佐藤 喬
vol.64, no.6, pp.e30-e41, 2023-05-15

令和3年に大学入試センターより公開された「情報」のサンプル問題の第1問から,東日本大震災と情報分野のかかわりを扱った問1の解説をする.この問題は,震災後にまとめられた報告書から教員と生徒の対話形式で作られている.「情報I」の「1. 情報社会の問題解決」と「4. 情報通信ネットワークとデータの活用」に対応しており,実際に発生した震災をもとに,情報技術の仕組みや情報社会の問題点を考えることができる内容である.
土肥 紳一 今野 紀子
vol.2022, no.1, pp.535-536, 2022-02-17

石井田 恵 Megumi Ishiida
一神教世界 = The world of monotheistic religions (ISSN:21850380)
vol.10, pp.58-77, 2019-03-31

STOLプロジェクト推進本部機体技術開発室飛行試験室 Flight Control System Development Team STOL Research Aircraft Project Group
航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory TR-1013 (ISSN:03894010)
vol.1013, pp.91, 1989-02

National Aerospace Laboratory has been developing the STOL research aircraft named “ASKA” which underwent its maiden flight on October 28th, 1985. This project was started for the purpose of establishing STOL technology in Japan. In order to improve the stability and control of the ASKA in the low air speed region, the ASKA has a triplex digital stability and control augmentation system (SCAS) in which new technologies are introduced. This paper describes the outline of design objectives, functions, a series of development tests and results of the SCAS which include triplex digital computer systems, a triplex force summing electro hydraulic series servo actuator, a head-up display and a low airspeed sensor. Most of the development tests were devoted to verifying the system hardware and software through control system functional mockup tests, and flight simulator tests connecting with the digital computer systems. And finally the overall functions of the SCAS were tested in actual flight. The problems encountered during these tests are also presented.
青山 昌文 Masafumi Aoyama
放送大学研究年報 = Journal of the Open University of Japan (ISSN:09114505)
vol.27, pp.109-115, 2010-03-23

ブリヤ=サヴァランの『味覚の生理学』は、その実証主義的なタイトルにも拘わらず、実在論的で古典的な深い哲学的立場に立った美味学の書物である。 我々の研究において論じられるのは、以下の主題である。 1 宇宙と生命 2 食とエスプリ 3 食と国民 4 社会階層と人の本質 5 食欲と快楽 6 グルマンディーズと判断力 7 食卓の快楽 8 食卓と退屈 9 創造としての発見 彼は、近代主観主義的な人間中心主義を超えており、料理芸術における創造の問題についても、古典的立場に立ったミーメーシス美学を展開しているのである。
長島 時子 Tokiko NAGASHIMA
研究紀要 : 恵泉女学園短期大学園芸生活学科 = Research Bulletin : Published by Dept. Horticulture, Keisen Junior College
vol.32, pp.1-17, 2001-03

Materisls used for this experiment were two Nelumbo nucifera fruits, preserved for 800 years, which had been layered in the coffin of a mummified head of the Foruth Fujiwara reign. The plants were observed from seeding to flowering. Also observed were the morphology of the fruit, flower, leaf, and pollen grain of the lotus. The causes of longevity in lotus fruit and Tyuusonji-lotus fruit were investigated. 1. Development from seeding to flowring. a. On the seeding of the two lotus fruits were used, one weighing 720 milligrams, and the other weighing 860 milligrams. The seeding was started on May 20,1993. They were cut at the base of the fruit, and then water was poured into the glass. Germination of the fruit weighing 860 milligrams started four days after beginning the seeding ; but the fruit weighing 720 milligrams withered and died. The first leaf emerged six days after seeding, and small roots appeared. 21 days after seeding, the first and second leaves had opened, and the third and fourth leaves had emerged. When the first through the fifth leaves were opened, the lotus plantlet was transplanted, using upland soil in a small round pot, 96 days after seeding, the lotus plantlet was transplanted, using a mixture of a little Maguanp K fertilizer in upland soil. It was cultured a round pot placed in a field. After that, seven leaves opened, but it had no standing leaf. b. The first year seeding, 1994,the plant formed three rhizomes, which were transplanted into a round pot and rectangular plastic contianer : The upland soil was fertilized with a mix of 100 grams of Maguanp K 500 grams of manure per square meter. The lotus plants grew and developed well, but did not exhibit flowering. c. The second year after seeding, 1995,the plant formed eight rhizomes. These rhizomes were transplanted into three rectangular plastic containers, with the upland soil fertilized with a mix of 100 grams Maguanp K, 100 grams of compound fertilizer, and a little bone manure per sequare meter. The lotus plants grew and development well, but did not flowering. d. The third years after seeding, 1996,the plant formed twelve rhizomes. The fertilizer used in this year the same as that used in the previus years. The containers used were round pots and rectangular plastic containers. The lotus plants grew and developed well, but did not flowering. e. The fouth years after seeding, 1997,the plant formed sixteen rhizomes. The culture contianer, fertilizer, and culture methods of this year were the same as those used in the previous year. The lotus plants did not exhibit flowering this year either. One reason for this was that the culture containers placed in the field received in-sufficient hours of sunshine. f. The fifth years after seeding, 1998,the plant formed twenty rhizomes. The culture contianer, and fertilizer and culture methods were the same as in the previous year. The lotus plant had its first flowering during this year. The first flower bloomed on July 29,1998. The flower was 23 centimeters in diameter, and was a beautiful bright pink. Five days later, blooming finished, early in the morning of August 2nd. The flower resembled a ""Waren"" the Japanese wild lotus of midium sized, with bright pink and slender petals. 2. The morphology of lotus included the formation of a stylar end, the protuberance, a cap-shaped portion, and the fruit body and dent portion. In its longitudinal section were found the formation stylar end, pericarp, seed coat, cotyledon, plumula, cavity and dent portion. The pericarp was very hard in sclerenchymatous cells of the palisade layer, and under it was a sclerenchymatous layer in a dense arrangement. There was a hyaline zone near the center of the palisade layer, and under the stoma was a stomatal canal. The hardness of the pericarp in the lotus fruit was a development of mechanical tissue for the palisade layer and sclerenchymatous cell. 3. The lotus flower was a formation of calyx, receptacle, petal, stamen, and pistil.