星野 悦子 阿部 純一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.54, no.6, pp.344-350, 1984-02-29 (Released:2010-07-16)
8 7

Psychological reality of a “central tone” in the highly “tonal” melody was investigated by using the method of “final tone extrapolation”. Five kinds of stimulus tone sequence were made from each of the 35 six-tone melodic sequences (original sequences), for which rating scores of “tonality feeling” had been obtained; i.e., a two-tone sequence using the first two tones, a three-tone sequence using the first three tones, and so on up to a six-tone sequence using all of six tones, of each of the original sequences. Twenty-four subjects were asked to add an appropriate “final tone” to each of the stimulus tone sequences by using a keyboard of an instrument. For each of the sequences made from the “tonal” original melodic sequences, the final tone chosen tended to be restricted to a few specific tones in all five types of the tone sequences, while for the “atonal” original melodic sequences, the final tone chosen was diversely different. The results were discussed in relation to the “coherency” of a melody and other processing characteristics of human melody cognition.
田中 光 中條 和光
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18323, (Released:2019-11-15)

The study presented here investigated whether tentatively organized categorical representations resulting from learning ad hoc category lists produced false memories as well as whether learning a list with themes (category labels) increased the prevalence of false memories. A sample of university students (N = 48) participated in an experiment using the Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm, which presented them with word lists consisting of atypical exemplars of ad hoc categories designed to obscure the themes. The participants studied the lists with or without category labels, and then engaged in a recognition test. The lure items for each recognition list were category exemplars that the participants did not learn. The results indicated that false recognition occurred as a result of learning ad hoc category lists and increased when learning a list with category labels. In addition, participants who noticed a theme reported false recognition more frequently than those who did not, even in the condition where labels were not presented. These findings suggest that noticing themes promotes false recognition regardless of the presence of category labels.
渡辺 恒夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.68, no.6, pp.478-483, 1998-02-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
6 8

Having defined the distinction between hypnagogic imagery and dreams, a preliminary study on the individual differences in the experience of visual hypnagogic imagery was conducted. (1) A questionnaire on visual hypnagogic experience was administered to 796 students. The results suggested that previous researches on the incidence of this experience might have suffered from ambiguous definitions. (2) The Scale of Mental Imagery (Hasegawa, 1992) was administered to 330 of the same students, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire to 305 students, and S-A Creativity Test (Sozosei-shinri-kenkyukai, 1969) to 221 students. The frequency of hypnagogic experiences was significantly associated with the scores of “the vividness of mental imagery”, “neuroticism”, and “creativity”. (3) Based on these results, a proposed research problem on hypnagogic imagery was discussed.
奥村 弥生 森田 愛望 青木 多寿子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.17343, (Released:2019-07-10)

This study aimed to examine the relationship between parents’ involvement in adolescents’ career decision making and its effect on the independence and adaptability of university students. Questionnaires were completed by 180 university students. The results revealed that parents’ involvement was positively related to the dependency and obedience of adolescents, and that decision-making ability was negatively related to obedience. Parents’involvement also decreased decision-responsibility, although it increased decision-making ability. In addition, parents’ involvement was related to students’ satisfaction with university life. First, decision-making ability was positively related to satisfaction with university life. Second, when decision-making ability was high, parents’involvement was not related to satisfaction, while the contrary was also true. When career decision making was difficult, parents’ involvement may have supported better career decision making. In conclusion, it is better that parents are not too involved and encourage decision-making; however, if this is difficult, giving support is better than leaving them alone.
和田 実
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.4, pp.356-363, 2010 (Released:2011-04-20)

This study investigated heterosexual undergraduates' behavior with a same-sex close friend and their attitudes toward homosexuality after this friend disclosed his/her sexual orientation. The study also examined whether the heterosexual friend was regarded as a romantic love object or not. Participants were 77 male and 139 female undergraduates. Males decreased their behaviors with their close friend and adopted more positive attitudes toward gay men after they knew their friend's sexual orientation. Females decreased their behavior with their close friend more after learning that they were a romantic love object of their friend, compared to when tehy were not. Also females adopted more positive attitudes toward lesbians only after knowing they were not a romantic love object. These gender differences are discussed.
尾崎 幸謙
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17004, (Released:2018-03-10)

Short-version questionnaires are often used in psychological research dealing with constructs, because the number of questions that the respondent must answer can be reduced. However, because such questionnaires do not include all of the items of the original scale, it is questionable whether the results have sufficient validity. In this research, a separate-version questionnaire was introduced, which can reduce the number of items in the same way as a short-version questionnaire, but is expected to have a higher degree of validity. A statistical comparison was performed between a short-version questionnaire and the introduced separate-version questionnaire, both by simulation and using real data, where the analysis model was a confirmatory factor analysis. The simulation considered the situation where the data used in a scale development study were different for the short-version and separate-version questionnaires. The results showed that the separate-version questionnaire had smaller biases than the short-version questionnaire, which indicates the usefulness of the separate-version questionnaires.
白木 優馬 五十嵐 祐
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.15040, (Released:2016-09-10)

