小柳 和喜雄
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Cultural and Social Science (ISSN:05472393)
vol.68, no.1, pp.221-231, 2019-11-29

Ten years have passed since the Graduate School of Professional Development in Education in Japan was established. In this paper, we pay attention to what kind of change the partnership among the Graduate School of Professional Development in Education, the Local Board of Education, and the School have shown in this ten-year-old period. As a result, it has become clear that the following six things have been done through the partnership. 1) To work diverse in-service training together with University and Local board, 2) To shift the emphasis from promoting joint research to carrying out joint research together in connection with supporting schools, 3) To do collaborative research between the university and the school for quality assurance of teaching practice, 4) To introduce various teaching practice which is related to the purpose of learning in the Graduate School of Professional Development in Education, 5) To foster leadership awareness of teachers, and demonstrate it, 6) To set up a rich environment (places and people) in order to manage rich teaching practice effectively, forming partnerships with various organizations that can handle it. In order to develop these partnerships in a sustainable manner, it was found that it is important to focus on the establishment of a school that produces partnership effects and a teacher educator as a person who makes effective partnerships.
松元 忠士
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.32, no.1, pp.59-69, 1983-11-25

Aus Bruno's Wendung "Libertas philosophica" in dem letzte 16 Jhr. stammt die Idee "Libertas Philosophandi", welche durch Chr. Wolff in Deutschland in 18 Jhr. allgemein wurde. Sie war damals nur ein Protestidee gegen die religious Unterdrucken. Neuere Wissenschaft, vor allem Copernicanische Kosmologie war noch wegen der Ubertretung der Bibel der Gegenstand der Unterdrdcken durch Romkirche. Nach die Galileos Verteidigung ihrer Theorie erleidet die Kondemnation in Rom in 1616, zuerst rechtfertigte sich Tommasso Gampanella theoretisch "Libertas philosophandi" in Apologia pro Galileo. Unsere Schrift analysiert den historischen Prozess der Gestaltung deren Idee seit dem letzte 16 Jhr..
大山 明彦
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.50, no.1, pp.75-90, 2001-10-15

The intention of this study is to reconstruct the designs of 16 sorts of textiles in the Shoso-in whose techniques are various such as twill weave silk, brocade, and painting in colors, on the basis of close investigation. In the course of this research, some inportant points are clarified. For instance, it is clarified that the coloring of Bakufu-Saieno- Hanpi jacket corresponds to a typical Ungen coloring of the Japanese Nara era.
北村 陽英 加藤 綾子
奈良教育大学紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05472407)
vol.56, no.2, pp.21-28, 2007-10-31

Among the cases under guidance for social withdrawal by the public health centers, 45% are said to have a history of past school non-attendance, and 31%, an academic standing of high school dropout. These figures imply the existence of many subjects with a history of extended non-attendance in high school, subsequent transfer or dropping out, culminating in eventual social withdrawal. To determine the process such students follow leading to social withdrawal, 116 cases of school non-attendance or dropouts with tendencies of social withdrawal among 17,211 high school students in 2004 were followed through reports from the‘yogo' or school healthcare teachers starting from when such students were attending school through August 2005. School non-attendance had been noted before entering high school in 20%, during the 1st year of high school in 51%, and the 2nd year of high school in 19%. Transfers and dropping out were most prominent in the 1st and 2nd years of high school, with the number of cases of school non-attendance, transfers, and dropouts falling in the 3rd (final) year of high school. This was taken to indicate that most such students appeared to have dropped or transferred out in the first two years of high school, with few remaining in school into the 3rd year. Interpersonal relationships were cited as the reason for school non-attendance by many, followed by familial circumstances of absence of caregivers in 33%, and excessive pressure from family in 21%. Diagnoses were established in only seven cases, but eating disorder, depression, and wrist cutting being noted at relatively high frequencies. In the first five months of 2005, 31% had dropped out, 21% had transferred, 22% were under treatment, 23% appeared to be heading toward recovery, and 4% had become fully reinstated in school. Although the course of students following transfer is unknown, given that the dropouts had for most part been non-attendant students in high school with a tendency of withdrawal, the course and prognosis of high school non-attendant students tending towards withdrawal cannot be considered good. Among the various types of school non-attendance, the apathetic non-attendance type is believed to be at high risk of non-attendance in high school, leading on to dropping out, and subsequent withdrawal from society and holing up within the home.
三原 和子 北村 陽英
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.50, no.1, pp.97-111, 2001-10-15

