崎田 嘉寛 寳學 淳郎 藤坂 由美子 近藤 剛 田邊 圭子 津内 香
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.311-326, 2021 (Released:2021-05-20)

The purpose of this study was to acquire historical insights into women’s football in prewar Japan. The study had 2 specific aims: 1) to analyze the origin and development of women’s football in Japan through information gathered at higher educational institutions for women (The Girls’ Higher Normal School, Nara Women’s Higher Normal School, Japan Women’s College, Tokyo Women’s School of Gymnastics and Music) and 2) to analyze the growth of women’s football using information collected at public high schools for girls. To achieve this, the historical records of 422 school were reviewed. To address the first question, it was investigated whether instruction and guidance were available at higher educational institutions for women, and whether football was an extra-curricular activity. The data suggested that while football might have been taught both as part of the regular curriculum and as an extra-curricular activity, none of the institutions played a key role in the shift from casual to competitive play or in the growth of football throughout Japan. Analysis of the expansion of football revealed that, of the 286 girls’ public high schools surveyed, 53 offered football; these institutions were broadly distributed from Kyushu to Hokkaido. Evidence of women’s football was confirmed from 1902 to 1940, most instances being in the Taisho era (1912–26), followed by the Meiji era (1868–1912) and the Showa era up to 1945 (1926–45). Football was played mostly during free time and athletic meetings, but it was also sometimes played during class, as a club activity, and during excursions. In some cases, football was played regularly and school competitions were held; however, there were no confirmed examples of inter-school competitions. The involvement of instructors, uniforms, equipment, and rules at the 53 schools was established. The data suggest that instructors, including principals, were involved to some extent, and that football was made more accessible by the provision of appropriate uniforms and equipment. There were mixed results for rules; in some cases, football was played casually with relaxed rules, while in other cases, female students played more competitively and organized association football like their male counterparts. This study is significant in being the first attempt to empirically examine the history of women’s football in Japan.
中川 宏 橋本 不二雄 岡本 昌夫 八木田 恭輔 西河 光雄
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.22, no.3, pp.153-160, 1977-09-25 (Released:2017-09-27)

The training effects of bench press on the arm and shoulder muscles were electromyographically examined. The subjects used in the experiment were six helthy young males and the muscles examined were the lateral and long heads of m. triceps brachii, the sternocostal portion of m. pectoralis major and the anterior portion of m. deltoideus. The EMG recordings were made with a 4 channel electroencephalograph (Nihon-Koden Inst. Co., Ltd.) utilizing surface electrodes, 10 mm in diameter. The training was performed twice a week and continued for six months. During the training period, the electromyographic recordings and the measurements of the extension strength at the elbow joint and the flexion strength at the shoulder joint were taken once a month. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1)All subjects showed no visible changes in the discharge patterns of the lateral head of m. triceps brachii and the sternocostal portion of m. pectralis major throughout the training period. 2)The discharge patterns of the long head of m. triceps brachii and the anterior portion of m. deltoideus varied among the six subjects and were classified into three different types. Type A: The first two subjects showed the co-active discharges in the long head of m. triceps brachii and the anterior portion of m. deltoideus. Type B: In the next subjects, the discharge of the long head of m. triceps brachii appeared at the latter half period of the bench press motion. Type C: The discharge patterns of the last two subjects shifted from type A to type B during the training. When the maximum weight was loaded, however, the subjects in type C showed the similar discharge pattern to that of type A. 3)In type A and type C, the extension strength at the elbow joint, the flexion strengh at the shoulder joint and the maximum weight of the barbell for one-bout lift increased up to 132%-165%, 150%-184% and 147%-173% of the control, respectively. 4)In spite of little or no increase in the extension strength at the elbow joint and only 2 to 16% increase in the flexion strength at the shoulder joint. the subjects in type B showed 33 to 48% increase in the maximum weight of barbell for one-bout lift. 5)The decrease in the electrical discharges of the muscles at the minimum (16kg) and the light (31 or 36kg) loads observed during the training period might be due to the increase in the contractile force of the muscles at the level of individual motor unit.
野口 亜弥
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.809-825, 2021 (Released:2021-11-27)

