米地 文夫
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.41, no.3, pp.133-147, 1989

歴史時代の地形を復元するには, 地形学においては従来地質学的データに比し等閑視されがちであった絵画資料を, より活用すべきである。さきに筆者は磐梯山1888年噴火の多段階崩壊仮説を呈示したが, 本論文では絵画資料を用いてその補訂を行う。新たに得られた噴火実況スケッチは新田図と小林手書き図で, 前者は噴火の模様を描き, 小磐梯の形態と名を記入し, 頂上付近を残したまま噴煙を南東になびかせているなど, 筆者の多段階崩壊説を支持する。後者には5段階の噴火過程が描かれており, 小林印刷図や大伴図との対比により, 噴火の過程がより詳細に解明された。次に磐梯山の三つの山頂を同じ方角から描いた江戸時代後期以降の絵の形態表現の正確さを比較し, 江戸後期の真景図は部分描写に優れていることを知った。噴火で失われた小磐梯の山頂の細部は不明確であったが, 江戸後期の真景図 (遠藤香村「信遊紀行図絵」と白雲「磐城紀行図巻」) および高島北海の絵を用いて地形模型を作成し, 小磐梯山山頂にそれぞれ二つの突出部を持つ二つのピークがあったと推定した。この模型と写真との照合から, 筆者の多段階崩壊仮説, すなわち「1888年磐梯山噴火の第一段階に山腹の現銅沼付近に崩壊が発生した」という推論に, 今回さらに「ほぼ同時に山頂部の北東端のピークないしは突出部が崩壊した」という想定が付加された。
吉田 富二雄 小玉 正博
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.1, pp.35-41, 1987

The effects of approach by an unaquainted male to high- or low-neurotic (on the MPI scale) female subjects on physiological responses (heart rates and eye blinks) and self-rated affective/cognitive responses (tension, anxiety and apparent size of the male) were examined. (a) In the first trial, non-neurotic subjects showed an abrupt increase of HR near the personal space boundary, however showed a rapid habituation at the second and third trials. In contrast, self-rated affection (tension and anxiety) increased gradually as the male approached, and habituation was slow at the later trials. (b) Neurotic subjects displayed higher tension than non-neurotic subjects, while tension, anxiety and heart rate were less habituating. (c) INDSCAL analysis revealed that these three self-rated indices clustered together, while the physiological ones did not. (d) It was suggested that the eye blink response had a tension reducing function.
松島 英子
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.33, no.1, pp.96-112, 1990

A divine statue played a very important role in the religion of the ancient Mesopotamia. It was considered to be a vividly realistic sacred being, god of a very real sense. It was actually fed and clothed. In the first millenia B. C., the statue was made with wooden materials, I believe, according to some evidences. Then, what were the materials of the divine statues in both the second and the third millenium? Some certain year names of the period of the 3rd dynastie of Ur, Isin, Larsa and the Ist dynasty of Babylon suggest that small copper or bronze made divine statues were dedicated by the kings of those days in the temples there. Certain texts of economic concern of the Ur III period also tell us about the manufacture of the statues with copper or bronze materials. Though the numbers have still been few, lists of divine clothings and jewelries of the Ur III period, mainly of the old Babylonian period and thereafter, have also revealed to us. As I think that a large and wodden-made statue should also have required to wear clothings and jewelries, I am inclined to assume that wooden statues came to apear about this period.
阿部 純一
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.5, pp.275-281, 1987
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This paper describes a theory of human melody perception and his final-tone extrapolation behavior, enbodied in a computer simulation model called FTES 2. Related experimental findings were also presented. The processes used by an expert musician in extrapolating final-tones and the computer simulation of these processes are contrasted and discussed. The theory consisted of a few general rules and several personal “tonal” processing rules. The present findings indicate that interpretation of a melody depends, in large part, on the characteristics of the “tonal” rules.
松永 泰行
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.44, no.2, pp.87-103, 2001

Within the various theoretical perspectives of Islam, the issue of legitimacy of rule has traditionally been dealt with most notably as that of legitimate ruler. This apparently holds true in the both cases of the theory of the Sunni caliphate, and that of the Shi'ite infallible Imamate. The contemporary debate in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the differing perspectives on the sources of legitimacy of the rule of the jurist (<i>wilayat-i faqih</i>), on which I have previously published an article in this journal, was no exception.<br>In this article, I will further consider the question of legitimacy in Islamic rule by examining the contemporary debate in the Islamic Republic of Iran with the following steps. First, I will start the examination with bearing the following question in mind, that is, is it still convincingly arguable that the issue of legitimacy of rule in an Islamic regime can be adequately dealt with by considering who is the legitimate ruler, even after the establishment of an regime called &ldquo;Islamic republic&rdquo; in Iran? Second, I will attempt to enlarge the scope of the investigation by examining two articles written by Sa'id Hajjarian (b. 1954), a leading non-clerical theoretician of Iran today.<br>After carefully reading the two articles published in <i>Rahbord</i> and '<i>Asr-e Ma</i>, respectively, I will preliminarily conclude that with the establishment of the Islamic Republic, a new perspective on the issue of legitimacy of rule in Islam, that is, the issue of the legitimacy of the <i>regime</i> has been successfully brought into the debate, and that very interestingly, this normative concept concerning the nature of the regime takes a logical precedence over the legitimacy of the ruler in the argument of Sa'id Hajjarian. The article ends with a note that in a future examination, I intend to further critically examine the so-called <i>intikhabi</i> perspective of the legitimacy of the <i>wilayat-i faqih</i> system in light of the expanded debate on the issue.
田中 利光
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1988, no.93, pp.61-80, 1988

