高取 千佳 村瀬 由伎 宮脇 勝 北村 淳一 清水 裕之
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.83, no.5, pp.645-650, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-06-09)

During the 20th Century, most part of Japanese paddy fields were transformed to productive efficient allotments by the “Agricultural Land Improvement Projects”. However, the rich biodiversity, which was maintained in traditional paddy field forms with nature-near water supply systems, has led to a loss. In this research, the methodology of sustainable paddy field management which is aimed at balancing “efficient paddy field management” and “ecosystem conservation” was proposed by conducting the following three points. The focused site was Asami district in Matsuzaka city. First, the paddy fields were classified into 3 types according to the introduction of the agricultural land improvement project. Secondly, the differences of biodiversity and labor productivity by farmers among the three types were clarified. Thirdly, the future paddy field management scenarios were proposed and examined by considering a compromise point in this trade-off relationship between biodiversity and labor productivity.
李 樹華
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.461-464, 2003 (Released:2003-09-24)

This paper involves the planting design and using of Musa spp., an important and a special plant for Chinese gardens. Through literature studying and observation on gardens of Suzhou, the major results of the findings are: (1) It began from at least 2100 years ago to plant Musa spp. in imperial gardens in the Han Dynasty (B.C.206-A.D.220). Then, this plant was being used in imperial and private gardens from the Jin Dynasty (255-420). (2) Musa spp. not only have special tree-form, fresh and green stems and leave, but also can demonstrate the landscape in tropical subtropical land rather than Cycas revolute and Trachycarpus spp., etc. And Chinese cultured people like enjoying the sound beat by rain, the form swung by wind and the shadow by sunlight in day and by moonlight in night. (3) The typical methods of planting design were usually planting Musa spp. together with strange rocks, with Firmiana platanifolia, with bamboo, etc. (4) The places planting Musa spp. were inside the gardent’s doors, near the front of windows, under the side of roof and corridor, near the railing, near the steps and near the stream, etc.
金 恩一 藤井 英二郎
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.5, pp.141-144, 1995-03-31 (Released:2011-07-19)
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植物の色彩が人間に与える生理・心理的効果を検討するため, ペチュニアの6品種 (紫, 赤, ピンク, サーモンピンク, 黄, 白) と花のないペチュニアを対象に脳波, 血圧を測定した。さらに, それらとアンケ可ト調査結果との関連性を検討した。また, これとほぼ同じ被験者によって進めているスギ林と満開状態のソメイヨシノ林 (花の色はピンク) における同様の検討との比較も行った。その結果, ペチュニアの緑とピンクにおいてみられた結果と, スギ林とソメイヨシノ林の間でみられた結果には, 類似した傾向がみられたことから, それらに対する印象評価とβ波が多く発生する部位との間には関連性があるものと考えられる。
野中 勝利
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.8, pp.45-57, 2015-07-17 (Released:2015-08-18)
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Most of the sites of castles in Japan are now public parks. However, the timing and process of their conversion into parks differed from city to city. This study looks at the site of Akita (Kubota) Castle, showing how it was made into a park after the completion of the initial design and revised designs. Nagaoka Yasuhei created a design for the site in 1896 that was later revised three times. The 1896 design included Shokonsha and the Akita Jinja shrine, while making use of the ruins of the castle. Over the next two years the prefecture created a park according to this design, increasing the budget several times to accomplish this. Additional work was carried out over the next two years, again with extra funding. Revised designs in 1902 and 1907 added partial landscaping and moved Akita Jinja out of the park. After this the prefecture made no more prominent changes. A revised design of 1911 was intended to expand the park and dispose of the remaining castle ruins. The prefecture immediately budgeted funds for the new work and actively promoted the completion of the park.
伊藤 渚生 板川 暢 一ノ瀬 友博
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.11, pp.1-8, 2018-01-04 (Released:2018-02-22)

