李 明 石丸 紀興
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.537, pp.311-318, 2000-11-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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In this paper, some studies are done on the activities of architect's office of Akatsuki, the first architecture office in Hiroshima after the war, and the roles in the reconstruction of Hiroshima city, with observing the experiences of the architects, in the establishment and development of the office mainly. As a result, architect's office of Akatsuki was the pioneer of Hiroshima architects, where Mr. T. Murata, Mr. Y. Kouchi and Mr. S. Ohhata were main members. Although it did not influence the main development of the modern architecture history of Japan remarkably, it indeed played a very important role in the formation and organization of the architecture offices in Hiroshima, and also in the revitalization of Hiroshima.
李 明 石丸 紀興
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.617, pp.215-222, 2007-07-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
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Yoshinari KOUCHI, who was born in Hiroshima on June 13 in 1913, graduated from Yokohama engineering college in 1935. He studied under Junpei NAKAMURA, who was the famous architect and educator. After his graduation, he worked under Mumoru YAMADA, who was one of the most famous rationalistic architects in Modern Japan, and he went to Manchuria for working as an architect at architecture section in Ministry of Communications Financial Bureau. Since July in 1939, he had designed buildings as an engineer at architecture section in General Bureau of Post Affairs, Manchoukuo. After the Second World War, he returned to Japan and made a great contribution to reconstruction of Hiroshima City by designing many buildings at AKATUKI architecture design institute. In 1951, he established KOUCHI YOSHINARI architecture design institute. He was not only an energetic architect based in Hiroshima but also the person who was active in various fields of the academic studies and the building administration.
石渡 雄士
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.729, pp.2561-2571, 2016 (Released:2016-11-30)