Right after World War II , the General Headquarters (GHQ) of the allied forces occupation conducted a drastic reform of the Japanese education systenr. As part of this reform, 8 Institutes for Educational Leadership (IFEL) were held for 9.374 educators from 4 October 1948 to 28 March 1952. The Civil Information and Education Section (CIE) of the GHQ had expressed sharp criticism of past Japanese school education in the Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan (United States Government Printing Office,1946). In that report it stated that "Instruction in health appcars to be seriously lacking in the elementary school. There is practically no teaching either of physiology or of hygiene"--a scrious omission. Three IFEL sessions on school nursing were held, in which 84 school nursing teachers participated. How these courses and workshops on school nursing functioned was not known up to now, and there have been no major research reports about the IFEL school nursing program. We recently fotrnd mineographed copies of Study Reports issued by the Institute for Educational Leadership's 5th Session, XXⅢ School Nursing, edited by the IFEL in 1950 - 1951, which we have analyzed. It closely resembles the content of today's Japanese school nursing teacher's duties. Today's Japanese school nursing teacher system is considered to be better than the systen used in the USA and that the School Education Law should be revised so that in school affairs the school nursing teacher should have charge not only of school nursing but of health education as well.
安田 寛
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.55, no.1, pp.129-133, 2006-10

It is put outside the concern that the Imperial court poets held the school songs under their control. They were the conservative people who tried to defend the tradition of Japanese tanka poetry from the influence of the Christian hymns. The words of school song has been discussed from the perspective of cultivating of moral nature of the child, cultivating his nationality and patriotism. The point of view to maintain the tradition of Japanese tanka poetry in the school songs was missing. From the point of view that the school songs was missing. From the point of view that the school son was born of the conflict with the anti-Christian power to deny the Christianity, which had brought by a Japanese mission, this new perspective becomes important. From the 10th year of Meiji, the school song was made by the various organizations, the Tokyo Women' s Normal school, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Ministry of Education. The Imperial court poets were concerned with the song production of these organizations, and they worked as a songwriter. They did an important function with Ceremony songs for the National holidays, which were decided by law in the 26th year of Meiji.
天平雲 : 奈良教育大学学生広報
vol.203, 2011-10-28

第62回輝甍祭~祭大級のイッサイガッサイ輝甍祭/本学が当番校となり、大会を開催しました!/連載企画 寮生インタビュー/イベント情報/お知らせ
豊田 弘司 大賀 香織 岡村 季光
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.56, no.1, pp.41-45, 2007-10

