鈴木 毅彦
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.73, no.1, pp.1-25, 2000
15 11

飛騨山脈南西部の貝塩給源火道から噴出した貝塩上宝テフラ (KMT) は,大規模火砕流堆積物と中部~東北南部を覆った降下テフラからなる大規模テフラである.本稿ではその特性・分布・年代を示し,噴出前後に形成された地形面の編年・古地理について論じた.KMTの認定においては,黒雲母・石英・高ウラン濃度ジルコンの存在,火山ガラス・チタン磁鉄鉱の化学組成を指標とした.従来の放射年代値と房総半島上総層群中での層位から,KMTは海洋酸素同位体ステージ (MIS) 17.3~15.2に降下し,その年代は0.58~0.69Maの間と判断された. KMTは関東の狭山面・阿須山面・喜連川丘陵上位面,松本盆地の梨ノ木礫層堆積面形成後まもなく降下した.これら地形面はMIS17~16に形成されたと推定され,当時は扇状地面を広く発達させる地形形成環境があったとみられる.また, KMT噴出時,飛騨山脈中軸部がすでにかなりの高度を有していた可能性を指摘し,阿武隈山地に発達する小起伏面群の形成年代の上限を示した.
松井 豊
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.64, no.5, pp.335-342, 1993
1 5

In this study, the interrelational structure of the six love styles based on J. A. Lee's theory (1973, 1974) was analyzed, and developmental changes in the structure at distinct behavioral stages of romantic love (Matsui, 1991) were examined. One thousand and ninety-two undergraduates from six universities in the Tokyo Metropolitan area responded to a questionnaire asking about (1) their behavior and experience in romantic love, (2) love and liking scales (Rubin, 1970), and (3) love style scale developed by Matsui, Tokusa, Tachizawa, Okubo, Omae, Okamura, and Yoneda (LETS-2; 1990) based on Lee's theory. Principal component analysis and multidimensional scaling of LETS-2 scores of 738 students who had an intimate heterosexual friend indicated that their Eros, Mania, and Agape scores clustered together. Analyses of variance showed that Eros, Mania, and Agape scores increased as love developed, but the Ludus score peaked at the kissing stage, and the Storge score was high at an early stage. All the analyses suggested that the interrelational structure of the six love styles is perhaps square or triangular pyramid, and not circular as Lee hypothesized
末盛 慶
家族社会学研究 (ISSN:0916328X)
vol.13, no.2, pp.103-112, 2002
1 4

本研究では, 母親の就業が子どもに与える影響に関する諸理論と先行研究を概観した上で, 母親の就業が子どもの独立心にどのような影響を持つのかを実証的に明らかにする。本研究では, 母親の就業状態だけでなく母親の職業経歴の効果も検証し, また社会階層や母子関係を統制した上で母親の就業の効果を検証する。分析対象は, 東京都郊外地区から多段無作為抽出法でとられた長子の中学生とその母親451組である。分析の結果, 母親の就業状態によって子どもの独立心に違いはみられなかった。しかし, 母親の職業経歴によって子どもの独立心に有意な差異が生じていた。結果は, 就業継続する母親の子どもの独立心が他の群に比べ有意に高いことが示された。ここから, 母親の就業状態だけでなく母親の職業経歴を捉えることの重要性, および母親の就業継続が必ずしも子どもに対して否定的な影響を及ぼさない-むしろポジティブな影響さえ及ぼしうる-ことが明らかになった。
澤口 晋一
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.104, no.6, pp.874-894, 1995
4 8