“Sport for Development and Peace” (SDP) is a concept that has become widespread in the 21st century. In 2014, the Japanese government started the “Sport for Tomorrow” project as an international contribution and strengthened its cooperation with the ASEAN region. However, SDP has received many criticisms regarding “recolonization”. When tackling gender issues, there is a contradiction in promoting sports that embody male superiority and heterosexism (Saavedra, 2009). Thailand is both a collective society and a feminine society (Hofstead et al., 2010). Traditionally, women and men have been treated equally, but motherhood is a valued role of women, and various forms of sexual expression have become socially acceptable (Hanami, 1995; Sinnot, 2004; Thawaeesit, 2004). Gender norms that differ from the West have been observed in Thai society. Although the Thai government has integrated sports as a national strategy, its understanding of sports as a tool for fostering gender equality remains unclear. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate the gender norms observed in sports by sports-related policymakers in Thailand, and the way in which sports-related policymakers perceive the role of sports in achieving gender equality in Thailand? Applying phenomenological and case study approaches, data were collected via government-published documents and semi-structured interviews with 5 policymakers. The data were analyzed using phenomenological coding. Although sports policymakers recognized fundamental gender equality, they tended to assume male superiority in sports, and strong heterosexism was observed. Female athletes were still expected to be good wives and mothers in order to maintain Thai femininity. Girls’ participation in sports was affected by parental attitudes because of Thailand’s strong seniority culture. Sports policymakers recognized that sports could expand women’s education opportunities because athletes gain advantages in entering a university and even in obtaining scholarships. The present findings suggest that sports policymakers in Thailand fail to recognize structural gender inequality in sports. In Thailand’s collective and feminine culture, reconsideration of expected roles in the family could fully liberate women, allowing them access to sports as an entry point for social inclusion. Additionally, if the only gender equality role of sport is seen as expanding education opportunities, then this suggests that sports policymakers may lack a comprehensive grasp of gender issues.
瀧川 寛子 田内 健二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.595-606, 2020 (Released:2020-10-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether gender differences in motion factors affect throwing record in the javelin throw. Data on javelin throwing motion were collected from 91 male and 81 female right-handed javelin throwers covering a wide range of levels during several competitions (including the gold medalist at the 2007 IAAF World Championships in Osaka). The throwers and javelin movements were recorded with 2 cameras at 60 fps, and three-dimensional coordinates were calculated using Direct Linear Transformation (DLT). The throwing motion timing points examined were the final right foot contact (R-on), the left foot contact (L-on), and the release of the javelin (REL). Moreover, the period between R-on and L-on was considered the preparatory phase, and that between L-on and REL the throwing phase. The main results were as follows: (1) Females showed a slower center of gravity velocity than males at all time points. (2) At L-on, females showed greater left rotation of the shoulder and hip angle (in the trunk open state). (3) The shoulder rotation angle of females at L-on showed a significant positive correlation with the throwing record. These results suggest that the characteristics of throwing motion in females differ from those of males. The torso of female javelin throwers showed greater left rotation than that of males in the preparatory phase, suggesting that there are gender differences of motion factors in the javelin throw. These may be attributable to gender differences in physique, muscle strength, and joint laxity.
山下 秋二 山形 修 出村 慎一 中 比呂志 郷司 文男
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-13, 1995

本研究は, ヘルス/フィットネスクラプの経営に従事する組織単位間の相互依存性の研究である. これらクラブ経営体は, 各々自己の関与する組織間関係システムにおいて, 互いに役割モデルとして認識し合ったり, あるいはまた, ビジネス目的の効率的達成にむけて, 諸資源の結合・連関(ネットワーキング)の仕方を模索している. 本研究では, かかる意味の組織相互依存性と組織の内部持性との関係を分析した. 調査データは, 現在の我が国で展開されているヘルス/フィットネスクラブの上級管理職(支配人)から求めた. データ源となったクラブはいずれも多種目複合型の運動施設であり, 39都道府県下に分散し, 総計205箇所である. 分析の結果, 1)組織構造の複雑性, 経営資源力, 経営資源独自性の高さがクラブ間における役割モデルとしての期待を高めること, 2)経営資源力が相対的に小さく, かつサービス産出量(顧客数)の多いクラブほど同業者間ネットワークへの依存度が高くなること, 3)異業種(とくに一般サービス業及び関連スポーツ施設への)依存は, 市場への伝達情報量, 施設サービス革新の数, サービス産出量の多さ, 及び市場情報の信頼性のなさなどが影饗すること, そして4)ネットワーキングの実際上の形態は, そのプロセスからみて計画的なものと創発的なものとに類型化でき, 前者に参加するクラブは後者に参加するクラブに比べて, 組織が複雑で公式化されており, 経営資源力が優位で, 組織構成員の量も多く, また, 市場情報の信頼性のなさを強く感じていること, などが明かとなった.
仲田 直樹 三嶋 康嗣 横山 喬之
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.915-928, 2020