The Japanese word, Ibasyo(the comfortable place)is an idiosyncratic word in Japanese culture,and has various definitions . Generally, the word, Ibasyo has been defined as meaning the space(e.g. my room), the time(e.g. after dinner)and the person(e.g. my mother)that ease your mind(or "make you content" ). Especially the person who eases your mind, or with whom one feels comfortable(or content), such as "myself" , "mother" , "friend" and so on, is the most critical factor for determining one' s interpersonal emotion, adaptation and satisfaction with daily life. The present study was carried out to examine the influence of the two factors, namely the person who eases your mind and emotional intelligence on loneliness. Participants were Japanese undergraduate students. They were asked to choose one of alternatives(e.g. myself, mother, friend, etc.)to answer the question "Who is the person that eases your mind?". They were then asked to rate items from scales corresponding to emotional intelligence(J-ESCQ; Toyota et al., 2005)and loneliness(J-UCLA; Moroi, 1985). J-ESCQ consisited of three subscales,(1)perceiving and understanding emotion(PU; e.g. "I notice when somebody feels down." ):(2) expressing and labelling emotion(EL; e.g. "I am able to express my emotions well." ): and(3)managing and regulating emotion(MR; e.g. "I try to keep up a good mood." ). Multiple regression analysis indicated that two factors, Ibasyo( "myself" vs. "mother" and "friend" )and emotional intelligence(EL and MR)explained 24% of loneliness. For the participants who have higher scores of emotional intelligence, the effect of Ibasyo( "myself" "mother" and "friend" )on lonliness was not observed, whereas for those who have lower scores of emotional intelligence, the effect of it was apparent. These results are interpreted as showing the importance of emotional intelligence to facilitate the adaptation in daily life.
上村 盛人
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.28, no.1, pp.35-53, 1979-11-15

Tennyson had been greatly interested in the legends of King Arthur since his boyhood, because he had always felt the "passion of the past" even from a boy. However, when he wrote "Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere," the first treating of Arthurian theme, he had probably no intention of enlarging it into a longer poem. The germ of Idylls of the King was "Morte d'Arthur" started in 1833. and the final complete edition of the Idylls was published in 1888. Thus for more than fifty years Tennyson had been engaged in completing the work. Yet, his version of the Arthurian legends is quite uniquely his own since he seems to have inserted his own ambiguous and rather pessimistic vision towards the Victorian society into the framework of the Arthurian story. In 1872 Swinburne harshly attacked Tennyson's Idylls in his critical pamphlet, "Under the Microscope." According to Swinburne, "the moral tone of the Arthurian story has been lowered and degraded by Mr.Tennyson's mode of treatment." Swinburne had found in the legends of King Arthur "something almost of Hellenic dignity and significance" just like Aeschylus' Oresteian tragedy. Tennyson degraded the original noble story, Swinburne said, by making Arthur into a "wittol", Guenevere into a "woman of intrigue", Launcelot into a "co-espondent", and Vivien into "the most base and repulsive person". Swinburne regarded Tennyson's representation of Tristram and Iseult as an outrageous fiction which was "perilously akin to lying." Tennyson and Swinburne are seemingly contrastive and antagonistic. In the skilful management of poetical technique, however, both poets were equally excellent as "word-musician." And the two poets had almost the same view of the "changing world of changeless law." Living in such a world of changeless change, both poets sought for something changeless and everlasting. Tennyson found it in the "principle of immortal Love" as is embodied by King Arthur himself in the Idylls. However, as the last book of the Idylls implies, Tennyson's faith in "immortal Love" was rather precarious, living as he was in the transitional Victorian era. On the other hand, Swinburne who was one of the leading advocates of "art for art's sake" thought that only the great work done by the great artist was immortal. Strongly opposed to Tennyson's degradation of the legendary story, Swinburne, true to "the dear old story," produced his own version and published it as Tristram of Lyonesse in 1882, though in Swinburne's poem Wagnerian 'Liebestod'and the existence of Fate were idiosyncratically emphasized. It was somewhat ironical that Tennyson, a conservative poet as a spokesman of the Victorian society, was rather radical in his interpretation of the Arthurian story and that Swinburne, a radical aesthete, was rather conservative in his treatment of the story of King Arthur. Tennyson stressed the Christian element of the legends, implying his own ambiguous sentiment towards his own society at the same time, while Swinburne emphasized the tragic element with characteristically Swinburnian touch.
佐野 誠
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.61, no.1, pp.101-107, 2012-11

