村上 祐介 濱田 大佐 菅村 玄二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.859-877, 2022 (Released:2022-10-16)

We examined the effects of postural intervention using a “risshin chair” (an upright support seat assisting a zazen-like posture) on posture maintenance, classroom time perception, implicit affect, mental health, and life meaningfulness in an actual high school setting. Twenty-seven second-grade high school students (15 girls and 12 boys; Mage = 16.93 years, SD = 0.27) sat on either a conventional chair or a risshin chair in A-B-A order for approximately four weeks in total. One-way ANOVA revealed that (a) mental health score was highest in the intervention period than in the pre- or post-intervention period (p < .001; p = .002), and that (b) the living in the present moment score was higher in the intervention period than in the pre-intervention period (p < .001). Twocondition within-participant serial mediation analysis also showed that the use of the risshin chair affected mental health and daily meaning in life through a higher level of postural improvement and a faster level of classroom time perception change (indirect effect = 0.27, 95% CI [0.02, 0.74]; 0.28, 95% CI [0.04, 0.66]). The need for examining the effectiveness of longer-term postural interventions was discussed.
滝沢 文雄
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.32, no.4, pp.211-219, 1988-03-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

The present paper discusses, from a phenomenological viewpoint. how a movement learner structurizes his own human body, i.e., the body in phenomenological implications through his movement. The points of issue were as follows: 1. What is the structure of the body in the phenomenological context? 2. What does a learner structurize as his own human body? 3. How does a learner structurize it as his own human body? After the discussion, following results were obtained. 1. The human body exists as a function of learner's own body, so that it maintains a specific structure which is distinguished from the mere physical body. 2. A learner maintains bodily space and time according to his own capability of moving. He uses them as a framework of articulating and identifying his own percepts and structurizes these percepts centering on a specific movement. This means structurizing the human body. 3. Movement learning is a process of restructurizing one's own human body that is able to move and moving now, because a movement learner structurizes his movement constantly by revising his percepts that have already been identified. It means that the process of structurizing the human body has certain order. 4. A movement learner should know what he structurizes and how he structurizes his percepts as his own human body. Without knowing these, he can not learn his own human body effectively.
吉岡 利貢 中垣 浩平 中村 和照 向井 直樹 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.237-248, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)
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The purpose of this study was to compare the physiological and morphological characteristics of J. Ndambiri, a Kenyan world-class long-distance runner (10,000 m personal best: 27:04.79), with runners belonging to the national corporate team (29:32.18±0:30.35). Oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate, blood lactate concentration and stride frequency were measured during submaximal exercise on a treadmill (270, 290, 310, 330, 350 and 370 m/min velocities with 1% inclination). Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) was determined during the maximal exercise test. In addition, morphological parameters (length of thigh and shank, maximum circumference of thigh and shank, and cross-sectional area of the trunk, thigh and shank muscles) were determined using a tape measure and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ndambiri was superior to Japanese runners in terms of not only running economy (65.0 vs 69.8±1.9 ml/kg/min at 330 m/min), but also blood lactate concentration (1.50 vs 2.59±0.74 mmol/l at 330 m/min), heart rate (159.8 vs 170.8±4.0 bpm at 330 m/min) during the submaximal running test and VO2peak (80.8 vs 76.3±2.4 ml/kg/min). In addition, the morphological characteristics of Ndambiri were also quite different from those of Japanese runners. In particular, Ndambiri's maximum shank circumference was much smaller than that of Japanese runners (32.0 vs 35.8±1.8 cm). Furthermore, the cross-sectional area of the gastrocnemius muscle, which composes the shank, was significantly correlated with the oxygen cost of running at 330 m/min (r=0.700). These findings indicate that the superior performance of Ndambiri is attributable to various factors such as a higher VO2peak, lower blood lactate concentration and heart rate, as well as running economy. In the future, it will be necessary to clarify the factors supporting these relationships between physiological variables and morphological characteristics.
横澤 俊治 熊川 大介 荒川 裕志 勝亦 陽一 赤木 亮太
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.15082, (Released:2016-04-07)
4 2

