土屋 純 伊藤 健司 海野 由里
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.75, no.10, pp.595-616, 2002-10
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愛知県の書籍小売業は1980年代後半から急激に再編成が進んでいる.1990年代における大規模小売店舗法の運用緩和の中で,郊外のロードサイドを中心として,書籍チェーンによる大型店の立地が進んでいる.そうした大型店では,CD販売やレンタル業などの兼業化が進んでおり,大きな駐車場が設置されている場合が多い.加えて,名古屋市の都心部では都心再開発の進展とともに超大型店のテナント入居も進んでいる.このような大型店の店舗展開と雑誌を取り扱うコンビニェンスストアの発展によって,商店街や住宅地内に立地する中小型店の淘汰が進んでいる.そこで,売場面積100坪 (330m<sup>2</sup>) 以上の大型書店を事例として, GIS (地理情報システム)を用いて商圏の時空間変化(日変化)を分析した.その結果,名古屋市内では21時までには多くの店舗が閉店するために大型店がカバーする商圏範囲が縮小するのに対して,それ以外の地域では大型店の商圏がくまなく地域をカバーし,深夜になっても競争が激しいことが明らかになった.さらにロードサイド店に右ける深夜営業の実態を分析したところ,レンタル業などを併設する複合店が深夜の新たな市場を開拓していることが明らかになった.
伊藤 智ゆき
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.116, pp.97-143, 1999

This paper aims to clarify the Sino-Korean accentuation in Middle Korean (MK)By "Sino-Korean", two different classes of material are understood. The first consists of the collections of Chinese characters glossed with Korean (in Hangul script), where the accent of each character is indicated by diacritical dots. The second consists of Chinese loanwords found in the texts in Korean (written entirely in Hangul), where the accent of such words is likewise indicated. The material of the first class is necessarily monosyllabic, while that of the second is often disyllabic. And these two classes show varying accentual notation even for the same character. In this paper the first class is called the SinoKorean Single Character, and the second the Sino-Korean Word.The Chinese characters belonging to the level tone in Ancient Chinese (AC) are marked as the low pitch in MK, and those belonging to the entering tone in AC are marked as the high pitch in MK. On the other hand, those belonging to the rising and departing tones in AC show a split in such a way that most of the characters belonging to the rising and departing tones in AC are marked as the rising pitch in MK (which I call the rising-departing A tone) and the rest of them as the high pitch (which I call the rising-departing B tone). The conditions which determine this split are so far unknown. This paper attempts to show these conditions.The Sino-Korean Word accentuation is the same as that of the Sino-Korean Single Character in the first syllable of a word, but differs in the second syllable in that the rising- departing A tone has the high pitch instead of the rising pitch. The Sino-Korean Words have various types of exceptions to this general tendency, while the Sino-Korean Single Characters are very regular and have few exceptions.In closing, two hypotheses are proposed: First, the Sino-Korean accentuation has the same origin as the Sino-Japanese (Kan-on) accentuation; Second, the regular correspondence between the accent of the Kyeongsang-Do dialect in Modern Korean on the one hand and the AC tones on the other suggest that MK and Modern Kyeongsang-Do dialect has the same origin as far as the Sino-Korean loanwords are concerned, namely they diverged after the Sino-Korean loanwords were introduced.
李 応寿
日本研究 : 国際日本文化研究センター紀要 (ISSN:09150900)
vol.22, pp.49-67,v, 2001