The purpose of this paper is to critically consider Georg Jellinek's views on the origin of human rights. Main points proposed in his writing The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens (1895) are as follows: the first is that the legal historical origin of codifying human rights does not lie in the French Declaration of 1789, but in the Virginia Bill of Rights of 1776. The second is that the model of the French Declaration is not Rousseau's The Social Contract of 1762, but the bills of rights of American states enacted in and after 1776. The third is that the historical source of the American bills of rights, including the Virginia Bill of Rights, consists in Protestants' struggles for freedom of religion in the days of North American colonies, especially in the English Protestant theologian, Roger Williams' contributions to it. I particularly would like to deal with the second and third points and propose some objections against them. Plainly speaking, it is emphasized that Rousseau's The Social Contract had a certain influence on the French Declaration, freedom of religion stipulated in American bills of rights was nothing but that for Protestants, and the influence of Williams on the codification of human rights was not so great as that of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.本稿は、G・イェリネクの『人および市民の権利宣言』(1895年初版)で喚起された人権の起源をめぐる問題に1つの決着をつけることを目的とする。イェリネクの主要論点は以下の3つである。第1は、人権の成文法化の法史的起源は、フランスの「人および市民の権利宣言」(「人権宣言」1789年)にあるのではなく、ヴァージニアの「権利の章典」(1776年)にあること、第2は、フランスの「人権宣言」のモデルは、当時の通説であったルソーの『社会契約論』(1762年)にあるのではなく、ヴァージニアの「権利の章典」を含む、アメリカ諸州の「権利の章典」にあること、第3は、このアメリカ諸州の「権利の章典」の歴史的源泉は、北アメリカのイギリス植民地時代におけるプロテスタントの「信教の自由」獲得のための闘争、とりわけ政教分離主義者ロジャー・ウィリアムズの思想と行動にあることである。本稿は、これら3つの論点に対する筆者の見解を述べたものであり、イェリネクの意に反し、(1)ルソーの『社会契約論』がフランスの「人権宣言」に一定の影響力を与えたことは間違いなく、彼のルソー観は一面的にすぎること、(2)1776年6月以降、アメリカ諸州に自由権を含む「権利の章典」が制定されていくが、その実態は、自由の享受にはほど遠く、北部では神権政治、南部では国家教会制の形態が取られていたこと、しかも(3)「信教の自由」の享受者は、アメリカ諸州の全人民ではなく、キリスト教信仰者、特にプロテスタントに限定されていたこと、(4)ロジャー・ウィリアムズの思想とアメリカ諸州における「権利の章典」制定との直接的な歴史的関係は存在しないこと等が強調される。普遍的、中立的意味での「信教の自由」の法史的起源は、ジェームズ・マディソンが起草したアメリカ合衆国憲法修正10箇条における第1条(1791年)にあるが、この制定過程の詳細な検討は今後の課題として残された。本研究は、平成21~23年度科研費(基盤研究(C))(課題番号:21530010)の助成を受けたものである。
板橋 孝幸 岩本 廣美 河本 大地
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.67, no.1, pp.1-15, 2018-11-30

This paper studies local learning activities in school education in remote rural areas and clarify their problems and possibilities. A case study was conducted in Kunigami Village and Ogimi Village located on northern part of Okinawa Island, Japan. Both villages have totally different approaches to local learning, which is affected by differences in local education systems.
梶尾 悠史
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.67, no.1, pp.105-115, 2018-11-30

This paper examines the validity of the theory of values clarification (VC) from a philosophical perspective. The first two chapters present some ethical stances of VC such as “emotivism” and “virtue ethics,” and compare this theory with Kohlberg’s cognitive development theory, which accepts “autonomism” as its moral, philosophical standpoint. The next two chapters discuss the inseparable relationship between emotion and reason in moral judgment by considering Hume’s discussion in A Treatise of Human Nature. The last chapter emphasizes the importance of linguistic activities as indispensable elements in the valuing process, and presents a more persuasive model of the theory of VC.
中谷 いずみ

千成 俊夫
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.33, no.1, pp.87-107, 1984-11-26