Port of Yokohama grew up to be a port city representing Japan from the end of Edo era to the middle of the Taisho era. There were many sheds and warehouses in the iron pier and Shinko-wharf. The sheds was used as sorting of cargo and getting on and off for passenger. The two warehouses was used as a long storage of cargo. They were an important element of the port landscape. Today, the preserved warehouses charms many tourists as a symbol of the port of Yokohama. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the space composition of the public shed and warehouse at iron pier and Shinko-wharf before and after the Great Kanto Earthquake. I considered the following three viewpoints 1. This study examines how to use the shed and warehouse. And general size of the shed and warehouse examined and compared to the building of the Port of Yokohama. 2. Analysis of space composition of the shed and warehouse was carried out in two parts. The first one is cargo space. Placement of the pillars and plane composition of partition was revealed in the shed. Relationship of transporting machine(crane, incline, elevator) was revealed in the warehouse. The second is passenger space. There are two types in this space. One is space of only passenger, and the other one is space of the passenger and the pick-up person. 3. This study has revealed what has changed how structure and plan composition of the shed and warehouse. The conclusion is as follows. 1. Oficial port facilities had only sheds before Great Kanto Earthquake in general. But oficial port facilities had not only sheds but also warehouses after Great Kanto Earthquake. And both of sheds and warehouses were placed as port facilities. The longest dimension (90ken) of ridge direction in the sheds and the length of a 10,000 ton ship is the almost same length. The span of the shed were smaller than a standard at the time. But the dimension(14ken) was affected the shed of the port of Kobe. The span of the warehouses were smaller than a standard at the time. I pointed out possibility that the longitudinal dimensions (81.5ken) of the warehouse was designed with reference to the longest dimensions of the shed. 2. Cargo space of the shed was a wide room to sort cargo. On the other hand, cargo space of warehouse was small rooms for disaster prevention. And the shed was an one-storied building. And warehouse was a three-storied building. I pointed out that cargo space in a warehouse increased in the verticalness direction. Passenger space and cargo space of the shed were different in form of the ceiling etc. After the Great Kanto Earthquake, passenger were able to move to the passenger space without walking the cargo space. And waiting room changed from indoor space to outdoor space. Passenger space was not only a space to wait but also a space to enjoy eating. 3. The structure of the shed was wooden and steel before Great Kanto Earthquake. Roof of all the sheds was roof truss. Pillars are arranged along the center of the wooden shed for earthquake. But there was not a pillar in the steel shed. And the structure of the shed was steel structure and RC structure , SRC structure after Great Kanto Earthquake. Roof of the shed was two types( roof truss, flat roof of RC structure). Pillars are arranged along the center of the sheds of flat roof. And there were not a pillar in the sheds of roof truss. These sheds were built with the same structure every quay.
麓 和善 鈴木 光雄 河田 克博 内藤 昌
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.490, pp.155-162, 1996-12-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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Design about the eaves is a very important factor to construct exterior on Japanese traditional architecture. In the Edo and Meiji era, many Japanese architectural books were written. But eaves camber design method was not written until "Banshouke Kayaoisori Mitugousinri" which was written by Tousai Kiko in 1864. After that, 12 books were written. We universalize these methods by functional equations, and attempt to make practicable by CAD. We examine the rate of application for architectural monuments by computer analyzing, and propose "Formula of Eaves Camber for CAD" as best formula.
デグズマン マリア カリナ 花里 俊廣 冨江 伸治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.545, pp.107-114, 2001
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フィリピンにおける集合住宅開発の歴史はまだ浅く,フィリピン特有の生活様式にあった住戸空間の形成に向けた研究は,まだ不十分な段階にある。本研究の目的は、こうした状況を踏まえて、フィリピンのマニラ首都圏に政府によって建設された2つの集合住宅を対象として住まい方調査を行い、異なる所得層のために計画された住戸空間の間に存在する共通性、類似性、および相違点を明らかにし、フィリピンにおける集合住宅計画の糸口を得ようとするものである。具体的な調査対象は、ケゾン市バランガイ・コモンウェルスのMRB住宅(Quezon City Baranggay Commonwealth Housing Project)1996年完成/フィリピンにおける公共集合住宅の最近の事例)と、同市ディリマン(Diliman)のサン・ヴィセンテ・グリス住宅(San Vicente Bliss Housing Project), 1980年完成/フィリピンにおける公共集合住宅の初期の事例)である。前者の入居対象は低所得層、後者は準低所得層が想定され、各住戸ユニットの床面積は、前者が19.50m^2、後者が54.00m^2と、規模に差がある。また、両住宅ともオーブン・プラン方式を採用しており、入居時点で、電気、水道関連設備以外、間仕切り、仕上げ等は入居者が自由に行うことになっている。フィリピンにおける公共住宅開発においては、このような方式が一般的である。したがって、調査対象2例の場合も、入居者が各ユニット内の空間構成を決定、デザインしたものである。研究の方法は、各々の住戸ユニット内での住まい方を調査したうえで、空間構成をスペース・シンタックス(Space Syntax)手法を用いて空間構成を解釈し、両者を比較して類似点、相違点を示す。MRB住宅については、調査した50戸の住戸ユニットの一戸あたりの平均居住者数は4.62人であり、空間構成は居間を玄関に直接隣接して配置し、食堂・台所、寝室への導入空間として位置付けるという一定のハターンが見出された。また、狭い住戸面積のため寝室では2段式ベットを使用する場合が多く、居間を寝室として兼用するケースも見られた。寝室空間および収納スペースを確保するために、屋根裏・ロフトを設けることも一般化していることが分かった。サン・ヴィセンテ・ブリス住宅で調査した30ユニットについては、平均居住者数は5.85人であった。空間構成では居間が玄関に直結する傾向を示し、その点でMRB住宅の事例と類似している。ここでも食堂・台所がその他の部屋への移動の中心的経由空間としての役割を有していることが確認された。この住宅は、各住戸ユニットが比較的広い床面積を有していることから、寝室空間が食堂・台所に隣接する形で十分確保さわていた。また2室以上の寝室を有するケースでは、1部屋が居間に隣接する形で設けられていた。以上のような調査から、フィリピンの公共集合住宅の住戸ユニット内の空間構成について以下のようにまとめることができる。1)ジャステイファイド・グラフ(Justified Access Graph)では、2事例の住宅ともに当然ながら共通して、居間が住戸ユニット内と住戸外空間とを結び付ける空間的役割を担っていることが示された。さらに、住戸ユニット内の殆どの部屋が食堂・台所と隣接する形で配置されており、食堂・台所が住戸ユニット内で空間的な中心的機能を果していることが確認された。2)居間および食堂・台所の奥行(Relative Assymetry)算定値は低く、雨空間か居住者の日常生活において最も頻繁に使用されていることを示している。このことは、ジャスティファイド・グラフが視覚的、図式的に示した住戸内の空間の相互の連関状況を裏付けるものであり、両空間が各住戸内で営まれる生活において極めて高い統制機能を有することを実証している。同様のことは、空間統制値(Controlvalue)の算定数値によっても確認することができた。結果として、フィリピンの公共集合住宅では、住戸の規模の大小に関わらず、居住者の使い方を反映した空間の構成・配置において一定の構成をなしていることを明らかにした。ただし、詳細にみると床面積規模が各室の住まい方に影響を与えており、サン・ヴィセンテ・ブリス住宅では各室とも特定の機能、目的に応じて使い分けられているのに対して、MRB住宅では限られた床面積の影響から各室が複数の機能を担っており、たとえば居間は寝室、子供の学習空間、さらには食堂を兼ねているケースがある等の状況を示した。
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.757, pp.751, 2019 (Released:2019-03-30)