川上音二郎(一八六四~一九一一)の新派の活動については、四回にわたる洋行と、それに伴う西洋の新技法の取り入れが、広く知られている。しかし、実のところ、川上音二郎は、西洋にばかり交流を求めていたのではない。日清戦争の最中の一八九四年の一〇月、彼は玄界灘を渡り、戦場の韓半島(朝鮮半島)で取材をし、添えを自分の演劇に反映している。 『壮絶快絶日清戦争』に続く『川上音二郎戦地見聞日記』がそれで、彼は、韓半島で蒐集した資料をもとに、写実的な演技を披露し、爆発的な人気を集めた。そしてその裏には、韓国人俳優丁無南の役割も大きかった。新聞に、彼の演技を眼目にして客を呼んだと報道されたほどである。 なお、川上の韓国観は、一九一〇年の一〇月、大阪の帝国座で上演された『新国王』からうかがい知ることができる。検閲を受ける前の題目が『朝鮮王』であったこの戯曲は、マイアー・フェルスター(Wilhelm Meyer Förster)の『アルト・ハイデルベルク(Alt Heidelberg)』を翻案したもので、書き手は巌谷小波(一八七〇~一九三三)、舞台の背景は朝鮮王宮と京都、内容は、日本に留学した朝鮮の王子と日本の料理屋の下女との悲恋の恋物語である。 しかし、原作に比べ、この作品には、王子の留学目的が意図的に強調されていた。それはおそらく、時のイベントであった英親王李垠(一八九七~一九七〇)の日本留学をそのまま反映したためであり、ひいては、日頃の川上の支援者であった亡き伊藤博文に対する鎮魂の意味を持たせていたためでもあったように思われる。
宮良 信詳
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.110, pp.79-119, 1996

In this paper, a set of three extremely simple wordformation rules, dealing with compounding, prefixation, and suffixation, are proposed and related to Rendaku(R)-voicing in the Shuri dialect, which has been used as the Standard Ryukyuan dialect since the prosperous age of the Ryukyuan Dynasty.It is argued that structures derived by these wordformation rules are effective not only in the account of ambiguous interpretations of some morphologically complex words, but also in the specification of a structural constraint on R-voicing in the case of complex words in the Shuri dialect.In the present analysis, R-voicing is directly applied to word structures derived by the proposed rules:they replace the Right Branch Condition'proposed by Otsu(1980)on R-voicing in Standard Japanese, or the cyclic rule-application of R-voicing presented in Ito&Mester(1986).The proposed analysis renders unnecessary the specification of boundary symbols in the phonological representation.
都留 竜馬
哲學 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.52, pp.257-266,303, 2001

In his famous paper "Outline of a Theory of Truth, " Kripke claimed that in order to say that a theory of the liar paradox is presented, one should set up a formal language which contains its own truth predicate. In fact Kripke himself set up such a language (i. e his theory of truth). Since then, many theories of truth have been presented as theories of the liar paradox. But what relationship is there between such a formal language and the liar paradox? In this paper I explain this relation and consider problems of those theories of truth. I take up two problems. The first is the problem about proof theory, and the second is the problem of the Revenge Liar. I shall show that the problem of the Revenge Liar is extremely difficult and that the solution of this problem is hardly possible.
上島 康弘
季刊理論經濟學 (ISSN:0557109X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.78-87, 1990

In this paper, we build a two-period model which focuses on On-the-Job training and derive the effects of specific training on wage profiles and on dismissals. The main results we obtain are as follows:<br>(i) Our two period wage-employment contract dominates the familiar repetitive spot contract in the environment of restricted information.<br>(ii) In this contract, the employees are not necessarily dismissed even if a business deficit is incurred.<br>(iii) In principle, greater amounts of specific training make wage profiles steeper and restrict dismissals.
古谷野 晃
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.43, no.1, pp.40-70, 2000