We examined two psychological processes of prosocial behavior: feeling gratitude and indebtedness. First, we asked if the value of the behavior for the receiver promotes gratitude; and second if the cost of the behavior for the giver promotes indebtedness. Gratitude and indebtedness were measured as behavioral indices of a quid pro quo (indirect reciprocity and direct reciprocity) to avoid social desirability effects in self-report measures. In Study 1, 119 undergraduates recalled a past experience in which they had been the recipients of prosocial behavior while emphasizing the value, cost, or situation (control) of the event. The level of gratitude was higher, and indirect reciprocity was observed more frequently, in the value condition than in the cost and control conditions. Indebtedness, however, did not differ across the conditions. In Study 2, 59 participants received a gift (the value and cost of which were manipulated) from an imaginary confederate. The value manipulation promoted indirect reciprocity, and both value and cost manipulations encouraged direct reciprocity. Implications for adaptive functions of gratitude in social selection processes are discussed.
松田 侑子 永作 稔 新井 邦二郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.6, pp.512-519, 2010

The present study developed a job-hunting anxiety scale and investigated the influence of job-hunting anxiety on coping, number of job-hunting applications, and satisfaction with job-hunting. Questionnaires were completed by 306 college students who had started job-hunting. Explorative factor analysis extracted five factors such as "appeal anxiety", "support anxiety", "activity persistence anxiety", "test anxiety", and "a lack of readiness anxiety". Analysis of covariance structures indicated that (a) job-hunting anxiety was negatively related to problem-focused coping, the number of job-hunting applications, and the satisfaction with job-hunting, and (b) problem-focused coping was positively related to the number of job-hunting applications and the satisfaction with job-hunting. These results suggest that reduction of job-hunting anxiety and the use of problem-focused coping facilitated job-hunting.
佐々木 掌子 山形 伸二 敷島 千鶴 尾崎 幸謙 安藤 寿康
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.4, pp.330-338, 2009 (Released:2012-03-20)
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This study investigated the possible effects of genetic and environmental gender differences in effect on individual differences by using the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) with twins. A sex/gender-limitation analysis, a behavior genetics methodology was used to the following: (a) effects of gender-specific genes, (b) gender differences in quantitative genetic effects, (c) effects of gender-specific shared environment, (d) gender differences of quantitative shared environment, and (e) gender differences of quantitative nonshared environment. Participants were adolescent and adult twins, including 111 identical male pairs, 241 identical female pairs, 36 fraternal male pairs, 65 fraternal female pairs, and 58 opposite-gender pairs. The results indicated that although masculinity and femininity were explained by genetic factors to some extent, there were no significant gender differences in the genetic factors. Moreover, because our data did not support a model which explained gender differences in the effects of specific common environment factors, no evidence was found to support the prenatal hormonal hypothesis or the existence of parenting which encouraged children's gender role personality.
名畑 理津子 小川 健二
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16315, (Released:2017-05-10)

Eidetic imagery is a kind of mental visual imagery that is externally localized and literally “seen” by the eidetiker. Previous studies have not clarified whether eidetikers have enhanced visuo-spatial memory abilities. This study compared visuo-spatial short-term memory capacities between eidetikers and non-eidetikers who were matched in terms of age, gender, and visual imagery ability. We measured the memory capacity of nine eidetikers and 18 non-eidetikers in two memory tasks (Visual Pattern Test and Corsi Block Test) that differed in the mode of presentation of visual stimuli (simultaneous and sequential, respectively). Eidetikers performed better than non-eidetikers on simultaneous tasks but performed similarly to non-eidetikers on sequential tasks. This study suggests that eidetikers are better at retaining stimuli presented simultaneously.
名畑 理津子 小川 健二
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.3, pp.260-266, 2017 (Released:2017-08-25)

Eidetic imagery is a kind of mental visual imagery that is externally localized and literally “seen” by the eidetiker. Previous studies have not clarified whether eidetikers have enhanced visuo-spatial memory abilities. This study compared visuo-spatial short-term memory capacities between eidetikers and non-eidetikers who were matched in terms of age, gender, and visual imagery ability. We measured the memory capacity of nine eidetikers and 18 non-eidetikers in two memory tasks (Visual Pattern Test and Corsi Block Test) that differed in the mode of presentation of visual stimuli (simultaneous and sequential, respectively). Eidetikers performed better than non-eidetikers on simultaneous tasks but performed similarly to non-eidetikers on sequential tasks. This study suggests that eidetikers are better at retaining stimuli presented simultaneously.
和田 さゆり
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.1, pp.61-67, 1996-04-26 (Released:2010-07-16)
140 110

The purpose of this paper is to construct the Big Five Scales (BFS) of personality trait terms which are based on the items of ACL (Adjective Check List). First, the five-factor solution corresponding to the Big Five was obtained after a few steps of analysis, and then BFS was constructed. Next, the concurrent validity of BFS was investigated by means of joint factor analysis with a new type of personality inventory (NPI), at item level as well as scale level. It follows from these results that BFS is good markers for personality factors and NPI measures a wide area of personality traits which covers the Big Five.
吉田 寿夫 村井 潤一郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.3, pp.178-187, 2021 (Released:2021-08-25)
8 5

