渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.61, no.1, pp.109-119, 2012-11-30

Over 190 animal species are designated as the national monument by the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties. The "deer of Nara" have a very peculiar characteristic among them. It is difficult to specify which "sika" deer belong to the deer of Nara because the Cultural Properties Protection Committee (the Agency for Cultural Affairs since 1968) defines them ambiguously. The deer of Nara, Cervus nippon (species name), living from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the South, are found mainly in Nara Park in the city of Nara. The deer of Nara are defined simply as "sika" deer (1) living in and around Nara Park and (2) being tame. Yet, both "around Nara Park" and "being tame" are ambiguous terms, whose specification varies from person to person. This article confirms that the way to specify the deer of Nara has been ambiguous since they were designated as national monument under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (1957). Then, it shows how the ambiguity of the provisions has brought about various confusions and problems among local people and clarified the reasons why their content has become ambiguous. Finally, the author proposes how new provisions should be framed from the position that they must be clearly articulated.
天平雲 : 奈良教育大学学生広報
vol.202, 2011-07-29

男女ハンドボール部春季リーグ戦優勝!!/連載 寮生インタビュー/学生企画活動支援事業採択プロジェクト決定/イベント情報/お知らせ
玉村 公二彦 佐藤 和美
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.55, no.1, pp.87-99, 2006-10

This paper aims to show and examine the Korean Disability Discrimination Bill which has been discussed both in disability groups and in Korean Government. The purpose of the bill is to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities and to protect their Rights. Although Korean approach for tackling the disability discrimination has been based on the Social Welfare Act for People with Disabilities, disability groups have recognized the weakness of the approach in comparison with the international trend of disability discrimination law. The Disability Discrimination Acts Solidarity in Korea(DDASK), which is pan-association of Korean PWD groups, was formed on April 2003. PWD groups in Korea have continuously acted and had a draft of disability discrimination legislation. In response to activities by DDASK, the government planed to propose the disability discrimination bill of version which has been prepared in the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The draft by the Ministry of Health and Welfare consisted of 50 articles. As the result of the government decision, the Health and Welfare vice minister announced the Korean government officially decided that Disability Discrimination legislation would be included in the processing discrimination law of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea.
北村 直也 松川 利広
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. 奈良教育大学 編 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.62, no.1, pp.159-166, 2013-11

Schools have been working on operetta performances as an interdisciplinary and comprehensive educational activity to develop the general personalities of children, who take part in the activity enthusiastically to express themselves through performances. We have studied where this energy comes from, and interactions among children as well as between teachers and children from the perspective of caring, taking account of characteristics of expression in operetta performances. The study has shed light on a change in the "caring relationships" among children as well as between children and teachers built up through the expression of operetta that involved self-orientation and other-orientation in the activity, "self-expression" , and the roles and functions of these aspects.
瓜生 淑子

ならやま : 奈良教育大学広報誌
vol.39, 2012-03-19

特集 教育実習の日々~附属中学校編~/羅針盤~奈良教育大学の取り組み~学び、考え、動く「なっきょん食育塾」/NEWS~大学の最新ニュースを紹介 改組後の初年次教育~平成24年4月 新たな教員養成課程のスタート~/ラボ・レター ~研究室紹介~:分析化学 堀田弘樹 研究室/クローズアップ ~教員研究紹介~世界遺産を切り口とした持続発展教育を展開する 中澤静男 専任講師/なっきょん's CLUB企画 奈教のひみつ ~学術情報教育研究センター図書館~/ひと・あれ・これ ~卒業生紹介~下北山村で英語教諭として教壇に立つ木村祐葵さん/留学生レポート:セントラルミシガン大学(アメリカ) 窪田裕介さん/キラリ☆奈教生 ~キャンパスで輝く学生を紹介~東市小学校を日本一の小学校に!TNPメンバーの挑戦/ブカツ魂!:男女ソフトテニス部/キャンパスニュース/奈良に息づく仲間たち:爬虫類三種/奈教生に聞きました!:奈教で得た宝物
張 海英 田渕 五十生
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.41, no.1, pp.61-73, 1992-11-25

