澤井 和彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.381-387, 2004-03-10

The purpose of this study is to research the variety of sport activity and sport image among the students in University of Tokyo, and to investigate its semantics in their lifestyle. We categorized the students to four types by the club that they belonged, such as, 1) students who belong to the official sport club of university, 2) students who belong to unofficial sport club of university, 3) students who belong to non-sport club and 4) students who do not belong to any clubs. As the result, we could find that each category possibly related to the different pattern of their sport image, lifestyle and gender, which meant that sport was variously imaged, accepted and used by students as the resource of their person systems.
榊原 良太
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.54, pp.251-259, 2014

The concept of " emotional labor" has started being recognized as a socially significant issue, thus attracting numerous attention. A great deal of research has been done. Especially, the application of the study of " emotion regulation," a concept thought to be closely related to emotional labor, was a major turning point for the discipline. However, until now, its potential influence and the implications it have for the discipline of emotional labor haven't been discussed. Therefore, the present paper aimed to reconsider the originality and unique significance of the study of emotional labor by discussing the two points raised above.
大上 真礼
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.53, pp.151-156, 2014-03-28

“ Munashisa(emptiness) ” is a common feeling in many people. Yet there are only few studies in Japan. Both articles from overseas and those in Japan can be divided into two groups. Overseas ’ research shows 1) relation of Borderline Personality Disorder characteristics and emptiness, 2) emptiness experienced after a life event. In our country, researches are about 1) “munashisa” as a factor of Eating Disorder, and 2) developmental and systemic point of view. The focus on further research should be 1) psychopathological investigation, 2) the process and a variety of “ munashisa ” depending on developmental stage, and 3) study of positive meaning in “munashisa”.
張 梅
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.169-181, 2013-03-10

The aim of this study is to clarify the motivation and decision-making process of foreign students who have come to Japan to prepare to take university entrance exams, based on interviews with Chinese students attending Japanese language schools. / The research indicates that such students can be divided into four types; 1) those who have come to Japan without taking the national higher education entrance examination in China, 2) those who have taken the national higher education entrance examination in China, and then come to Japan, 3) those who have graduated from a two- or three-year college (Dai-sen) in China, and then come to Japan, and 4) those who have completed university education in China and then come to Japan. Each type has a different motivation for wanting to enter a Japanese university, and went through a different process in deciding which universities to apply to.
伊藤 秀樹
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.117-126, 2013-03-10

The purpose of this research is to reexamine the mechanisms of generational reproduction of inequality occurring on the safety net in the upper secondary education, by looking at koto sensyu gakko. In Japan's upper secondary education, many students who have underprivileged family background were accepted by “non-mainstream schools”. But these schools may contribute the problem of generational reproduction of inequality which school education have confronted for a long time. / Out of the interviews with five koto sensyu gakko's teachers, following two findings are found. Firstly, almost all the students succeed in entering post-secondary education or in being employed full-time. These five schools are cases overcoming the restriction of students'careers by the tracking systems. But secondly, there are new mechanisms of generational reproduction of inequality relate to students'career choice. It is different by the family background both whether children can enter the nonmainstream school that suits his or her needs and whether students can enter post-secondary education, which is easily to entry into the steady occupational life.
本田 由紀 齋藤 崇德 堤 孝晃 加藤 真
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.87-116, 2013-03-10

The sociologists of education in Japan have continuously engaged in self-reflections on the definition and the character of the field through some conflicting points of view. By conceptualizing Kyosya size indexes to clarify the structure of the institutional basis, this article offers an institutional analysis of the state and history of the discipline in 1) the methodology of the papers, 2) the content of education in universities, and 3) the identity of the researchers. The analyses in this article demonstrate the distortion and the dispersion of the institutional basis of the sociology of education in Japan, which obstruct the self-definition of the field.
村上 純一
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.511-520, 2013-03-10

It is not too much to say that ‘career education’ is implemented at almost all of the schools in Japan today. ‘Career education’ is implemented so as to connect between school education and working life smoothly, and it spreads about these ten years at a surprising speed. / Looking at a policy making process of career education, it is seen that several ministries relate to the process. However, this is a very noticeable phenomenon, since the administrative structure in Japan is characterized as ‘top-down’ sectionalism. This paper reveals the ministerial connections in the process of policy making of ‘career education’, thinking from a view point of organization theory.
長野 公則
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.327-336, 2013-03-10