Contmporary society is changing fundamentally and rapidly. We feel it is changing so fundamentally and rapidly that we have difficulty fitting ourselves into the present and projecting ourselves into the future. We, as educators, take on a responsibility that make children grow up in all aspects and help them live in the future. For the sake of fulfilling our such responsibility, it is always important for educators to be aware of international recent developments and trends in education. From the beginning of public school education to the present, Japanese music education has been owed the United States of America a great many things. Especially after World War II, we have to say its influence is very prominent. It may be said that the contemporary period of music education in the United States have begun in 1957. In that year the Ford Foundation began to explore the relationship of the arts and American society. The Music Educators National Conferrenc submitted a proposal to the Ford Foundation that a project about curricula innovation of music education, named the Contemporary Music Project for Creativity in Music Education be inaugurated. In 1963 the Ford Foundation accepted the proposal, and since then until today various projects have been started. There are various differences between music education in America and Japan, and therefore it is difficult to make many problems which have been taking place one after another in American music education clear. But we will be able to get many important informations from the movements of music curricula innovation in the United States. Curriculum is the structure and sequence of learning experiences in formalized instructional settings. Its immediate problem is the quality, content, and organization of in school learning experiences. We, as music teachers, have to arrange curricular experiences in music. We manage instruction and manipulate the learning enviroment for optimum achievement of predefined objectives. The intent of this study is to give essential suggestions which help us make better music education curriculum in Japan of today. The study divides into three parts. Part one, this treatise, presents an overview of the music curricula innovation movements of the United States concerning the period from the 1960s to the present. Part two, the next treatise, explores the contents and teaching methods of music education being related to the music curricula innovations. As the results of two prestudies Part three, the final treatise, will present the concrete suggestion for building music instructional programs.
千成 俊夫
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.34, no.1, pp.125-143, 1985-11-25

The National Executive Board of Music Educators National Conference adopted the following goals for MENC at its July meeting in 1984. 1. By 1990, every student, K-12, shall have access to music instruction in school. 2. By 1990, every high school require at least one Carnegie unit of credit in the arts for graduation. 3. By 1990, every college and University shall require at least one Carnegie unit of credit in the arts for admission. MENC President Paul R. Lehman commented that, "I believed that these goals are reasonable and, in most schools, achievable." He called the first goal "the essence of MENC's agenda" and vowed that MENC would pursue that objective vigorously and persitently. "We can take advantage of the nations current enthusiasm for excellence to make dramatic progress toward these goals," he said, but warned that the goals impose special responsibilities on music educators. As is generally known, the Crisis in Music Education in the United States happened in 1981. For the sake of the federal government budget cuts signed into law by President Regan in the August, hundreds of music education position have been eliminated. The cuts affected school budgets and when school budgets are cut, music program and personnel used to be often one of the first to be proposed for curtailment or elimination. In the preceding treatise, an overview of the music curricula innovation movements of the United States was presented. As the conclusion of the study, writer could condense the basic idea of the music curricula innovation movements to such slogan "Music for every child, every child for music." In this treatise, concerning the realization of the slogan, this writer tried to explain the American music educators activities and endeavors under the previously stated crisis in music education. Second, in addition, the ideas and methods which have been supporting American music educators were examined. To put it concretely, the ideas and methods are embodied in the so-called Comprehensive music program and General music program. We can say the both, CMP and GMP, are the products of the Curriculum Innovations of Music Education in the United States of America.
川那部 和恵
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.57, no.1, pp.191-198, 2008-10

