田北 徹 川口 和宏 増谷 英雄
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.34, no.4, pp.497-503, 1988-02-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Distribution of the salangid fish, Neosalanx reganius Wakiya et Takahasi was investigated in the rivers around Ariake Sound which is located in western Kyushu. They were only found in the Chikugo River and the Midori River located about 50km apart from each other and were regarded to be endemic to those rivers. They inhabit the tidal area of the downstream occur-ring mainly in fresh water, although some are found in the waters having low seawater con-centration near the mouth of the rivers. Morphological examination revealed no meristic difference, but some statistically significant differences in the body proportions between the two populations indicating their entire isolation from each other.
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.13, no.4-6, pp.73-101, 1966-07-31 (Released:2011-07-04)

1. ウロハゼとフタゴハゼGlossogobius giuris (HAMILTON) は同一種と認める人と, 異種或は異亜種として区別する人があるので, この両者の比較を試み, いくつかの違いを見いだした。2. ウロハゼとフタゴハゼGlossogocius giuris (HAMILTON) は形態上および分布上から考慮して別種とするのが妥当である。3. ウロハゼの学名には従来brunneusが日本では用いられて来たが, 高木 (1962) によってbrunneusはヨシノボリに用いるべきであることが明らかにされたので, 新たに学名を求める必要が生じた。そこでウロハゼの学名Gobius olivaceus TEMMINCK & SCHLEGELとGobius fasciato-punctatus RICHARDSONの発表年月日を調べ, Gobius olivaceusに先取権があることを見いだした。4. ウロハゼの学名はGlossogobius olivoceus (TEMMINCK & SCHKEGEL) が妥当であると考える。
Supap Monkolprasit Tyson R. Roberts
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.37, no.3, pp.203-208, 1990-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

アカエイ科の新種, Himantura chaophraya, をタイのチャオプラヤ川から採集した標本に基づいて記載した.本種は500kg以上になるといわれ, 主に淡水域に分布する種グループに属して, 大型になること, 吻端が著しく突出すること, 幅広くて薄い円型の体盤をもっこと, 眼が小さいこと, 体盤の腹面が黒くふちどられること, 尾部基底部が非常に狭いこと, 胸鰭条数が158-164であること, 腸のらせん弁の回転数が21であることにより特徴づけられる.この種グループはインド, ボルネオ, ニューギニアから知られ, またメコン川にも出現するようであるが, 博物館収蔵標本としてはチャオプラヤ川と東ボルネオ (インドネシアのカリマンタン) にあるマハカム川流域からのものが現存するだけである.
塩垣 優 道津 喜衛
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.23, no.3, pp.125-129, 1976-12-30 (Released:2011-02-23)

長崎市近郊の三和町および野母崎町の海岸で採集したミミズハゼ属の一新種Luciogobius platycephalus(新称:ヤリミミズハゼ), および, 大分県佐伯市佐志生港から採集した同じくミミズハゼ属の一新種である盲魚のLuciogobius dormitoris(新称:ネムリミミズハゼについて記載し, あわせて, 主として筆者が新たに得た材料にもとづき, 上記の二種を含む日本産のLuciogobius, Inu, Expedioの各属のハゼ11類種についてそれぞれの区別点を明らかにした.
荒山 和則 松崎 慎一郎 増子 勝男 萩原 富司 諸澤 崇裕 加納 光樹 渡辺 勝敏
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.59, no.2, pp.141-146, 2012-11-05 (Released:2014-12-02)

Eight specimens (28.2–170.2 mm SL) of the non-indigenous bagrid catfish Pseudobagrus fulvidraco were collected from the Lake Kasumigaura system, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan, during December 2008 and November 2011. Three juvenile specimens of this invasive species indicated successful reproductive activity in the lake system. The species is known to have similar morphological and food habits to channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, which has also invaded Lake Kasumiguara, causing damage to the ecosystem and problems for local fisheries. The establishment and future habitat expansion of P. fulvidraco would also cause serious ecological and economic problems.
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.66, no.1, pp.53-62, 2019