The purpose of this study was to identify the biomechanical factors limiting distance and the jump technique in the maximum effort standing long jump. The limiting factors and jump technique were identified through an analysis of the relationship between patterns of joint powers in the propulsion phase of the standing long jump and maximum isokinetic strength of the lower limb. The participants were 11 male athletes specializing in different events. Isokinetic strength of the extensor muscles at the ankle (30 and 90 deg/s), knee (60 and 180 deg/s), and hip (60 and 180 deg/s) joints was evaluated by dynamometry. Joint powers in the propulsion phase of standing long jump were calculated by inversed dynamics methods using digitized two-dimensional coordinate data (50 Hz) and ground reaction force data (500 Hz). Pearson's product-moment correlation analyses were used to assess the relationships between jump distance, joint powers over the propulsion phase, and isokinetic strength of the lower limb joints. The results indicated the following.  1. The magnitude of the body center of mass velocity and whole body mechanical energy at toe-off were correlated with jump distance (velocity: r=0.857, p<0.01, energy: r=0.926, p<0.01).  2. Peak powers at the knee and hip joints over the propulsion phase, normalized to body mass, were correlated with jump distance (knee: r=0.767, p<0.01, hip: r=0.723, p<0.05).  3. Isokinetic extensor strength at the ankle, knee and hip joints, normalized to body mass, did not correlate with peak power at the corresponding joint over the propulsion phase. Also, only knee extensor strength at 60 deg/s was correlated with jump distance (r=0.652, p<0.05).  4. Knee extension torque at maximum knee flexion, which is used as an index of countermovement, was correlated with jump distance (r=0.836, p<0.01) and peak knee power (r=0.765, p<0.01). In one participant who had the highest ratio of peak powers over the propulsion phase to isokinetic strength, knee extensor power was enhanced by increasing the knee extension torque with countermovement and coupling of the arm swing to knee extension during the propulsion phase.  Therefore, although the jump distance depended on the lower limb joint powers over the propulsion phase, the power was not directly modulated by isokinetic strength. This phenomenon might be derived from strategies that enhanced lower limb power with countermovement and coupling of the arm swing to lower limb motion.
堀 天 髙木 祐介 相川 悠貴 福地 かおり 吉川 明里 藤原 紗音 小木曽 洋介 下村 有佳里 家吉 彩夏 枝元 香菜子 関 和俊 堀田 典生
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.761-773, 2022 (Released:2022-09-27)