The rates and processes of periglacial mass movement were measured on the vegetation-free debris-mantled slopes in middle reaches of Adventdalen and Reindalen in central Spitsbergen Svalbard (Fig. 1). All slopes are mainly covered with debris of sandstone and shale of Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary age (Fig. 2). A grain size analysis shows that surface layers of these slopes are composed of rubble and frost-susceptible fine materials (Fig. 5). The maximum depth of active layer varies year by year, but the average depth is estimated about 1 meter. Total 17 painted-stone lines were installed nearly horizontally on the slope surface in above 2 areas : 12 lines during the summer, 1988 and -5 during the summer, 1989 in order to detect movement rates of surface materials (Table 1). Eight pieces of flexible glass-fibre tubes (5 mm in diameter) were inserted into the ground vertically in 1988 and 1989. Furthermore measurement of year-round ground temperature and frost heave was achieved at north-facing mountain slope (700 m a.s.l.) of Mt. Skolten, using a data logger at 3-hour intervals from August, 1990 to July, 1991. Sensors were installed at 0, 5, 20, 40, 60 and 100cm in depth.<BR>Annual averages of movement rates measured by painted stone-lines are 0.6 cm to 11.2 cm (Table 1). Movement rates of surface rubble and slope gradients have roughly mutual relation (Fig. 3). Deformation of all painted stone-lines were patterns parallel to the base lines, and this occurred on every type of slope materials independently of the thickness and size of surface rubble layer (Fig. 4). The vertical velocity profiles of the excavated tubes fall into three types : straight profile keeping tilt (Fig. 6 JH-1), concave profile indicating the greatest movement at the surface (5-1, S-2, S-4, R-5) and complex (concave/convex) profile indicating relatively larger movement at depth (AD-4, S-3, R-3). The movement of the tops of all tubes averaging 3.4 cm, which similar to the average rate of movement measured by painted stones. This implies that these three types of deformation were formed by the same processes, namely frost creep and gelifluction.<BR>Only eleven diurnal freeze-thaw cycles were recorded at the ground surface on the northfacing mountain slope (19°) of Mt. Skolten from August, 1990 to July, 1991 (Fig. 7-a). Maximum and average depth of ground freezing occurred during these short-term cycles were 6.5 cm and 3.2 cm respectively. Frost heave recorded as the average 0.47 cm per 1 event, occurred from middle August to middle September, corresponding to the diurnal freeze-thaw cycles (Fig. 8). On the other hand, the heave caused by seasonal frost occurred from 21 to 27 August and the amount was 3.0cm (Fig. 8). The seasonal heave occurred untill the frost table reached less than 30cm in depth. The cumulative amount of diurnal and seasonal frost-heave is 8.7 cm. Accordingly amount of potential frost creep for the year is calculated to 2.7 cm on the 19 degrees slope. The annual average movement rate which was measured by painted stonelines at the same slope is 4.0 cm. This value is lager than the potential frost creep. Since the movement of painted stone-line resulted from a combination of frost creep and gelifluction, the value (1.3 cm) which deduct potential frost creep from movement by painted line is regarded as movement by gelifluction.<BR>An increase of thickness of surface rubble layer without interstitial fine materials is the cause of decrease of rubble movement because ice segregation do not occur in such rubble layer (Fig. 9). Especially the surface rubble attaining more than about 45 cm in thickness suddenly decrease in movement rates by the reason of the layer underlying such thick rubbles maintain the frozen conditions for all the year round.
片上 英俊
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.52, pp.51-66, 1998

Ethnographic literature on woman-marriage in patrilineal societies in eastern and southern Africa shows a lot of confusion about ethnographers' assessments of this type of marriage due to the misuse of analytical terms. This paper aims to examine the validity of two guiding concepts in the writings of woman-marriage: female husbands and the house-property complex.<br>The term female husband refers to a woman who takes on the legal and social roles of husband and father by marrying another woman in accordance with the approved rules and ceremonies of her society. There are two major types of female husband. A surrogate female husband is a woman who acts as a substitute for a male kinsman in order to provide offspring for the latter's agnatic lineage. An autonomous female husband is one who marries independently, without any reference to male kin, and who is always a pater to children born by her wife or wives.<br>The house-property complex is a system of property holding and inheritance in which all property held by a polygynous family in patrilineal societies is divided and held separately by the nuclear family, or 'house', of each wife. This institution is thought of as an important factor in practices of woman-marriage. Its distribution is from the southern Sudan through East Africa to the east of Victoria Nyanza and into the eastern part of southern Africa.<br>Problem arises if an ethnographer encounters a practice of woman-marriage in a society in which the house-property complex exists. Because both concepts which are built on different principles conflict each other in such a situation. I suggest three criterions for deciding which concept is more efficient explanation of woman-marriage in question, namely a source of bridewealth, the legitimacy of a child, and the appropriateness of the application of the term female husband.<br>A case study of woman-marriage among the Mbeere, one of the Northeastern Bantu-speaking peoples, is more cogently analyzed in terms of the house-property complex rather than the idea of female husbands in the light of those criterions. (i) There is a principle of internal segmentation of a polygynous family, in which each wife attaches much importance to keeping a single 'house'. (ii) After woman-marriage, a sonless married woman stands as mother-in-law for the young woman, and as a grandmother for the latter's child, which is clearly manifested in the modes of address and naming of a child.
正高 信男
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.4, pp.285-291, 1996
1 4