There was a steady rise in American college and university endowments during the five year from 2002 to 2007. The cost of attendance for undergraduate students increased substantially in many colleges and universities during this period. High tuition and high student loans became common in many colleges and universities. / This study focuses on the No-loan policy at Princeton University. This study compares the policies of the three universities - Princeton, Yale, and Harvard - through an analysis of endowment per student and student aid. Endowment played a key role in the development of a stronger student aid policy in these universities from 2002 to 2007.
豊田 香
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.50, pp.77-89, 2011-03-10

This paper focuses on two educational programs for adults, one held in the U.S. and the other in Japan. People participating in the programs learn how to deal with their conscious will, in order to develop their well-formed unconscious conditions suitable for achievement of their goals embedded in their unconscious. The underlying theory derives from research findings on the automaticity of higher mental processes, such as motivation, goal-settings, social behavior, and so on. Educators and educational researchers are now expected to gather scientific rerearch findings in order to develop educational programs to help people understand and livehappier lives.
河野 桃子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.1-9, 2012-03-10

Es gibt ab und zu eine Tendenz, nur die Praxis der Waldorfpädagogik zu beachten und die Diskussion über den Gedanken von R.Steiner, der eine Grundlage für die Praxis ist, zu tabuisieren. Es leitet sich von der dualistischen Komposition seines späteren mystischen Gedanken her. In dieser Abhandlung wird versucht, eine positive Bedeutung zu zeigen, auch seinen Gedanken in Betracht zu ziehen, um die Praxis besser auszulegen. Dabei thematisieren wir insbesondere einen "Effekt", den sein Gedanke über "Reinkarnation"(damit auch über "Persönlichkeit" und "Individualität") ermöglicht. Am Ende ergänzen wir diesen "Effekt" mit der Intention zur monistischen Erkenntnis, die Steiner ganze Zeit erhalten hat.
中島 弘至
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.53, pp.123-134, 2014-03-28

In recent years, the diversification of entrance examinations is in progress in each university. Not the ability of person is limited to academic achievement, various abilities should be recognized. Students receive various stimuli from many students with different cultures on campus. The atmosphere of each university will be more and more rich. But entrance examinations without writing result lower academic achievement of students. They are the serious problem and the quality of guarantee by each university is strongly required. Leading universities are no exception. This effect has appeared in the recruitment of many companies. This means that universities can't guarantee the quality of students. I analyze by game theory what is happening in the recruitment of leading companies in this paper.
長野 公則
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.54, pp.211-219, 2015-03-31

This research explicates the historical process by which the legal frame of American higher education was formulated between 1783 and 1819, that is from the Revolution to the Dartmouth Case. Chapter One reviews the legal framework of American colonial colleges before the Revolution. Chapter Two analyses the changing relationship of colleges and communities under the U.S. Constitution. Chapter Three focuses the legal points argued in the Dartmouth Case , both in 1817 and 1819. Chapter Four points out the impact of the Dartmouth Case on the American higher education.
齋藤 崇德
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.81-91, 2012-03-10

This article examines the degree and contents of the "Christianity" in the higher education institutions in Japan through an organizational analysis of bylaws of the Christian educational foundations. Although previous researches on the "Christianity" of the Christian schools have recognized the problem of secularization of the schools, this paper suggests the validity of organizational - institutional investigation into bylaws of the educational foundations to explore the relationship between legitimacy of institutions and the "Christianity". The results of this analysis indicate the variety of the state of "Christianity", and the importance of the Christian societies to understand the schools.
松尾 憲一
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.11-20, 2010-03-10

This paper treats of the complex relationship between life (in Jpn., “inochi”) and I (“watashi”) by examining the thought of Paul Ricoeur, especially his early book, The Voluntary and the Involuntary. In this book, Ricoeur seems to regard life only as “resolved problem” (e.g., blood circulation). But he also thinks of it as “task to be resolved”. And, for life, the latter aspect is important. So, the life as Total (Transcendence), discussed in the last section, is not accepted directly because it sets us thinking that the problem of life is already resolved in the transcendental level.
慶野 遥香
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.221-229, 2008-03-10

