寺岡 久之 小林 純
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.32, no.4, pp.574-587, 1977

著者らは人の頭髪や内臓,農産物,土壌,河川中の浮遊物などを分析の対象として,エミッション・スペクトログラフ法による20余種類の金属元素の同時定量法の研究を続けて来た。<br>日本各地の理髪店と美容院から0.5&sim;5.0kgの頭髪(数百&sim;数千人分)を採集し,電気洗濯機に入れシャンプーと水で洗滌し,完全に均一な混合試料をつくった。その一部を450&deg;Cの電気炉で灰化し,その灰の僅か3mg(個人の一回の散髪量の半分程度に過ぎない)と内標準元素を含む炭素粉末17mgを混合して炭素電極に充填し,アルゴン・酸素雰囲気中の直流アーク(300V, 12A)で試料が完全に蒸発するまで燃焼させ,中間結像法によってアーク(4mm)の中央部分(1mm)のみを分光器スリットに入射させ,各金属のスペクトル線をフィルム上に撮影した。現像後,ミクロホトメーターを使用して25種の金属と内標準元素のスペクトル線の光強度を測定し,合成した標準試料から得られた検量線から各金属元素の濃度を定量した。<br>この方法によって日本各地の頭髪中に含まれる25種の金属元素量を把握しただけでなく,女性には男性に比べて灰量,Ca,Zn,Mg,Cu,Pb,Sr,Ba,Sn,Ni,Cd,V,Coが多く含まれ,逆にSiとAlは男性に多いことがわかった。また環境汚染との関係をも検討した結果,製鉄所付近の住民にはSi,Fe,Alが,亜鉛製錬所付近住民にはCdとPbが多く逆にPが少ないことがわかったが,Crによる汚染地区住民には高濃度のCrは検出されなかった。
阪本 州弘 若林 一郎 吉本 佐雅子 増井 秀久 勝野 眞吾
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.2, pp.635-638, 1991

伊藤 隆
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.33, no.6, pp.741-750, 1979

生下時の染色体異常頻度は, 0.5&sim;1.0%とされている。この値は, 妊娠経過中における淘汰の結果を示すものでなければならない。したがって, 妊娠初期の異常頻度は, かなり大きいものと推測される。そこで人工妊娠中絶手術によってえた標本を用いて, 細胞遺伝学的分析を行った。<br>材料は, 妊娠5週から12週の間, 社会経済的理由で中絶を受けたものとし, 医学的適応によるものは除外した。胎芽と絨毛の染色体分析には, 直接法を用いた。さらに, 性判定のため, Qバンド法により Y-body の有無を調べた。<br>観察総数1,661例中, 分析に成功したものは1,250例 (75.3%) であった。平均母年令および平均胎令は, それぞれ28.0歳 (min. 17-max. 46), 8.4&plusmn;1.39週 (mean&plusmn;S.D.) であった。1,250例中, 認められた異常は80例 (6.4%) であった。すなわち異数性異常としては, トリソミーA5例, トリソミーC (含XXX, XXY異常) 15例, モザイクトリソミーC1例, C群のトリソミーとモノソミーの合併した異常2例, トリソミーD9例, モザイクトリソミーD1例, トリソミーE10例, トリソミーG8例, ダブルトリソミー2例, XYY異常1例, モノソミーC (含XO異常) 8, モザイクモノソミーC1例, 中部着糸型でF群より小型の余計な染色体をもつ異常1例などであった。倍数性異常は, 3倍体8例, 3倍体のモザイク異常1例, 4倍体1例, および4倍体のモザイク異常4例であった。また染色体構造異常は, D群のリング形成1例, およびD群G群間の転座型異常1例であった。<br>異常頻度は母年令の高くなるにつれ増加する傾向をみた。これを異常の種類別にみると, トリソミーでは母年令依存性が顕著であったが, モノソミーと倍数性異常ではその傾向がなかった。また, 胎令が進むにつれ異常頻度の減少する傾向をみた。
星 秋夫 稲葉 裕
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.50, no.3, pp.730-736, 1995-08-15
1 9