Following China's defeat in the Opium War, foregin invasion, colonization, internal disturbances and war with Japan therw Chinese society into a state of turmoil for around 100 years, until the formation the People's Republic of China. As a result the establishment of a modern school system was delayed and illiteracy was widespread. This paper discusses the efforts which were made to solve the problem of illiteracy, paying particular attention to the ideas of Dr. Yen Yaog Chu, who became the leader of the movement for literacy. Dr. Yen, after spending time studying in the United State, began to educate Chinese labourers in France in reading and writing. At that time, World War I was raging, and around 200,000 Chinese labourers, most of whom were illiterate, were working at the war fronts. Dr. Yen selected and taught those Chinese characters most essential to everyday life, with the result that 38% of the labourers came to be able to read and write letters. From this experince, Dr.Yen began to teach people in China who had been excluded from school education. By means of this practical education, which met the needs of the Chinese society of that time, he aimed at social reorganization. In this way, his means differed from the policies of the Chinese Communist Party which tried to reform society itself. The philosophy of Dr. Yen, which links education for literacy with social reorganization, has now come to be employed in the education plans of developing countries, and is thus currently subjected to reappraisal.
小笠原 真 福地 真一郎
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.32, no.1, pp.89-105, 1983-11-25

This paper is intended to elucidate the following three points: (1) the scales of religious organizations in Japan and the position of Tenrikyo Organization in them, (2) the organizational structure of the Headquarters of Tenrikyo and settlements of revenues and expenditures for the last ten years (1971-1980) of their general accounts, (3) the relation of roots and branches or belongings in the organizational structure of Tenrikyo Churches, to analyze the structure and functions of modern Tenrikyo Organization.
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Cultural and Social Science (ISSN:05472393)
vol.68, no.1, pp.33-50, 2019-11-29

The study analyzes the profile of four young Japanese Brazilian students enrolled in a volunteer initiative for teaching Portuguese as heritage language in Sakai, Osaka prefecture. The children of Brazilian dekasegi, who came to Japan during the 1990s to work in the industrial sector, were born and raised in Japan and live in an area with low concentration of Brazilian citizens. By presenting and interpreting their identity narratives, the investigation aims to understand how identification process and perception take place within these individuals, whose usage rate and proficiency in Portuguese language are variable. The results suggest that factors such as parents' level of acculturation and the relationship with siblings and other family members have an important impact on children's sense of belonging. Research findings also indicate that this second generation of immigrants places a higher value on schooling and education, frequently included in their plans for the future, and reveals an internationalist inclination characteristic of a culturally hybrid profile.
後藤 誠也 高森 裕子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.43, no.1, pp.119-134, 1994-11-25

The discussion of sexuality education has been the most controversial issue since 1990. The revision of the Course of Study has led to teach sexuality in the subjects of natural science and health education. There are many problems to solve what should be the content of sexuality education, how to teach and what extent we are supposed to teach to. Teaching sexual intercourse, as a matter of course, is the most embarrassing question for every teachers in primary schools. Now in Japan, sex-educationists' views of teaching of sexual intercourse are divided into two groups. Both groups agree that sexuality education is not only illustrating genitals and teaching their function, but respectively showing their own ideas about content and the way how to teach that. One group insists that they need not teach genitals because the mere teaching of genitals could not be sexuality education, while the others assert that without to teach genitals they could not give the true recognition of sexuality. According to those separate standpoints, the former asserts that we should not include the sexual intercourse in sexuality education, but the latter asserts that we must include the sexual intercourse as the essential item of sexuality education. Here we take the stand of the latter opinion. In the case of primary school children, we might sometimes feel embarrassed in teaching the sexual intercourse, but considering the circumstance around children, the harmful effects were instilled by mass media, of which we are afraid they can often be inadequate or unnecessary sorts of imformation. So we should throw a new light on the sex or sexuality and lead children to the right direction. We inquired into the prevailing state in primary schools in Nara Prefecture about the sexuality education (their teaching plans, method and content etc.). We knew the following facts. In 90% or more of schools inquired sexuality education is under way, and they refer to the teaching of sexual intercourse, 36% of the whole schools actually introduced it into their class, and 37% think about translating their plans into practice at an early stage. The teachers of such schools have tried to answer to childrens' questions correctly. However there are many ptoblems awaiting solution with our efforts. We have to press for the sexuality education including the item of sexual intercourse as the key matters. For that purpose we must research many problems; such as teachers' concern about sexuality, the decision upon more specified content of sexuality education, increasing the opportunity of teachers in-service training, the development of teaching materials or tools, the negotiation with parents about sexuality education, and all that.
日高 佳紀 西川 貴子 増田 周子 天野 知幸 大原 祐治 疋田 雅昭 吉川 仁子 浦西 和彦 浅岡 邦雄

