池谷 和信
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.66, no.7, pp.365-382, 1993

田口 淳
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.74, no.6, pp.305-324, 2001-06-01

神田 孝治
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.53, no.5, pp.430-451, 2001
3 4

This paper examines the development process of Nanki-Shirahama Spa Resort, located in southern Wakayama Prefecture in the modern period, in terms of its association with images of other places. In this paper, an attempt is made to examine the triple relationships of "tourism", "otherness", and the "spatiality of capitalism", current concepts stemming from the "cultural turn".<br>To understand the images of other places in tourism space, such images are characterized into two dimensions and their mutual relationship is analyzed. In the first dimension, the image of the tourism space as an "other" place contrasts with images of ordinary and familiar places. In the second dimension, images of geographically remote "other" places are evoked in the imagination. Thus, tourism space becomes the site of "other" encounters. Since the modern period is an age of globalism and nationalism, images which imply a connection to distant "other" places tend to evoke desires and idyllic thoughts and contribute to national identity, and are thus more suitable as the core image of tourism space than one which merely contrasts with ordinary images. In addition, liminal place-myths are more easily formed by this core ima ge through combining a set of images in tourism space.<br>This study aims to further understand the relationship between images of other places and the material creation of tourism space. H. Lefebvre's work (1991) on the outline of space recognition in "The production of space" was therefore consulted. In short, the production of tourism space is treated as a triple dialectic of spatial practice, representation of space and space of representation. Using R. W. Butler's hypothesis (1980) of a tourist area cycle of evolution, three evolutionary stages of the modern tourism space are distinguished: exploration, involvement, and development. The relationship between the images of other places and the process of producing tourism space is considered for each stage.<br>In the Nara Period, the beginning of the exploration stage in this tourism space, Emperors visited Muro-no-onyu, which was called the Yusaki or Shirahama spa, and was counted among the three oldest Japanese hot springs after the modern term. Later, it became popular with spa and sightseeing guests from the Kishu clan in the Edo era. In the early modern period, because it could be reached by ship, explorer-type tourists came from the city. At that time, the spa, renowned for its therapeutic qualities, was called the Yusaki hot spring.<br>The involvement stage began in 1919, when the Shirahama Land Development Company built a resort. Created by Honda Seiroku, the father of the Japanese national park system, this development project was modeled after the German-created beach resort of Qingdao. The Shirahama Land Development Company utilised modern development techniques, such as digging hot springs, creating a road, cottage and park area, and constructing recreational facilities. The core "other" image of this tourism space was the whiteness of "Shira-ra-hama", a clean, white, sandy beach in Shirahama, because it contrasted with the dark images of cities caused by smoke and labor. This whiteness image evoked liminal place-myths, such as making love, curing the body and healing the mind by connecting with other whiteness images of a modern woman's skin and modern infrastructure. Because of these modern white images, many tourists experienced European and American geographical images, which evoked ideal modern culture or free love place-myths. However, these modern and occidental images also evoked images of the modernized city, the "ordinary" place, which is destructive to nature and the whiteness of the beach. Therefore, white and occidental images gradually became poor symbols of "other",
小口 千明
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.67, no.9, pp.638-654, 1994
1 1

本研究は,位置選定にかかわる日本の伝統的な吉凶判断において方位がきわめて重要視されるのに対し,距離や寸法にはあまり関心がもたれないことに着目して,日本における伝統的な空間認識の特質を寸法とのかかわりから捉えようとしたものである.<br> 沖縄県を中心として唐尺と呼ばれるものさしが存在し,このものさしを用いて,寸法による吉凶判断が行なわれている.そこで,現実の景観のなかにこのものさしに基づく吉凶の観念がどのように投影されているかを,沖縄県の波照間島と鹿児島県の与路島を事例として検討した.<br> 沖縄県の波照間島では,住居の門の幅と墓の特定部分の寸法が唐尺による吉凶判断の対象とされる.奄美の与路島では唐尺は用いられていないが,唐尺と類似の目盛りを有するさしがねが門の位置と幅を定めるための判断基準として用いられている.両島内の集落で住居の門幅を実測したところ,それぞれの地域の判断方法に基づき吉寸を示すものが高率であった.これは,寸法に対する吉凶の観念が投影された住居景観が現実に存在することを示している.ただし,両島に方位にかかわる習俗が存在しないことを意味するものではない.<br> 日本では,位置選定にかかわる吉凶判断において,空間の評価軸が方位に置かれる場合が多い.しかし,現在までのところ沖縄や奄美地方でのみ確認された例ではあるが,寸法の概念も評価軸として存在することが示された.理論的には方位も寸法もともに空間評価のための座標軸となりうるなかで,現実としてどの尺度が座標軸として選択されるかは地域によって相対的であるといえる.したがって,方位による吉凶を著しく重視した空間認識は,見方を変えれば寸法による吉凶を重視しない空間認識としてその特質を把握することが可能となる.
加藤 彰彦
家族社会学研究 (ISSN:0916328X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.111-127, 1998