Nous conservons quelques centaines de textes du theatre profane qui ont ete ecrits et joues en France a la fin du Moyen Age et au deut de la Renaissance. Un si grand nombre de survivances erites peuvent teoigner que ce genre etait alors tres florissant et qu'il convenait fort aux exigences de son epoque. Mais comme c'est souvent le cas dans l'histoire, un genre qui a connu une grande vogue sociale perd sa raison d'etre, une fois son temps passe. Et de fait, depuis le milieu du XVIe siecle, la representation du theatre profane comme sa redaction commencent a devenir de moins en moins actives et ne tardent pas a disparaltre du devant de la scene historique. Il n'a pu suivre les courants du temps nouveau qui allait se modernisant, en pleine Renaissance; ce qui est a l'origine de sa disparition. C'est ainsi une tache importante de replacer ce genre dans le contexte historique pour mettre en lumiere la situation concrete dans laquelle il etait en pleine prosperite. Dans cet article, nous allons donner une vue d'ensemble des circonstances de representation, a cette epoque, du theatre profane, en faisant le point respectivement de l'occasion et du lieu de representation, de l'acteur, de l'auteur et du public, apres avoir passe l'etat actuel des etudes.
川那部 和恵
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.53, no.1, pp.97-106, 2004-10-29

On voit dans la fleur de la nature des aspects contradictoires : sa vie est ephemere, mais en même temps eterneile car, avec le retour du printemps, elle bourgeonne et eclore chaque annee pour toujours. Liee au monde naturel par sa fragilite, et au surnaturel par son eternite, I'image de Ia fleur concerne deux espaces radicalement opposes, l'un profane et l'autre sacre. Arnoul Greban et Zeami, pour l'un Ia fleur s'identifie a l'amour de Dieu(espace sacre), et pour l'autre, a la beaute artistique de l'acteur (space profane), ont tous deux essaye, chacun renvoyant son regard vers l'autre espace, d'etablir les relations paisibles et harmonieuses entre ces deux espaces, evoques dans leurs fleurs respectives. Dans le Mvstere de la Fassion, la fleur designant la Sainte Famille- Dieu Ie Pere, Marie et Jesus- est situee dans la Nativite. L'Incarnation suggere le mariage de Dieu avec la femme humaine ainsi que l'idee de "Dieu et homme" de leur Fils, dont la mission est de reconcilier Dieu avec l'homme par sa Redemption. Tout ceci concourt a representer l'image unificatrice entre Ie Ciel et la Terre. La fieur des Traites, a laquelle doit viser l'acteur, peut se traduire par trois phases variees suivant les periodes de la redaction. A la premiere periode, la fleur tient a la beaute exterieure dependant de l'art corporel, tandis qu'elle cherche a s'eiever a la seconde periode a un milieu transcendant de vide par l'interiorisation du mouvement, On y observe donc le passage du profane au sacre. Mais a la derniere periode, au bout du depassement, cette fleur revient a sa premiere etape. Ainsi revolue, la fleur de Zeami, ou se rejoignent maintenant le sacre et 1e profane, finit par rencontrer celle de Greban. Malgre la difference de processus, les deux auteurs, fondes sur le même regard extra-frontiere, ont une même vision d'harmoniser ies deux mondes opposes, et l'ont realisee dans l'image ambivalente de la fleur, soit par l'intervention de Ia grace divine, soit par la quate de la beaute artistique.
天平雲 : 奈良教育大学学生広報
vol.210, 2013-07-31

春季リーグ優勝・昇格おめでとう!!~女子バレーボール部~/学生企画活動支援事業採択決定!/連載企画 下宿生インタビュー/イベント情報/お知らせ
高野 真澄
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.25, no.1, pp.p79-100, 1976-12

2゜Le developpement des partis politiques. III Les formes des deviations -La democratisation du regime representatif- 1゜《 Le gouvernement semi - representatif 》dans la vie politique 2゜ Le gouvernement representatif dualiste. La reforme du 6 novembre 1962 -L'election du President par le suffrage universel direct 3゜ Le gouvernement semi - direct La nation institue des representants, il y a donc des assemblees, mais sur les questions les plus importantes, et notamment en matiere legislative, le peuple se reserve le pouvoir de decision. Applications du referendum: (1) Le referendum constitutionnel (2) En matiere de lois ordinaires. Conclusion