玉瀬 耕治 相原 和雄
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.54, no.1, pp.49-61, 2005-10-31

Using a multi-dimensional Amae scale developed by Tamase and Aihara (2004), the relationships between interdependent Amae and sympathy, and distorted Amae and narcissism were explored. Seventy male undergraduates and a hundred and thirty-seven female undergraduates served as the subjects. They were instructed to rate each item of the four Likert-type rating scales: the multi-dimensionl Mmae scale, the sympathy scale (Uchida & Kitayama, 2001), the trust scale (Amagai, 1995), and the narcissism scale (Okada, 1999). As expected, it was found that (a) there was a significant correlation between interdependent Amae and sympathy (γ=.53), and also (b) there was a significant correlation between distorted Amae and narcissism (γ=50). Multiple regression analyses revealed that sympathy was relatively well explained by interdependent Amae (β=.49), while the egocentrism factor in narcissism was well explained by distorted Amae (β=.53). These results were discussed in line with Doi's Amae theory and multicultural perspective.
松元 忠士
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-15, 1982-11-25

Die mittelalterlichen Universitat Paris entstand allmahlich seit Ende des 12 Jhs. Als Einheit generale studium und universitas magistrorum. In der neuen Universitat wurde die wissenschaftlichen Methode und Philosophien, besonders Aristoteles zum Fundament und die Reform in der Artist-fakultat gefordert. Aber stand die immer mehr unter dem Schutz und der Aufsicht der katholische Kilche, und zwar noch wurde keine Prinzip der Wissenschaftsfreiheits gekannt. In dieser Arbeit wird es uber die Grenzen der Wissenschaftsfreiheit durch Reflektionen der Hochschulpolitik und der Wissenschaftskontrole untersucht, den die Kilche im 13 Jahrhundert getrieben hatte, und am Ende, uber den Sinn der Verdammungsfall von 1277 und die Niederlagesursachen der rationalistische Philosophic erlautert.
堀田 千絵 加藤 久恵 多鹿 秀継 十一 元三 八田 武志

東村 隆子
奈良教育大学紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05472407)
vol.38, no.2, pp.7-20, 1989-11-25

lt was investigated in two species of dandelion. Taraxacum japonicum and T. officinale, how the elongatoin of scapes (flowering stalks) was correlated with the growth of fruits, seeds and embryos. The effect of some growth substances on the elongation of scapes was also studied by measuring the growth rate of excised segments in the solutions including various combinations of those substances. 1) The elongation of scapes shows a double-sigmoid curve and is somewhat different between two species. The early rapid elongation of scapes continues until the end of the flowering stage in T. japonicum, while it stops one day after flowering in T. officinale. The later rapid elongation starts just at begining of the ascending stage in the former species but during the prostrating stage in the latter. 2) The elongation of scapes is apparently correlated with the growth of embryos; the elongation of scapes is suspended during the rapid growth of embryos and recovered at the stage when the embryo reaches approximately 80% of full size (length). 3) The fruits grow in accordance with the enlargement of embryos in T. japonicum, while they grow almost to full size before the embryo begings a rapid growth in T. officinale. This seems to be correlated with the difference of reproduction; usual sexual reproduction in the former and asexual reproduction (apomixis) in the latter. 4) The solution including only auxin or gibberellin promotes the elongation of excised segmerits of the scapes in the budding and prostrating stages, while the solution including both auxin and gibberellin does in the later stage of flowering, This suggests the elongation is affected by the physiological age (length) of epidermal cells of scapes as well as by the amount of internal auxin.
高橋 豪仁
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.51, no.1, pp.99-108, 2002-10