Professional ethics is one of the essential factors needed by psychologists in order to provide their clients with high quality service and to be regarded as a professional. In this study, the psychologists'ethical codes, as well as articles on professional ethics were reviewed. There are studies about the psychologists'beliefs and behaviors in the case of an ethical dilemma, ethical decision making models and ethical training programs; however, it was found that most of the models and training programs were not assessed empirically. In addition, since the argument about psychologists'ethics in Japan were started quite recently, compared to other countries, neither the codes or research have been discussed enough. This review indicated that we need to clarify "what it is to be ethical" by continuing doing research and holding discussions.
柴田 崇
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.279-286, 2004-03-10

This paper attempts to demonstrate the uniqueness of David Katz's theory in general and of his theory of "medium" in particular. When we explore the environment with our hand we can immediately feel objects in the environment. What is intriguing is that the same seems to hold true when we explore the environment with a rod in our hand. The tip of the tool, in other words, seems to be capable of direct perception and the tool as a whole seems to become "transparent" when it is in use. It will be argued that a phenomenon like this can be understood as the Cartesian "dogma" if we read Katz's "The World of Touch" in the light of James J. G ibson's theory of tools.
金 志英
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.369-380, 2010-03-10

The aim of this paper is to understand more fully the high school diversification by a different approach, focusing on the policy planning process. It will make it possible to compare the motivation in the planning process with the results of each policy and to consider whether each type of school is a complementation policy or a dismantlement policy in relation to the HSEP. The conclusions of this paper are threefold as follows ; 1. The HSSP system was introduced as the complementation of the HSEP, and it is separated between the type of elite school, the FLHS, and the type of special purpose, the others of the HSSP, by planning purpose. 2. The FLHS itself is differentiated into a type of elite high school which is private school located in the metropolitan area, a type of high school with special purpose, the others of the FLHS. 3. Therefore, there is included a policy that conflicted with the HSEP in the contents of the high school diversification that was introduced as the complementation of the HSEP.
三浦 逸雄 呉 凱 顧 銘 芳鐘 冬樹
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.42, pp.349-367, 2003-03-10

This survey aims to discover how international students get information and use library services for their study and daily life. The questionnaire survey was conducted in Dec. 2001 and 478 completed questionnaires (23.5%) were returned. The questionnaire falls into three categories: (1) Questions about satisfying their information needs; (2) Questions about using libraries in the University; (3) Questions about personal data. The main findings of the survey were as follows: (1) Most valuable information resources for students are collections of libraries in the University and Internet; (2) Main information resource about students'homeland is Internet; (3) As well as WebOPAC, circulation and copy services of the libraries are used frequently, but reference service, ILL, online databases, and user instructions are used infrequently; (4) Services for international students (book corner for the international students and scholars, satellite television system, and foreign newspaper corner), provided by the General Library, are used scarcely; (5) Most of the respondants want strongly the libraries to strength the collection of English books and journals for their learning and research.
橋本 望
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.213-219, 2009-03-10

Bereavement is one of the biggest and most important issues in our life. Researchers, theorists and practitioners in psychiatry and clinical psychology have been trying to describe how we experience loss of the beloved ones. This paper aims to review how the concept of “grief” has been formed and transformed in recent years, giving a particular attention to cultural differences.
瀬戸 瑠夏 下山 晴彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.133-145, 2004-03-10

The purpose of this paper is to review the books and papers about school counseling in Japan, and to discuss (a) what a new model of helping in school is, and (b) what skill school counselors have to acquire. For (a), we especially focused on the ideas, the purposes, and the means of school counseling in the review. As a result, it became clear that they were different depending on the researchers and the counselors, and that there is not an integrative model on school counseling in Japan. For (b), we clarified knowledge and skill school counselors were expected to have. As a result, we realized that school counselors should have to acquire skill to enter the school, and to unite the way of helping an individual and the way of intervening the system of the school. Through this review, we thought it would be important that school counselors help the school as a whole, and treat an individual as a part of the school system. Therefore, we should explore the way of helping students within the space specific to the school, for example, "Jiyuu-Raishitsu-Katsudou" or preventive counseling in a classroom.