渡辺 和子
vol.3, pp.47-70, 2007-03-31

In Ancient Mesopotamia, people believed that human beings continue to live as ghosts in the netherworld after death. The life of the ghosts, however, depended on food and drink which their living family periodically offered them at their tombs. The periodical offering for the dead was called kispu in Akkadian. The word is attested in the documents, the royal inscriptions and the literary texts from the second and the first millennium B.C. The word kispu refers also to the offering which is entombed with the body. One part of this offering is the ration for the dead during the journey to the netherworld; the other is a gift to the gods of the netherworld.The people of Ancient Mesopotamia were conscious of the continuity between the worlds of the living and the dead. For example, a phrase in a document from the second millennium B.C. reads: “You give me bread as long as I live, and you shall offer kispu when I have died.” It was the greatest misery for them if their ghosts did not get food and drink in the netherworld.The basic Akkadian dictionaries translate kispu into “Totenopfer” or “funerary offering.” Tsukimoto (1985) translates it, however, into the rare German word “Totenpflege” (“caring for the dead”) and shisha-kuy?(死者供養)in Japanese. The connotation of kispu is closer to that of shisha-kuy? than to that of the conventional translations in either German or English.
TAKAGI Shingo HOSOE Nobuhiro
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-18, 2019-09

In this paper, we develop a structural auction model and quantify the effects of policy measures aiming to enhance competition in the Japanese retail power market. We employ a theoretical model that incorporates asymmetries between the incumbent and entrants in terms of both the cost and information structures, where the costs of the former are assumed common knowledge, and empirically estimate the structural parameters characterizing their cost distributions using public power procurement data. We then conduct counterfactual simulations to quantify two competition-promoting policy measures: a bid reference program for entrants, and an increase in the number of potential bidders. We take a parametric approach to estimate the structural model successfully in contrast to a nonparametric approach that previous studies took. Our simulation results show that these procompetitive measures would barely increase participation by potential entrants but would elicit more aggressive incumbent bidding behavior. Further, a modest bid-preferential rate would improve welfare and reduce the probability of realizing inefficient allocations associated with a costly winning bidder.
田邊 久美子 Kumiko Tanabe
研究論集 = Journal of Inquiry and Research (ISSN:03881067)
vol.105, pp.171-180, 2017-03

19世紀イギリスの画家ジョン・エヴァレット・ミレイによる感傷的な幼児の肖像画は「ファンシー・ピクチャー」と呼ばれ、大変需要が高かった。特に例に挙げられるのは、Cherry Ripe と広告にもなったBubbles である。ファンシー・ピクチャーは実人生を描くのではなく、道徳的意味合いを含まない空想を描いた。ヴィクトリア朝の大衆は広告や複製画でミレイのファンシー・ピクチャーに大いに慣れ親しみ、Bubbles やCherry Ripe といった絵が印刷された商品や複製画を購入して消費に参入した。ミレイのファンシー・ピクチャーの中で、もっともコマーシャリズムや消費と関連しているのがBubbles であり、ハイ・アートとして製作されたミレイの作品が、本人の意図と関係なく、広告にされてしまった。この件を巡り、ハイ・アートとロー・アートの関係について議論がなされたことについて、ハイ・アート、消費、コマーシャリズムの関連について論じている。
吉田 祐一郎
vol.62, pp.355-368, 2016-09-25

本研究は、日本各地に広がりをみせる子ども食堂について、地域における子どもを主体とした居場所づくりとしての機能の充実を果たすべく、子ども食堂に求められるものは何かといった骨格を示すことをねらいとしている。本稿はその初期研究として、先行文献等を用いて子ども食堂が必要とされる貧困をはじめとする社会的背景や、それに対して国が進める施策についての整理を試みるとともに、子ども食堂の開始以前から存在していたセツルメントをはじめとする類似の民間活動との比較や、子ども食堂として展開される実践事例について考察した。結論として、子ども食堂に見られる3 つの機能(「食を通した支援」「居場所」「情緒的交流」)を提示するとともに、子ども食堂に参加する子どもにとって地域社会や地域住民をつなぐ「空間」と「支援者」が必要であるという仮説の設定を行い、その検証に向けた研究課題について整理した。
細江 宣裕 阿久根 優子
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.18-21, 2019-01

Melitz型の企業の異質性を考慮した分析は、これまで、おもに製造業を前提に行われてきた。裏を返せば、農業は同質財を生産するものと暗黙のうちに仮定されてきた。しかし実際は、農業は品種改良や食品加工等を通じて製品差別化を志向する産業のうちの1つである。最近の貿易自由化とその国内対策では、輸入増加によって国内市場を失うことを前提としつつも、輸出や製品差別化にその活路を見いだそうとしている。そこで、製品差別化と農家の生産性について異質性を考慮し、農産物と食品自由化の中でどの程度の農家が生き残りうるのか、また、輸出をどの程度増加させうるのかを応用一般均衡モデルを用いてシミュレーション分析を行う。その結果、農産物自由化は農産物輸出を増加させず、食品自由化は食品輸出を増加させる。ただし、どちらの自由化も国内生産を増加させうる。これは、農産物をそのまま輸出することではなく、食品に加工して輸出するべきという製品差別化の路線が支持されることを示唆している。 Manufacturing industries have attracted research attention regarding roles of firm heterogeneity and product differentiation in the “ new new trade theory” . Agricultural sectors also produce new goods by product differentiation through breeding, food processing, quality-upgrading, and branding. In reaction to the recent globalization, the Japanese government has sought strategies to promote its domestic agri -food sectors by means of product differentiation and export promotion. This computable general equilibrium study examines the relevance of these policies by simulating hypothetical agri-food trade liberalization. We show that agricultural trade liberalization would not increase Japan’ s agricultural exports but would increase food exports; and that food trade liberalization would promote food exports. Both types of li beralization would increase domestic agri-food production. This finding affords evidence of the relevance of product differentiation strategy through food processing and exportation, but not of agricultural export promotion strategy.
Kazushige Tomeoka Hideyasu Kojima Keizo Yanai
Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites
vol.2, pp.55-74, 1989-10