伊藤 貴啓
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.66, no.6, pp.303-326, 1993

ガデレワ エミリア
日本研究 : 国際日本文化研究センター紀要 (ISSN:09150900)
vol.22, pp.11-33,iii, 2001

竹下 修子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.45, no.2, pp.55-68,179, 2000

The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the marital satisfaction of religious intermarriage couples and two aspects: the wives' adaptability to Islamic way of life and the connection with their relatives. The wives' adaptability to Islamic way of life contains her worship, Ramadan, diet and veil. The connection with their relatives includes opposition to their marriage from the wife's parents, opposition to their marriage from the husband's parents, the wife's parents' acceptability to Islamic way of life, the wife's attendance at Buddhist funerals and the wife's displeasure at her husband's aid to his relatives.<br> The data was obtained through a survey which I conducted from October to November in 1999. The subjects of the survey were 61 religious intermarriage couples (foreign Muslim and Japanese women) living in Japan.<br> According to the result of multiple regression analysis, when a wife worships 5 times a day, the couple's marital satisfaction is higher than when a wife doesn't worship. Also, when a wife always wears a veil, the couple's marital satisfaction is higher than when a wife doesn't wear a veil. Both the wives' worship and veils are connected with the husbands' marital satisfaction more than the wives'. It means that the wives' adaptability to Islamic way of life is more important to the husbands. Furthermore, when a wife feels displeasure at her husband's aid to his relatives, the couple's marital satisfaction is lowered. It means that when a wife doesn't feel displeasure at her husband's support to his relatives, she understands Islamic principle, and is considerate to her husband and her in-laws.
藤代 幸一
獨逸文學 (ISSN:03872831)
vol.78, pp.41-50, 1987

In dieser kurzen Abhandlung möchte ich, nachdem ich den Narren in den Fastnachtspielen des Nürnberger Prokurators Jakob Ayrer im Vergleich mit dem bei Hans Sachs beobachtet habe, nach des ersteren grundsätzlichem Talent für die Dichtung fragen. Zuerst muß man zu ermessen versuchen, welchen Einfluß die englischen Komödianten auf Ayrer ausübten, wobei wir die Gattung der Spiele, ohne seine Komödien und Tragödien zu berücksichtigen, ausschließlich auf die Fastnachtspiele beschränken. Im Jahre 1597 hatte Ayrer in seiner Heimatstadt Nürnberg die Gelegenheit, den Aufführungen der englischen Truppe, die von Thomas Sackeville geleitet wurde, beizuwohnen. Ayrer führte die Rolle der lustigen Person auf der deutschen Bühne ein und nannte sie Jann Posset. Es ist klar, daß der Name des Narren Jann Posset aus John Bouset herzuleiten ist, den der englische Darsteller Sackeville schuf. Was Jann Posset als Narren betrifft, so geht es in den Fastnachtspielen Ayrers um Wortspiele, Prügelszenen, die Figur des Pantoffelhelden, den Auftritt aus dem Klosett sowie um Essen und Trinken. Jann Posset muß offenbar zu dem Typus <sub>"</sub>clown" gerechnet werden.<br>Ein Narr namens Jeckel tritt in den Fastnachtspielen von Hans Sachs zweimal auf: er kann Freiheiten und Privilegien zur Genüge genießen, weil er außerhalb der sozialen Normen steht, da er keine Vernunft besitzt. Jeckel ist, wie sein Hut und Stab beweist, der von Fürsten oder dem Adel gedingte Hofnarr. Daher übernimmt Ayrer meiner Meinung nach die Rolle des Narren keinesfalls von Hans Sachs, so daß in der Tat Jann Posset mit Jeckcl nichts zu tun hat.<br>Jann Posset stellt auf der deutschen Bühne keine Nebenrolle, sondern die manchmal den Prolog seines Stückes sprechende Hauptfigur dar. Auch daß er ein geborener Bauer war und dazu sein Name aus der Eßkultur stammt, darf man nicht vergessen. Bouset war ein damals in England beliebtes Getränk. Ayrer scheint zwar die Welt das Karnevals zu entwickeln, diese wurzelte aber eigentlich tiefer noch in den Stoffen der englischen Komödianten. Die Hauptsache ist, daß Ayrer die Komik auf eine moralische Lehre, die er aus seiner alltäglichen Weltanschauung bezog, reduzierte und diese wie in folgendem Beispiel äußerte:<br>Also erfehrt mancher mit schaden, <br>Der tracht nach grossem stand und ehrn, <br>Darinn sich thut sein vnglück mehrn.<br>Ayrer meinte, ein Bauer solle ewig ein Bauer bleiben und dieser dürfe nicht nach einem andern, höhern Stand streben. Kein Zweifel, daß Ayrer nicht nur die wahre Funktion des Narren, sondern auch darüber hinaus die der Fastnacht nicht richtig verstand. Wenn er den Nutzen der Narrheit erkannt und seinen Blick auf die Ambivalent des Narren gerichtet hätte, hätte er durch den Narren die verkehrte Welt, die für die Fastnacht sehr bezeichnend ist, verwirklichen und darstellen können.<br>Seine einzige Methode ist die der Nachahmung, da er keine eigene Sprache besitzt. In diesem Sinne hat G. Höfer recht: <sub>"</sub>Ayrer hat keine Sprache. An Stelle eines Sprachausdrucks steht bei ihm der bloße dürre Bericht." Mit juristischen Augen steht er alles an, was um ihn herum vorgeht. Von Haus aus fehlte es Ayrer an Auffassungsvermögen, vor allem an Talent für die Dichtung überhaupt. Ayrer hatte zudem keinen einzigen Nachfolger, so daß mit ihm das Fastnachtspiel dem Ende zugehen mußte.
岸 政彦
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.41, no.2, pp.37-53,138, 1996

