古川 正紘 安藤 英由樹 前田 太郎
vol.2015, pp._1A1-M02_1-_1A1-M02_4, 2015

Giant experience allows us to perceive our body as if extended taller than usual. The concept is expected to be implemented with multi rotor based on telexistence theory. Previous papers have proposed the basic concept and gimbal design. So in this paper, we propose an immersion procedure to induce extending their height as a introducing part of the giant experience. The procedure design defines the theoretical requirement of the distance adjustment module in terms of maximum velocity and acceleration of two binocular cameras on the gimbal. Experimental result reveled that the requirement was satisfied.
中尾 亮太 淺川 直也 松田 翔太 塩澤 大輝 菊池 将一 中井 善一
vol.2015, pp._GS0205-42-_GS0205-42, 2015

A three dimensional grain mapping technique for polycrystalline materials, called X-ray diffraction contrast tomography (DCT), was developed at SPring-8 (Super Photon ring-8 GeV), which is the brightest synchrotron radiation facility in Japan. To evaluate the fatigue damage of grains, total misorientation, β for each grain was calculated from DCT measurement. It is found that value of β increases with number of cycles, and change of β for primary slip plane is the largest in diffraction planes. In addition, the largest change of β, was observed in the diffraction plane with the largest Schmid factor, F_s in equivalent primary slip planes. From this results, it is found that change of β reflects slip behavior in a grain, because change of β correspond to Schmid factor in fcc materials which can be determined the primary slip direction.
冨田 幸佳 景山 一郎
vol.2006, pp.331-334, 2006

The purpose of this study is to grasp the outline of Driving Pleasure and to estimate Driving Pleasure by analysis of driver behaviorespecially for the pleasure to the controllability of a vehicle. At first, the experiment to measure the mental condition of a subject is carried out by using a domestic car. The subject answered subjective rating at the time with feeling for pleasure or displeasure. We examination driver's objective course and we found out some possiblilities about driver's decision method for objective course.
矢田 元治 川田 裕
vol.2011, pp._G050053-1-_G050053-5, 2011

Fans and blowers are used in many kinds of industrial fields. The targets for the development are high efficiency, low costs, high reliability and low noise. The reduction of the noise is one of the most important issues for the axial fan. In this research the effect of the blade sweep on the performance and the flow field is investigated by using CFD. By using the results of the numerical study, y500mm prototype axial fan is manufactured and carried out experiments for performance and noise. The effect of the sweep on the performance and the noise are clarified. The influence of rotating stall and back flow on the noise is experimentally clarified.
藤垣 元治 森本 吉春 米山 聡 西岡 明彦 山中 啓司
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2003, no.7, pp.351-352, 2003-08-05

A profile inspection method which can measure the height distribution of a roadbed from a high-speed vehicle is required for a health monitoring of the roadbed. A light-section method is often used for this purpose. The analysis time is, however, long because this method analyzes a 2-D image to obtain a height distribution along a line. An intensity ratio method was proposed as a profile measurement method. This method can be realized with simple equipments. We are developing a high-speed profile measurement method of a moving object using three linear sensors set in parallel. In this paper, we propose a profile inspection method with three linear sensors by the intensity ratio method.
Bulletin of JSME (ISSN:00213764)
vol.29, no.256, pp.3545-3552, 1986

This paper presents a new concept of a flexible and versatile shape reconfigurable control mechanism of a robot, called a versatile robotnoid (Vroid), which can be applied for plant maintenance work and other outdoor operational works, where the working environments are restricted due to mobile space and terrain. The Vroid I based on the multiple link-wheel mechanism has abilities of passing through rough terrains, passing over obstacles and going up and down stairways. Compare with the conventional wheel, crawler and legged locomotion types of the mobile mechanisms, the proposed Vroid I is considered superior with respect to flexibility and adaptability to working environments. Utilizing the redundance of joints in degrees of freedom, a method of the joint static control sequence is proposed to minimize the torques required to joint rotation under some constraints, which can easily be solved by the linear programming approach.
平井 秀一郎 高城 敏美 田中 和洋 来田 憲治
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.53, no.486, pp.p432-437, 1987-02