It has been remarked now and then that Monboddo and others had recognized the relationship of the Indo-European languages earlier than Jones (e. g. v. E. L. Cloyd, <I>American Anthropologist</I>, 71 (1969), 1134). In such a remark, however, usually it has been overlooked that their idea on the relationship of the European languages or of the European languages and Sanskrit was confused.<BR>Jones' idea or hypothesis that Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and others were derived &ldquo;from some common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists&rdquo; was excellent and probably original. Although partially his idea has been keenly criticized for the expression &ldquo;perhaps&rdquo;(e. g. v. H. Pedersen. The <I>Discovery of Language</I>, 1931, p.18), as for the point, Arlotto's interpretation (Introduction to Historical Linguistics, 1972, p.40) is considered correct.<BR>Now, can we say that Iones' hypothesis &ldquo;was not, like Halhed' s theory, the result of a process of linguistic reconstruction&rdquo;(v. R. Rocher, <I>Recherches de Linguistique</I>, 1980, p.178) No.We merely do not know how the detailed process was. And the all-over framework of the process appears simple and common but is to the point and masterly. It was succeeded to and developed later by F. Schlegel and others.<BR>Jones seems to maintain an ambiguous attitude toward Slavic. He seems to want to except it from the Indo-European family. And later Celtic appears to have been excepted, and Egyptian to have been included. If it is true, just these ideas were &ldquo;not the result of a process of linguistic reconstruction.&rdquo;
椎野 若菜
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2001, no.59, pp.71-84, 2001

ルオ村落社会では, 既婚の男が死んだあと, 残された妻は「墓の妻 (<i>chi liel</i>)」とよばれ, 亡夫の代理になる男と「テール (<i>ter</i>)」関係を結ばねばならない。寡婦は亡夫の妻であり続けながらジャテール (<i>jater</i>) とばれる代理夫を選択し, 彼と亡夫の土地で「夫婦」生活を送る。<br>従来の多くの研究における寡婦に関する慣行は, 夫の集団が彼の死後もその妻に対し保持しうる権利として解釈されてきた。寡婦と性関係を結ぶ男たちとのかけひきをも描いた, 寡婦の生活実践を究明するものは極めて少なかった。そこで本稿では, 寡婦が夫の死後, 新たな男との関係を築きそれを維持していく過程に注目した。まず慣習的規範や信念などと絡み合う, 寡婦をめぐる人間関係を抽出したうえで, そのなかにおける寡婦の生活の社会的側面と, 性生活におよぶ寡婦の個人的側面を支える, テール関係の様々な局面についての考察を試みた。<br>その結果, このテール関係は父系的土地慣行を前提としているだけでなく, 性に関する細かな慣習的規範,「娼婦」のレッテルなど, 寡婦にとって圧力になりうる諸要素の影響下に成り立っていることが判明した。一方で寡婦は, そうした社会的な圧力と人間関係の絡み合いのなかで生じる力のバランスを巧みに利用し, 不都合があれば逆に慣習的規範を関係解消の理由づけとして使い, 代理夫を頻繁に変え得ることが明らかになった。つまりルオの寡婦は, 個々のもつ社会的状況に応じて策略を練り, 男たちとかけひきしながら自由に代理夫を選択するという, 実践を続けているのである。
佐野 洋 中谷 友樹
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.73, no.7, pp.559-577, 2000
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臼杵 陽
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.36, no.2, pp.67-82, 1993

The aim of the article is to survey Jewish immigration to Palestine (Aliya) from Yemen, Yemenite settlement in Silwan near the old city of Jerusalem, and their separation from the Sephardi rabbinate in Jerusalem. The article relies upon recent studies on this subject written in Hebrew.<br>The first mass Aliya of Yemenites in 1882 (called <i>'Aliyat Tarmab</i> according to the Jewish calendar), which was coincident with Bilu's Aliya, that is, the first Zionist Aliya, has been ignored in Zionist's historiography. Recently academic endeavors have been made to explore early history of Yemenites in Jerusalem before World War I, as well as <i>Old Yishuv</i> in general.<br>Yemenites immigrated to the Holy Land, motivated mainly by the messianic aspirations, but found themselves disappointed in difficult situations in Jerusalem. Most of them remained too poor to find their accommodations. Israel Frumkin (1850-1914), editor of <i>ha-Vatzelet</i>, the second Hebrew magazine in Palestine, gave assistance to poor Yemenite immigrants so as to settle them in an Arab village, Silwan (Shiloah in Jewish history), which had been the main community center of Yemenites until the Arab Revolt of 1936.<br>When Yemenites immigrated, they were under the patronage of the Sephardi rabbinate which was recognized as the sole Jewish representative, <i>millet</i>, in Jerusalem by the Ottoman authorities. But later they differed with the Sephardi rabbinate on problems such as Haluka (charitable funds from abroad to Palestine) and Balad Askari (Tax for exemption from conscription), finally to separate as <i>de facto</i> independent <i>kolel</i> (a Jewish community in Palestine from a particularcountry or town) from the Sephardi rabbinate in 1908.