東 賢一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.143-146, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)

After the 1990s, many effective measures were taken to improve indoor air pollution in Japan. However, as a result of major changes in building materials, consumer products, and lifestyle, and new scientific findings on health effects associated with indoor environmental pollution, new issues have been indicated, such as chemical pollutants in indoor dusts or indoor pollutants caused by new chemicals that were substituted from chemicals that Indoor Air Quality Guideline was set. On the other hand, scientific evidence for the links between housing environment and health has accumulated substantially in recent decades. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) is developing Housing and Health Guidelines to provide policymakers with recommendations on healthy housing conditions such as thermal comfort, indoor air pollution, crowding, and home injuries. In this paper, the basic principles of healthy housing, the current status of Japanese dwellings, and the recent approaches of WHO are summarized.
野村 卓生
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.2, pp.107-110, 2016 (Released:2016-05-27)

The limitations of what physical therapists can differ from country to country. In Japan, physical therapists are national licensed health care professionals who can help patients improve or restore their mobility. Most Japanese physical therapists provide care for people in health care facilities, medical-welfare transitional facilities, and welfare facilities for the elderly. Currently, physical therapists are unable to sufficiently contribute to primary preventive health care in Japan. However, there are many health problems that physical therapists could help alleviate. For example, low back pain (LBP) more likely than any other condition prevents people from working; thus, making the establishment of effective measures to prevent and reduce LBP vital. An estimated 20,500,000 Japanese individuals have diabetes mellitus (DM) or are at a high risk of developing the disease. DM commonly accompanies stroke and/or heart disease, and is characterized by complications that result from chronic hyperglycemia. Evidence-based physical therapy is effective for the prevention and treatment of LBP and DM. The Japanese Physical Therapy Association established the Japanese Society of Physical Therapy (JSPT) in June 2013. The JSPT has 12 departmental societies and 10 sections. We believe that the JSPT will advance the study of the potential role of physical therapists in primary preventive health care. In the future, it is expected that Japanese physical therapists will contribute to primary preventive health care.
竹内 昌平 黒田 嘉紀
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.65, no.1, pp.48-52, 2010 (Released:2010-02-05)
6 8

Objectives: On April 24th, 2009, a new swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) was first reported in Mexico. Japan confirmed cases of the flu on May 9th, and the pandemic in Japan has become full-scale. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan announced that the first peak of this pandemic was predicted to occur in October, 2009. Therefore, it is most important to predict the progress of this pandemic to be able to use medical resources effectively in Japan. Methods: We used a modified susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered (SEIR) model to calculate the number of infected people and hospital bed shortage during this pandemic. In this model, available medical resources were investigated on the basis of four vaccination scenarios. Results: Our model showed that it would take a further six months for the pandemic to peak than was predicted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan. Without vaccination, at the peak of the pandemic 23,689 out of 400,000 people would be infected and the hospital bed shortage would reach 7,349 in total. Conclusions: We suggest that mathematical models are strong tools to predict the spread of infectious diseases. According to our model, it is possible to prevent hospital bed shortage by vaccination.
若田 哲史 高木 幸夫 小泉 昭夫
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.75, pp.19015, 2020 (Released:2020-03-05)