著 者 坪山 幸王、佐藤 信治、小林 美夫 表 題 観覧室における滞留密度と展示水槽の規模が観覧者行動に与える影響 ―水族館の個水槽前面における観覧領域に関する研究 (1)― 掲載誌 日本建築学会計画系論文集、第497号、95-102 頁、1997年7月 本論文は著者から取り下げの申請があり、これを承認した。
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.497, pp.95-102, 1997-07-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

著 者 坪山 幸王、佐藤 信治、小林 美夫 表 題 観覧室における滞留密度と展示水槽の規模が観覧者行動に与える影響 ―水族館の個水槽前面における観覧領域に関する研究 (1)― 掲載誌 日本建築学会計画系論文集、第497号、95-102 頁、1997年7月 本論文は著者から取り下げの申請があり、これを承認した。
樋野 公宏 小島 隆矢
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.616, pp.107-112, 2007
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This paper aims to explain the risk of dwelling burglary with factors representing physical and socio-demographic context of neighbourhoods and make clear the relationship among them with SEM (structural equation modeling). The following are main information got in this paper, which enables evidence-based crime reduction. ・Higher density, larger family and larger daytime population reduce the risk, which probably provide high level of natural surveillance. ・There is higher risk in neighbourhoods with high rate of rented houses. ・There is higher risk in neighbourhoods with high building coverage ratio whereas there is lower risk in those with high floor area ratio. In conclusion, it is suggested that a holistic approach should be taken considering community safety as an aspect of quality of life.
ハビビ・セイド・ムスタファ 小野 尋子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.756, pp.407-414, 2019

 The capital Kabul is growing at a fast pace than any other city in Afghanistan, it experienced a dramatic expansion over the past decade. The population has increased by almost 10% per year which caused a significant increase in the number of slums, as an unwanted consequence today informal settlements have covered about more than 69% of the city. This paper explains an afghan model of Land Readjustment which applied on an informal settlement area of Kabul with a very minimum compensation and contribution ratio. It appeared more applicable due to the preservation of historical buildings and low destruction cost.
佐藤 樹典 小倉 暢之 入江 徹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.269-275, 2019

&nbsp;This study aims to consider the value and possibility of a design method that integrates regional design and environmental design, through the five proposals in the competition for the new House of Parliament.<br>&nbsp;The major argument was how to integrate the modernism style and Thai regional design and, at the same time, the architectural ideology for responding to environmental and economic issues pervaded in Thailand.<br>&nbsp;The 5 proposals that made the final judgment stage of the design competition for the new House of Parliament suggest an aspect of a Thai architectural image that responds to demands from a society and an age. All 5 of the final proposals decide their form originating from regional design, but the judgment uses a system that also evaluates their environmental efficiencies. Thus, ways of suggesting national identity as well as improving environmental performance were expected, namely the way of integrating regional design and environmental design.<br>&nbsp;The environmental designs affecting the forms of the 5 proposals respond to the rating credits of LEED2009, which are related to heat island effects and energy efficiency. Especially, reducing heat load is an essential factor among the 5 proposals, not only to be recognized by LEED but also to clear the OTTV&middot;RTTV rating system that has operated in Thailand for many years.<br>&nbsp;And it is clarified that integrating methods are classified into two types according with types of environmental design, the &ldquo;Supplemental environmental design: incorporate supplementary environmental design into form based on regional design,&rdquo; and the &ldquo;Interactive environmental design: both regional design and environmental design affect deeply for the process of deciding the form.&rdquo; Furthermore, these integrating methods are classified into two types of expression, the &ldquo;Similized regional design&rdquo; and the &ldquo;Metaphorical regional design&rdquo;.<br>&nbsp;Through this design competition, it is suggested that architectural compositions that integrate regional design and environmental design are formulated in this age, in which both factors are demanded. These methods are also adaptable for other building types as possibilities for contemporary architecture observing through the tendency of architects in the age placing a high priority on environmental performance considering the effects of the environmental rating system on architectural compositions.
前田 昌弘 髙田 光雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.756, pp.397-405, 2019 (Released:2019-02-28)