Sudden cardiac death is a common cause of death during hiking activities. Since the exaggerated blood pressure (BP) response to physical activity is known to increase the risk for the development of cardiovascular events, hiking might also induce an excessive BP response and such events. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hiking at around 1,200 m on the circulatory responses to isometric handgrip (IHG) exercise. Five healthy women volunteered to hike and stay at Mt. Ibuki (altitude, 1,377 m; Shiga, Japan) for 2 consecutive days. On the first day, the participants ascended to 1,220 m (Hiking study), and on the second day, they drove to an altitude of 1,260 m where they remained for about 5.5 h (Staying study). The participants performed IHG exercise before (altitude, 220 m), during (altitude, 990 m), and after (altitude, 220 m) hiking in the Hiking study, and before driving (altitude, 160 m), after staying for 5 h (altitude, 1,260 m), and after driving back from an altitude of 1,260 m (altitude, 122 m) in the Staying study. The participants performed IHG exercise at 30% maximum voluntary contraction for 2 min after seated rest. We measured systolic and diastolic BP (SBP and DBP), and pulse rate during the test, and then calculated the double product (DP) from the product of the SBP and pulse rate. In the Hiking study, SBP and DP responses to IHG exercise during hiking were significantly augmented (P < 0.05). Importantly, these responses to IHG exercise during hiking were significantly higher than those before hiking (P < 0.05). On the other hand, in the Staying study, staying at an altitude of 1,260 m for about 5.5 h did not significantly change circulatory responses to IHG exercise. In conclusion, we demonstrated that SBP and DP during IHG exercise were significantly augmented during hiking at an elevation difference of about 1,000 m. This finding suggests that transient increases in BP due to physical activity, which might trigger cardiovascular events, could be enhanced during hiking at a moderate altitude.
宮西 智久 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 功力 靖雄 岡田 守彦
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.2, pp.89-103, 1995-07-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of the motions between the speed throw and the distance throw, using a three-dimensional(3D) motion analysis. Twenty-four male university baseball players were the subjects of this study. They were asked to throw a ball (mass 0.144kg) horizontally as fast as possible (speed throw: ST), and as far as possible (distance throw: DT). These motions were filmed by two high-speed video cameras. 3D landmark coordinates of the subiects and the ball were calculated by the DLT method. The following kinematic parameters were computed: angle of release, the component velocities of the ball, the 3D angles for the backward/forward lean, right/left lean of the upper torso, and the twist of the torso and those for the abduction/adduction, horizontal flexion/extension, internal/external rotation at the shoulder joint, and the flexion/extension at the elbow joint of the throwing arm. The sequential data were normalized with the time from the stride foot contact to the ball release, and then averaged. Angle of release was significantly larger in the DT than in the ST. Significant difference was not found between the resultant velocity of the ST and the DT. Vertical velocity of the ball was significantly larger in the DT than in the ST during the latter half of the acceleration phase. On the other hand, horizontal velocity of the ball was significantly larger in the ST than in the DT. The backward lean and the left lean angles of the upper torso were also significantly larger in the DT than in the ST throughout the all sequences analyzed. Ranges of these angular displacements between the stride foot contact and the release, however, had no significant difference between the ST and the DT. The shoulder adduction angle was also significantly larger in the DT than in the ST during the latter half of the acceleration phase. These results indicate that the differences in the release parameters between the ST and the DT were caused not only by the throwing arm motions but also by the motions of the upper torso. It has been suggested that the motions to upward and left ward of the upper torso helps to achieve longer throwing distance in the DT, and that forward lean of the upper torso possibly contributes to achieve larger horizontal ball velocity at the release in the ST.
工藤 龍太
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.681-700, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)
1 1

The present study aimed to clarify the inception and development of Kenji Tomiki's technical theory of budo during the pre-war Showa era, focusing particularly on the succession of Jigoro Kano's concept of judo as a martial art. The main points are summarized as follows:  A letter written by Tomiki in 1928 reveals that he was interested in the comprehensive combat techniques of Ueshiba's aikijujutsu including the use of bare hands and weapons. Tomiki considered that devotees of budo should practice a comprehensive range of techniques from bare-handed combat to the use of weapons. While he mainly succeeded to shobu (martial arts) under the systematic judo theory of Kano, he also thought it possible to overcome the problems inherent to taiiku (physical education), shushin (development of the spirit), and ishinho (methods to ease the spirit) by studying aikijujutsu. The starting point of Tomiki's theory was to emphasize the kata training that simulated various situations in actual combat.  During the prewar period, Tomiki tried to ascertain the fundamental principles of ken-no-ki (ki of the Japanese sword) and ju-no-ri (the principle of flexibility). These principles made it possible to complement the principle of judo as seiryoku-zenyo (most efficient use of energy) that Kano had proposed technically.  In 1942, Tomiki published a research article entitled “The systematic study of techniques while maintaining distance in judo: The principles of judo and the techniques of Aiki-Budo”. In the article, he tried to present consistency between randori and these techniques while maintaining distance in judo, then established 6 fundamental laws of martial arts, including kendo, a system for education in these techniques, and the 12 basic kata.  The consistent points of Tomiki's theory of budo in the pre-war era were to understand the strong and weak points of each competitive budo and kata, and the importance of kata. Although the emphasis on atemi-waza in Tomiki's theory had points in common with the combative techniques of school budo during the interwar period, Tomiki was really interested in overcoming the disadvantages of judo for sport based on Kano's concept of judo as a martial art. Tomiki mainly inherited the latter, and criticized competitive judo.
出口 順子 長谷川 健司 清川 健一 菊池 秀夫
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.13-32, 2021 (Released:2021-01-30)