In this paper, we aim to reevaluate the difficult-to-evacuate zone, and clarify the current problems of evacuation in Kamakura City. First, evaluation of the tsunami evacuation buildings was done by comparing with the building height and with the maximum reference water level of Tsunami. Next, setting the evacuation target point to where people could escape out of the flooded area, we calculated the evacuation possible area by using 2 indexes, referring to the guideline of evacuation buildings. Moreover, by utilizing reach area analysis of Network Analysis extension by ArcGIS 10.3, we created the area based on the road and defined the evacuation possible area. The other areas were defined as the difficult-to-evacuate zone. And we calculated how many people would have the difficulty to evacuate and verified the landscape district. As a result, we found out that there are areas having the necessity to be assigned evacuation buildings, areas needing a review of landscape district, and areas that need new roads to become the evacuation route while in times of tsunami.
兼村 星志 柴田 昌三
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.473-478, 2018

<p>This research investigates the technique for cherry trees maintenance in the early 20th century by literature, especially articles of "Sakura- Japanese Cherry Blossoms (Journal)" (1918-1943) which was published by Society of Cherry Tress. As a result, the total number of articles was 444, and these included 47 articles about technique for cherry tree maintenance. These 47 articles mainly revealed the following 5 categories: "Pruning", "Fertilizing", "Planting", "Conservation", and "Pests Management". In addition, the contents of descriptions in 47 articles were fundamentally equivalent to the present recognition. However, some technique had been evolving from the early 20th century to present with diversifications of machinery and materials. The results and considerations in this research are important for keep improving the technique of cherry trees maintenance in the future.</p>
濱久保 衛 伊藤 弘
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.85, no.5, pp.399-404, 2022-03-30 (Released:2022-05-13)

This study aims to understand the current status and issues of viewpoint fields in the Setonaikai National Park by clarifying the relationship between the actual condition of the view from them and the establishment and management of them, and to consider the management of the viewpoint fields from the standpoint of the appreciation of the archipelago landscape.The methodology was field survey and analyze the pictures from all viewpoint fields, and literature survey such as national park management plan and so on. As a result, Setonaikai National Park can be divided into three areas, and the actual condition of the view in each was different from each other including the artificial structures such as towns, bridges, and industries. Especially the view from each viewpoint field in the Geiyo Islands, many artificial structures were seen in visually essential areas. The establishment and management of viewpoint fields were different among each management district. All the management plan was focused on the islands. It can be said that the management plan was made not concerning the characteristics of the archipelago landscapes, so the establishment and management of the viewpoint fields are not appreciated to enjoy the archipelago landscapes.
上原 三知 重松 敏則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.64, no.5, pp.831-834, 2000-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)
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かつての農村社会における地域資源の有機的活用に注目し, 領域や条件が特定しやすい福岡県新宮町相島地区を事例に調査・分析を行った。その結果, かつては農耕地が多く, 比較的多数の居住人口を有したが, 漁業不振による急激な過疎化等により, 農地の森林化が生じていた。本地区における適当な収容能を算定するために農用地・樹林地面積から潜在的な食糧生産力及びバイオマス生産力を検討した結果, 最大1239人分の潜在力があると考察された。具体的な計画案として人口625人での土地利用計画と, さらに太陽光・風力発電等のシステム導入を仮定し, 現在の生活水準を維持しながら地域資源の保全と活用を両立させた生活モデルを提案した。
守 宏美 新保 奈穂美 平田 富士男
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.85, no.5, pp.661-666, 2022-03-30 (Released:2022-05-13)