The purpose of this paper is to argue how labeling and learning of a social agent are generated and function within the situation of interaction. The agents inevitably participate in the given communities in which diverse interactions occur, and every interaction is a kind of game including specific interest and honor rather than a mere interchange of symbols. We must acquire practical knowledge and skill in order to carry out the game.<br> To acquire the practical knowledge and skill is to acquire the matrix of activity and cognition that mediates between several action and social order. Every social activity has its specific function by which each agent is related to the broader social structure and its reproduction. More precisely, as J. Lave pointed out, through the process of participation in on-going collective practice in which a learner gradually becomes an expert, the specific modes of representation and activity are to be reproduced. Therefore we can place the process of learning in the very center of the process of reproduction of social order. Furthermore, labeling process is the most important factor on the process of learning and perticipation in a given community. Labeling functions as a "screening" and a phisical enviroment of learning.<br> I worked as a construction laborer for two months to observe practical learning and "how to become and live as a manual worker". I will examine the structure and distribution of work, the task and problem a worker must solve, the practical and flexible ways of instruction, and the process of labeling.
小林 一枝
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.39, no.1, pp.127-148, 1996

The purpose of this paper is to examine the inconsistency between the story of <i>Sindbad the Sailor and the illustration of the Old Man of the Sea</i>. This miniature, which is supposed to depict <i>the Old Man of the Sea and Sindbad the Sallor</i>, does not belong to the manuscript on the so-called &ldquo;The Arabian Nights (Alf Layla wa-Layla)&rdquo;, but is an astrological work by Ab&uuml; M&acirc;'shar al-Balkh&icirc; kept in the Bodleian Library in Oxford (Ms. Or. 133). This manuscript <i>Kit&acirc;b al-Bulh&acirc;n</i>, which was copied in 1399, consists of 176 folios with 83 miniatures, and the illustrations were painted during the reign of the last ruler of the Jal&acirc;yrid dynasty, Ahamad ibn Uways (ruled 1382-1410). These miniatures could be classified into six parts according to their contents, and the illustration in question belongs to the legendary part. However, it has no text but only the inscription &ldquo;shaykh al-bahr (the old man of the sea) wa&hellip;&rdquo;. Therefore, T. W. Aronld and the author of the monograph <i>Il Kit&acirc;b al-Bulh&acirc;n di Oxford</i>, Stefano Carboni insisted that the story of <i>Sindbad the Sailor</i> lies in the background of this illustration.<br>It is indeed that several miniatures in the part originated in the legend of <i>Sindbad the Sailor or Sindbad cycle</i>, however, the figure of the old man is definitely inconsistent with the story. The lower half of his body was depicted fish-tailed. To conclude the story, he would need his own strong legs. The same type of the illustration can be recognized in MS. suppl. turc 242 (fol. 79v.) kept in Biblioth&egrave;que Nationale in Paris.<br>From the aspect of literary history, it is clear that the fabulous monster <i>the Old Man of thd Sea</i> originated as a Persian (or Indian) monster <i>Duw&acirc;l-P&acirc;</i>. Lane, one of the translators of &ldquo;The Arabian Nights&rdquo;, argued that this fabulous monster was inspired from an orangoutan, or as the curious island people mentioned in <i>Kit&acirc;b 'Aj&acirc;'ib al-Makhl&ucirc;q&acirc;t by Qazw&icirc;n&icirc;</i>, thus, the name <i>the Old Man of the Sea</i> itself was not so important.<br>From the view point of art history, the figures of these monsters were completely different from that of <i>the Old Man of the Sea</i> on Or. 133.<br>Tracing the term to its origin, as M. Gerhardt mentioned, it seemed to be derived from the Greek, <i>halios ger&ocirc;n</i>. Consequently, the study of the history of the illustrations of <i>halios ger&ocirc;n</i> made it clear that the miniature painter who depicted the folio referred to the traditional figure of <i>the Old Man of the Sea</i> which had been spread all over the Mediterranean world since ancient time.
木本 玲一
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.47, no.2, pp.88-88,176, 2002