Relationships between team identification, fan community identification and team-support behavior can be explained using organizational identification theory (Ashforth and Mael, 1989; Mael and Ashforth, 1992). According to Mael and Ashforth (1992), for an individual to identify with an organization, it must enhance the appeal of its collective identity through clear delineation of in-group and out-group memberships as a distinct organization, while increasing self-esteem through association with the organization’s prestige, meaning that the antecedent factors are the organization’s distinctiveness and prestige. Additionally, in social identity theory, which represents the theoretical background for organizational identification theory, support behavior is expressed for an organization that embodies the supporter’s identity. Accordingly, Mael and Ashforth (1992) consider organizational support to be a result factor. Based on the above, the aim of this study was to use organizational identification theory to clarify the relationships between team identification, fan community identification, and team-support behavior. Specifically, we developed a hypothetical model in which the factors of team distinctiveness and prestige were the antecedent factors and the non-transactional support behavior of fan engagement was the resulting factor. Data collected from spectators at a V. Premier League were used for verification. Analysis using the bootstrap method revealed that impact relationships were not found for all hypotheses. Nonetheless, certain relationships were found between leading and result factors, thus supporting the conclusion that organizational identification theory can be used to explain spectator support behavior.
大峰 光博
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17141, (Released:2018-06-25)
1 1

The purpose of this study was to present a new perspective on the problem of attempting to lose a game on purpose through a consideration of whether doing so threatens the existence of sport. We began by hypothesizing the concept of “failed athletic contests”, which has been discussed in the field of sport philosophy, as jeopardizing the existence of this activity. We then examined the concept of “losing games on purpose” with reference to the “failed athletic contests” theory of Kawatani (2013). We examined 2 broad categories of “losing games on purpose”: one where defeat is clearly the goal, and the other where players deceive referees and spectators by behaving as though they want to win, while in fact actually trying to lose. Kawatani claims that games where an ethos (internal purpose) is not achieved, even though the contest is based on athletes playing according to the rules, constitute “failed athletic contests”. He found that player commitment to winning is necessary as a condition in achieving the ethos of the game, suggesting that “losing games on purpose”in either category constitutes a “failed athletic contest” in that athletes are not committed to victory and the ethos is not established. On the other hand, it was also clarified that there is a dilemma for players in athletic meets when a commitment to winning is called for, but when this is occasionally in conflict with the ethos of individual games. For the second category, it was also revealed that referees and spectators were not aware of the nature of such a defeat when it was concealed. This suggests that the second category of “losing games on purpose” is more problematic than the first.
牧野 晃宗 岩崎 正徳 国正 陽子 久野 峻幸 佐野 加奈絵 村元 辰寛 村上 雷多 神﨑 浩 小田 俊明 石川 昌紀
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.639-649, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)

