吉川 禄助

田中 千晶 岡田 真平 高倉 実 橋本 圭司 目澤 秀俊 安藤 大輔 田中 茂穂 Anthony D Okely
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.327-333, 2020-08-01 (Released:2020-07-15)

This study examined the relationship between meeting the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years and motor skills and cognitive function in preschool children. Participants were 4-year-old boys and girls in urban and rural areas (n=69). Physical activity was measured using a triaxial accelerometer (ActiGraph GT3X). Screen time and sleep duration were assessed via self-report by guardians. Meeting the 24-h movement guidelines was defined as: 10 to 13 h/night and nap of sleep, ≤1 h/day of sedentary screen time, and at least 180 min/day more than 1.5 METs. Motor skills were evaluated by the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3). Executive functions (shifting, visual-spatial working memory and inhibition) were evaluated by the Early Years Toolbox (Japanese translation). The prevalence of children meeting all three recommendations was 7.2% and 7.2% met none of the three recommendations. Children meeting physical activity recommendation had a better inhibition score compared to children meeting none of the recommendation (p=0.005). While, children not meeting the sleep recommendation had a better inhibition score compared to children meeting of the recommendation (p=0.042). In conclusion, meeting the physical activity or sleep recommendations were positively or negatively associated with the inhibition score. On the other hand, meeting none of the sedentary behaviour and the 3 recommendations was not associated with motor skills or cognitive function.
上杉 陽子

平成25年度 卒業研究 概要
山本 拓都 北澤 茂

Perceived colors of objects remain constant under a variety of illuminations. This ability of color constancy has been modeled by using deep convolutional networks that were extensively trained to estimate reflectance of objects. However, it is not likely that our brain acquires color constancy through such rigorous procedures. We here show that color constancy emerges in a simple deep convolutional autoencoder when it involves batch normalization layers. We found that batch normalization is a simple but effective method to cancel any global bias in illumination and achieve color constancy. However, it may still be argued that batch normalization layers are not physiological by itself. We thus proposed a biologically plausible replacement for batch normalization that consists of two tandem inhibitory layers, one with subtractive and another with divisional inhibitory neurons. The model is biologically plausible because there are two groups of inhibitory interneurons in the cerebral cortex, one that performs subtractive inhibition (e.g., somatostatin-expressing interneurons) and another that performs divisional inhibition (e.g., parvalbumin-expressing interneurons). Further, both types of inhibition can be achieved by adjusting parameters of an extended Hodgkin-Huxley neuron. By using the network with biologically plausible Hodgkin-Huxley neurons, we were able to achieve color constancy. We suggest that color constancy emerges as a simple consequence of normalization achieved by the two groups of inhibitory interneurons.
青木 佳代 石川 和彦 林 賢一 斉藤 守弘 小西 良子 渡辺 麻衣子 鎌田 洋一
日本食品微生物学会雑誌 (ISSN:13408267)
vol.30, no.1, pp.28-32, 2013-03-31 (Released:2013-09-07)
4 13

A case of the suspected food poisoning related to deer meat occurred in December, 2011 in Shiga prefecture in Japan. Four of 18 people showed transient diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting within 5 to 16 hr after eating. No typical food poisonous bacteria and viruses were detected in the food samples. Parasitological tests were performed on the deer meat, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan for horsemeat food poisoning were officially notified. A 1,100-bp DNA fragment was amplified by PCR from three slices of the deer meat, suggesting the presence of Sarcocystis sp. Cysts and bradyzoites were detected in the specimens of the deer meat. Immunohistochemical staining of the cysts detected in the deer meat with an antibody against the toxic 15 kDa protein of S. fayeri showed a positive reaction. This indicated that a similar toxic protein originating from Sarcocystis cysts was present in the deer meat. This suggested that the deer meat containing Sarcocystis cysts was the causative food in these cases of food poisoning.
川﨑 瑞穂
音楽研究 : 大学院研究年報 (ISSN:02894807)
vol.25, pp.109-120, 2013-03