<p>Hybrids of <i>Rhinogobius biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens had <i>R. biwaensis</i> haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between <i>R. biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in <i>Rhinogobius</i> fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid <i>R. biwaensis</i> (0–6) and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to <i>R. biwaensis</i> than <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from <i>R. biwaensis</i> in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.</p>
本村 浩之 吉野 哲夫 高村 直人
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.51, no.2, pp.89-115, 2004-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

A taxonomic review of the scorpionfish genus Scorpaenopsis in Japanese waters recognizes 12 species as valid: viz., S. cirrosa, S. cotticeps, S. diabolus, S. macrochir, S. neglecta, S. orientalis, S. oxycephala, S. papuensis, S. possi, S. ramaraoi, S. venosa and S. vittapinna. Of these, S. oxycephala, S. ramaraoi and S. vittapinna are reliably reported from Japan for the first time, including the northernrnost record of each. Distributional ranges in Japanese waters of four other species are extended, viz. S. macrochir (northernmost record from Sesoko Island off Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands; new record from the Ogasawara Islands), S. papuensis (northernmost record from Wakayama Prefecture; new records from Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Islands and Amamioshima, Kagoshima Prefecture), S. possi (new records from Kerama Islands and Izu Islands) and S. venosa (northern-most record from Kochi Prefecture). Three species, previously identified by Japanese researchers as S. cirrosa (Ryukyu Islands var.), S. brevifrons, S. oxycephala and Scorpaenopsis sp., are herein re-identified as S. possi, S. vittapinna, S. papuensis and S. venosa [or S. possi (part)], respectively. Five new standard Japanese names are proposed for S. macrochir, S. orientalis, S. oxycephala, S. ramaraoi and S. venosa. The configuration of a bulge on the snout and posterior nostrils found in S. macrochir constitute a newly-recognized diagnostic character for the species. Each of the above 12 species is redescribed on the basis of specimens collected from Japanese waters and compared with each other in detail. A key to the species of Japanese Scorpaenopsis is included.
昆 健志 吉野 哲夫
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.46, no.2, pp.101-103, 1999-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

A specimen of Antennarius analis (Lophiiformes: Antennariidae), collected from Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, represents the northernmost record of the species and the first record from Japanese waters. The species is easily distinguished from other members of the family in having the opercular opening adjacent to the anal fin. Judging from comments in the remarks accompanying the original description, the author of the species is Schultz, who was alone responsible for both the name and description of the species.
片山 正夫 多紀 保彦
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.30, no.4, pp.361-367, 1984-02-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

高知県と宮崎県の沿岸・河口周辺に出現するアカメ科魚類アカメには, 従来一般にLatesc alcarifer (Bloch) の学名が与えられてきたが, 種の査定には疑問がもたれていた (Katayama et al., 1977).そこで本研究では日本, フィリヒ。ン, タイ, オーストラリア産のLates属魚類を比較したところ, 日本以外の地域からの標本はすべて形態的に同一でL.calcariferと同定されるが, 日本産のアカメは, L.calcariferのtype localityが日本ということになっている (Bloch, 1790) にもかかわらず, 未記載の別種であることが判明し, これをL.japonicus sp.nov.として記載した.Bloch (1790) のtype localityの表示は, おそらくjavanaiseをJaponaiseと混同したことからきた誤りと思われる (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828) 。アカメLates/aponicusは, 体高体長比, 背鰭第3棘と轡鰭第2棘の相対長, 胸鰭条数, 鱗数, 鯉紀数の諸形質で, L.calcariferと区別される.本種はこれまで高知・宮崎両県下からのみ記録されている.
長谷川 稜太 山田 寛之 石原 千晶 和田 哲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.19-021, (Released:2020-02-28)