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the use of goats for the control and removal of weeds in open spaces from the perspective of reducing the environmental impact, recycling resources, and creating new landscapes, in addition to compensating for shrinking budgets and workforces of municipalities. However, because of the lack of systematic information on the challenges often faced by inexperienced goat farmers in using goats as weed control agents, the keys to the successful utilization of goats for the task remain unmapped. Therefore, we conducted explorative interviews with fifteen goat keepers on Awaji Island and in the Kansai area of Japan who had started goat weed control without prior experience. From the obtained narratives, the process for introducing goats as weed control agents was organized in chronological order. During the investigation, we found that six goat keepers could not meet their original objectives, while nine overcame their difficulties. Throughout the investigation, the issues that arose in the process and the responses of the keepers were recorded and categorized according to their causes. Our findings suggest the necessary points to be considered for utilizing goats for weed control in the future, depending on the stage of introduction.
七海 絵里香 大澤 啓志 勝野 武彦
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.74, no.5, pp.405-408, 2011 (Released:2012-09-05)

It can be said graft is important technique from a viewpoint of landscape from some their feature. However, their techniques have developed in pomological field. In this study, we examined about the historical transition of graft use through literature. In addition, we considered about position of graft at the industry of tree production in recent years and transmitting of graft techniques through a listening to people who have graft techniques and nursery stock producers. As a result, graft has already been done for ornamental trees at Heian era. It was thought that graft techniques were actively used in the background of the gardening cultural prosperity at Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo era. Afterwards, object of graft shifted to the fruit tree since Meiji era. About the transmitting of graft techniques, there were a lot of cases with transmission to the relative. There is a tendency to transmit movements of graft only when it is not relative. Intention of graft is the overall techniques include that caring and environmental making at the before and after graft. Depression of plant industry, difficulty that compete in plant industry and weakening of the consciousness that taking over the family business caused a decreases in the number of workman of the next generation.
菅野 博貢 根岸 尚代
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.83, no.5, pp.575-578, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-06-09)

Seventy-four years after the end of World War II, nearly all traces of the War have disappeared, and few living memories remain because of the increasing age of the survivors. However, living war-damaged trees with green leaves can still be found despite their surfaces being carbonized, conveying traces of the War to the present day. We have previously determined the morphological characteristics and existing state of war-damaged trees in the Joto 3 wards in Tokyo, which was devastated by the Tokyo air raid. The present study expanded on that survey by analyzing the distribution of war-damaged trees in 23 wards in Tokyo. We found that war-damaged trees (i) were mostly concentrated around shrines or temples, with rates of 61.5%; (ii) occurred in the vicinity of burnt areas, with rates of 70%; and (iii) were intensively distributed in 5 out of 134 survey points, with rates of 46.5%. Furthermore, among 474 surveyed trees that had the morphological features of war-damaged trees, 200 were considered to have been war-damaged based on the reports of witnesses or presence of materials and a further 150 were likely to have been war-damaged based on the situation.
若生 謙二
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.62, no.5, pp.473-476, 1998-05-25 (Released:2011-07-19)
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近年, アメリカの動物園で展開されている生態的展示の動きは, 1976年に提唱されたランドスケープ・イマージョンの概念に大きな影響をうけている。本論では, この概念とこれを生み出したアメリ力社会における環境認識と動物観の変容過程の関係についての考察を行った。展示空間での観客と動物の相対的な位置関係は, 動物の価値を認識する上で重要であり, 従来の動物園展示では観客が優位で動物が劣位の位置に配されているのに対し, 生態的展示では逆の位置関係にある。それは動物の生息する権利や生息地の価値に対する理解を図ろうとするものであり, 人間中心主義から生命中心主義への環境認識の変化に裏づけられたものであった。
水内 佑輔 粟野 隆
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.80, no.5, pp.419-424, 2017