Judo, which has become popular in more than 200 countries and regions, has developed while merging with both national and ethnic sports. Among them, chidaoba practiced in Georgia is a remarkable example of anethnic martial art. However, no literature in Japan has yet described the technical form and historical background of chidaoba in detail. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to clarify the essence of chidaoba by considering its historical and cultural background. The author has mastered basic Russian language skills and performed a search for academic essays and websites using keywords such as chidaoba or Georgia and ethnic martial arts in Russian. To ensure accurate translation from Russian into Japanese, the text was checked by several Japanese with native-level Russian language skills. Chidaoba matches were held on Christian holidays such as Saint George's Day and the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral Holiday. Thus, chidaoba took root in cities and rural areas as an irreplaceable festival event. Later, when the Christian church banned some forms of ethnic entertainment and physical exercise, only chidaoba was exempt. Before a match, competitors were obliged to perform the traditional dance, kartuli or palavnuri. In chidaoba, any type of grasping from the waist and upper body is allowed, while grasping below the waist is prohibited. There are a wide variety of techniques in chidaoba, such as throwing from close contact, foot throwing, foot sweeps, reaps, and hooks. Due to the diversity of Georgians, ethnic groups vary from region to region. Moreover, there are several different forms of martial arts in the mountainous areas of Georgia, which are very different from chidaoba. In 2018, chidaoba was registered as an Intangible Cultural Asset. The results of this research should serve as a basic material for clarifying the outline of the Georgian ethnic martia art chidaoba.
荒井 弘和 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.213-219, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
3 3

The present study was aimed at exploring the barriers and facilitators of physical activity and exercise among the parents of children with intellectual disabilities. A qualitative study related to barriers and facilitators was conducted on 42 parents of children with intellectual disabilities through an open-ended questionnaire. Content analysis was performed by the KJ method (Kawakita, 1970), i.e., the barriers and facilitators of physical activity and exercise, by eight members. Consequently, 58 responses as barriers and 46 responses as facilitators were reported. Through the KJ method, nine items were categorized as barriers, and 10 as facilitators. In specific terms, the following items were categorized as barriers: “Too busy,” “Bad physical condition,” “To have to care for one's family,” “Not enough psychological status,” “Bad weather,” “Insufficient information,” “Not economically viable,” “Nowhere to exercise and conduct physical activity,” and “Nobody to do it with.” The following items were categorized as facilitators: “To have people to do it with,” “A good environment and weather,” “Time,” “To enhance one's athletic performance,” “To be fun,” “To have a goal,” “To feel good,” “Not to have care-giving obligations,” and “To have already paid for membership fees.” The results of our study show that the parents of children with intellectual disability should utilize their family members not as a barrier but as a facilitator. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to support parents' physical activity and exercise behavior.
竹之内 隆志 奥田 愛子 大畑 美喜子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.1, pp.419, 2013

体育学研究第57巻 第 2 号に掲載された下記論文に誤りがありました.<br/> 訂正してお詫び申し上げます.<br/><br> 訂正箇所:382頁右41行目から383頁左 3 行目<br/><br> 【誤】小学 1 年生以降に何らかの競技を経験してきた年数の平均は,男子選手では<u>9.55</u>年(SD=<u>4.19</u>)で,女子選手では<u>8.99</u>年(SD=<u>4.01</u>)であった.<br/><br> 【正】小学 1 年生以降に何らかの競技を経験してきた年数の平均は,男子選手では<u>12.07</u>年(SD=<u>2.25</u>)で,女子選手では<u>11.34</u>年(SD=<u>2.45</u>)であった.<br/><br> 注)誤っていたのは,分析対象者の競技経験年数の平均と標準偏差です.修正箇所は下線で示してあります.なお,この誤りは,当該論文の他の結果に対しては一切影響を及ぼしていません.<br>
麻場 一徳 勝田 茂 高松 薫 宮下 憲
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.35, no.3, pp.253-260, 1990