Objectives: We investigated the quality of life (QOL) of patients using the Free/Low-Cost Medical Care Program, which is a system that enables people in financial difficulities to receive treatment free of charge or at a low cost. We also investigated the background charateristics and lifestyle of the patients.Methods: The subjects were 226 outpatients who used the Free/Low-Cost Medical Care Program (use group) and 226 outpatients who did not use the program (non-use group). The method was an anonymous cross-sectional servey by mail. The survey items included basic attributes, health-related QOL (HRQOL), feeling of being poor, lifestyle diseases, lifestyle, and connection with the community.Results: The number of respondants with valid responses was 97 in the use group and 85 in the non-use group. Among the basic attributes, there were a significant differense between the use group and the non-use group in the family structure, type of work, household income, and educational background. The HRQOL scores of the physical and social summary components were significantly lower in the use group than in the non-use group. The HRQOL scores of mental summary component were higher than the national standard HRQOL score in both the use and non-use groups.Conclusions: In this study, it was considered that old age affected the HRQOL scores of the physical and social components. It was considered from the HRQOL scores of the mental aspect that the use of the Free/Low-Cost Medical Care Program might have contributed to mental stability a certain to extent.
龍田 希 仲井 邦彦 鈴木 恵太 黒川 修行 細川 徹 佐藤 洋
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.3, pp.189-196, 2013 (Released:2013-09-28)
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Objectives: The Boston Naming Test (BNT) has been used to assess the language development of children in many epidemiology studies, and its usefulness is confirmed. The BNT consists of 60 black and white line drawings of objects and animals. There are no normative data available for this test for Japanese children. The purpose of this study was to collect normative information in Japan and to examine the correlation between the score of the BNT and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children third edition (WISC-III). Methods: The BNT was translated into Japanese and administered in children registered to the birth cohort of the Tohoku Study of Child Development at the age of 84 months. The participants for analysis in this study were 449 children (237 boys, 212 girls). Results: There were four items with percentage scores below 1%; Igloo, Knocker, Muzzle, and Yoke. Many Japanese children could answer ‘abacus’ and ‘compass’, which are difficult for US children. Although the score of the BNT correlated with IQ of the WISC-III (p<0.001), as compared with the previous studies, the correlation coefficient was low. Conclusions: The BNT is quick and easy to use and valuable for researchers in evaluating language ability in children. Since the BNT was developed in the United States, the cultural values of that country are reflected in the BNT score. This implies that the BNT should be modified to fit Japanese population.
李 卿 川田 智之
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.2, pp.117-121, 2014 (Released:2014-05-24)
2 13

Since 2004, we have conducted a series of studies of the effect of forest therapy on human health and established forest therapy as a new preventive strategy. We have found that forest therapy has many beneficial effects on human health. However, there is almost no study dealing with the possibility of clinical applications of forest therapy. In this review, we discuss the possibility of clinical applications of forest therapy from the following viewpoints: 1. Forest therapy can decrease blood pressure, heart rate, sympathetic nerve activity, and levels of stress hormones, such as urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline, and can increase parasympathetic nerve activity, suggesting its preventive effect on hypertension. 2. Forest therapy can also decreace the scores for anxiety, depression, anger, fatigue, and confusion and increase the score for vigor in the Profile of Mood States (POMS) test, suggesting its preventive effect on mental depression. 3. Forest therapy can increase the activity and number of human natural killer (NK) cells and the intracellular levels of anticancer proteins, suggesting its preventive effect on cancers. 4. These findings suggest that forest therapy may have preventive effects on lifestyle-related diseases. However, the above preventive effects of forest therapy should be confirmed in clinical research.
児玉 浩子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.1, pp.75-82, 2018 (Released:2018-01-31)

The deficiency or excess intake of trace elements, including zinc, copper, selenium and iodine, has often been reported. Zinc deficiency is often observed in infants fed breast milk with low zinc concentration, individuals administered chelating medicines, athletes and patients with diabetes mellitus, hepatic cirrhosis or nephrosis syndrome. Menkes disease is associated with severe copper deficiency, and there is no effective treatment. Deficiencies of selenium and iodine are observed in patients who receive special formulas of milk and enteral formula with low selenium and iodine concentrations, respectively. In contrast, neonatal transient hypothyroidism due to excess intake of iodine in pregnant women has also reported in Japan. It is expected that collaborative studies by researchers and clinicians will contribute to clarify the detail mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of these abnormalities.
福岡 秀興
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.2, pp.82-85, 2014 (Released:2014-05-24)
3 2