「構造主義の父」とされるフランスの文化人類学者クロード・レヴィ=ストロース(1908-2009)は、神話研究の領域で殊に優れた業績を遺したが、主著『野生の思考』(1962年)は、構造人類学の重要な出発点となっている。『野生の思考』の第1章「具体の科学」は、芸術について研究する上でも非常に示唆的である。特にそこで提示される「器用仕事(ブリコラージュ)」としての「野生の思考」は、現代においてもなお、多くの芸術作品に見出すことができるように思われる。 本稿ではその一例として、1996年に発売されて大ブームとなったテレビゲーム『サクラ大戦』の分析を行った。特に楽曲分析を中心にして、『サクラ大戦』にブリコラージュ的手法が用いられていることを示し、現在のような「非真正な社会」においてもなお、芸術の分野には神話的思考の残滓が存在することを明らかにした。 第1章「『サクラ大戦』の歴史とその器用仕事(ブリコラージュ)的手法」では、『サクラ大戦』の歴史を概観し、3つの先行研究について述べた。そして、山田利博の論文「テレビゲーム『サクラ大戦』の文学性」(『宮崎大学教育文化学部紀要』)において提示される「引用の織物」としての『サクラ大戦』の特徴が、ブリコラージュとして読み替えうる可能性について述べた。 第2章「『サクラ大戦』の楽曲《さくら》にみる器用仕事(ブリコラージュ)的手法」では、その顕著な例として、『サクラ大戦』の中の楽曲《さくら》(1996年)を分析した。分析の結果、この楽曲は、滝廉太郎の歌曲集《四季》の第1曲〈花〉(1900年)を土台にして、そこに《さくらさくら》(筝曲)を挿入することで「桜」を表象していることが明らかになった。 しかし、このような手法は「コラージュ」にすぎないという反論は十分可能である。ブリコラージュは、集められた断片の固有の多義性を保ちつつ創造活動を行なうものであるわけであるが、『サクラ大戦』には、このようなブリコラージュ独自の特性を顕著に示す要素もある。それは『サクラ大戦』という題名である。 第3章「『サクラ大戦』と宝塚歌劇団--《花咲く乙女》と《すみれの花咲く頃》」では、『サクラ大戦』という名称における「桜」の意味を考究した。まず『サクラ大戦』全体に散見される「宝塚へのあこがれ」について概観したが、そこでは特に『サクラ大戦』のエンディングテーマソング《花咲く乙女》と、宝塚歌劇団の《すみれの花咲く頃》の比較分析を行なった。そして次に、『サクラ大戦』と同じく宝塚歌劇団を目指した松竹歌劇団について概観した。なぜなら松竹歌劇団の主題歌は《桜咲く国》という「桜」を主題にした楽曲だからである。そこから、宝塚歌劇団と帝国歌劇団(『サクラ大戦』)との関係は、宝塚歌劇団と松竹歌劇団との隠喩的関係にあるという仮説を提示した。 そして第4章「結論と展望」では、『サクラ大戦』におけるトーテム的分類の論理を考究する必要性を述べた。
Yoshito Kamijo Michiko Takai Yuji Fujita Kiyotaka Usui
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.57, no.15, pp.2141-2146, 2018-08-01 (Released:2018-08-01)

Objective We conducted a retrospective study on the epidemiological and clinical features of patients with acute caffeine poisoning in Japan. Methods Letters requesting participation were sent to 264 emergency departments of hospitals, and questionnaires were mailed to those that agreed to participate. Patients Participants were patients transported to emergency departments of hospitals between April 2011 and March 2016 after consuming large or massive amounts of caffeinated supplements and/or energy drinks (caffeine dose ≥1.0 g). Results We surveyed 101 patients from 38 emergency departments. Since April 2013, the number of patients has markedly increased. Of these young patients (median age, 25 years), 53 were men, and 97 had consumed caffeine in tablet form. Estimated caffeine doses (n=93) ranged from 1.2 to 82.6 g (median, 7.2 g). Serum caffeine levels on admission (n=17) ranged from 2.0 to 530.0 μg/mL (median level, 106.0 μg/mL). Common abnormal vital signs and laboratory data on admission included tachypnea, tachycardia, depressed consciousness, hypercreatinekinasemia, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and hyperlactatemia. Common signs and symptoms in the clinical course included nausea, vomiting, excitement/agitation, and sinus tachycardia. Seven patients (6.9%) who had consumed ≥6.0 g of caffeine, or whose serum caffeine levels on admission were ≥200 μg/mL, developed cardiac arrest. Ninety-seven patients (96.0%) recovered completely, but 3 patients (3.0%) died. Conclusion The present analysis of data from more than 100 emergency patients revealed clinical features of moderate to fatal caffeine poisoning. We recommend highlighting the toxicity risks associated with ingesting highly caffeinated tablets.
山口 一 山田 容子
エアロゾル研究 (ISSN:09122834)
vol.31, no.2, pp.96-103, 2016-06-20 (Released:2016-06-23)

In pharmaceutical or food production facilities, a high standard of internal environment of the facility is required, including countermeasures against microorganisms. These countermeasures from the facility point of view include partitioning of work zones (zoning), and cleaning the air using HEPA filters. However, when workers/researchers are working within a facility, dispersion of dust or adhering microbe brought in with clothes, etc., cause pollution of the air. In this report, the sterilization performance of weak acid hypochlorous solution used as the chemical substance was verified. In addition, the sterilization performance in an actual space varied not only with the chemical substance used, but also with the condition of the room, the air conditioning system, the method of spraying, etc. Therefore, from the above sterilization performance tests using chemical substances, the raw data required for a computational fluid mechanics (CFD) model were derived. A method which is capable of predicting the effect of the chemical substance t under various conditions was investigated, and the results are reported.