Animal personality, defined as consistent individual differences in behavior across time and/or context, has been associated with individual dispersal tendencies in some species. White-spotted char (Salvelinus leucomaenis) populations, often found in above-dam watersheds in Japanese mountain streams, the dams preventing continuous distribution with lower stream reaches, were subject of a behavioral study comparing above-dam and open-stream behavior of fry. Fries were collected from an above-dam area and two open-stream areas within the Kame River system (southern Hokkaido), and personality quantified by measuring a suite of behaviors, such being repeated two-month later. Above-dam fry showed a shorter swimming duration against a novel object and mirror than open-stream fry. The latency time to catch food in above-dam fry tended to be longer than that of the latter. Swimming duration against a novel object and mirror were significantly correlated when data for both groups combined, but not so when data for each group were analyzed independently. These results suggest that personality traits in whitespotted char fry would be shaped by natural selection acting on each habitat, resulting in differing adaptive personality traits.
矢頭 卓児 中山 直英 遠藤 広光
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.19-040, (Released:2020-03-24)

The original description of Pterygotrigla cajorarori Richards and Yato, 2012, based on eight specimens from the western Pacific Ocean, including one Japanese specimen, indicated hyperostosis in the rostral projection, head bones (infraorbital, frontal, and parietal), post temporal spine, humeral spine, and the 2nd–4th first dorsal-fin spines, although variations in these characters were poorly documented. Thirteen specimens (including two paratypes) of P. cajorarori collected from southern Japan, the South China Sea, and Indonesia were found to vary individually in the degree of hyperostosis in the rostral projection, mesethmoid, lateral ethmoid, frontal, sphenotic, pterotic, and infraorbital bones, whereas the condition was not prominent in the parietal and posttemporal bones, or the humeral spines. However, hyperostosis was newly found in the 5th and 6th dorsal-fin spines and pelvic-fin spine. A detailed description of fresh coloration (previously unknown) in P. cajorarori is also given.
高田 陽子 渋川 浩一 篠原 現人
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.55, no.2, pp.135-138, 2008-11-05 (Released:2012-11-05)

One specimen of the pipefish Dunckerocampus naia Allen and Kuiter, 2004, hitherto recorded only from the tropical region of the Western Central Pacific and Andaman Sea, was collected from the interstices of a precipitous reef at 16 m depth off Amami-oshima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Although the specimen represents the first voucher surpported record for this species from Japan, examination of the Image Database of Fishes in the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History revealed that D. naia is in fact widely distributed in the Kuroshio Current region.
平田 智法 小栗 聡介 平田 しおり 深見 裕伸 中村 洋平 山岡 耕作
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.58, no.1, pp.49-64, 2011 (Released:2014-03-07)