Presently, the incidences of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) have been increasing in both low- and middle-income countries worldwidely. Effective long-term and multigeneration interventions to decrease the risk of NCD should be developed and introduced. The environment in utero alters phenotypes mainly through epigenetic mechanisms. The epigenetic changes induced in an unfavorable developmental environment have lifelong effects on cardiovascular and metabolic functions, susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other NCD. Although compared with animals, epigenetic analysis of human specimens is restricted except for peripheral blood, placental, or umbilical specimens, recently, important human studies have been reported concerning the epigenetic analysis of Line 1 gene from the umbilical blood, umbilical RXRα, or the peripheral nuclear cell IGF-2. The birth weight is an indirect marker of in-the-womb nutritional status. The incidence of low-birth-weight infants, weighing less than 2,500 g, has been increasing in Japan. Presently, it is higher than that in the latter half of the 20 s of the Showa era, and is the highest among the OECD countries. This trend suggests that in Japan the intrauterine nutritional status has been deteriorating. We have to change this trend and put much attention on the prepregnancy and pregnancy nutrition for the present and future generations.
平澤 恭子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.1, pp.46-50, 2018 (Released:2018-01-31)

Over the past few decades, advances in neonatal medicine have increased survival rates among very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) babies. Despite improvements in short-term outcomes, there is increasing concern about the probability of mild cognitive dysfunction in this population. Our analysis of VLBW babies born in our hospital revealed that the incidence of mild developmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) at the age of 3 years is 7.2%, which is markedly higher than the 2.8% incidence of ASD in the general population. Because problems related to ASD or ADHD tend to become more prominent as children grow up, the ages at diagnosis of developmental disorders are generally 6 years or above. Thus, in our follow up study of VLBW babies at age 6, the incidence of these developmental disorders had risen to 30%. These patients are apparently obstinate and difficult to train, causing parental problems with child care. It is important to support these children and help them establish good relationships with their parents. Given these problems, it is necessary to follow up VLBW children in the longterm, at least until they are elementary school students.
森岡 郁晴 田渕 優奈 高橋 侑子 織田 侑里子 中井 正美 柳瀬 安芸 渡津 千代子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.1, pp.115-121, 2011 (Released:2011-02-25)
8 9

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to clarify the contamination of mobile phones shared in hospital wards and its relationship with the consciousness and behavior of nurses about biological cleanliness. Methods: Samples from mobile phones were cultured to detect viable bacteria (n=110) and Staphylococcus aureus (n=54). A questionnaire survey was conducted on 110 nurses carrying mobile phones on the day of sampling. Results: Viable bacteria were detected on 79.1% of the mobile phones, whereas S. aureus was detected on 68.6%. All the nurses were aware of hand washing with water or alcohol after regular work, but 33.6% of the nurses were not conscious of hand washing with water or alcohol after using a mobile phone. There was a significant positive relationship between the frequency of using mobile phones and the number of hand washings with water or alcohol. A significant negative relationship was found between the detection of viable bacteria and the number of hand washings with alcohol. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that the detection of viable bacteria was related significantly with the number of hand washings with alcohol (Odds ratio, 0.350; 95%CI, 0.143–0.857) and that the detection of S. aureus was related significantly with the frequency of using mobile phones (Odds ratio, 0.183; 95%CI, 0.036–0.933). Conclusions: It is important to be conscious of the fact that mobile phones shared in hospital wards are easily contaminated. Because hand washing with water or alcohol prevents the contamination of the mobile phones, nurses should take standard precautions after using mobile phones.
長澤 徹 野村 恭子 竹之下 真一 平池 春子 土谷 明子 大久保 孝義 冲永 寛子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.74, pp.18033, 2019 (Released:2019-06-13)

