yakui-mon Gate on its north side, and the main building has the large gable roof and Shikidai (the formal entrance). These features show the high formality of an influential Negi family. According to the reconstructive study, it was revealed that Toma family's house had been built in the late 18th century and the 2rows×3rooms plan with the earthen floor passage was originally the1row×3rooms plan connecting the lower ridge style Zashiki (2rooms). It resembles to the old Machiya of Nara-machi in the late 18th century. In this way, it is worthy of notice that Negi family's house had been developed from Machiya style by the reduction of small Negi families and the integration of their dwelling lots after the Great Fire of Takabatake in 1717.</p><p> Conclusion.</p>
丸山 奈巳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.772, pp.1275-1285, 2020-06

<p> The Sarugaku, similar to the Noh performance, was popular among the ordinary people. As a result of personal love of the Third Shogun Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, gained the position of the entertainment to the nobility. From the age of six Shogun Yoshinori Ashikaga, the Noh stage was become to build temporarily in the Government Office and the Daimyo's mansions to entertain the important guests for the political uses. At last the Noh stage was permanently established as one of the architectural elements constituting the Edo Castle Honmaru Great Hall where the most important ritual of the Edo shogunate would be held. This paper is trying to elucidate the reason why the Noh stage was built in the ceremonial space of the government agency and the circumstances leading up to its formation. This paper sturdy about the 6th Shogun Yoshinori Ashikaga period.</p><p> Yoshinori Ashikaga was chosen as the 6th Muromachi Shogun when he was 36 years old who loved the Kanze's Sarugaku. Immediately Yoshinori moved to Sanjobomon-dono, built a Noh stage in the southern courtyard in front of the Shinden. He held Sarugaku performances intended to make opportunities to gather political dignities, and to confirm the feudal relationships with the guests. Yoshinori not only loved Sarugaku, used the event of Sarugaku politically. And he used the Noh for one of the public events of Shogunate with Kanze as the Sarugaku-Tayu. In 1431, Yoshinori moved to Muromachi-dono, and until 1441 he held the Sarugaku for various reasons as follows.</p><p> New Year's comfort for Mrs. as Annual events of the shogunate</p><p> Entertainment for a special guest of the Shogunate</p><p> An event to make opportunities to gather political dignities</p><p> Comfort to vassal</p><p> Kanjin-Sarugaku</p><p> A victory celebration</p><p> Entertainment for Shogun in the Residences of Daimyo.</p><p> Entertainment for Shogun by the temples</p><p> Entertainment in the Ex-Emperor palace.</p><p> For these needs, Kanze had been employed to perform for such events. And the government had become to held the Sarugaku for official use.</p><p> The Noh stage had get place in the courtyard of Government agency, Imperial Palace, The Temples and the Residences of Daimyo. And the architectural style of Noh stage had been formed and the manners to enforce the events gradually. But the style of Noh stage was still temporary construction.</p>
若山 滋 張 奕文 渡辺 孝一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.476, pp.101-109, 1995-10-30 (Released:2017-01-27)
4 1

In the present paper, we studied the architectural space in the literary works of Souseki NATSUME who is expected as a representative writer of modern Japan. All wordings related to the urban and architecture were extracted from 12 of his works and the space of stage was specifically analyzed. We found that extremely various architectural wordings were appeared in his works, which indicates sort of "compound aspects" of cultural situation in Japan in that time. According to the distinction in the change of stage-space in his works written in different time, his works could be classified into four patterns. In his earlier works (until "Sanshirou", 1908) the change of stage-space was "active" and "extensive", whereas in his latter works (since "Sorekara", 1909) it was "uneasy" and "circulated".
下川 紘子 斎尾 直子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.760, pp.1361-1370, 2019 (Released:2019-06-30)
2 3

As the number of younger generation is decreasing, the number of the closed public high schools is increasing in Japan. In fact, Kanagawa prefecture has closed twenty-four prefectural high schools since 2000. Therefore, knowledge about how to use closed high schools is increasingly important. As a step to gain the knowledge, this paper clarify both of (1) state of utilization of closed high schools by a prefecture rather than municipalities and (2) specific issues of utilizing closed high schools unlike to elementary or junior high school due to facilities and catching area of schools.  The targets of this research are twenty-four closed high schools in Kanagawa prefecture. Kanagawa was chosen as a subject because the prefecture is a forefront prefecture of using closed prefectural high schools. This paper analyzed use of closed high schools by the following three steps. First, the authors collected both transitions of policy regarding prefectural high schools and the number of closed public schools within the prefecture by bibliographic research and inquiries to municipalities. Second, the authors investigated use of twenty-four closed prefectural high schools and their surrounding communities by research in literatures which are school’s summary booklets of the prefectural archives, Density Inhabited District (DID) data by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, web site of local newspapers, and the proceedings of prefectural and municipalities’ assemblies. Finally, the authors interviewed with Kanagawa prefectural educational board and eight presidents of surrounding residents' associations to consider their opinions about the utilization of closed high schools.  The analysis revealed following main results.(1) The integration of public high schools is determined by the prefecture with consideration to broader perspective on the prefecture. Therefore, local municipalities do not have opportunities to discuss with the prefecture about integration of high schools although they are most influenced by the school integration. The authors propose that it is important for local municipalities to participate the discussion.(2) There are differences between high schools and both elementary and junior high schools, which are sizes of schools and local residents’ attachments toward schools. Local communities do not have particular attachment to closed high schools regardless distance from central urban area. However, as land prices are different depending on the locations, schools in rural area have fewer potentials to be used by private sectors. It leads to create an issue that closed high schools tends to be kept to be unused in rural areas. In the case that private sectors use the land, there are three ways of securing publicness of the lands; splitting lands into private and public sectors, making private sectors to develop public facilities and lending lands to private sectors. It is appreciated by local residents that enabling access for local communities to parts of new facilities developed by private sectors. Based on the results, the authors consider that it is important that prefecture keep publicness of closed prefectural high schools in using it.