This article explores local practices of Japanese rap, a musical genre originated in devastated U.S. inner-city communities. For a long time, globalization has been understood as processes of invasion, as posited by the "cultural imperialism" thesis. In recent years, however, many scholars have begun to argue that globalization and localization are not so much as opposed as interrelated. Their argument suggests that mutual interaction can be found not only in the political or economic fields, but also in the cultural fields, including that of popular music. Rap music spreads throughout the world as it is distributed by the record industries and has gradually been localized into various parts of the globe, including Japan. As this occurs, localization has aroused the desire to construct "Japanese" rap, -not an "imitation" of U.S. rap but an "original" form. In this article, I will explore and examine the desire through a discussion of the practices that constitute the main dimensions of rap: "sound", "language" and "ideology". In doing so, I shall also focus on the desire to localize rap, and pay particular attention to rap's global / local context.
徳田 剛
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.46, no.3, pp.3-18,226, 2002

The idea of "social distance" is often used as a concept for the empirical research of social relations in American sociology. Georg Simmel, a German sociologist, adopted the idea of "distance" to describe one aspect of social interaction, that is, the discrepancy between spatial and "social" distance. Robert E. Park noticed its analytical importance and suggested the application of the idea to "the Race Relations Survey in Pacific Coast" (1923-). Emory S. Bogardus modified it far more, and invented "social distance scale" to measure the intimacy in racial relations, especially American citizens and Oriental immigrants.<br> For Park and Bogardus, "social distance" had an important role in their research method because it compensated for the deficiencies in their main method, "life history". But they omitted some implications suggested in Simmel's motif. On the one hand, Park and Bogardus did not acknowledge the analytical importance of "spatial distance" in social relations. They paid much attention to the spatial "nearness", but could not find the meaning of spatial "remoteness" in social interaction. On the other, they treated the attitude of maintaining "social distance" too negatively. As Simmel and Goffman mentioned, the maintenance of "social distance", like etiquettes, is often indispensable in urban life.<br> Park and his colleagues discovered the great efficiencies of "social distance" as a research method. However, they lost a chance to consider these aspects of social interaction because of their bias to "social distance".
成瀬 敏郎 小野 有五 平川 一臣 岡下 松生 池谷 元伺
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.1, pp.15-27, 1997

MIS 2における東アジアの風成塵供給源と卓越風を復元する目的で,中国,韓国,日本の計26地域から黄土,土壌,古土壌,泥炭を採取し,これらの堆積層中の微細石英 (〓20μm) の酸素空格子信号強度を測定した.タクラマカンの砂漠レスやツアイダムのワジ堆積物は6.2~8.2, 黄土は5.8~8.3, 韓国の土壌は6.0~7.7であり,黄土や韓国土壌が中国の乾燥地域やチベット高原起源の風成塵の影響を強く受けたことを示している.日本各地の土壌・泥炭の微細石英はMIS 2で4.5~12.7であり,そのうち5.8~12,7の値を示す微細石英が遠隔地から飛来した広域風成塵起源,数値の低いものは大陸棚などから吹き上げられた風成塵と推測された.日本列島のうち北部日本地域は>10で東アジア北部から北西季節風によって,中央-西南日本地域は黄土と同じ5.8~8.7で中国の乾燥地域やチベット高原から偏西風によって,与那国島は9.7で中国南部などからそれぞれ飛来した可能性が指摘された.