Objectives: In academia, harassment may often occur and remain unrevealed in Japan, which discourages young researchers from pursuing their career. It is necessary to estimate and improve the perception of “academic harassment” among university faculties. Therefore, in this study, we aim to develop a scale of perception of academic harassment.Methods: Prior to a quantitative survey, a task team consisting of medical doctors, researchers, nurses, hospital workers, and managers in general affairs division identified 36 items related to academic harassment. In February 2016, we sent a self-administered questionnaire to 1,126 academic faculty members who worked in a medical university located in Tokyo, Japan. We instructed them to score the extent to which they consider each item as related to academic harassment based on a Likert scale. We carried out maximum likelihood factor analyses with promax rotation and computed Cronbach’s alpha to develop a scale and investigate the reliability of the scale.Results: In total, 377 returned the questionnaires (response rate, 33.5%; male, 73.8%). In factor analyses, we removed 17 items owing to low factor loadings, and four factors were eventually extracted. The first factor was termed “Harassment in organization (7 items)” because it included conditions of forcing a particular person to work on chores or lectures for students that may prevent one’s academic research outputs. The second factor was termed “Violence and denying personal character (4 items)”. The third factor was termed “Research misconduct (5 items)” including conditions of excluding a particular person from the coauthor list of research outputs or pressuring a person to fabricate, falsify, or plagiarize research outputs. The fourth factor was termed “Research interference (3 items)” including a condition of interference with conference attendance. Cronbach’s alpha values of these four factors ranged from 0.83 to 0.91, suggesting that the scale had high reliability. The means of these factors did not differ according to gender but were higher in participants aged 50 or older than in younger participants.Conclusions: The results suggest that the scale of perception on academic harassment consisting of four factors with 19 items is valid and reliable to some extent.
上山 純
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.3, pp.247-256, 2018 (Released:2018-09-29)

Human biomonitoring (HBM) is a technique to evaluate chemical exposure level by measuring the levels of chemicals or related substances such as their metabolites or adducts in biological samples (e.g., urine or blood). Compared with exposure assessment by an approach to estimate insecticide intake from diet or the environment, HBM can provide information more specific to an individual exposure dose and can reflect the exact body burden condition at the time of measurement. If the analytical sensitivities, completeness and cost-effectiveness of the method are improved further, HBM might be widely applicable to not only research fields such as epidemiological and occupational study but also routine analysis for effective prevention of the exposure of the human body to chemical substances. In this article, we provide an overview of HBM as a determination method for insecticide exposure markers in urine and its applications, and discuss future research perspectives in the field of environmental and occupational health.
坂田 清美
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.42, no.6, pp.1056-1063, 1988