Placing the infant in a device which restrained his/her movement was a traditional custom of infant caretaking in a number of parts of the world, and is still observed in some of them. An example of such practices, swaddling, was investigated with Native Americans, the Aymara, in Bolivia, and caretaking behaviors in 24 swaddling and 18 non-swaddling families were compared. Results did not support the notion that swaddling was a form of infant neglect on the part of caretakers. Swaddling caretakers actually exhibited as strong interest in the infant as non-swaddling caretakers, and spent more money on his/her clothes. The mother spent less time for infant care in the swaddling family. However, other members of the family took more time to take care of the infant than those in the non-swaddling family. It is argued that swaddling effectively encourages non-mother family members to participate in infant caretaking, in addition to serving a potentially beneficial function to protect infants from unsafe and insanitary home environments.
王 勇華
東洋學報 (ISSN:03869067)
vol.83, no.4, pp.1-32,i-ii, 2002
中沢 哲
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.83, pp.60-75, 2000

Der Zweck dieses Aufsatzes ist Kants Methodenlehre der moralischen Erziehung zurekonstruieren, indem der Vf. Kants Denkart einer Methode der moralischen Erziehung im Zusammenhang mit der Denkart der Beziehung zwischen "dem naturlichen gesunden Verstande" und dem Begriff des guten Willens in der Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten betrachtet, urn dadurch Kants Absicht in der Methodenlehre zu klären.<BR>Die moralische Erkenntniskraft des Schülers ist die "gemeine Menschenvernunft". Kant schlagt ein "Bruchstiick eines moralischen Katechismus" als Methode der moralischen Erziehung vor (Metaphysik der Sitten). Dieser sokratische Katechismus wird aus der gemeinen Menschenvernunft im Kind entwickelt. Der Schiüler antwortet mit seinem guten Verstand. Dadurch wird der Schiüler sich "eines solchen guten und tätigen Willens" bewußt.<BR>Die gemeine Menschenvernunft ist der Ausgangspunkt der Entwicklung der Moralphilosophie in der GMS. Kant behauptet, daß der Begriff des guten Willens dem natürlichen gesunden Verstand (der gemeinen Menschenvernuft) beiwohne. Dieser Begriff ist aber bei ihm nicht klar. Kant hat ihn in der GMS geklärt. Das Urteil der gemeinen Menschenvernuft hat seinen Ursprung im Wollen des guten Willens.<BR>Das moralische Prinzip für den Lehrer, der in der moralischen Erziehung "sokratisch zu katechisieren versucht", ist die "dunkel gedachte Metaphysik", d. h. der Begriff des guten Willens. Der Schüer wird durch die moralische Erkenntnistatätigkeit sich des eigenen Wollens des guten Willens klar bewußt. Die Denkart der Beziehung zwischen "dem natürlichen gesunden Verstande" und dem Begriff des guten Willens in der <I>GMS</I> entspricht Kants Denkart in der Methodenlehre der moralischen Erziehung. Das moralische Urteil des Kindes hat seinen Ursprung im eigenen moralischen Wollen. Es ist der erste Schritt zu einer "Revolution in der Gesinnung", sich dieses Wollens bewußt zu sein.