Experimental studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of the swirl on the turbulent transport of momentum in a concentric annulus with a rotating inner cylinder. Direct measurements of turbulent transport of momentum were made by correlating fluctuations of two velocity components which were detected by a two-color laser Doppler velocimeter. It was observed that the Reynolds stresses increse due to the swirl. The magnitude of the production terms of the transport equations of the turbulent fluxes of momentum were estimated. The dominating terms are pointed out to illustrate the processes of interactions between momentum fluxes and the swirl.
柳澤 秀吉
vol.2014, pp._F111003-1-_F111003-5, 2014

A user's experience of a product involves a set of transitions from one sensory state to another. For example, in the user's perception of a product's qualities, the state of their sensory modality may shift from vision to touch. Between such state transitions, users have expectations regarding their subsequent states based on their experience of a current state event. A disconfirmation between prior expectation and posterior experience evokes emotions such as surprise, satisfaction, and disappointment. Such emotions affect the user's perception of the value of a product. A noteworthy phenomenon in the perception of expectation disconfirmation is that the expectation affects the perceived experience itself. This psychological phenomenon called the expectation effect affects the user's perception of expectation disconfirmation. This effect is a key element for designing the affective experience of a product. In this article, we present our current studies regarding expectation effect. With a mechanism of the expectation effect, we discuss the essence of perceptual experience that consists of prediction as well as sense.
高尾 喜久雄
vol.2005, pp.79-82, 2005
1 1

We have been developing a gauge change train systems for through-operation between Shinkansen lines and conventional lines. The 1^<st> Gauge Changing Train Set (GCT) was completed in 1998 to confirm the basic efficiency of the systems. The GCT was an experimental 3-motor-car electric multiple unit (EMU) train. It was designed to run at a maximum speed of 300km/h on Shinkansen lines, and 130km/h on conventional lines. It works under a catenary voltage of AC25kV, 20kV and DC1500V. It had been tested for basic and endurance performance at high speed. We are now designing the 2^<nd> GCT for developing new gauge-changing bogies. It will be completed and started to test in late 2006.
西堀 賢司 野田 卓 高井 康明
vol.2011, pp._2A2-H03_1-_2A2-H03_2, 2011

In recent years, few children have the opportunity to play in the river because of water pollution, etc. The aim of this study is to develop a personal watercraft robot to enjoy riding safely and easily without license. This robot has an engine using exchangeable gas cartridge and moves on the water surface by the floats made of polystyrene foam and the paddle-wheels.
小池 関也 見邨 康平
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
vol.2015, pp."A-24-1"-"A-24-10", 2015-10-30

The purpose of this study was to quantify the contribution of the whole-body joint torques to the generation of evaluation values during baseball batting motion, such as bat head speed and angular motion of the lower trunk in consideration of the joint torque generating mode. The whole-body segments and bat were modeled as a system of sixteen-rigid linked segments, and constraint axes of the elbow, wrist, knee and ankle joints were modeled with anatomical constraint equations in order to consider the degree of freedom (DOF) of the joint. Each hand was considered to be connected with the bat through zero DOF joint. The equation of motion with respect to the whole-body and bat was obtained by considering modelling errors, such as, residual joint force and moment, and fluctuation of segment's length. The dynamic contributions of the joint moments, motion dependent term and gravity term to the bat head speed and angular motion of the lower trunk were derived from the equation of motion for the system. Furthermore, the joint torque was divided into two components, such as eccentric torque component, which shows negative sign of its torque power, and concentric torque component, which shows positive sign of its torque power. The results obtained in this study showed that 1) motion dependent term was the great contributor to the generation of bat head speed and 2) major contributors to the generation of the bat head speed, such as concentric components of knob-side shoulder abduction torque and torso joint rotational torque were quantified by considering main generating factor of motion dependent term.
大田 健
vol.2010, pp.25-26, 2010

The inorganic system glass coating film was developed as a painting protection film for the car. The glass film adds hydrophile and the resistance to ultraviolet rays to various materials. However, the functional evaluation of the glass film is difficult because the film thickness is about 20 nm. I tried the reflectivity measurement of existence and a characteristic of the glass film by the spectrophotometer. The glass film's reflectance has changed by the uv in about 10%. The glass film is expected that there is a characteristic of reflecting and scattering for the uv. In addition, I investigated the mechanism of coating the glass film. I made the electroplating system. I found the reflectivity change that the electroplating film is similar to the glass film. So, I found that boric acid silica has the electric-charge of the plus and the glass film is coated by the principle of electroplating.
Lee Hsing-Juin Chang Chih-Luong
JSME international journal. Ser. B, Fluids and thermal engineering (ISSN:13408054)
vol.44, no.4, pp.658-667, 2001-11-01
2 3