<p>Higashiyama Park in old Taiza Town in the Tango region of Kyoto Prefecture is a private park built by Genzo Tani in the Taisho-Early Showa period. This study clarifies the establishment process,design and way of use of Higashiyama Park which was when the urban park system was established by landscape architecture. As a result of document analysis, Higashiyama park was made as a contribution to the local community where Tani was born. Parks have been selected as a way of contributing to the public, and were considered as recreational places for increasing public health. The Japanese garden style was adapted to Higashiyama Park, although Tani knew of modern urban parks in other areas of Kyoto and Osaka. The park concept was affected by Maruyama Park (Kyoto) derived from pre-modern scenic places. In his idea, establishment of the park was not a purpose but a mean of contribution to his birthplace. Hence, usage was important requirements for Higashiyama Park and the restaurant of the park were considered as appropriate to urban parks. Tani offered a recreational place, however, Higashiyama park is no longer existence now by the snow disaster on 1963 after Tani was dead.</p>
鈴木 誠 粟野 隆 井之川 若奈
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.4, pp.339-350, 2005 (Released:2005-12-09)

粟野 隆
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.381-384, 2005 (Released:2006-05-08)

In the last several years, an explosion of papers argue about Japanese modern landscape, there are design of residential gardens, policies of park and landscape of resort and so on. This paper clarifies the formation period of semi-western gardens in Tokyo during the Meiji period and its spatial characteristics, particularly Shiba-niwa (lawn garden), by analyzing the trends in western house construction and relationship between building layout and garden design within premises. The result leads to the following hypothesis. The formation period of Shiba-niwa style overlaps with the period of western building construction boom around the mid-Meiji period (1882 - 1902). The concept of Shiba-niwa was to integrate the juxtaposed arrangement of Japanese and western buildings, typical building layout in modern residential spaces, into coherent landscapes with simple combination of spacious lawns and gently meandering paths, that is a remarkable characteristic reflecting the modernization of traditional garden design.
水内 佑輔
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.12, pp.50-61, 2019-08-28 (Released:2019-09-17)

It is believed that there is a deep connection between shrine and forest. Meiji Jingu’s forest that was settled in 1920, is famous for being created to aim for completion after 100 years along with the thoughts of forest ecology. This is a historical study to explore the process of the construction of the Meiji Jingu and its planning philosophy focusing on its forest. This study conducted by collecting and using primary sources such as minutes and drawings, and was proceeded by considering both discourse and physical plan. As a result, the following were clarified. Not only the forest but also the water system and landform, especially, the behind of shrine buildings were conceived as the spatial element to produces the landscape experience in Meiji Jingu, and the ideas were derived from Ise Jingu and Nikko Toshogu shrine. Then, process of the development of the physical plan in Meiji Shrine construction were visualized. In addition, that the planning theory of shrine forest before that had been inconsistent with the conventional idea and situation, and the less of expense of the forest management were the reason for the change in the planning concept of the Shrine forest.
長岡 希 下村 孝
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.64, no.5, pp.651-654, 2000-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)

京都府立植物園の来園者を対象にアンケート調査を行い, 利用実態を明らかにした。調査年に2回以上訪れた回答者は約7割であり, 春夏秋冬いずれの季節にも来園した回答者は半数以上であった。また, 回答者は, 散歩に次いで休養・リフレッシュを大きな目的としており, 目的を大いに果たせたという達成度, 満足度は, 休養・リフレッシュが運動に次いで高かった。次に, 各施設に対する来園者の評価から, やすらぎと緑の特性との関わりを探ったところ, 見通しの効く緑の空間である大芝生地がその他の施設に比べて有意に高い評価を得た。
小野 佐和子
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.60, no.5, pp.395-398, 1996-03-28 (Released:2011-07-19)

駿河原宿植松家の帯笑園の訪問者の内, 高家大名等身分ある人々の訪問の具体的な有り様を, 植松家に残された日記と立ち寄り記録により明らかにした。彼らにとり帯笑園は, 園内の植物と共に, 富士の眺めや書画のコレクションが魅力であり, 植木好きの訪問者には, 植物や栽培法の知識を得情報を交換し, 珍しい植物を手に入れる場であったこと, さらに, 植松家は訪問者を通じて書画の収集を行っており, 身分ある人々の訪問は, 植松家にとって, 書画を集める有効な機会であったとする知見を得た。