One of the most frequent injuries in Kendo athletes is Achilles tendinopathy in the left leg, for example Achilles tendon rupture. However, preventive approaches for Achilles tendinopathy in Kendo athletes have not been well considered. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine differences in the architectures of the gastrocnemius muscle and Achilles tendon in relation to kendo training experience, and to examine the mechanical properties of the Achilles tendinous tissues (AT) in Kendo athletes in order to clarify why Achilles tendinopathy occurs in the left leg. Sixty-five Kendo male athletes with different periods of kendo training experience and 20 healthy male control subjects participated in this study. The architectural properties of the medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) and Achilles tendon in both legs were measured using ultrasonography. In addition, 20 expert Kendo male athletes and healthy male controls pair-matched with the kendo athletes for body height and body mass were examined for their AT mechanical properties during passive dorsiflexion of both legs. The differences in the cross–sectional areas of the Achilles tendon and MG muscle between the left and right legs were greater in Kendo athletes with longer experience. Especially, the expert kendo athletes had lower AT stiffness and Young's modulus in the left leg than did the control subjects. These results suggest that kendo leads to specific Achilles tendon and muscle adaptation. These specific adaptations of the MG fascicles and AT may be one of the risk factors for Achilles tendon rupture in Kendo athletes.
仲田 直樹 三嶋 康嗣 横山 喬之
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.915-928, 2020 (Released:2020-12-12)

Judo, which has become popular in more than 200 countries and regions, has developed while merging with both national and ethnic sports. Among them, chidaoba practiced in Georgia is a remarkable example of anethnic martial art. However, no literature in Japan has yet described the technical form and historical background of chidaoba in detail. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to clarify the essence of chidaoba by considering its historical and cultural background. The author has mastered basic Russian language skills and performed a search for academic essays and websites using keywords such as chidaoba or Georgia and ethnic martial arts in Russian. To ensure accurate translation from Russian into Japanese, the text was checked by several Japanese with native-level Russian language skills. Chidaoba matches were held on Christian holidays such as Saint George’s Day and the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral Holiday. Thus, chidaoba took root in cities and rural areas as an irreplaceable festival event. Later, when the Christian church banned some forms of ethnic entertainment and physical exercise, only chidaoba was exempt. Before a match, competitors were obliged to perform the traditional dance, kartuli or palavnuri. In chidaoba, any type of grasping from the waist and upper body is allowed, while grasping below the waist is prohibited. There are a wide variety of techniques in chidaoba, such as throwing from close contact, foot throwing, foot sweeps, reaps, and hooks. Due to the diversity of Georgians, ethnic groups vary from region to region. Moreover, there are several different forms of martial arts in the mountainous areas of Georgia, which are very different from chidaoba. In 2018, chidaoba was registered as an Intangible Cultural Asset. The results of this research should serve as a basic material for clarifying the outline of the Georgian ethnic martia art chidaoba.
星野 映
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.187-203, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

From 1940 to 1944, Paris was occupied by the German army. The “Vichy” government began to reform sports activities for French citizens, and under the new Vichy policy, many sports saw an expansion of popularity. The expansion of judo in France during this period was particularly dramatic. This article examines how judo was practiced in German-occupied Paris, and how it acquired the status of a sport in France, with reference to the activities of the Jiu-Jitsu Club de France and its historical context in Paris at that time. In occupied Paris, the Jiu-Jitsu Club and its judoka, especially Paul Bonét-Maury, president of the club, and Mikinosuke Kawaishi, who provided technical guidance, promoted judo as a sport. In the first half of the Occupation, the club held low-key public demonstrations. Also, practitioners in clubs were trained on the basis of teaching methods devised by Kawaishi, which included aspects such as the color belt system, and the establishment of expensive membership fees despite the Occupation situation. As a result, many intellectual professionals and industrial capitalists with economic resources played a principal role as judoka. Furthermore, by encouraging students to open new clubs, the number of judoka practicing Kawaishi judo increased. These factors remained characteristic of French judo after the Second World War. In the latter half of the Occupation Period, the Jiu-Jitsu Club de France joined the French Wrestling Federation, so that judo became better known publicly, and in late May 1943, the First French Judo Championship was held. The Championship was held continuously in subsequent years, and received recognition of being “worthy to be aligned with other sports”. The German army was not directly involved with judo in Paris, but the fact that the Jiu-Jitsu Club de France expanded its activities while adapting to the circumstances of the Occupation encouraged the official recognition of judo in Paris.