The kinetic power and efficiency equations for general jet propulsion systems are classically given in a much cursory, incomplete, and ununified format. This situation prohibits the propulsion designer from seeing the panorama of interrelated propulsion parameters and effects. And in some cases, it may lead to an energy-inefficient propulsion system design, or induce significant offset in propulsion performance as demonstrated in this study. Thus, herein we attempt to clarify some related concepts and to rigorously derive the associated generalized equations with a complete spectrum of physical parameters to be manipulated in quest of better performance. By a highly efficient interweaved transport scheme, we have derived the following equations for general jet propulsion systems: i.e., generalized total kinetic power, generalized kinetic power delivered to the jet propulsion system, generalized thrust power, generalized available propulsion power, and relevant generalized propulsive, thermal, and overall efficiency equations. Further, the variants of these equations under special conditions are also considered. For taking advantage of the above propulsion theories, we also illustrate some novel propulsion strategies in the final discussion, such as the dive-before-climb launch of rocket from highland mountain on eastbound rail, with perhaps minisatellites as the payloads.
廖 于靖 サブチェンコ マリア 萩原 一郎
機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 (ISSN:13480235)
vol.2014, pp."530-1"-"530-8", 2014-08-25

In this paper we present a new approach in progress for generating the 3D surface mesh from a single image based on the cross-sectional approach. Moreover, the extraction of the contour of the input image and skeleton calculation have been proceed as the "Skeleton-Diagram" feature for generating the 3D surface mesh. The process employs the methods based on the image and geometrical processing. Finally, the application results show ability and prospect of the proposed method.
兼松 義一 松井 元英
vol.2015, no.22, pp."2202-1"-"2202-2", 2015-12-08

The railway rails occurs expansion and contraction by thermal expansion in accordance with the variation of the ambient temperature. Therefore, a substantial amount will be accumulated in the rail should be expansion and contraction. This thermal stress is generally referred to as the rail axial force. In this study, the lab test using the rail bending fatigue test machine was executed and the rail axis force evaluation X-ray stress measurement by cosα method was fundamentally investigated.
迫 洋介 吉村 英徳 三原 豊 石橋 賢樹 浜本 英利 福井 優
vol.2010, pp.173-174, 2010

A fabrication method of a painless transdermal micro needle array is proposed to realize its inexpensive and mass production. In order to avoid a risk by breakage of the needle when the needle is penetrated into the epidermis, the array is made with biodegradable polymer, for example, PLA. The proposed method has the following processes, (1) a mold dies having many micro through-holes is heated over the melting point of PLA, (2) the heated mold comes into contact with surface of the PLA plate, (3) the melted PLA is poured into the through-holes, and (4) the formed PLA plate is cooled to less than the melting point and removed from the dies. It is difficult to fabricate the array device because of the ratio of needle height to the diameter is large. So, heating temperature, time of heating the plate, moving stroke of dies and demolding temperature were examined and then fabrication of high precision circular cylindrical shaped needle array became possible.
吉村 英徳 岡本 辰憲 濱本 英利 石橋 賢樹 小林 勝則 三原 豊
vol.2009, pp.109-110, 2009

A new fabrication method of a painless micro needle array for high reliable vaccine delivery system through a epidermis is proposed. This method has been developed to realize the inexpensive and mass production of the needle array. For safety against the break of the needle, the needle is made with biogradable polymer (PLA). The proposed method has the following processes, (1) Si tool in a shape of micro needle array is heated, (2) tops of the needles over the Si tool are touched onto the surface of the polymer plate to melt the contacting areas, and (3) the Si tool is detached from the plate to form the needles by elongating the melted polymer. In order to make the uniform needles over the plate, temperature, touching time, and withdrawing speed of the Si tool and tolerance of the polymer plate are examined. By the optimized working conditions, keen corn-type needles having the height of about 500μm can be formed enable to penetrate into the epidermis.