How have the narratives about high-school baseball been generated? It is assumed that Tobita Suisyu (1886-1986) is an important person to answer the question because of his career. He was famous for his "Senbon Nokku" when he was the first coach of the baseball club of Waseda University, and he had been writing about student baseball for 40 years as a journalist. That is why he has been called the Father of Student Baseball. The purpose of this study is to clarify his principles about baseball by studying the contents of his selected masterpieces. As a result we found the following principles of his baseball philosophy: vengeance, unselfishness, moral cultivation, hard training based on the code of the samurai, amateurism, communal spirit, Yakyu-dou as religious belief, spirit of fortitude and manliness, frugal life, carelessness about appearance and so on. When we classify the media of sport by the scale of hotness and coolness, the hottest media are printing ones and the coolest media are sport events that are the actual sport plays in stadiums. TVs and radios are located midway between them. According to this scheme, it can be said that Tobita's narratives had been spread through the hot media such as newspapers and magazines. Though all of his narratives do not exist as ideology of the student of baseball, some of them are still alive nowadays. Some narratives are deposited in people's mind, and those narratives are reinforced when people see the "events" based on the existing narratives in their mind. It may be suggested that the narratives of sport are generated through circulation between "narratives" and "events.
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.61, no.1, pp.183-190, 2012-11

This paper presents a discourse analytical study of interlanguage pragmatics regarding the politeness strategies used in three elicited business emails by an advanced non-native English speaker (NNES), and evaluates them according to politeness theory as developed from Brown and Levinson (1987). First, the paper outlines politeness theory and the notion of face-threatening acts (FTAs). Then, it profiles and summarizes extant research into the three face-threating illocutionary acts studied - requests, apologies, and refusals - as well as contemporary research into the English, Japanese, and interlanguage pragmatics of politeness in writing, focusing on emails and business contexts. The participants, experimental setting, and results of the current study are then described, with the participant responding by email to three role-play vignettes, and her responses compared to a native speaker (NS) control. The three research questions posed in this study are: whether the participant would show more Negative Politeness (Brown and Levinson, 1987) than the NS control; whether the participant would show greater politeness overall than the control; and whether the participant can be said to conform to English-language pragmatic norms for each of the three illocutionary acts performed. Only the last of these questions was answered partially negative; overall, however, the advanced level of the learner's English pragmatic competence was confirmed. Although limited by its small scale and other factors, this study suggests that Brown and Levinson' s (1987) politeness theory retains validity, and indicates possible directions for further studies into the pragmatics of NNES emails.これは、ポライトネスストラテジーに関する言語間の語用論の調査で、ある上級ノンネイティヴ英語話者の3つのビジネスメールを用いたものである。考察にはBrown and Levinson(1987)のポライトネス理論を使った。本論文ではまずFace-threatening acts(FTA)の理論の概要を述べている。次に、近年の3つのFTA発語内行為(「依頼」「謝罪」「拒否」)に関する研究、更に、ビジネスに焦点を当てたライティングにおけるポライトネスの語用論についての概要を述べている。続いて参加者、設定、現段階の研究結果が述べられている。3つのビジネスロールプレイタスクを参加者に提示し、参加者のEメールによる回答を母語話者のものと比較した。この研究で明らかにしたい3つの点は、上級ノンネイティヴの参加者が母語話者よりもネガティブポライトネスを使う傾向にあるか、上級ノンネイティヴ参加者が全体的に母語話者に比べポライトネスをより使うか、ノンネイティヴの参加者が、英語の3つの発語内行為規範に従っているのか、という点である。全体的に見て、参加者の英語における語用論的言語能力も進んでいることが明らかになった。今回は、被験者の数が少ないが、本研究はポライトネスの理論の妥当性と、今後のノンネイティヴ英語話者のEメールにける語用論研究の可能性を示唆したものであると言えよう。
内田 茂
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.34, no.1, pp.p37-42, 1985-11

Le dictionnaire francais-japonais nous indique en general que neru est equivalent au verbe se coucher, et nemuru, equivalent au verbe dormir. Dans la langue francaise, de toute evidence, se coucher et dormir signifient deux actions bien differentes au moins au sens propre, tandis que le verbe japonais neru s'emploie souvent pour signifier qu'on est dans l'etat de sommeil comme le verbe francais dormir. On pourrait dire que nous n'employons le verbe nemuru que dans le langage plutot soutenu. Ces deux verbes japonais n'equivalent donc pas toujours aux deux verbes francais. L'usage courant du japonais accepte qu'on emploie un seul mot neru pour exprimer les actions de se coucher et de dormir. Il semble que cette polysemie du mot neru provienne des verbes de l'ancien japonais neburu et inu.
no.160, 1967-01-15