The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of muscle fiber composition and capillary supply of m. vastus lateralis to sprint performance within the same quality group of sprinters. The subjects were 21 well-trained male sprinters (21-25 yr). For sprint performance the following 6 indexes were taken. (1) 70FV: The mean velocity sprinting for the former half (0-30m) of 70 m (2)70LV: The mean velocity sprinting for the latter half (30-70 m) of 70 m (3) 70V: The mean velocity sprinting for 70 m (4) 1 min.V: The mean velocity sprinting for 1 min. (5)70LV/70V (6) 1 min.V/70LV. For muscle fiber composition the following 5 indexes were taken. (1)%FT (2) %areaFT (3) FTarea: cross-sectional area per FT fiber (4) STarea: cross-sectional area per ST fiber (5) FTarea/STarea. And for muscle capillary supply the following 6 indexes were taken. (1) CD: capillary density (2) CFratio: capillaries per fiber (3) CC(FT): number of capillaries in contact with FT fiber (4) CC(ST): number of capillaries in contact with ST fiber (5)CC(FT)/area: CC(FT) in 1000 μm^2 of FT fibers (6) CC(ST): CC(ST) in 1000 μm^2 of ST fibers. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The subjects had a large proportion of FT fibers in m. vastus lateralis (%FT=72.8%,%areaFT=73.8%). But neither %FT nor %areaFT was related with any indexes of sprint performances significantly. 2) 1 min.V/70LV, index of speed endurance ability except the influence of maximum speed,was related with CFratio and CC(FT) significantly (r=0.453, 0.479 in order, r<0.05). 3) In distriminant analysis, two groups (higher velocity group and lower velocity group)devided by 1 min:V were classified with high probability of 85.0% correctly: Discriminant function coefficients (D.F.C.) were higher in order of CC(FT), %areaFT,FTarea/STarea, and CC(FT)/area. And it was shown that CC(FT) contributed to the discrimination significantly (D.F.C=1.191, P<0.01). From these results, the high %FT and %areaFT in the m. vastus lateralis are necessary in order to succeed in the same quality group of sprinters. However, this is not a necessarily important factor which decides sprint performance. And it is suggested that there is a significant relationship between the speed endurance ability and the number of capillaries in the leg muscles .
須田 力 穆 子彦 室木 洋一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.4, pp.359-370, 1992

The purpose of this study was to investigate physical activity levels of Chinese students in comparison with Japanese students. First, a questionnaire on exercise habits was distributed among the students of 4 universities in China and 6 national unversities in Japan. Answers were obtained from 1,262 Chinese students (771 males and 491 females) and 1,409 Japanese students (1,282 males and 127 females). Second, eighteen healthy male students (9 Chinese and 9 Japanese) who did not participate in athletic clubs were selected as subjects for the measurement of daily activity levels. The heart rate of the subjects were recorded daily during the daytime by using Heart Rate Memory (TKK Instrument Co.). Measurements were taken both in China and Japan to determine the heart rate levels of each subjects and these were compared to the %V^^.O_2 max of different workload levels determined by a Monark ergometer. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The Chinese students tended to engage in exercise more than Japanese students in that (1) fewer complained about lack of exercise, and (2) a higher percentage of the population exercised habitually. Nevertheless, they did not have sufficient oppotunities for sports activity judging from the facts that (1) they had shorter exercise period (2) a lower rate of the population participated in athletic clubs and (3) fewer had experiented sufficient amount of exercise. 2. Although, in general; the Chinese subjects revealed higher rates of activity level exceeding 7O %V^^.O_2 max than the Japanese subjects, the durations of their exercise periods did not allow them to attain an essential time to improve aerobic power, except for one subject; while none of the Japnnese subjects fulfilled these conditions.