A monthly underwater visual census was conducted in the coral-dominated habitat of Yokonami, Tosa Bay, Japan, from June 2006 to January 2009. A total of 12,586 individuals belonging to 168 species in 43 families were recorded during the study period. The number of species and individuals increased from June-August (summer), the highest numbers occurring in September-December (autumn), thereafter decreasing from January (winter) to the lowest point in May (spring). Labridae was the most dominant family in terms of species numbers (28 species), followed by Chaetodontidae (21 species) and Pomacentridae (18 species). In terms of individual numbers, Chaetodontidae was the most abundant (56.3% of total individual numbers), followed by Labridae (15%) and Pomacentridae (12.5%). The most dominant species were Chaetodon speculum (33.4%), Pomacentrus coelestis (11.1%), and C. lunulatus (8.2%). The fish assemblage was divided into 4 groups: (1) temperate fishes (1877 individuals in 26 species), (2) (sub-)tropical fishes (10,648 individuals in 136 species), (3) temperate-tropical fishes (28 individuals in 2 species), (4) unknown fishes (33 individuals in 4 species). Species and individual numbers of temperate fishes were high in summer and low in winter, whereas those of tropical fishes were high in summer and autumn and low in spring, suggesting that typhoons in summer and autumn, and low water temperatures in winter might affect fish recruitment and community density. Moreover, at least 44 tropical species were observed throughout the year during the study period.
石松 惇 喜田 潤
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1-13, 1999-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere will cause not only global warming but also raised partial pressure of CO2 and lowered pH in the ocean. These environment alterations may affect fish and other marine organisms. On the other hand, feasibility studies recently suggest that disposal of anthro-pogenic CO2 in the deep ocean could help reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, implementation of this strategy could have a significant environmental impact on marine life. These circumstances provide a background for the urgent need of further studies concerning the effect of CO2 on fish. In this paper we sum-marize the literature reporting on CO2 effects on fish and discuss the required research work for the future.The present knowledge from the literature is summarized and categorized into oxygen consumption rate, respiration activity, oxygen carrying capacity by red blood cells, blood gas, blood circulation, CO2 receptor, acid-base balance, endocrine, growth, toxicity and anesthesia. Most of the experimental fish used in the literature are freshwater species (carp and rainbow trout have largely been used). There were only few examined marine species (three bottom dwelling species of elasmobranch and teleost, respectively). Since experiments have only been carried out on adult fish, experiments on reproduction and the early life stage should be performed to clarify effects over the life cycle and to predict long term hypercap-nic effects. Physiological studies have mostly been concerned with the acid-base balance and we need further information on maturation and endocrine to evaluate long term hypercapnic effects on fish populations. Changes in swimming behavior and its mechanism must also be examined.Although the early phase of future study on CO2 effects on fish has to start using shallow-water species, deep-sea species should be considered in concern with the disposal of CO2 in the deep ocean. Furthermore, extrapolating data from one well researched species to evaluate implications on the ecosystem as a whole would be hazardous. In order to validate an appropriate resolution to the global warming problem, a multi-disciplinary approach to the effects of CO2 disposal utilizing spe-cialists from fields such as marine biology, fisheries and physical oceanography is clearly necessary.
望月 賢二 福井 正二郎
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.30, no.1, pp.27-36, 1983

ボウズノ・ゼ<I>Sicyopterus japonicus</I>の上顎歯の形態・成長・更新等について調べた。予備粛は歯槽 (gun) 内部に発生し, 内部を移動しながら成長する。この成長の最後の段階において, 各粛の基部に1小骨が形成される.その後, 下方に移動し, 前上顎骨に固定され, 作用歯として用いられる.歯の更新において脱落した歯は, 上顎組織内で吸収されながら, 前上顎骨下端の腔所に引き込まれ, ここで完全に吸収される。このことから, 歯の成分を再利用する可能性があることが示唆された。この更新は体長の増加に比例して起り, 標準体長が1.1mm増加することに1回の割合である.またその頻度は, 標準体長が1日当り0.12mm増加する場合には平均9.2日に1回の割合である。歯がこのような短い周期で絶えず更新するのは, 餌として岩の表面で育つ付着藻類を掻き取るため, 上顎歯の損耗が著しいためと思われる.
山崎 裕治 中村 友美 西尾 正輝
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.57, no.2, pp.143-148, 2010 (Released:2014-03-06)

In order to establish a feasible conservation program for the Itasenpara bittering (Acheilognathus longipinnis), the genetic population structure was determined on the basis of five microsatellite loci for wild and captive populations from Himi City, Toyama Prefecture, and the Yodo River system, Osaka Prefecture. An endemic genetic feature was found in each of the Toyama and Osaka regional populations, indicating that each should be treated as a separate unit in any future conservation program. The degree of genetic diversity in the Toyama populations tended to be lower than that in the Osaka population, being related to the population size and/or population demography. In the Toyama region, captive populations showed an equal degree of genetic diversity as the wild populations, probably due to a relatively short period of captive breeding as well as continuing introductions of wild individuals.
大橋 慎平 千葉 悟 清藤 秀理
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.18-029, (Released:2018-09-25)

An increase in gill raker numbers in skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) was observed during the development of juvenile and young stages (26–187 mm in standard length (SL)). Examination of 104 individuals showed obvious increments in number with growth, until 80–100 mm SL. Subsequently, numbers increased slowly (to 59 in the largest specimen), indicating that gill raker development in skipjack tuna is slower than in other scombrid fishes, such as Thunnus. However, gill raker numbers in juvenile and young skipjack tuna stages remain a useful taxonomic character.