老人保健法による健診受診率に影響を与える因子について市町村の人口規模による格差を明らかにするため,昭和60年5月に全国市区町村にアンケート調査を実施した。<br>1) 2,645市区町村より回答が得られ,回収率は80.7%であった。<br>2) 一般健康診査の精密診査の項目の実施状況をみると,法に定められた項目は人口規模の大きな自治体でよく実施されていたが,人口規模の小さな自治体では実施率がやや低く,市町村の財政事情や医療環境の違いが反映していると考えられた。<br>3) 一般健康診査の自己負担なしの市町村の割合は,人口規模5万以上の自治体で最も高く,市町村の財政力による違いと考えられた。<br>4) 健康診査の周知には,人口規模の大きな自治体では広報紙を利用し,人口規模の小さな自治体では地区組織を利用しており,人口規模による違いがみられた。<br>5) 一般健康診査の結果の通知は,人口規模の小さな自治体では,約半数が複数の方法で実施していたが,人口規模の大きな自治体では複数の方法で実施している割合が低かった。背景には人的資源の不足等が考えられた。<br>6) 健康診査受診率向上の工夫の実施状況をみると,広報の充実は人口規模に関係なくよく実施されているが,日時の設定の工夫は人口規模の小さい自治体で実施されており,地域の産業構造の違いによることが示唆された。<br>7) 一般健康診査の医師確保先では,一般診査の理学的検査,精密診査の判定とも,人口規模の大きな自治体では医師会より,人口規模の小さな自治体では保健所より確保している市町村の割合が最も高く,医師会の組織力の違いが影響していると考えられた。<br>8) 保健事業に協力している地区組織をみると,婦人会,老人クラブは人口規模の小さい自治体ほどよく協力していた。
辻裏 佳子 豊田 久美子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.3, pp.175-188, 2013 (Released:2013-09-28)
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Objective: To explore gender differences in physical and mental relaxation in subjects who watched a forest relaxation video. Methods: The subjects were 12 males and 12 females in their 20’s, with an average age of 21.67±1.00 and 21.42±1.56, respectively. They rested for 5 minutes, and then watched either a forest relaxation video or control video (grey screen, no sound). After the video session, they rested again for 5 minutes. Thus, the total experimental duration was 20 minutes. Before and after the video session, subjects completed visual analog scales (VAS) on mood and Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaires. Subjects also pointed out the most comfortable scenes on the video. In addition, we measured their heart rates. Analyses were based on the semantic differential (SD) technique. Results: The heart rate of male subjects decreased just after watching the relaxation video (p<0.05–0.01), and the LnHF increased (p<0.05–0.01), indicating significant activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Regarding VAS scales, the “refreshment” score increased in male subjects (p<0.01). In females, all three scores for “pleasantness”, “calmness”, and “refreshment” increased after watching the relaxation video (p<0.05–0.001). In addition, the “tension–anxiety” score of the POMS decreased after watching the video (p<0.05). Conclusions: Both male and female subjects felt relaxed after the forest relaxation video. Especially, heart rate changes suggested that male subjects experienced relaxation after the video, whereas female subjects experienced mental relaxation.
稲寺 秀邦 浜崎 智仁
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.65, no.4, pp.506-515, 2010 (Released:2010-09-25)
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In 2007, the Japan Atherosclerosis Society published the Guidelines for prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. However, the guidelines have several flaws with regard to the cutoff level of serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). First, LDL-C level is used instead of serum total cholesterol (TC) level in the guidelines. In this case, they must show at least some basic data on the relationship between LDL-C level and mortality or morbidity from coronary heart disease (CHD). Second, it was recommended that the LDL-C level be below 140 mg/dL or 3.6 mmol/L (corresponding to a TC level of 220 mg/dL or 5.7 mmol/L, respectively). These levels are unreasonable considering that the TC levels of 240–260 mg/dL are optimal in terms of all-cause mortality for the Japanese population. Third, although there are big differences in mortality and morbidity from CHD between sexes, they discussed the matter without considering these differences. Last but not least, the conflict of interest of the editors of the guidelines has never been disclosed. The Japanese population has a lower CHD mortality and incidence than populations from other industrialized countries despite an increase in serum TC level in the former. In populations with a markedly lower coronary mortality or morbidity such as the Japanese population, it is still important to determine the optimal cutoff level of LDL-C to prevent the development of CHD and other atherosclerotic diseases.
稲葉 洋平 大久保 忠利 内山 茂久 欅田 尚樹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.1, pp.46-52, 2013 (Released:2013-01-25)
1 3

Objective: To measure the nicotine and tobacco-specific nitrosamine (TSNA) contents in whole tobacco from a variety of Japanese domestic cigarette brands and to determine mutagencity. Methods: The test cigarettes were the top ten best selling cigarette brands in Japan in 2006. The nicotine content in whole tobacco was measured by a modified version of the CORESTA Recommended method. The level of TSNA was measured by a modified version of the Health Canada method. Mutagenicity was assessed using the Salmonella typhimurium strains TA100, TA98 and YG1024 with the metabolic activation system (S9mix) by preincubation assays. Results: The nicotine content in the test cigarettes averaged 15.7±1.2 mg/g, and was in the range between 13.7 and 17.2 mg/g. The level of TSNA averaged 1,750 ng/g, and was in the range between 931 and 2,490 ng/g. Mutagenicity was pseudopositive in several samples of the YG1024 tester strain with and without S9mix. Conclusion: The cigarettes brands were categorized into four groups (Ultra-low, Low, Medium, and High) based on the nominal nicotine yield figures printed on the cigarette packets. The nicotine content in whole tobacco of the High group was the highest. However, the level of TSNA of the high group was the lowest. The analyses of hazardous chemical compounds in whole tobacco can contribute to the reduction and regulation of the toxicity of tobacco products.