This paper analyzed how Jizo-Bon, small-scale religious festivals held widely in Kyoto, contributes for improving resilience of “cho”, the basic communities in the central urban area of Kyoto. We clarified that inhabitants who has no involvement or quite limited involvement to “cho-nai-kai”, community management associations are joining management of Jizo-Bon. The result means Jizo-Bon is an opportunity for inhabitants to be involved in “cho” except for “cho-nai-kai”. In addition, it means Jizo-Bon provide “cho” with “redundancy”, another key factor of resilient communities in addition to “diversity”. We also clarified that it is caused with characteristics of Jizo-Bon described as follows. 1. Distribution of management loads to various inhabitants Loads for management of Jizo-Bon are distributed to the extent that each inhabitant can bear them. For example, people can join in the management only with "arranging place", "supporting events on the day" which is easier to bear than other roles as "manager of Jizoubon", "preparing for events" etc. It is also clarified that inhabitants who are usually difficult to be involved in communities as those who are not belong to "cho-nai-kai", those who moved in "cho" recently, single old inhabitants and apartment inhabitants participate in Jizo-Bon. It means Jizo-Bon contribute to "Diversity" of "cho". It is expected that the people involved in Jizo-Bon management to make roles also in "cho-nai-kai" in the future. However, the people differentiate the former involvement from the later as far as we analyzed in this paper. That make it possible the people who cannot bear much loads of "cho-nai-kai" management to be involved in "cho". 2. Flexible meaning corresponded with community situation Meaning of Jizo-Bon is flexible corresponding with situation of communities and people can join in it with their own purpose or motivation. The recognition about Jizo-Bon is different in the two "cho" communities selected as survey area in this paper. Inhabitants in "A cho", a community managed mainly by people who are living there for long term, recognize Jizo-Bon as "religious events" and "traditional events". On the other hand, inhabitants in "B cho", a community including people who moved in "cho" recently, don't recognize as "A cho" and accept it as rather for "communication among inhabitants" and "fan of inhabitants". It means that Jizo-Bon is sustaining by adding or changing meaning of itself corresponding with characters of community as its population structure. In addition, we also clarified that Jizo-Bon is an opportunity for people who moved inside the city to become familiar with their new community because Jizo-Bon is held widely in the urban area of Kyoto. The image of Jizo-Bon shared among citizens seems to be a key factor making it possible for various inhabitant to join and collaboratory manage it. Jizo-Bon is a resource which provide various inhabitants with opportunity to involve in communities depending on their situation and interest. It is precious especially in the context in which decrease of interest and lack of manpower for community management is serious problem. On the other hand, once Jizo-Bon is lost, it is difficult to restore because the characteristics of Jizo-Bon we clarified in this paper is acquired through long-term experience. It is necessary to advocate and measure for conserving Jizo-Bon for the future.
水谷 誠 北川 啓介 金森 信道 麓 和善 若山 滋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.667, pp.1559-1567, 2011-09-30 (Released:2012-01-13)

The study is based on the idea which is “Space enclosure” that encloses persons three dimensionally. The main purpose of the study reveals spatial characters of tea rooms which are very small but have colorful compositions. Also “Sight-Depth” is used to calculate three dimensional spatial compositions mathematically. Following explanations are the procedure to analysis.1. Making digital models by CAD2. Setting up the measurement positions in tea rooms and then calculates three dimensional compositions.3. Making Self-Organizing-Maps based on the data of second step.4. Making spatial descriptions.5. Building up phylogenetic tree based on the spatial descriptions and then analyzes the tree.
クダイミ ムハマド スブヒ 材野 博司
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.533, pp.113-118, 2000-07-30 (Released:2017-02-03)

大内田 史郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.595, pp.205-211, 2005-09-30 (Released:2017-02-11)