A petrographic and mineralogical study of Yamato-86720 (Y-86720) shows that it may be a CM carbonaceous chondrite that has experienced a considerably different alteration history from most CM chondrites. Y-86720 has an unusually high abundance of troilite (~9 vol%); most troilite occurs in submicron to micron grains dispersed throughout the meteorite. Ca-Mg carbonates and minor Fe-Ni metal, mostly taenite, are present, but magnetite and PCP are absent. This meteorite contains chondrules and aggregates that were completely replaced by optically translucent materials, presumably phyllosilicates. Thus Y-86720 was probably extensively affected by aqueous alteration; the degree of alteration may be the highest of the CM chondrites. Matrix consists largely of fine grains of Mg-Fe olivine, a nearly amorphous Si-Mg-Fe-rich material, and an Fe-rich material; the latter may be ferrihydrite. Phyllosilicates are rare. The textures suggest that the olivine and the Si-Mg-Fe-rich material were produced by alteration of phyllosilicates by heating. The replacement products of chondrules and aggregates show lower (Mg+Fe)/(Si+Al) ratios than serpentine and relatively high Na contents (up to 2.0wt% as Na_2O), suggesting the presence of not only serpentine but another type of phyllosilicate. However, the replacement products show consistently high analytical totals; thus they may have been dehydrated and partially altered to anhydrous phases. These results suggest that Y-86720 has experienced mild thermal metamorphism after the aqueous alteration; it appears to have been heated above 500℃ in a reduced condition. Most fine-grained troilite probably segregated from matrix during the metamorphic process. Many of the troilites are replaced by a ferrihydrite-like material; thus, Y-86720 may have been affected by additional mild aqueous alteration after the thermal metamorphism.
小林 和央 風間 一洋 吉田 光男 大向 一輝 佐藤 翔
WebDB Forum 2019論文集
vol.2019, pp.29-32, 2019-09-01

インターネットの普及と文献の電子化に伴い,CiNii Articles などの学術論文検索が日常的な学習や研究で重要な役割を果たすようになった.ただし,研究者以外の多彩なユーザに,文献がどのように利用されているかは明らかではない.本稿では,学術情報検索サービスのユーザの閲覧行動を,何人が閲覧したかで重要度を示す閲覧人数と,ある論文を閲覧したユーザが他にどのくらい論文を閲覧したかで内容の普遍性を示す閲覧普遍度の2つの指標と,学術および一般出版物の種別を用いて分析する.まず,CiNii Articles のサービスの利用履歴から,ユーザが閲覧した各文献の閲覧人数と閲覧普遍度を求める.次に,計算機科学分野のクエリの検索結果を閲覧人数と閲覧普遍度で順位付けした後に,該当分野における主要3学会が発行・開催する論文誌,研究会,大会・シンポジウム,そして一般的な出版社の雑誌などの異なる特性を表す種別を付与することで,各指標の順位に伴う文献種別の傾向や特性の変化を分析する.
高木 大生 佐藤 理史 松崎 拓也
vol.2015, no.1, pp.171-172, 2015-03-17

ROTS Aike P.
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.30, pp.179-205, 2017-07-24

This article analyzes contemporary Shinto ideology in the light of recent theories on the formation of the category “secular” and on secularization. Drawing on Charles Taylor’s discussion of the original meaning of the categories “religious” and “secular,” as well as the work of Kuroda Toshio and others, it suggests that premodern shrine worship may have been perceived as the “immanent,” “this-worldly” counterpart of a more transcendentally oriented monastic Buddhism. In the Meiji period, Shinto developed into a modern Japanese “immanent frame” (or “Shinto secular,” as Josephson has called it)—a public, collective, non-optional frame of reference— while Buddhism, Christianity, and “new religions” were configured as “religious,” that is, private and optional. Contemporary Shinto leaders such as Tanaka Tsunekiyo and Sonoda Minoru draw upon such Meiji-period understandings of Shinto as the immanent, foundational framework by which Japanese culture and society are shaped and conditioned. According to them, Shinto should not be subject to the same legal restrictions as other religions, as it is an essentially public tradition uniting communities (kyōdōtai) around their shared sacred center, the shrine grove (chinju no mori). As this article demonstrates, these authors actively contribute to Shinto’s discursive secularization: they seek to dissociate Shinto from “religion,” instead framing it as Japan’s underlying “traditional culture” (dentō bunka). Rather than challenging the postwar legal state apparatus and separation of religion and state, therefore, they seek to renegotiate Shinto’s position within this apparatus, asserting its role as a “secular” worship tradition concerned with the common good of the nation as a whole.
杉山 幸子
八戸学院短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:21878110)
vol.42, pp.1-8, 2016-03-31