Although multiple regression analysis is a frequently used method for multivariate analysis in psychological research, it has been used inappropriately or incorrectly in most studies. To resolve these problems effectively, we investigated and summarized the issues related to the use of multiple regression analysis found in papers published in The Japanese Journal of Psychology and discussed the issues in detail. We argue that researchers should not use multiple regression analysis for simplistic reasons, such as “because there are several independent variables” or “because some relationships between independent variables or between independent and control variables are supposed.” We further argue the importance of carefully considering whether the purpose of the study is to explain or to predict and what kind of causal relationships exist between variables.
苧阪 直行
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.77, no.6, pp.553-566, 2007-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
5 4

Biological studies of human consciousness based on recent neuroimaging experiments, i.e., functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), were reviewed from the viewpoint of different functions of consciousness. A biological hierarchy of consciousness structured in three levels, i.e., arousal, awareness and self-consciousness, was reviewed in connection with working memory. We found that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), anterior cingulate cortex, medial PFC, and parieto-temporal junction area play a crucial role in social cognition involving estimation of the mental states of other people. The ventrolateral PFC plays a role in language-based rehearsal/imitation in connection with a mirror system. Frontal pole and orbitofrontal areas are also likely to contribute to generation of self function, reward expectancy and internal planning of goal-directed behavior. Interestingly, we found that these various PFC and related areas strongly contribute to active consciousness based on the working memory system. Furthermore, we have shown that a theory-of-mind approach could be closely related to higher cognitive functions involved in working memory, which has a meta-recognition processes during mentalization.
上條 菜美子 湯川 進太郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.5, pp.445-454, 2014 (Released:2014-12-25)
7 2

This study examined the factors that influence meaning making and rumination related to stressful events. Six hypothetical scenarios were used, all of which were contextualized stressful events. Participants (N = 779) completed a questionnaire about one of the six scenarios, which assessed the possibility of preventing the event, the probability of the event occurring, the perceived threat of the event, the frequency of rumination, and meaning making. They completed a scale that assessed self-rumination and self-reflection as a way of thinking, and a scale that assessed executive function. Executive function and self-rumination were negatively correlated. Furthermore, self-rumination positively correlated with the frequency of rumination on the event. The perceived threat was high when the probability of the event occurring was low and the possibility of preventing the event was high. Although the perceived threat of the event inhibited meaning making, this was promoted by mediating the frequency of rumination. Self-reflection also directly promoted meaning making. Therefore, this study highlighted a number of factors that affect rumination and meaning making.
熊田 真宙 吉田 弘司 橋本 優花里 澤田 梢 丸石 正治 宮谷 真人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.1, pp.56-62, 2011 (Released:2011-08-29)
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Elderly people have lower ability for recognizing facial emotions than younger people. Previous studies showed that older adults had difficulty in recognizing anger, sadness and fear, but there were no consistent results for happiness, surprise and disgust. Most of these studies used a small number of stimuli, and tabulated the number of correct responses for facial expressions. These characteristics of the task might be the source of the discrepancy in the findings. The present study used a task which measures participants' discrimination thresholds for six basic emotions using psychophysical measurement methods. The results showed that the thresholds for elderly participants (74.8±6.5 yrs) were significantly higher than for younger participants (20.1±1.6 yrs) for sadness, surprise, anger, disgust and fear. There was no significant difference for happiness. Since the task that we developed was sufficiently sensitive, it is a useful tool for assessing individuals' ability to perceive emotion.
佐藤 洋輔 沢宮 容子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17018, (Released:2018-08-10)

This study examined the associations between sexual orientation, interpersonal factors, response styles, and mental health. A total of 1,330 graduate and undergraduate students—205 LGBs (lesbians, gays, and bisexuals) and 1,125 heterosexuals—completed a questionnaire on the topics of interpersonal stress, social support, two types of response styles (rumination and problem-solving), depression, and anxiety. The analysis of variance results indicated that LGB respondents reported more rumination and interpersonal stress and less social support than heterosexual respondents. Moreover, path and mediation analyses revealed that sexual orientation can increase depression and anxiety through interpersonal factors that promote rumination or inhibit problem-solving. These results suggest that LGB youth experience greater stress in interpersonal relationships, and this stress promotes maladaptive response styles that can exacerbate mental health.
山田 歩 外山 みどり
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.5, pp.492-500, 2010 (Released:2011-04-20)

This study tested the prediction that preferences induced by hidden factors would be justified and even accelerated by other factors that seem to be plausible determinants as causes but, in fact, do not have any influence on the preferences. Participants were repeatedly exposed to a variety of product logos of detergents and then asked to choose one from a pair of detergents with different logos. For half of the participants, information on product quality was available at choice; for the other half, only logos were available. The participants showed a tendency to prefer detergents with the logos that were more frequently exhibited, and this tendency was stronger when information was available about the product quality. The participants seemed to believe that they based their decisions on the relative superiority of quality between the pairs as well as their logos. Provided with convincing, but incorrect, reasons to make a choice, the participants were encouraged to select the detergents whose attractiveness had actually been manipulated by exposing the participants to their logos.