The interior of the dome on the original form of Tokyo Station, which was finished with various decorations, was one of the most distinctive features in its design. Despite the fact, there exist a number of unknown facts on the dome design. For example, it has not been clarified yet how the relation between the design, technique, architect, or Kingo Tatsuno, craftsmen, and so on, worked together on the formation of the dome. This paper is to clarify the design of original Tokyo Station and the position of the building among the works by Tatsuno and other architects in those days.
藤田 康仁
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.682, pp.2881-2889, 2012

The present paper aims to clarify the characteristics of Chengilli Kilisesi, through comparative analysis on internal frame composition among its adjacent architectural culture in the same period. As a result, it is recognized that the unique composition of its drum with eight exedrae is similar to centralized domed Armenian churches, especially to the main body of the octafoil church at Varzahan, while conspicuous similarity is found between Chengilli Kilisesi and the churches in Tao-Klarjeti, in regard to usage of squinch-installed pendentives. This phenomenon implies that the characteristics of the plural architectural culture might be involved in this monument.
槇 究 澤 知江
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.516, pp.15-22, 1999-02-28 (Released:2017-02-03)
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Two experiments were conducted to determine whether color, lighting and material interact among each other in affecting the evaluation of an interior's ambience. Experiment 1, in which interior models with varying wall color and lighting were evaluated by subjects, showed that the effects on ambience evaluation of wall color and lighting are essentially independent of each other. Experiment 2, in which wall color, lighting and wall material were changed, demonstrated that wall color and material interact with respect to the parameters "beautiful" and "serene." The parameter "warm," however, showed no interaction among the three factors, and its evaluation was explainable as the linear sum of the effects of wall color, lighting and wall material.
大橋 一正 増岡 陽一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.522, pp.23-28, 1999
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The system which uses the natural energy, are deeply related with the weather factor. Because the atmospheric radiation quantity and the nocturnal radiation quantity influence mainly, the Sol-Air Heat Pump System which radiates in to the sky with the radiation cooling in night must examine these values sufficiently. Then, it did long-range observation with the observation receptacles such as the wet and dry-bulb thermometer, the pyrheliometer, the infrared radiometer and the SAT meter. It made an atmospheric radiation quantity estimated formula from those observation results and the practicality of the formula was shown.
田中 昭雄 酒井 孝司 中上 英俊 石原 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.544, pp.39-46, 2001
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This paper presents results of measurements and analysis on grid-connected PV generation systems installed on 132 residential houses in Tokyo and Kanagawa area. The annual PV efficiency along with its parameters as well as the effect on CO2 emission reduction and on power demand peak cut are shown based on the data obtained from October 1998 to September 1999. Result, of the analysis is that configuration of installed panel, module temperature and inverter efficiency have dominant effect on PV system efficiency. Single-panel configuration has higher efficiency than double panel configuration where two panels are installed on each inclined plane of the roof. The latter configuration suffers from decrease in efficiency by 20% in the winter season. The efficiency of single panel configuration decreases by 0.28% as the backside temperature elevates one degree. It was observed that the smaller the DC input under a certain threshold, the lower the efficiency was. The PV system installed demonstrates the contribution to 250kg-C/year of CO2 emission reduction and 1.15kWh/h of power load peak cut per house on average.
渡辺 菊眞 布野 修司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.543, pp.187-194, 2001
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The objective of this paper is to get clues to improve the environmental conditions of Yamanobe area in Kyoto based on the consideration of their spatial quality. Yamanobe area in Kyoto means the mountainside area of three mountains (Higashiyama, Kitayama, and Nishiyama) which surround Kyoto City. Yamanobe area is historically characterized from the facts that it was funeral area from the ancient times, a lot of discriminated people dwelled there until the recent times from the Middle Ages, there were many shrines and temples, a lot of places to enjoy nature was located there in the Edo era, and so on. Although Yamanobe area was very different from the inner urban area in terms of spatial, social and cultural quality, those two areas have long interrelated each other. However, Yamanobe area is much changed especially in high economic growth period after the second world war. The authors make the changing process clearly based on field studies and analysis of historical maps. Also, we want to extract the spatial quality of Yamanobe area through the analysis. In this paper, we take up Toribeno area (mountainside of the Mt. Amidagamine in Higashiyama area) in Kyoto, that is one of the most typical Yamanobe area in Kyoto.