The purpose of this paper aims to clarify the distributional pattern of the ancient settlements in the 'Middle Nomes' (9th-15th) in Upper Egypt from a geographical and toponymical point of view.<br>The origins of urban settlement in ancient Egypt still remain unknown. Most of the ancient settlements were buried by thick alluvial soils of the Nile, or occupied by later settlements. Therefore empirical studies for the ancient settlements remain very difficult.<br>The place-names derive from the characteristics of the past. Therefore, the toponymical study may help to classify the spatial structure of nomes. The results of this study are as follows.<br>1. 148 pre-Islamic settlements were specified in the targeted region, and the location sites of the 88 place-names could be identified. 70% of the identified place-names were of hieroglyphic origin, while 25% were of the Coptic origins, and the remainder 5% were of Greek origin.<br>2. About 29 settlements are located at the desert edges. Most of them originated from the Predynastic or the Greco-Roman eras, however the majority of them had already vanished or become smaller settlements.<br>3. Only 17 place-names may have been of Greek origin. Most of their settlements were concentrated in the Hermopolite nome where the Greeks had actively settled. From the lack of historical data it can be construed that the Greek place-names were not popular among the Egyptians; therefore their settlements did not remain in later times. Another reason for thelimited Greek origin was due to the fact that their settlements were severely damaged bythe low water level of the Nile and the desertification at later times. After the original settlements were ruined, new settlements on the reclaimed lands were never built any more.<br>4. The number of settlements of the Coptic origin reaches 30, however, most of these settlements had already vanished or become smaller.<br>5. The Nile Valley of this region is relatively widespread, so a number of settlements had developed on the flood plains, particularly in the 9th, 10th and 15th nomes.<br>6. Most of the ancient settlements that had developed in the regional centers were located on the Nile bank or on the natural levees and low mounds near the bank. However, many of the ancient settlements are not situated on the present Nile banks any more, because the river had changed its position over the years.<br>7. Few settlements in the Middle region except the 9th, 10th and 12th nomes were located on the east bank of the Nile. The settlements on the east bank were scattered intermittently, while the settlements on the west bank were distributed evenly.<br>8. The distributional pattern of the ancient settlements in the 'Middle Nomes' is lattice-like, which was based on the network of transportation and irrigation canals.<br>9. Many place names of the ancient settlements, even the Greek or the Coptic names, derived from the local deities. Names derived from geographical aspects such as geomorphological characteristics were uncommon.
山 愛美
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, pp.287-292, 1986

Forty male college students participated in a study to clarify response patterns in a continuous word association task on the assumption that response pattern may be related to one's "complex" (Jung, 1973). Each subject was asked to produce 10 "response" words to each of 17 "stimulus" words, 10 of which were "complex related" (C-words), seven of which were "neutral" (N-words). These stimulus words were selected from the set of 100 words comprising the WAT pertaining to the "complex indicator" (Jung, 1973). The results were as follows: (1) emotionally positive and negative responses were given more frequently to C-words than to N-words; (2) subjects became more emotionally unstable to C-words than to N-words; (3) the word "man" was given more often as a response to C-words than to N-words and was often the first responsfe word givens Overall, it was revealed that the continuous word association task is a useful device for investigating associative response patterns, especially the objective characteristics of them.
山極 寿一
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.33, pp.19-44, 1988
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Socio-ecological characters of gorillas in the Kahuzi and the Virunga regions were compared, in relation to environmental factors. A lower population density was estimated for Kahuzi than Virunga. A complex mosaic of primary and secondary montane forests, bamboo forest, and <i>Cyperus</i> swamp in Kahuzi provided a greater variety of gorillas' food items than the relatively simple vegetation of Virunga. Although no difference was detected in the day journey length between both areas, gorillas in Kahuzi tended to range in wider areas, feeding mainly on the leaves or bark of several species of vine, while gorillas in Virunga ranged over small areas feeding on various parts of several herb species. Seasonal food items such as bamboo shoots or fruits stimulated gorillas to shift their ranges between primary and secondary vegetation in Kahuzi. These conditions were possibly responsible for the different frequency of inter-unit encounters between the Kahuzi (low) and Virunga (high) gorillas. Ranging of the Kahuzi gorillas might be affected by the amount and distribution of food resources, while ranging of the Virunga gorillas tended to be affected by social factors at inter-unit encounters. Social structure and its maintenance mode based on female transfer between social units and on male emigration from their natal groups, were almost the same for both areas. There was no difference in group size, age-sex composition per population or per group between the Kahuzi populations and the 1959-60 Virunga population reported by Schaller (1963), but were recognized significant differences between the latter and the 1982 Virunga population. It is suggested that a reduction of National Park size and human disturbance such as cattle raising or poaching might have initiated this social change within the Virunga population in the early 1970's: The reduction of habitat brought the higher density of social units, which increased number of inter-unit encounters in several isolated areas. Inter-unit interactions stimulated male emigration or female transfer to produce lone males or newly-formed groups, and thus decreased group size. Lone males and newly-formed groups increased agonistic interactions between social units, which probably prevented maturing males from participating in violent interactions between prime adult males, and possibly has recently led them to form multi-male groups or all-male groups. Evidence of infanticide observed only in Virunga also implies that competition among male gorillas has recently increased there. These factors suggest the social and behavioral flexibility of gorillas to environmental changes in the montane forest.